Joe Biden Declares National Emergency Over ‘Russia Threat’

The irony is if they replace whites with latinos they will exterminate faggots on sight, same as black thugs will. It was the latino and black votes that got the ban on faggot 'marriage' passed; a faggot Federal judge overturned it. Democrats can't control their own base or make them a true cohesive regime with all those conflicting interests groups they're relying on for power. They will have to start exterminating some of them, and they will probably start with blacks; they already totally ignore the serial killings and mass murders in black hoods almost daily in every urban center, where they are also at war with the latinos and illegals over the dope and prostitution trade as well as over the cheap housing areas. Whites are all that keep these scum half-assed apart.
Why would Democrat loons ignore serial killings, when they elected one President of the United States twice in the 90s, and then nominated another one for president in 2016 >> the Clintons.

The Clintons have murdered dozens of people - most of who were scheduled to testify in court against them (ex. Ron Brown, 2 Brown associates, Vince Foster, John Ashe, Mary Mahoney, Eric Butera, Danny Casalaro, Berta Cacaeres, William Colby, Suzanne Coleman, Klaus Eberwein. Kathy Ferguson, Carlos Ghigliotti, Judi Gibbs, Michael Hastings, Jon Hillyer, Stanley Huggins, Sandy Hume, Kevin Ives, Don Henry, John Jones, JFK Jr and his wife, Florence Martin, Lt. Gen. David McCloud, James McDougal, Ron Miller, John Millis, Neil Moody, Jwn Moore, Tony Moser, Steve Mostyn., Jerry Luther Parks, Monica Peterson, Joseph Rago, C. Victor Raiser II, Montgomery Raiser, Seth Conrad Rich, Jeff Rhodes, Maj. Gen. William Robertson
Deputy Commanding General, V Corps, Europe, Col William Densberger V Corps Chief of Operations and Plans, Col. Robert Kelly V Corps Chief of Intelligence, Spec. Gary Rhodes, Crew Chief, Dr. Ronald Rogers, Charles Ruff, Col. James Sabow, Antonin Scalia, US Supreme Court Justice, Walter Scheib, Clinton White House Chef, Tom Schweich, Waco Investigator and candidate for governor, Barry Seal, CIA drug pilot, Bill Shelton, Arkansas state trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson, Barry and Honey Sherman, Peter Smith, Kurt Smolek, State Department Diplomatic Security Agent, Victor Thorn,
Independent Journalist, Paul Tully, Democratic National Committee Political Director,
Jon Parnell Walker, RTC investigator, Calvin Walraven, Drug witness, Gary Webb
Journalist, Maynard Webb, Mena airport witness, Russel Welch, Alan G. Whicher
Oversaw Clinton's Secret Service detail, Beranton J. Whisenant Jr.
federal prosecutor involved in the investigation of voter fraud connected to the DNC,
Paul Wilcher, Washington attorney investigating gun running out of Mena, Arkansas,
Ed Willey, Real Estate Attorney, Clinton Fund Raiser, Gareth Williams, MI6 Agent, John Augustus Wilson, Former Washington DC Council member, Jim Wilhite, Vice Chairman, Arkla, Inc, Theodore Williams, Jr. Bettie Currie's brother, Steve Willis, Robert Williams, Conway LeBleu, Todd McKeehan, Clinton bodyguards, Barbara Wise, Commerce Department Staffer, Richard Winters, Suspect in the deaths of Ives & Henry, Terrance Yeakey, First police officer to arrive at the Murrah Building following the OK City bombing,
Sadly, the list goes on......

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The fake media and Pol pot Dems have managed to greatly weaken any conservative movement but their fascism won’t work on Putin.
The Maoist Dems beat Trump by an illegitimate election but they will never break Putin

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