Joe Biden didn't pay taxes.

This is a big reason neither are worthy of my vote. If you are rich you have a different set of rules. And then tell us medicare and SS are bankrupting the system. That is a lie.
This is a big reason neither are worthy of my vote. If you are rich you have a different set of rules. And then tell us medicare and SS are bankrupting the system. That is a lie.
This is one of the primary ways in which we're wrecking capitalism.

Those who are pushing for socialism in this country are very thankful for that, I guarantee you.

We're doing this to ourselves, we're killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Trumpers need to insist on how bad that is.
It's not. If it was done legally, there's no problem.

Leftists need to explain how Trump following tax law to reduce his tax burden is worse than Biden following tax law to reduce his tax burden.
It looks like tax loopholes made by fat cats for fat cats.
You cannot be helped, they got you swallowing their shit.
Considering your first post in this thread was to defend Biden by attacking Trump, you're exactly the sort of person I was talking about.

But I didn't expect any rational explanations from any leftists.
Not defending Biden. Not even attacking Trump.
How about closing that loopholes?
How about repealing the 16th Amendment and ending all this foolishness?
Just abolish federal income tax? Or replace it with an extra tax on goods and services wealthy people often buy?
I'd honestly prefer a national sales tax rather than an income tax. If you have money, you spend it, it's really hard to cheat on a sales tax. Even criminals would have to pay their "fair share".
I agree. Except for that rich spend their money. Many hoard it, living spartan. Those people must be taxed the most.
Those people must be taxed the most. Why do you feel entitled to steal their money?
Again, when the worker is taxed, you don´t call it theft. I feel entitled to grab a dung fork and a torch and erase them from the earth´s surface. Thereafter I can enjoy the money they have hoarded for the object of being richer than the next rich bag.
I can see you have no hatred for people better off than you.
Too bad you are so envious of others.
"when the worker is taxed, you don´t call it theft" Yes I do taxing the wages of the workers is the worst kind of tax.
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Trump violated no law. Like every American, he took advantage of the 74,608 pages of the Federal Tax Code. The same tax code Joe has been expanding with loopholes in his 5 decades in DC.

Why has Joe spent his life creating tax loopholes for the rich?
We know why.
How The Bidens Dodged The Payroll Tax. “They used an S-corp to avoid paying more than $500,000 in levies for Medicare and ObamaCare.”

View attachment 394464

If that's all that Rump did wrong I wouldn't care. In fact, I don't care. NY will care but not me. He's done a lot worse since he's been president. And he's not through burning the Constitution of the United States yet.

Well I guess you’d better get out there and burn another city then...
Tax Credits... People here, some ignorant, some stupid, and some that just disagree with some or all of them. I'll happily say I'm in the third category along with many of you. I think we have a fundamental breakdown of what they are, and why we have them.

You get tax credits for doing things that the Government wants you to do. That's the whole point of them in this context. The government gives them out as incentive to do things that will benefit, in theory if not always in practice, that will benefit the country.

If you get a Tax Credit, that IS YOU PAYING THE GOVERNMENT. The government wants people to do certain things, and it gives you tax credits to do them willingly. To take the chance. Starting a business, going green, upgrading your shit to save on electricity, higher education, saving money for retirement, all of these things you can get tax credits on.

And believe it or not... The government wants people to build things. Start businesses. You might think it's bullshit... But that's the government THANKING you, in a form of exemption of tax payment, for doing what it wants you to do. That is the payment.

If you don't like that... I suggest you start voting for people who are willing to take on the establishment to close those Tax Credits you don't like... I seriously doubt any are running this year, but Trump has surprised me before... Biden sure as hell ain't going to do it.
I wonder why? It's not like anything looks suspicious here.
It's gonna be pretty interesting unwrapping this one. There's plenty of stuff to go through.

So now we get to see the libs look for any little thing to make hay over. Exactly what they said they didn’t want to do...Bunch of liars all of you.

Well, go ahead. The IRS said it was good...
I wonder why? It's not like anything looks suspicious here.
It's gonna be pretty interesting unwrapping this one. There's plenty of stuff to go through.

So now we get to see the libs look for any little thing to make hay over. Exactly what they said they didn’t want to do...Bunch of liars all of you.

Well, go ahead. The IRS said it was good...
Well no, he's under investigation on multiple fronts with the IRS already.

Now we know why. That's all.

You don't know that, because you're kept in the dark in your universe.
I wonder why? It's not like anything looks suspicious here.
It's gonna be pretty interesting unwrapping this one. There's plenty of stuff to go through.

So now we get to see the libs look for any little thing to make hay over. Exactly what they said they didn’t want to do...Bunch of liars all of you.

Well, go ahead. The IRS said it was good...
Well no, he's under investigation on multiple fronts with the IRS already.

Now we know why. That's all.

You don't know that, because you're kept in the dark in your universe.

Get back to me when he’s charged with something...
I wonder why? It's not like anything looks suspicious here.
It's gonna be pretty interesting unwrapping this one. There's plenty of stuff to go through.

So now we get to see the libs look for any little thing to make hay over. Exactly what they said they didn’t want to do...Bunch of liars all of you.

Well, go ahead. The IRS said it was good...
Well no, he's under investigation on multiple fronts with the IRS already.

Now we know why. That's all.

You don't know that, because you're kept in the dark in your universe.

Get back to me when he’s charged with something...
Okay! It will be the third time he's been charged by the IRS. He lost the first two.

But you don't know that.
I find it hilarious that the left pretend to be outraged at something that was printed with no substantiation but hey it must be true. They have no idea what the tax codes are. They don’t seem to realize that Trump doesn’t sit at the kitchen table doing taxes he has accountants and tax accountants doing that. The accountants keep track of expenses then hand everything over to the tax accountants. They think the IRS is so stupid they have never audited Trumps tax returns. I would bet my bottom dollar that 44 had them go through his taxes with a fine tooth comb.
they are running a fellow that has been with his hand in the tax payers pocket his whole life and voted for the tax codes and loopholes, then used them to his advantage. He has not paid anymore then he had to. He used the same loopholes. Amazon paid no taxes and I would bet even the crazy left wouldn’t believe that they are broke.

in short it is just one more pretend got you now by the left in the hopes to save the elections.
The use of loopholes and legal methods for avoiding taxes is not the issue, although Trump's strategy is to make it appear to be and social media is being flooded by Trump supporters pressing that idea. The issue is Trump using high property values to obtaining loans, which could be a crime of bank fraud, and low property values for IRS statements, which would be criminal tax evasion.
This is a big reason neither are worthy of my vote. If you are rich you have a different set of rules. And then tell us medicare and SS are bankrupting the system. That is a lie.
This is one of the primary ways in which we're wrecking capitalism.

Those who are pushing for socialism in this country are very thankful for that, I guarantee you.

We're doing this to ourselves, we're killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
How dare anyone not take advantage of the tax breaks Biden has been voting for these past five decades!
How dare anyone not take advantage of the tax breaks Biden has been voting for these past five decades!
That's not the story. The $750 is nothing. It's just the eye-catcher. You don't know this because it's being kept from you.

You could learn more about what's coming, but you'll think it's fake news. I can't make you curious.
The use of loopholes and legal methods for avoiding taxes is not the issue, although Trump's strategy is to make it appear to be and social media is being flooded by Trump supporters pressing that idea. The issue is Trump using high property values to obtaining loans, which could be a crime of bank fraud, and low property values for IRS statements, which would be criminal tax evasion.
You leftists fabricating hypothetical scenarios that The NY Times even avoids is hilarious.
This is a big reason neither are worthy of my vote. If you are rich you have a different set of rules. And then tell us medicare and SS are bankrupting the system. That is a lie.
This is one of the primary ways in which we're wrecking capitalism.

Those who are pushing for socialism in this country are very thankful for that, I guarantee you.

We're doing this to ourselves, we're killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
How dare anyone not take advantage of the tax breaks Biden has been voting for these past five decades!
That's not the story. The $750 is nothing. You don't know this because it's being kept from you.

You could learn more about what's coming, but you'll think it's fake news. I can't make you curious.
Then give us THE STORY I missed in The NY Times article.
This is a big reason neither are worthy of my vote. If you are rich you have a different set of rules. And then tell us medicare and SS are bankrupting the system. That is a lie.
This is one of the primary ways in which we're wrecking capitalism.

Those who are pushing for socialism in this country are very thankful for that, I guarantee you.

We're doing this to ourselves, we're killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
How dare anyone not take advantage of the tax breaks Biden has been voting for these past five decades!
That's not the story. The $750 is nothing. You don't know this because it's being kept from you.

You could learn more about what's coming, but you'll think it's fake news. I can't make you curious.
Then give us THE STORY I missed in The NY Times article.
You're on the fucking internet. Look it up.

Start by looking at post 21.

Jesus Christ, you people.
This is a big reason neither are worthy of my vote. If you are rich you have a different set of rules. And then tell us medicare and SS are bankrupting the system. That is a lie.
This is one of the primary ways in which we're wrecking capitalism.

Those who are pushing for socialism in this country are very thankful for that, I guarantee you.

We're doing this to ourselves, we're killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
How dare anyone not take advantage of the tax breaks Biden has been voting for these past five decades!
That's not the story. The $750 is nothing. You don't know this because it's being kept from you.

You could learn more about what's coming, but you'll think it's fake news. I can't make you curious.
Then give us THE STORY I missed in The NY Times article.
You're on the fucking internet. Look it up.

Jesus Christ, you people.
How did I know you don’t have a clue what you’re bitching about?

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