Jim lehrer the big loser in the debate


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
He obvious showed favoritism toward Romney gave him 25% more speaking time than the gave Obama, allow Romney to interrupt him and Obama and did not allow Obama to finish his response. And I believe Obama felt it and was fustrated. Romney was rude, disrespectful and arrogant at times. Obama has to stop being “Mr. Nice guy” and all he had to do was what he does best. Speak about his accomplishments. But last night he lost his voice.
Jim Lehrer was not the man to moderate this debate and he obviously lean toward Romney.
Jim Lehrer is biggest loser in Denver debate | Fox News
Still I heard nothing new that would make me change my vote. If anything, it re-enforced my vote.
He obvious showed favoritism toward Romney gave him 25% more speaking time than the gave Obama, allow Romney to interrupt him and Obama and did not allow Obama to finish his response. And I believe Obama felt it and was fustrated. Romney was rude, disrespectful and arrogant at times. Obama has to stop being “Mr. Nice guy” and all he had to do was what he does best. Speak about his accomplishments. But last night he lost his voice.
Jim Lehrer was not the man to moderate this debate and he obviously lean toward Romney.
Jim Lehrer is biggest loser in Denver debate | Fox News
Still I heard nothing new that would make me change my vote. If anything, it re-enforced my vote.

You just gotta start wearing your glasses and hearing aid....:lol:

I thought Jim Lehrer pulled Obama out of some rather rambling incoherent situations as a good liberal leaning moderator would....:D

mmm ya know, I'm starting to feel a little desperation percolating from the leftists on the USMB, I'm not complaining mind you, I kinda like it...:eusa_whistle:
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Romney showed his business side, but fail to show his presidential side. He was the typical use car salesman, selling the same piece of shit he has been selling all along. And the right still buying it. And a used car will end up in the ditch not performing.
Romney showed his business side, but fail to show his presidential side. He was the typical use car salesman, selling the same piece of shit he has been selling all along. And the right still buying it. And a used car will end up in the ditch not performing.

And Obama showed he's a Snake-Oil Salesman peddling his "I'll cure everything" lies and bullshit!

Just like the snake oil salesman's elixir doesn't work...neither does Obama or his policies.
The Empty chair showed up last night

I guess all that gallivanting around the country for his re-election, he was too busy (being President) to prepare:lol:
Romney showed his business side, but fail to show his presidential side. He was the typical use car salesman, selling the same piece of shit he has been selling all along. And the right still buying it. And a used car will end up in the ditch not performing.

Let it all out... :thup:

It's healthier that way...
He obvious showed favoritism toward Romney gave him 25% more speaking time than the gave Obama, allow Romney to interrupt him and Obama and did not allow Obama to finish his response. And I believe Obama felt it and was fustrated. Romney was rude, disrespectful and arrogant at times. Obama has to stop being “Mr. Nice guy” and all he had to do was what he does best. Speak about his accomplishments. But last night he lost his voice.
Jim Lehrer was not the man to moderate this debate and he obviously lean toward Romney.
Jim Lehrer is biggest loser in Denver debate | Fox News
Still I heard nothing new that would make me change my vote. If anything, it re-enforced my vote.

You do realize that Obama in actuality spoke 4 more minutes than Romney, don't you?
Libruls will never allow their messiah to take the blame for anything. They can't blame Booooooooooooosh this time so now it's Leher's fault! LMAO It's comical.
The Empty chair showed up last night

I guess all that gallivanting around the country for his re-election, he was too busy (being President) to prepare:lol:

^^ This statement is painfully true and it showed. I remember listening to John Sununu last Sunday who stated with great emphasis, "This President is just lazy." He was spot on! Obama has places to go, parties to attend, media to hobnob with, golf courses to play.. while America falls and world embassies burn, he can't be bothered.. so he delegates his responsibilities and off for play time. He's not fit to be President and that's just a fact. He is and was a Community Organizer created by a liberal media. Nothing more, nothing less.
He obvious showed favoritism toward Romney gave him 25% more speaking time than the gave Obama, allow Romney to interrupt him and Obama and did not allow Obama to finish his response. And I believe Obama felt it and was fustrated. Romney was rude, disrespectful and arrogant at times. Obama has to stop being “Mr. Nice guy” and all he had to do was what he does best. Speak about his accomplishments. But last night he lost his voice.
Jim Lehrer was not the man to moderate this debate and he obviously lean toward Romney.
Jim Lehrer is biggest loser in Denver debate | Fox News
Still I heard nothing new that would make me change my vote. If anything, it re-enforced my vote.

You didn't watch the debate, did you? Just got some talking points from Dems against immigrants:

After the debate debacle for Obama, we

After the debate debacle for Obama, we’ll find out if we have a race
Yahoo! News – 7 hrs ago
Jeff Greenfield

Yes, it was as bad as it seemed.

No, it wasn’t Jim Lehrer’s fault for letting Romney expound; Obama got more time (four minutes more) than Romney. Besides, it’s not the moderator’s job to call a debater out on questionable assertions. It’s the opponent’s job.

Yes, it wasn’t the best atmospherics for Obama to look down, purse his lips, appear distracted, while Romney was attentive, engaged, relaxed. But this was much more than atmospherics. This was about one candidate who came with a frame for the evening, and who was prepared to engage on every question; and another who, perhaps because of his documented faith in his own abilities, felt he could wing it with snatches of familiar verbiage.

Most surprising, the whole evening felt as if Obama thought he was back in 2008, needing only to demonstrate a sense of cool, calm collectedness to persuade the voters that they could do what they desperately wanted to do: change course.

There was barely a moment when Obama offered any sense that he was prepared to challenge Romney on his weakest point: who does the Republican presidential nominee speak for? How much (or little) does he understand where the country is, how it got here?

Even on the most basic political points, Obama seemed clueless. When you argue as a Democrat that you and your Republican opponent share wide areas of agreement on Social Security—especially when recipients make up a chunk of Romney’s “47 percent” of indolent spongers—you have thrown in a fistful of high cards...
He obvious showed favoritism toward Romney gave him 25% more speaking time than the gave Obama, allow Romney to interrupt him and Obama and did not allow Obama to finish his response.

During the first Presidential debate last night, CNN ran a clock on screen showing how long each candidate had spoken in total. It reminded me of a time-of-possession clock in a football game. In a game, if one team burns more of the clock, it can mean that they’re controlling the ball, defending their lead, denying their opponents the opportunity to score.

Sometimes. But sometimes it just means they’re running a slogging ground game, while their opponent scores faster and more often by putting the ball in the air.

By CNN’s clock, President Barack Obama spoke for more than three minutes longer than Mitt Romney. But it didn’t feel like he said more.

Read more: Debate Watch: Obama Eats Up the Clock, But Romney Sets the Agenda | Entertainment | TIME.com

Obama had MORE speaking time...not 25% less.

Someones favoritism is on display in this thread, but it's not Jim Lehrer's.
Unfortunately for Obama, this time around he actually has a record.

and that's a problem. Transparency? Post-racial? Post-partisan? Focused? Economy? Jobs, jobs, jobs? Obamacare? Holder? Libya? Iran? The list goes on and on.
At least the next debate well be seen as a win for Obama just because he can't possibly do as bad. Mitt Romney is way to He won't really win but the appearance compared to this debate will make it seem that way.

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