Joe Biden Declares National Emergency Over ‘Russia Threat’


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
EARTH TO JOE BIDEN: NO.....the Russian troops that Putin has relocated to the Ukraine border are not a US "national emergency". Ukraine is not a member of NATO, and its relation to Russia is a matter between those 2 countries, not involving US meddling, by Biden.

Hey Joe. You want to declare a national emergency in an executive order ? There IS a real national emergency going on. It is the Mexican border crisis, and your exacerbation of it, by busing and flying unvetted, not ID'd migrants all over the United States, who likely will spread the Covid virus all over the country. Likewise, they likely will spread the rape culture of Mexico and other Latin American countries, to our 50 states.
Imagine that! Democrats take over and all of a sudden the WAR DRUMS start to beat!!
Democrats have some kind of weird trauma about Russia. First all the Russia election meddling (never mind their own disgusting election fraud), and now this. Didn't hear Biden or Dems talking much about Russia, when Russian fighter jets were bombing the hell out of ISIS, in January, while Biden did nothing to help.

EARTH TO JOE BIDEN: NO.....the Russian troops that Putin has relocated to the Ukraine border are not a US "national emergency". Ukraine is not a member of NATO, and its relation to Russia is a matter between those 2 countries, not involving US meddling, by Biden.

Hey Joe. You want to declare a national emergency in an executive order ? There IS a real national emergency going on. It is the Mexican border crisis, and your exacerbation of it, by busing and flying unvetted, not ID'd migrants all over the United States, who likely will spread the Covid virus all over the country. Likewise, they likely will spread the rape culture of Mexico and other Latin American countries, to our 50 states.
Some Russian stiffed his Democrat gangster buddies on bribes, is all. that is an affront a proffessional extortionist like China Joe and his fellow shakedown artists like Kerry, Hillary, and Obama can't allow to slide, ever.
Imagine that! Democrats take over and all of a sudden the WAR DRUMS start to beat!!
Who'd a thunk it? Crazy bastards keep pushing little Vlad and we might just get a chance to some of those funny-shaped clouds up close and personal.

Putin knows who he is dealing with; a loud stupid punk who will do nothing but wave his arms around and hoping nobody notices he's wetting himself.
He needs to stop using tax payer's money to handle his own. affairs. That he should go and meet with Putin behind a gymnasium to settle his own matter.

EARTH TO JOE BIDEN: NO.....the Russian troops that Putin has relocated to the Ukraine border are not a US "national emergency". Ukraine is not a member of NATO, and its relation to Russia is a matter between those 2 countries, not involving US meddling, by Biden.

Hey Joe. You want to declare a national emergency in an executive order ? There IS a real national emergency going on. It is the Mexican border crisis, and your exacerbation of it, by busing and flying unvetted, not ID'd migrants all over the United States, who likely will spread the Covid virus all over the country. Likewise, they likely will spread the rape culture of Mexico and other Latin American countries, to our 50 states.
Xiden and the Dems are the greatest threat to western civilization
Who'd a thunk it? Crazy bastards keep pushing little Vlad and we might just get a chance to some of those funny-shaped clouds up close and personal.
True. With Russia, Biden is playing with fire, with only things for HIM to gain personally, rather than what is needed for the US. He is becoming dangerous to America, and somebody needs to get him put of there.
Putin knows who he is dealing with; a loud stupid punk who will do nothing but wave his arms around and hoping nobody notices he's wetting himself.
Yes, as time goes by, if Biden stays in power, Putin will make mincemeat out of Biden, and show him to be the cardboard, cartoon character that he is.

Indeed. Putin is now going to rob his coke head kid and moneylaunderer of his Ukrainian shakedown money and laugh at him.
EARTH TO JOE BIDEN: NO.....the Russian troops that Putin has relocated to the Ukraine border are not a US "national emergency". Ukraine is not a member of NATO, and its relation to Russia is a matter between those 2 countries, not involving US meddling, by Biden.

Hey Joe. You want to declare a national emergency in an executive order ? There IS a real national emergency going on. It is the Mexican border crisis, and your exacerbation of it, by busing and flying unvetted, not ID'd migrants all over the United States, who likely will spread the Covid virus all over the country. Likewise, they likely will spread the rape culture of Mexico and other Latin American countries, to our 50 states.
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