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Jews, share the Talmud with us!

" Can we do it on rubber sheets with a bottle of hot oil, a couple of vibrators, a leather harness, a bucket of honey and a porno video?"

Talmudic citation required.

Talmudic citation required for WHAT? ------check Rambam----he was divinely inspired

I can't think of a prohibition on sex toys between a married couple. Please cite one.

sex toys are not the issue------in fact I cannot think of a prohibition on "sex toys" either. ----the perversion issue
involved the infliction of physical pain-------see RAMBAM -------shulchan aruch ----I have no way of searching
the specifics
Pain? What pain? The safe word is hamantaschen .
How about some kind of loving Talmud quotes about gentiles?

Here's an example from the Bible, Leviticus 19:34 You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

I might even be able to find a verse or two in the New Testament about loving your neighbor, and such.
I prefer Genesis and how God created seed bearing plants like marijuana, and declared them, not merely good, but very good.

Only Original Sinners gainsay a bible.
Did someone order hamantaschen?
As expected, so far no fag or jew has presented any quote from the Talmud showing it has any redeeming quality in regards to its attitude toward gentiles. Their pseudo-Judaism should be outlawed, as they're an oppressive hate group.

Abraham himself sent his servant out to find a gentile wife for Isaac..
There were no Jews until Mount Sinai.

Avraham was a Noachide who trained his children to accept the Torah at Mount Sinai.

Abraham was long gone before Moses was at Mt. Sinai.
The Children of Israel were redeemed from Egypt in the merit of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov.
Try reading the OLD TESTAMENT once in a while.
As expected, so far no fag or jew has presented any quote from the Talmud showing it has any redeeming quality in regards to its attitude toward gentiles. Their pseudo-Judaism should be outlawed, as they're an oppressive hate group.

Abraham himself sent his servant out to find a gentile wife for Isaac..
There were no Jews until Mount Sinai.

Avraham was a Noachide who trained his children to accept the Torah at Mount Sinai.

The laws that some were following during the time of Abraham were the old teachings of Noah. One is to be fruitful, and the other was to not uncover anybody's nakedness. And which there were an old custom that when a man and woman are having sex. That they cannot look at each others naked bodies. That they had to have a sheet between them with a hole so that the man can penetrate the woman. But that explains why Jacob did not know that he was having sex with Leah instead of Rachel. But the Torah (The Teachings) of Pentateuch and which means the five books, had came out during the time of the Exodus. But they had kept records of events that had happened. It was called the Book of Jasher before the five books were ever written.
That old wives tale of having sex through a hole in a sheet is because non-Jews don't know what tzistzis are.
Observant Jews have sex with the lights out.
Abraham himself sent his servant out to find a gentile wife for Isaac..
There were no Jews until Mount Sinai.

Avraham was a Noachide who trained his children to accept the Torah at Mount Sinai.

The laws that some were following during the time of Abraham were the old teachings of Noah. One is to be fruitful, and the other was to not uncover anybody's nakedness. And which there were an old custom that when a man and woman are having sex. That they cannot look at each others naked bodies. That they had to have a sheet between them with a hole so that the man can penetrate the woman. But that explains why Jacob did not know that he was having sex with Leah instead of Rachel. But the Torah (The Teachings) of Pentateuch and which means the five books, had came out during the time of the Exodus. But they had kept records of events that had happened. It was called the Book of Jasher before the five books were ever written.
That old wives tale of having sex through a hole in a sheet is because non-Jews don't know what tzistzis are.
Observant Jews have sex with the lights out.
Well, Ham did not cut the lights out on his father. neither Shem and Japeth. They just walk backwards and covered their father nakedness.
The Jews would do well to concentrate on their own problems. All nations are about to come against them.
Why is that? The way the right wing keeps, going on about Jews, one would almost think the right wing considers Jews a superior race.

Nothing superior about them, with the exception that one of their ancestors was a friend of God's and promises were made between them.
I don't know that right wingers are obsessed with Jews, in fact I rather doubt it, but I don't doubt scripture, and Israel is front and center. And it's not good news for them until Christ shows up.
Nothing superior about them, with the exception that one of their ancestors was a friend of God's and promises were made between them.
I don't know that right wingers are obsessed with Jews, in fact I rather doubt it, but I don't doubt scripture, and Israel is front and center. And it's not good news for them until Christ shows up.

You're sure ignorant if you think Talmudists are ancestors of Abraham. But, you have anti-Christian religion to tell you what to believe, so you don't need brains.
I didn't realize that someone claiming themselves to be the messiah would be such a snowflake.

lol.... watch it rodishi, your are messing with the Zohan....

I pictured him being more like this lil' feller.

And there is Christianity in a nutshell in all it's glory for Sociologists to see and study.
You can't defend your rewrite of history nor of reality, you can not defend your worship of a created idol, not defend your ideology, your acts, your logic, nor posts....so you resort to personal attack and smokescreen
ad hominem replies instead.
I rest my case, Check Mate!
Truth needs not folly to avoid inward reflection and judgement, only a lie does.
By the way you inadvertantly squashed your beetle again, he was MR Popular so he can't be despised by men.
Double checkmated, if such a thing were possible.

Sources: Isaiah 53
cannot be a match to Jesus with the Christian Bible showing a man who was supposedly "praised by all"(Luke 2 :52, Luke 4:14-15) and followed by multitudes (Matt. 4:25). So then according to Christian standards Israel must be referred to as despised, since Israel is deapised and context Called God's servant throughout Isaiah, both explicitly (Isa. 41:8-9; 44:1-2; 45:4; 48:20; 49:3) and implicitly (Isa. 42:19-20; 43:10, 52:13) In 53:1 "And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?" 52:15 - 53:1 "So shall he (the servant) startle many nations, the kings will stand speechless; For that which had not been told them they shall see and that which they had not heard shall they ponder. Who would believe what we have heard?" In chapter 52, for example, ACCORDING TO History it's Israel "oppressed without cause" (v.4) and "taken away" (v.5).
Context also talks of Israel being disfigured and unrecognizable whether the people in deathcamps or Israel boundries being disfigured and unrecognizable Israel best fits Isaiah 53.
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I am not all that impressed with biblical "prophecy" being a demonstration of the validity of the
ANY of the writings-----not those of the OT or the NT. -------those who do so inevitably end up trying
to shove square pegs into round holes. I am especially amused when people attribute "prophecy" to
the Psalms (tehillim) and become "mind-boggled"-----when the book of revulsions is so interpreted---
---admittedly that book of revulsions is THE MOST FUN---------for poetic value------I admire Isaiah.
But----sticking Jesus into the prophecy of Isaiah------is really FAR FETCHED. Perhaps a Christian can
answer for me a burning question I have had since I colored a cartoon of Jesus holding a Lamb-----
when I was a kid of about 8-----in "SUNDAY SCHOOL" with a protestant neighborhood playmate.
As far as I can tell-------Jesus ----historically----was never a SHEPHERD. Moses was a shepherd-----as
was David, I am a "levite" as was Moses------but never carried a lamb. Jesus was not even a levite----
as far as his lineage which makes him JUDEAN like David----------that was thru his Mary's husband---who
was not really his father. Mary was not even married to Joseph when Jesus was conceived
I didn't realize that someone claiming themselves to be the messiah would be such a snowflake.

lol.... watch it rodishi, your are messing with the Zohan....

I pictured him being more like this lil' feller.

LOL.... yes.. He doesn't seem to be able to get along very well with others..

Funny how he goes from claims of being the highest form of life next to God himself and then cries like a baby when people poke fun at his grandiose delusions.

checkmate! case closed!:happy-1:

If posting Isaiah 53 is crying like a baby then Christians are saying Jesus fits the verse that is kvetching, that Jesus is a cry baby.
Would be funny if he actually existed.
As for using mocking my own Check Mate phrase,that's like a PeeWee Herman "I know you are but what am I" routine.
If you are gonna act like a child and do childs play you might not want to mention crying like a baby as the deflection becomes too obvious.
JEWISH LOVE AND HUMOR always defeats your hate mongering. :)
I JUST keep getting funnier and you just keep getting more bitter and poisonous, like wormwood, imagine that, the myth of Jesus makes you bitter and mean.

Why is it, that even more than two thousand years later, "women still prefer their Barabas" to a "mostly nice guy" when given the chance to vote their franchise.

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