Joe Biden killing oil drilling.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Rene when Pedo Joe claimed he wouldn’t kill fracking? Not only is he killing that, but he is killing any new drilling of federal land.

Millions more good paying jobs killed by the stroke of a pen.

Pedo Joe is a puppet of the radical left.

He's screwed over private prisons too. What will they do with all those convicts once their contract expires and the gov refuses to renew it?
Rene when Pedo Joe claimed he wouldn’t kill fracking? Not only is he killing that, but he is killing any new drilling of federal land.

Millions more good paying jobs killed by the stroke of a pen.

Pedo Joe is a puppet of the radical left.

Just means more people arent going to go places, thus ruining Joe's economy. President Trump handed Joe a behemoth of prosperity, in 4 years it will be in shambles.
Rene when Pedo Joe claimed he wouldn’t kill fracking? Not only is he killing that, but he is killing any new drilling of federal land.

Millions more good paying jobs killed by the stroke of a pen.

Pedo Joe is a puppet of the radical left.

he is puppet of the Communist Chinese Party
Rene when Pedo Joe claimed he wouldn’t kill fracking? Not only is he killing that, but he is killing any new drilling of federal land.

Millions more good paying jobs killed by the stroke of a pen.

Pedo Joe is a puppet of the radical left.

he is puppet of the Communist Chinese Party
dancing on ice.jpg
Just shows what a moron he is. Lets all sit back and watch the lefty loons on this board defend that jack ass. On day one he kicked every tax paying American in the teeth.

New Mexico voted Biden and he shut down the Keystone Pipeline and threw thousands out of work. New Mexico is madder than hell and regretting voting for that jack ass. There will be many more as well.
Every single one of these stupid Useful Idiots that voted for China Joe or looked the other way when he stole the election will regret it sooner or later.

For some "sooner or later" will be when they have to pay twice or three times as much for a gallon of gas at the pump or their utility bills skyrockets. Then you have the hidden cost of higher fuel cost that will be reflected in the higher cost of goods and services.

You would have to be a real dumbshit to not know that China Joe was going to be a disaster for this country.

But China will do well and that is what is important to the Biden family.
Notice none of the Useful Idiot Moon Bats are commenting on this thread. They know that China Joe is a disaster and don't want to defend a really disastrous energy policy.
Every single one of these stupid Useful Idiots that voted for China Joe or looked the other way when he stole the election will regret it sooner or later.

For some "sooner or later" will be when they have to pay twice or three times as much for a gallon of gas at the pump or their utility bills skyrockets. Then you have the hidden cost of higher fuel cost that will be reflected in the higher cost of goods and services.

You would have to be a real dumbshit to not know that China Joe was going to be a disaster for this country.

But China will do well and that is what is important to the Biden family.

You are oh so right.

New Mexico voted Biden and he shut the Keystone Pipeline down costing thousands of jobs. New Mexico is bitching like crazy and you can bet those that voted for that Jack ass are regretting that vote big time. They aren't the only ones either.

Just wait till fuel costs go through the roof. I wonder if you can recall a POTUS?? If we could I'd bet he got recalled in one big hurry.
Democrats want high gas prices to reduce pollution-

The dumbshits think higher prices and more taxes will somehow stop global warming.

The Moon Bats don't know any more about Climate Science than they know about Economics, History, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.
Every single one of these stupid Useful Idiots that voted for China Joe or looked the other way when he stole the election will regret it sooner or later.

For some "sooner or later" will be when they have to pay twice or three times as much for a gallon of gas at the pump or their utility bills skyrockets. Then you have the hidden cost of higher fuel cost that will be reflected in the higher cost of goods and services.

You would have to be a real dumbshit to not know that China Joe was going to be a disaster for this country.

But China will do well and that is what is important to the Biden family.

You are oh so right.

New Mexico voted Biden and he shut the Keystone Pipeline down costing thousands of jobs. New Mexico is bitching like crazy and you can bet those that voted for that Jack ass are regretting that vote big time. They aren't the only ones either.

Just wait till fuel costs go through the roof. I wonder if you can recall a POTUS?? If we could I'd bet he got recalled in one big hurry.

These Useful Idiots have to be real sick in the mind to think that China Joe was going to be good for America.

Every day of his administration is a disaster for this country.
Rene when Pedo Joe claimed he wouldn’t kill fracking? Not only is he killing that, but he is killing any new drilling of federal land.

Millions more good paying jobs killed by the stroke of a pen.

Pedo Joe is a puppet of the radical left.

he is puppet of the Communist Chinese Party
View attachment 449176

Good one. lmao.
Notice none of the Useful Idiot Moon Bats are commenting on this thread. They know that China Joe is a disaster and don't want to defend a really disastrous energy policy.
And here I thought I wasn't seeing any of their stupid lies is because Blocked them all. How petty of me.
Rene when Pedo Joe claimed he wouldn’t kill fracking? Not only is he killing that, but he is killing any new drilling of federal land.

Millions more good paying jobs killed by the stroke of a pen.

Pedo Joe is a puppet of the radical left.

he is puppet of the Communist Chinese Party
View attachment 449176

Good one. lmao.
Only took 20 minutes.
Notice none of the Useful Idiot Moon Bats are commenting on this thread. They know that China Joe is a disaster and don't want to defend a really disastrous energy policy.
And here I thought I wasn't seeing any of their stupid lies is because Blocked them all. How petty of me.
Rene when Pedo Joe claimed he wouldn’t kill fracking? Not only is he killing that, but he is killing any new drilling of federal land.

Millions more good paying jobs killed by the stroke of a pen.

Pedo Joe is a puppet of the radical left.

he is puppet of the Communist Chinese Party
View attachment 449176

Good one. lmao.
Only took 20 minutes.

He's screwed over private prisons too. What will they do with all those convicts once their contract expires and the gov refuses to renew it?
End the useless war on drugs?


I hate private prisons for profit. The administration of justice should not be a profitable endeavor. Too much temptation to abuse if there is a profit incentive.
A very good move by our new President. Focus on the future and not the past. These leases to drill on federal property were gifts from the Trump Administration to the oil industry. It was a freebee to a very powerful special interest.

“Give it all away before you go,” said Jayson O’Neill, director of the Western Values Project, a nonprofit that monitors the relationship between public lands and special interests. “It’s been four years of administratively rushed approval processes and a legal morass. It’s going to be years until the tentacles of industry can be unwrapped from every action that [the] Interior [Department] took.”

Our president can not move fast enough to reverse the rot and ruin that the disgraced Trump has brought to our public lands. It will not be easy, but President Biden is on the right track.
He's screwed over private prisons too. What will they do with all those convicts once their contract expires and the gov refuses to renew it?
End the useless war on drugs?


I hate private prisons for profit. The administration of justice should not be a profitable endeavor. Too much temptation to abuse if there is a profit incentive.
Druggies are not the only ones in the prisons. What kind of abuses are you talking about?

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