Joe and Hunter Biden Will Be Called Before The Senate Inquisition

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Let the games begin:

The Demands will be thus:

1.) Full disclosure of Joe and Hunter Biden's Domestic and Offshore Financial Holdings and Investments for the past 16 Years
2.) Full Disclosure of their Tax Returns for the past 10 Years
3.) Full Disclosures of all of their emails for the past 10 years....ALL OF THEM.
4.) Full Disclosure of all of their written correspondance for the past 10 years
5.) Full Disclosure of all of their documents in paper or electronic form generated in the past 10 years.
6.) Full Disclosure of all of their "Travel Arrangements and Expenditures" for the past 10 years.
7.) Full Disclosure of all of their texts, and phone records for the past 10 years.
8.) A Full review of all of their public statements in the past 10 years.
9.) Full Disclosure of Hunter Biden's Military Service Record

This is just a start for just One SET of Witnesses. I expect similar demands for other witnesses involved in Ukraine, Burisma like Pelosi & Her Son, John Kerry & His Son, and Mitt Romney.

Hunter Biden got $83G per month for Ukraine 'ceremonial' gig: report
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I told the leftists...we're going to do to the filth what they do to Trump.

Now here it comes :)

I tried to warn you...but you just wouldn't listen.

They are also going to subpoena obama & hillary but they don't want to announce it yet or they might flee the country.
Let the games begin:

The Demands will be thus:

1.) Full disclosure of Joe and Hunter Biden's Domestic and Offshore Financial Holdings and Investments for the past 16 Years
2.) Full Disclosure of their Tax Returns for the past 10 Years
3.) Full Disclosures of all of their emails for the past 10 years....ALL OF THEM.
4.) Full Disclosure of all of their emails for the past 10 years
5.) Full Disclosure of all of their documents in paper or electronic form generated in the past 10 years.
6.) Full Disclosure of all of their "Travel Arrangements and Expenditures" for the past 10 years.
7.) Full Disclosure of all of their texts, and phone records for the past 10 years.
8.) A Full review of all of their public statements in the past 10 years.
9.) Full Disclosure of Hunter Biden's Military Service Record

This is just a start for just One SET of Witnesses. I expect similar demands for other witnesses involved in Ukraine, Burisma like Pelosi & Her Son, John Kerry & His Son, and Mitt Romney.

Hunter Biden got $83G per month for Ukraine 'ceremonial' gig: report

I hope it moves over to cocaine Mitch and his crew as well.
Lets not forget, hurry up and raid their lawyers offices.
I am calling for Pre-Dawn raids at Joe & Hunter Biden's Residences as well as their attorneys, and since they are dangerous, and a flight risk, we need tanks, helicopters, amphibious assault vehicles, and they should be placed in Solitary Confinement until their appearance in The Senate.
Let the games begin:

The Demands will be thus:

1.) Full disclosure of Joe and Hunter Biden's Domestic and Offshore Financial Holdings and Investments for the past 16 Years
2.) Full Disclosure of their Tax Returns for the past 10 Years
3.) Full Disclosures of all of their emails for the past 10 years....ALL OF THEM.
4.) Full Disclosure of all of their emails for the past 10 years
5.) Full Disclosure of all of their documents in paper or electronic form generated in the past 10 years.
6.) Full Disclosure of all of their "Travel Arrangements and Expenditures" for the past 10 years.
7.) Full Disclosure of all of their texts, and phone records for the past 10 years.
8.) A Full review of all of their public statements in the past 10 years.
9.) Full Disclosure of Hunter Biden's Military Service Record

This is just a start for just One SET of Witnesses. I expect similar demands for other witnesses involved in Ukraine, Burisma like Pelosi & Her Son, John Kerry & His Son, and Mitt Romney.

Hunter Biden got $83G per month for Ukraine 'ceremonial' gig: report

I hope it moves over to cocaine Mitch and his crew as well.
He's not a suspect. Mr. McConnel never took drug or mob money from corrupt Russian Puppets in The Ukraine.
Let the games begin:

The Demands will be thus:

1.) Full disclosure of Joe and Hunter Biden's Domestic and Offshore Financial Holdings and Investments for the past 16 Years
2.) Full Disclosure of their Tax Returns for the past 10 Years
3.) Full Disclosures of all of their emails for the past 10 years....ALL OF THEM.
4.) Full Disclosure of all of their emails for the past 10 years
5.) Full Disclosure of all of their documents in paper or electronic form generated in the past 10 years.
6.) Full Disclosure of all of their "Travel Arrangements and Expenditures" for the past 10 years.
7.) Full Disclosure of all of their texts, and phone records for the past 10 years.
8.) A Full review of all of their public statements in the past 10 years.
9.) Full Disclosure of Hunter Biden's Military Service Record

This is just a start for just One SET of Witnesses. I expect similar demands for other witnesses involved in Ukraine, Burisma like Pelosi & Her Son, John Kerry & His Son, and Mitt Romney.

Hunter Biden got $83G per month for Ukraine 'ceremonial' gig: report

I hope it moves over to cocaine Mitch and his crew as well.
He's not a suspect. Mr. McConnel never took drug or mob money from corrupt Russian Puppets in The Ukraine.

I know. China is where could Caine Mitch made all his money. It's in the same book that exposed the Hunter Biden thing.
Hannity is reporting right now that the judge in the Hunter Vs. Baby-moma case has ordered hunter to cough up his proof of earnings from burisma. :banana:
Let the games begin:

The Demands will be thus:

1.) Full disclosure of Joe and Hunter Biden's Domestic and Offshore Financial Holdings and Investments for the past 16 Years
2.) Full Disclosure of their Tax Returns for the past 10 Years
3.) Full Disclosures of all of their emails for the past 10 years....ALL OF THEM.
4.) Full Disclosure of all of their emails for the past 10 years
5.) Full Disclosure of all of their documents in paper or electronic form generated in the past 10 years.
6.) Full Disclosure of all of their "Travel Arrangements and Expenditures" for the past 10 years.
7.) Full Disclosure of all of their texts, and phone records for the past 10 years.
8.) A Full review of all of their public statements in the past 10 years.
9.) Full Disclosure of Hunter Biden's Military Service Record

This is just a start for just One SET of Witnesses. I expect similar demands for other witnesses involved in Ukraine, Burisma like Pelosi & Her Son, John Kerry & His Son, and Mitt Romney.

Hunter Biden got $83G per month for Ukraine 'ceremonial' gig: report

I hope it moves over to cocaine Mitch and his crew as well.
He's not a suspect. Mr. McConnel never took drug or mob money from corrupt Russian Puppets in The Ukraine.

Lol, yup law and order all the way. First off, calm down. "Cocaine Mitch" is a moniker McConnel embraced. Google it and you will see. Second, in the same book where that dude on Hannitys radio show mentioned the Bidens he also fingered the McConnels. Here is a bit about that,

Book: China has made McConnell a very rich man

So if the author is correct in that the bidens acted unethically in the Ukrain then the McConnels did the same. Period. Y'all need to get over this "my side is more pure then yours" bull shit. You stupid sheep lapping up the BS is kind of why things are how they are now.

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