Jill Stein is surging

Fuck Jill Stein and FUCK the Green party. They are responsible for the Dubya disaster. And they tried AGAIN in 2004 to help him out.

Any of you thinking of voting Green party? You can go fuck yourself.

I would vote Green before voting for Hillary Clinton or her buddy Donald John Trump... The people that should go fuck themselves are the ones that keep on voting for the pathetic candidates that the Republican and Democratic party offers up...
Fuck Jill Stein and FUCK the Green party. They are responsible for the Dubya disaster. And they tried AGAIN in 2004 to help him out.

Any of you thinking of voting Green party? You can go fuck yourself.

I wasn't going to put it quite so aggressively, but that's kinda what I was saying...

It is amazing that you blame the Green Party for Gore losing the 2000 election while you and Old School forget Gore lost his own home state in that election. Had Gore won his home state there would have been no George W. Bush as President and the Green Party voter would not have been on your mind.

So let cut the bullshit and let be really honest and that is Clinton voters hate the idea that someone does not vote Democratic Party, and would prefer a one political party system and not freedom of choice.

The reason why the third party candidate is never consider is because those like you are programmed by MSM to believe your only two choices are either the Republican Party of the Democratic Party and that is truly sad and pathetic for you and those like you!

I will vote Libertarian not just because I am protesting the two party system but the reality is neither candidate on the two major political parties should ever be allow to be President.

Now stop passing the buck on Gore failure to win the 2000 election because if you can not win your home state you should never be allow to become President!
You're right. he lost Tennessee; because of two factors. First, since 1952 Tennessee has been reliably Republican, so a Democrat was already fighting an uphill battle. Then, add to that the votes lost in Tennessee to Nader, and just how likely do you think it was going to be that Gore won Tennessee?

Nader was not the issue and the fact is Gore was a weak candidate because he attempted to distance himself from Bill Clinton. You worry about Jill Stein but the candidate that is the true threat is Gary Johnson. Gary Johnson will draw looks from Sanders voters because of his Libertarian views on topics like Pot.

You can not deny the American Public are tiring of the same sales pitch and empty promises from the bigger two political parties and that is why some are looking and planning to vote Libertarian and Green this November.

Instead of attacking those voters maybe the Democratic Party and the Republican Party should reflect and look inward and discover why they are driving away and into the arms of third party candidates, but alas those like you will not do this and just blame the third party voter for not buying the flaw product you are selling.

This election will not be like 2000 but more like 1992 and will give Clinton the White House but by a narrow general vote but a wide electoral college vote.

Johnson will cause the Ross Perot effect...
I can deny that, because I see no such thing. Hell, neither Stein, nor Johnson have even been able to gin up enough support to get them on the debate stages. In other words, the same amount of people are "tiring of the same sales pitch" as has happened every time a third party candidate has gotten a little traction - not nearly enough to get elected, but just enough to fuck the candidate that should have been elected. Now, under normal circumstances, I really wouldn't give a shit. But, during this particular election, the next President gets to decide the make-up of the Supreme Court for the next fuckiong generation! You'll forgive me if Trump being that someone scares the piss out of me.

Typical response from the typical Democratic voter that believe third party candidates have no chance of getting on the stage in a debate and let be really honest if Johnson were able to hit the 15% threshold the Democratic and Republican Party would attempt to block him.

What you hate is the freedom of choice and others thinking instead of being blind sheep. The reality is you feel threaten by the idea of a third party candidate actually getting enough votes to make their political party a legit threat.

This is the actual fact and it pisses me off when individuals demand that anyone voting for third party candidates should stay home or even worse tell someone they are wasting their vote.

It is not your right to tell others which candidate they should vote for. If you want to vote for the Corporate whore or the one that has bought the corporate whore all their life then by all means but it is my right to vote for the politician that I feel is the best candidate for the damn job and Clinton and Trump are not the best candidate.

The Democratic Party had their chance to give a voter like me a candidate like Webb but instead those like you felt Clinton was more better which she is not.

The Republican Party had it chance to give the voter like me someone like Kasich but instead Trump voters selected Hillary Clinton close buddy instead.

So again maybe the voters like you should reflect on the fact you are the reason why you are driving voters like me to the third party ranks and if you would actually put a viable candidate worth voting for then maybe I would return but I will be damn if I will be some partisan whore and sell my soul and vote for the worthless trash the two party system is offering!

So stop passing the buck and blame yourself for the state your political party is in and if you can't see it then that is not my fault nor my problem!
Fuck Jill Stein and FUCK the Green party. They are responsible for the Dubya disaster. And they tried AGAIN in 2004 to help him out.

Any of you thinking of voting Green party? You can go fuck yourself.

I would vote Green before voting for Hillary Clinton or her buddy Donald John Trump... The people that should go fuck themselves are the ones that keep on voting for the pathetic candidates that the Republican and Democratic party offers up...
Fuck Jill Stein and FUCK the Green party. They are responsible for the Dubya disaster. And they tried AGAIN in 2004 to help him out.

Any of you thinking of voting Green party? You can go fuck yourself.

I wasn't going to put it quite so aggressively, but that's kinda what I was saying...

It is amazing that you blame the Green Party for Gore losing the 2000 election while you and Old School forget Gore lost his own home state in that election. Had Gore won his home state there would have been no George W. Bush as President and the Green Party voter would not have been on your mind.

So let cut the bullshit and let be really honest and that is Clinton voters hate the idea that someone does not vote Democratic Party, and would prefer a one political party system and not freedom of choice.

The reason why the third party candidate is never consider is because those like you are programmed by MSM to believe your only two choices are either the Republican Party of the Democratic Party and that is truly sad and pathetic for you and those like you!

I will vote Libertarian not just because I am protesting the two party system but the reality is neither candidate on the two major political parties should ever be allow to be President.

Now stop passing the buck on Gore failure to win the 2000 election because if you can not win your home state you should never be allow to become President!
You're right. he lost Tennessee; because of two factors. First, since 1952 Tennessee has been reliably Republican, so a Democrat was already fighting an uphill battle. Then, add to that the votes lost in Tennessee to Nader, and just how likely do you think it was going to be that Gore won Tennessee?

Nader was not the issue and the fact is Gore was a weak candidate because he attempted to distance himself from Bill Clinton. You worry about Jill Stein but the candidate that is the true threat is Gary Johnson. Gary Johnson will draw looks from Sanders voters because of his Libertarian views on topics like Pot.

You can not deny the American Public are tiring of the same sales pitch and empty promises from the bigger two political parties and that is why some are looking and planning to vote Libertarian and Green this November.

Instead of attacking those voters maybe the Democratic Party and the Republican Party should reflect and look inward and discover why they are driving away and into the arms of third party candidates, but alas those like you will not do this and just blame the third party voter for not buying the flaw product you are selling.

This election will not be like 2000 but more like 1992 and will give Clinton the White House but by a narrow general vote but a wide electoral college vote.

Johnson will cause the Ross Perot effect...
I can deny that, because I see no such thing. Hell, neither Stein, nor Johnson have even been able to gin up enough support to get them on the debate stages. In other words, the same amount of people are "tiring of the same sales pitch" as has happened every time a third party candidate has gotten a little traction - not nearly enough to get elected, but just enough to fuck the candidate that should have been elected. Now, under normal circumstances, I really wouldn't give a shit. But, during this particular election, the next President gets to decide the make-up of the Supreme Court for the next fuckiong generation! You'll forgive me if Trump being that someone scares the piss out of me.
Trump scares you and many others, Hillary scares a huge number, they both scare the hell out of me when it comes to Supreme Court nominations and the independence of the court, an independence that has been frequently under attack as both side politicize the court and have almost from it's inception.
Politicizing the Supreme Court | Stanford Law Review
Congress and the White House are political entities hence Supreme Court Nominees and their confirmations (or lack thereof) have almost always been a political choice/battle so everything depends on who controls the White House and the Congress. If Hillary is elected but both houses have a Republican majority then Hillary's choices only stand a 65% chance of being confirmed and that's only if she chooses candidates that are mostly perceived as being moderates.
Jill Stein Fundraising Skyrockets 999% After Bernie Endorsed Hillary

Stein makes a lot of sense to a lot of people, people who never thought Bernie would give up. According to US Uncut, “Since Tuesday morning, the Green Party has received over $80,000 in contributions, over half of which comes from first-time donors, and half of which comes in the form of contributions under $50. Tellingly, about 615 of those contributions totalled $27, the exact number commonly trumpeted and solicited by the Sanders campaign during his revolutionary grassroots funding movement.”
One of the most common arguments for voting for Stein is that "...there is no real difference between Hillary, and Trump," Does anyone remember the last time this argument was made? I do. It was Ralph Nader in 2000. Now, Nader won 2,882,995 votes, which sounds impressive, until you realize that that only amounts to about 2% of the vote. It was nowhere near enough to come even close to winning. But, do you know what it was enough to do? it was enough to allow George W. Bush to squeak by Al Gore.

Now, I'm well aware that Republicans/Conservatives think the Bush administration was glorious. However, they aren't the ones that are going to be voting for either Clinton, or Stein, anyway. Those of you who are progressives, can you imagine how different things would have been, had Gore won? Maybe no 9/11. Certainly no Iraq war. No Bush tax cuts. Most likely no Patriot Act. There is a metric fuckton of bullshit we could have avoided had we not been subjected to Bush/Cheney.

And now progressives are doing it again. If there is actually anyone who thinks that Stein has any chance of actually winning, they haven't paid any attention to political history. There is no doubt - to anyone - that idea of voting for Stein will be a "protest vote".

Well, as you cast your protest vote, just remember who that gave us last time, and then decide if you are okay with that outcome with Trump.

Why can't Stein partner up with Johnson? Wouldn't that double their chances of getting the 27-30 electoral college votes needed to throw the vote to the House?
Stein is a green fascist loon. She panders to antivaxxers and homeopaths. She advocates jailing people for selling the GMO seeds that farmers buy voluntarily (because it makes them more money), all based on patholoically dishonest anti-GMO and anti-Monsanto conspiracy theories.

If the choice was between Stein and Trump ... dang, that's tough. I'd go with Trump. Stein wants a moratorium on pesticide use and all GMO food, which would cause mass starvation. She'd kill a lot more people than Trump.

Hey, it's right there in her platform.

Jill Stein 2016 Platform
Label GMOs, and put a moratorium on GMOs and pesticides until they are proven safe.

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