Jim Cramer: ACK!! WE COULD SEE 100million sick in 9 weeks!!

Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020

Did they read the report wrong last year and assume that the two hundred million sick meant they would all be dead?

Pretty big error to make by the esteemed Dr Fauci and the medical profession.

Let's drive up the panic and hysteria over a bad cold!!!


I heard about 60% of covid jabbed who are getting the clots "pulmonary artery hypertension" will generally have on an average 3 years. Other experts say 1 to 5 for "pulmonary artery hypertension".

More @ Link Canadian doctor warns the worst is 'yet to come' from blood clotting damage linked to COVID-19 shots
“Like all these young people who are now getting myocarditis from these shots, they have permanently damaged hearts. It doesn’t matter how mild it is, they will not be able to do what they used to be able to do because heart muscle does not regenerate. So this is the terrifying concern.”

He then said the long-term outlook is “very grim.”

“With each successive shot, the damage will add and add. And it’s going to be cumulative because you’re progressively getting more and more damaged capillaries,” said Hoffe.

Hoffe said the only predictable way to “find out for sure” if the clots are there is to do what is called a blood D-Dimer test, which he says he has been doing on his patients.

“And so, the D-Dimer is a blood test that shows a recent blood clot. It doesn’t show anything else other than a recent blood clot. And it won’t show an old blood clot, it only shows new blood clots. And so, I have been doing that on my patients, finding people who have recently had their COVID shot within the previous seven days, to needs to be between four and seven days and doing a blood test on them called a D dimer,” said Hoffe.

Hoffe said that in his practice, he has seen six people who showed reduced lung capacity, meaning “that they just get out of breath much more easily than they used to.”

“I have one fellow that used to walk to my office every week for actually for an arthritis injection who told me that he could walk two miles without any problem. And now after a quarter of a mile, he is absolutely out of breath. And it has been like that for five months,” said Hoffe.

Hoffe noted that what has happened to his six patients is that the clots have plugged up “thousands of tiny capillaries in their lungs.”

“And the terrifying thing about this is not just that these people are not short of breath and can’t do what they used to be able to do. But once you block off a significant number of blood vessels through your lungs, your heart is now pumping at a much greater resistance to try and get the blood through your lungs. And the problem, so that causes a condition called pulmonary artery hypertension, like high blood pressure in your lungs,” said Hoffe.
Steve Deace: In the last few weeks daily Covid cases in the U.S. have exploded as much as 150% by one way of counting them, but daily deaths remain at historic lows. Translation: Delta is more infectious and less dangerous. Panic isn't justified. They're using it to justify more power.
Why is it that so many people are happy to give up their basic freedom in this country? Why so quick to believe people that have lied to us for years...government, MEDIA, democrats, republicans, government agencies that allegedly are concerned with health when it's actually $$$ is their main focus, the medical field. We have found that the FBI, CIA and DoJ are packed with corrupt perverse individuals. The country embraces perversion and unnatural behaviors and beliefs, corruption, abortion, the use of force, lawlessness, media lies and propaganda, hatred for christians and special treatment for our enemies, calling good evil and evil good.
Apparently the american public is losing it's interest.

Well it could be possible because Joey Xi Bai Dung is creating a gigantic super spreader by transporting illegal aliens infected with Chinese Covid-19 all over the country. Undoubtedly they are incubators of any mutations of the Wuhan Covid-19 and Joey Xi is allowing to be spread.
Isn't odd that Joey Xi Bai Dung is imposing heavy restrictions on Americans to curb the "spread" of Chinese Covid-19 while creating a nationwide super spreader by transporting Illegal aliens all over the country, especially Red States...
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“It is safe to receive the COVID-19 vaccine even if you have previously tested positive …”

Presumably, it’s also “safe” to use Gwyneth Paltrow’s healing crystals if you have previously tested positive. The question is: Do you need to?
Instead of being treated like the superhumans that they are, recovered COVID patients are scorned, treated like smokers or AIDS victims. (No, sorry: the latter were revered as “angels.”) We’re simultaneously told that COVID is WILDLY contagious and … it’s your own damn fault for not wearing a mask, socially distancing or getting a vaccine.

This abject refusal to acknowledge the existence of natural immunity proves that the vaccine Karens don’t care about the health of their fellow human beings. They just want to boss us around.

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