Jill Biden Thinks It's Un-American To Oppose Porn in School Libraries

Murphy isn't the only Republican with this censorious impulse. The American Library Association maintains an incomplete list of attempted book-banning events in recent history, and in the large majority of cases for which a motivation is explained, it is conservative: Right-wing parents in Columbus, Ohio, tried to ban Catcher in the Rye in schools in 1963 because it was "anti-white." Other parents challenged The Grapes of Wrath in Greenville, South Carolina, in 1991 because it invoked God and Jesus in a "vain and profane manner." Slaughterhouse-Five was suppressed in Oakland County, Michigan, in 1972, in a case in which a circuit judge called the book "depraved, immoral, psychotic, vulgar, and anti-Christian." Those are just three of dozens of examples.

Now, liberals have done the same thing on occasion, typically targeting books which contain racial slurs, like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. But the bulk of book banning incidents — parents complaining about sexual content, violence, skepticism of Christianity, cursing, or the history of racism and slavery — are straight out of the Moral Majority politics of the 1980s and 1990s. That habit seemed to vanish for awhile when Republicans nominated a thrice-divorced, credibly accused rapist for president. Now it's coming back.

In recent months, Republican legislatures have passed de facto prohibitions of teaching the history of racism across the country. As a result, a Tennessee teacher was fired for assigning Ta-Nehisi Coates, while a Texas school board recently apologized for instructing teachers to present "opposing" views on the Holocaust while trying to obey a Republican law on curriculum content. Don't let the brief reprieve fool you: They were always like this.

I'm not talking about placating the religious zealots. I'm talking about the books being found in libraries that explicitly depict sexual acts and pedophilia. The fact that removing is these materials is actually a controversy is astounding to me.
Save it, liberals have long ago proven who they are, what they intend, and the evidence is being put on full display right here, with the filth they want in our public and school libraries. You found one degenerate and now wish to discredit all the evidence of exactly what is really happening. That's pathetic.

Time to do away with the First Amendment . Because that is all this crying about needing to keep certain books from libraries, or school libraries is all about.

Either there is a First Amendment, which also should give the right to read whatever book one chooses, or watch films, or play games, etc... or there is not.

And only the parents should be allowed to choose what under 16 or so, should read or watch, but in the end, those children may find the way to read them after all. As it has been pointed out, those books can be bought at the bookstore or online.

BUT, the point of this thread is to make Jill Biden look so horribly awful, so deviant, that it should affect the upcoming elections in 2022 and later in 2024.
What are fascist ideals?
You've been told of some of the ideals of fascism.
You don't ask questions of me for the purpose of getting an answer.
Why don't you provide some of your own answers by equating fascism to the ideals of the Democratic party?
It’s easy lib loons s
No labia licker and no boy suck dick books in school
Gotta problem with that?
Instead of banning, parents could restrict what their kids read. Otherwise its one group imposing itself on everyone else.
That's a slippery slope for parents. Better that the parents become informed and educated on the fact that religious beliefs are superstitious beliefs. The separation of church and state needs to be understood as the right of the people to demand that they're not continuously subjected to religious superstitious beliefs. That's now even holding back the acceptance of science on climate change.

And as to the ever present racist aspect of fascism, that's unfortunately deeply ingrained in America's culture.

The rise of fascism can only be stopped by stopping Trump. But that's no longer a sure bet, as copycats are coming up to grab his ideals and run with it.

The stage is set in America in many different ways.
I'm not talking about placating the religious zealots. I'm talking about the books being found in libraries that explicitly depict sexual acts and pedophilia. The fact that removing is these materials is actually a controversy is astounding to me.
To the bookbanners who are extremist Christians, sex and sexual relations are dirty.

This is what led to the story of the stork being fed to young children's sensitive ears.
Really? Because you seemed rather animated earlier for someone who doesn't give a shit.

"Piece of shit social conservatives have always been the backbone of book banning movements"
A throwaway comment. Telling the truth is easy, and doesn't require much motivation.
I never even think about them, while you are obsessed. Deranged people shouldn't be allowed around children, so stay away from those libraries, freak.
You never think about them, but you are on tilt because Elementary Schools are voting to not have porn in them.
Elementary schools don't vote. Banning books never ends well for the book banners. Carry on, freak.
No stupid, the School Boards vote.

Why are you so upset porn isn't available to 6 year old kids in some school districts, Perv?
To the bookbanners who are extremist Christians, sex and sexual relations are dirty.

This is what led to the story of the stork being fed to young children's sensitive ears.

So you feel that books in schools explicitly describing and providing illustrations of sex acts, in some cases between a minor and an adult, are acceptable materials?
So you feel that books in schools explicitly describing and providing illustrations of sex acts, in some cases between a minor and an adult, are acceptable materials?
I don't feel that what is happening in America and not the rest of the world's democracies, is normal behaviour.

I've made my opinion clear that it's much bigger than dealing with an inappropriate book or two, but rather is the rise of fascism.

The issue on school books is just the tip of the iceberg.

This is the discussion I'm asking to take place on this board.

I feel that the title of this thread is a display of disgusting extremist.

Jill Biden Thinks It's Un-American To Oppose Porn in School Libraries​

Can there ever be a decent and rational discussion under that title?

Why not start one, and then moderate it so that we'll see if it can happen?

Schools nationwide contain inappropriate and sometimes pornographic materials in their libraries, often under the guise of “inclusivity.” Thankfully, states like Florida are empowering parents to have more input over materials and curricula, and parents are starting to fight back against subversive and obscene materials being made available to their children.

And First Lady Jill Biden doesn’t like it one bit. In an interview with NBC News correspondent Sheinelle Jones, she argued that parents shouldn’t be able to exclude any books from school libraries.

“Parents and politicians are now weighing in on what books should be in our school libraries, and what their kids are being taught,” Jones began “Where’s the line, in your opinion, with how much of a say parents have when it comes to what their kids are learning in school? Is there a balance between, you know, ‘This book should be in the library, this book is under review—”

Wow. Quite the fake Catholic mom. Another filthy degenerate Biden.
well she cheated with creepy
I don't feel that what is happening in America and not the rest of the world's democracies, is normal behaviour.

I've made my opinion clear that it's much bigger than dealing with an inappropriate book or two, but rather is the rise of fascism.

The issue on school books is just the tip of the iceberg.

This is the discussion I'm asking to take place on this board.

I feel that the title of this thread is a display of disgusting extremist.

Jill Biden Thinks It's Un-American To Oppose Porn in School Libraries​

Can there ever be a decent and rational discussion under that title?

Why not start one, and then moderate it so that we'll see if it can happen?
nice diversionary tactic. you never answered the question, should porn books be in school libraries? you be chicken shit to answer.
Instead of banning, parents could restrict what their kids read. Otherwise its one group imposing itself on everyone else.
How exactly?

The best way to restrict them from reading them is to remove them. Which they did. Go to the town library if you need to read up on porn jack!!!!!

I'm still waiting on why you say desantis censored books. Where?

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