Jesus Christ.

Sorry bout that,

1. The Catholic Church is the Center of everything built on earth thats good, and of God, and all other churches are rooted within it.
2. These believers pick and choose what it is they will believe, but Catholics are Universal, we started *The Church*.
3. Anyone agains't it, be heatherns or whatever, makes no difference, are just jealous, for we are here to stay.
4. All this talk about how Catholics are this or that is just BS.
5. Sure there are some men of the cloth who were tempted of Satan, and did some hidious things, but they will be judged for them, not the whole *CHURCH*.
6. Anyone who willingly joins in with a priests sexual advances is sick in the head themselves, and work together with Satan to bring shame to the *CATHOLIC CHURCH*.
7. They hire lawyers to sue , for *money* not sueing to get a priest thrown out, nope, for the, *money*.
8. What's that make you think?
9. It should make you think something, I will see what you think it is, then I will add my opinons.

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The blame really lies within the monkey god elitist progressives and foreign religions working within our gov't and institutions covertly and overtly who legalized infanticide, legalized perversion/immorality that has eliminated our Judeo-Christian God from our schools and institutions. All manner of perversion/immorality promoted and being practice by institutions and many of our people and by the millions of foreigners migrating to our Country legal and illgegally.... Modern Day Babylon....:evil:
Christ and his Apostles constituted and founded the real house of God not the pagan Roman usurper Constantine the Imposter who hi-jacked Christanity and subverted it in the establishment of a church made up of pagan Roman nobles who incorporated paganism into Christanity with their false doctrines of men, pagan statues, pagan regalia and pagan sun god holy days.... The catholic church and any protestant church still rooted in catholic false doctrine are truly rooted in Babylonian paganism....:evil:
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Sorry bout that,

The blame really lies within the monkey god elitist progressives and foreign religions working within our gov't and institutions covertly and overtly who legalized infanticide, legalized perversion/immorality that has eliminated our Judeo-Christian God from our schools and institutions. All manner of perversion/immorality promoted and being practice by institutions and many of our people and by the millions of foreigners migrating to our Country legal and illgegally.... Modern Day Babylon....:evil:

1. Thank the liberals and ACLU.

And you lack the intelligence to understand what Jesus meant when he said you can judge a tree by the fruit it produces.

Christianity has produced pedophilia, incest, rape, murder, war and hate. The Christian Church is a headquarters for pedophiles.

Why can't you be honest and admit your problem is with the Catholic Church, a man made organization and entity. It has nothing to do with christianity or what Jesus preached.

I have no problem with what Christ preached. My problem is with the vast majority of christians, both catholic and protestant, who routinely ignore Jesus' teachings and are proud of it.

Jesus would reject Christianity because it has nothing to do with what Christ preached. Christ promoted peace and love. Christianity (and most christians) promote hatred, violence, rape and pedophilia

But I have to admire the way you try to shift blame and responsibility for your sins onto the Catholics. Nothing says "Christian brotherly love" like the way you threw catholics under the bus :lol:

You don't describe the Christianity that I know, you can't separate the man made church from Jesus Christ because if you did, it would completely debunk any argument you have against it. And we couldn't have that, could we? :lol: Anyone can call themselves a christian and then do evil things. The evil that they do has nothing to do with the teachings of Christ since they're obviously not following those teachings, which is why you can't denounce what Jesus taught. If everyone that called themselves 'christian' were able to fulfill the words of Christ, then we'd have what you seem to expect. Unfortunately that's not the case, but that does not lessen the teachings of Jesus or what Christianity is about.
Why can't you be honest and admit your problem is with the Catholic Church, a man made organization and entity. It has nothing to do with christianity or what Jesus preached.

I have no problem with what Christ preached. My problem is with the vast majority of christians, both catholic and protestant, who routinely ignore Jesus' teachings and are proud of it.

Jesus would reject Christianity because it has nothing to do with what Christ preached. Christ promoted peace and love. Christianity (and most christians) promote hatred, violence, rape and pedophilia

But I have to admire the way you try to shift blame and responsibility for your sins onto the Catholics. Nothing says "Christian brotherly love" like the way you threw catholics under the bus :lol:

You don't describe the Christianity that I know

Christians are so ashamed of their sins that they lie about them and pretend that thousands of children haven't been raped by christian clergymen.

, you can't separate the man made church from Jesus Christ because if you did, it would completely debunk any argument you have against it. And we couldn't have that, could we? :lol:

Christians are notoriously ignorant of their own faith. This idiot christian doesnt know that Christ spoke about The Church, and he did not describe it as a man made church.

Anyone can call themselves a christian and then do evil things. The evil that they do has nothing to do with the teachings of Christ since they're obviously not following those teachings, which is why you can't denounce what Jesus taught. If everyone that called themselves 'christian' were able to fulfill the words of Christ, then we'd have what you seem to expect. Unfortunately that's not the case, but that does not lessen the teachings of Jesus or what Christianity is about.

The ole "No True Scotsman" Fallacy
No true Scotsman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No true Scotsman is an intentional logical fallacy, an ad hoc attempt to retain an unreasoned assertion. When faced with a counterexample to a universal claim, rather than denying the counterexample or rejecting the original universal claim, this fallacy modifies the subject of the assertion to exclude the specific case or others like it

Instead of admitting that you're ashamed of your fellow christians, you have to pretend that the millions of people of who call themselves Christians are not really Christians. They may think they are christians, but Newby knows better :lol::lol:

You're sinking lower and lower as this discussion goes on. It's obvious, in spite of your dishonest denials, that you are fully aware of the violence and perversity committed by christians. You have become so desperate, that you're now trying to put yourself as The Decider of Who Is A Real Christian

It is very dishonest of you to claim that those people aren't christians. But I'm never surprised by dishonesty coming from a christian
Greatest man in history named Jesus, had no servants, yet they called him Master. Had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared him. He won no military battles, yet he conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today.Reply Amen if you believe with all your being..

Another example of how stupid some xtians are

Silly me, I thought stupidity was a human problem. Didn't know it was isolated to Christians.

Human stupidity manifests itself in many ways. Religion is but one of them.
The main defense of christianity is "At least we're not as violent and sexually depraved as that other religion" :lol::lol::lol:

Umm, the US is the largest consumer of child porn, and the US leads the world in sexual tourism. Not a bad showing for a so-called "christian nation" :lol::lol::lol:

I dont see how failure to live up to the standards of ones faith means that faith isnt good.

I'd also like to know where you are finding you statistics.

However, even if it's only one person involved in that filth, it's one person to many.
The main defense of christianity is "At least we're not as violent and sexually depraved as that other religion" :lol::lol::lol:

Umm, the US is the largest consumer of child porn, and the US leads the world in sexual tourism. Not a bad showing for a so-called "christian nation" :lol::lol::lol:

I dont see how failure to live up to the standards of ones faith means that faith isnt good.

And the so-called christian forgets about what the fruit says about the tree. :lol:

Christians are notoriously ignorant when it comes to their own faith

I'd also like to know where you are finding you statistics.

However, even if it's only one person involved in that filth, it's one person to many.

It's millions and millions of christians too many. Christianity is a violent and perverted ideology
The main defense of christianity is "At least we're not as violent and sexually depraved as that other religion" :lol::lol::lol:

Umm, the US is the largest consumer of child porn, and the US leads the world in sexual tourism. Not a bad showing for a so-called "christian nation" :lol::lol::lol:

I dont see how failure to live up to the standards of ones faith means that faith isnt good.

And the so-called christian forgets about what the fruit says about the tree. :lol:

Christians are notoriously ignorant when it comes to their own faith

I'd also like to know where you are finding you statistics.

However, even if it's only one person involved in that filth, it's one person to many.

It's millions and millions of christians too many. Christianity is a violent and perverted ideology

I havent forgotten anything. I just understand it correctly. The Word is a good seed because it produces good fruit. If you ignore the word and give no place for it in your heart, even if you proclaim to do so, then it's not the seed that was the problem. It was your unbarren and unhospitable soil. It was the fact that you either failed to plant the seed, failed to weed, failed to nourish it with fertilizer, etc. Despite all that the seed is still good. It's you that's the problem.

But what about a bad seed? Take marxism, for example, apply the principles of marxism and the fruits will always be death, destruction, etc.

You're looking at the soil instead of the seed and concluding that it's the seed that's the problem.
I dont see how failure to live up to the standards of ones faith means that faith isnt good.

And the so-called christian forgets about what the fruit says about the tree. :lol:

Christians are notoriously ignorant when it comes to their own faith

I'd also like to know where you are finding you statistics.

However, even if it's only one person involved in that filth, it's one person to many.

It's millions and millions of christians too many. Christianity is a violent and perverted ideology

I havent forgotten anything. I just understand it correctly. The Word is a good seed because it produces good fruit.

And christians are "bad seed" because they produce rape, murder and pedophilia

If you ignore the word and give no place for it in your heart, even if you proclaim to do so, then it's not the seed that was the problem. It was your unbarren and unhospitable soil. It was the fact that you either failed to plant the seed, failed to weed, failed to nourish it with fertilizer, etc. Despite all that the seed is still good. It's you that's the problem.

Christians are so ignorant that they can't decide if people are seeds or soil. I guess that's why christians ignore what the Bible says and just do whatever they want, if it feels good.

But what about a bad seed? Take marxism, for example, apply the principles of marxism and the fruits will always be death, destruction, etc.

You're looking at the soil instead of the seed and concluding that it's the seed that's the problem.

The fruit of christianity is the rape of children and the murder of millions.
Yeah, you are a fruit alright....:eek:

The gentiles are grafted in to the Olive tree....:eusa_shhh:

An example of how christians show their "love" for their fellow man :lol:

They can't help but ignore their Savior, Jesus Christ. They ask "What would Jesus do?" and then they do the opposite :lol:
Im disappointed. Thought you might actually want to discuss things.

He's a waste of time, Av, and anything you say is lost on him. He doesn't have the capacity to understand.

Everyone has the capacity to understand. It's the desire to that's the problem.

He is right about one thing. Too many Christians are ignoring the word and doing horrible things. But that's not because the seed is bad, it's because the ground hasnt been plowed.
Im disappointed. Thought you might actually want to discuss things.

He's a waste of time, Av, and anything you say is lost on him. He doesn't have the capacity to understand.

Everyone has the capacity to understand. It's the desire to that's the problem.

He is right about one thing. Too many Christians are ignoring the word and doing horrible things. But that's not because the seed is bad, it's because the ground hasnt been plowed.

Yeah, but you're never going to get him to see that, as you said, he has no desire too.

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