Jesuit concept of Spirit vs Michaeline sects & Naturalist Judaism view


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Madame Blavatsky and her teaching of Theosophy and the
perceptions of the carnated spirit is somewhat how certain Jesuit sects perceived the process, but not the Michaeline sects or Naturalist Judaic view.
I don't believe in a literal physical soul or spirit (thou shalt not create a figure or form from anything spiritual), I teach that you reflect the ESSENCE/nature about you, not a tangible form type spirit.
In Genesis the Hebrew word for image used means that man is made in a nature type image not physical type image (even if you didn't know Hebrew this is
obvious because God has no figure or form).
You transfer your Essence nature type image by leaving your will or works or ideas that get emulated, but not literally pass on a physical ghostly spirit. This is why malakh or "son of G0d" means reflections of G0d which is not a form.
The Creator of creation has an essence/nature that we reflect and thus can manifest in being in line with that will and way.
The children of Israel who follow that non form G0d (an essence not a figure or physical form) are called sons of G0d for reflecting that essence of life (the creation). To be THE SON or TOP (arch) son arch malakh is to say you reflect that nature of the creation more then others and thus manifest that essence. But also the role is to describe what that essence is so we understand our creation and our purpose and our direction better as well as understand right and wrong through this understanding based on knowing the will of G0d (the way of creation).
Basically Religion is still a philosophy, man's quest to understand his life, his creation, his purpose and place in this world, thus Moshiach is another term for one finding that essence and best describing and bringing it to light in this world. (To Enlighten us means to end the darkness-end of our ignorance of our purpose, place and direction in life).
Where we lift the veil( Isaiah 25:7) and finally grasp the way things are.

Soul flying life(Ezekiel 13:20-22).
The soul is eternal in that the essense of ones knowledge and persona can be passed on in logic and ideas and formed ethics and opinions, through writing and shared learning one exists again as a replica of that original thinking being. Now body and soul being eternal is now a possibility.......
soul has three garments: thought, speech, and action. In our world, the World of Action, the soul, which is spiritual in nature, does not have the means to give expression to thought, speech, or action unless it has a physical body in which it is united. Therefore, as a result of their transgression, the very thing which Adam's and Chava's souls lost was the ability to remain permanently in a physical world within a physical body.
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Madame Blavatsky and her teaching of Theosophy and the
perceptions of the carnated spirit is somewhat how certain Jesuit sects perceived the process, but not the Michaeline sects or Naturalist Judaic view.
I don't believe in a literal physical soul or spirit (thou shalt not create a figure or form from anything spiritual), I teach that you reflect the ESSENCE/nature about you, not a tangible form type spirit.
In Genesis the Hebrew word for image used means that man is made in a nature type image not physical type image (even if you didn't know Hebrew this is
obvious because God has no figure or form).
You transfer your Essence nature type image by leaving your will or works or ideas that get emulated, but not literally pass on a physical ghostly spirit. This is why malakh or "son of G0d" means reflections of G0d which is not a form.
The Creator of creation has an essence/nature that we reflect and thus can manifest in being in line with that will and way.
The children of Israel who follow that non form G0d (an essence not a figure or physical form) are called sons of G0d for reflecting that essence of life (the creation). To be THE SON or TOP (arch) son arch malakh is to say you reflect that nature of the creation more then others and thus manifest that essence. But also the role is to describe what tha6t essence is so we understand our creation and our purpose and our direction better as well as understand right and wrong through this understanding based on knowing the will of G0d (the way of creation).
Basically Religion is still a philosophy, man's quest to understand his life, his creation, his purpose and place in this world, thus Moshiach is another term for one finding that essence and best describing and bringing it to light in this world. (To Enlighten us means to end the darkness-end of our ignorance of our purpose, place and direction in life).
Where we lift the veil and finally grasp the way things are.
Soul flying life(Ezekiel 13:20-22).
The soul is eternal in that the essense of ones knowledge and persona can be passed on in logic and ideas and formed ethics and opinions, through writing and shared learning one exists again as a replica of that original thinking being. Now body and soul being eternal is now a possibility.......
soul has three garments: thought, speech, and action. In our world, the World of Action, the soul, which is spiritual in nature, does not have the means to give expression to thought, speech, or action unless it has a physical body in which it is united. Therefore, as a result of their transgression, the very thing which Adam's and Chava's souls lost was the ability to remain permanently in a physical world within a physical body.
This is very good. Thank you.
If one thinks about the Soul flying bit one would realize that it is the ultimate in escapism and probably the greatest sin is that instead of trying to stay here and fix and improve life not only for oneself but for future generations to come it is a complete cop out and is pushed and taught by those who really do not have your or your future families best interests st heart and just want to keep the status quo with them and their descendants or disciples in charge holding the chains of enslavement around your neck because they teach people to accept their fate like docile animals or slaves and to not try to improve things in the here and now and future because after you DIE you will go to a better place....What a con job but hey it keeps the sheeple placated and passive...
Madame Blavatsky and her teaching of Theosophy and the
perceptions of the carnated spirit is somewhat how certain Jesuit sects perceived the process, but not the Michaeline sects or Naturalist Judaic view.
I don't believe in a literal physical soul or spirit (thou shalt not create a figure or form from anything spiritual), I teach that you reflect the ESSENCE/nature about you, not a tangible form type spirit.
In Genesis the Hebrew word for image used means that man is made in a nature type image not physical type image (even if you didn't know Hebrew this is
obvious because God has no figure or form).
You transfer your Essence nature type image by leaving your will or works or ideas that get emulated, but not literally pass on a physical ghostly spirit. This is why malakh or "son of G0d" means reflections of G0d which is not a form.
The Creator of creation has an essence/nature that we reflect and thus can manifest in being in line with that will and way.
The children of Israel who follow that non form G0d (an essence not a figure or physical form) are called sons of G0d for reflecting that essence of life (the creation). To be THE SON or TOP (arch) son arch malakh is to say you reflect that nature of the creation more then others and thus manifest that essence. But also the role is to describe what that essence is so we understand our creation and our purpose and our direction better as well as understand right and wrong through this understanding based on knowing the will of G0d (the way of creation).
Basically Religion is still a philosophy, man's quest to understand his life, his creation, his purpose and place in this world, thus Moshiach is another term for one finding that essence and best describing and bringing it to light in this world. (To Enlighten us means to end the darkness-end of our ignorance of our purpose, place and direction in life).
Where we lift the veil( Isaiah 25:7) and finally grasp the way things are.

Soul flying life(Ezekiel 13:20-22).
The soul is eternal in that the essense of ones knowledge and persona can be passed on in logic and ideas and formed ethics and opinions, through writing and shared learning one exists again as a replica of that original thinking being. Now body and soul being eternal is now a possibility.......
soul has three garments: thought, speech, and action. In our world, the World of Action, the soul, which is spiritual in nature, does not have the means to give expression to thought, speech, or action unless it has a physical body in which it is united. Therefore, as a result of their transgression, the very thing which Adam's and Chava's souls lost was the ability to remain permanently in a physical world within a physical body.

Essence schmessence.

God is incorporeal, the only living being in existence whose existence is absolute.the only thing incorporeal about man is his consciousness.

What ancient people thought as the soul or spirit of man is just what we think of as the conscious mind. An unclean spirit is just a filthy mind.

Nothing deep or mystical about it. A person either casts his lot with a spirit of truth, or a spirit of perversity, like two fruit bearing trees standing at the center of the inner landscape of the mind, the works of truth are the fruit of life, the works of perversity, death, the forbidden fruit.

The world to come is not a physical realm.

Unless you stop lying your ass off in the name of God, you will remain east of eden in this world, cut off from the tree of life, and you will find no place in the world to come in the same way that darkness will never find a place in the light.
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So now you are required to put your money where your mouth is and explain how concious can exist without a processor (your brain).
You put blinders on, ear plugs in, tape oven mits to your hands (typical Saturday night for you I'm sure) and your concious sees nothing, hears nothing, feels nothing.
And how you who explains nothing can claim me lying when
that would be a double negative?
So now you are required to put your money where your mouth is and explain how concious can exist without a processor (your brain).
The exact same way that God has a conscious existence without having a physical brain..

Ta Da!
God (Essence to be stable complete and whole)only exists in life, not in death.

If death was what you claim it to be you would not make a fuss at sending preborn Babies there, the Elect would not send their enemies there, they'd be going there themselves and leaving enemies here to "suffer" which is how they cynically see life.

This death cultism belief in the false soul flying life is exactly the problem this world has with people lacking respect for life, radical martyrs and kings using dupes to die for their kingdoms.
God (Essence to be stable complete and whole)only exists in life, not in death.


I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Not, I was the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

In the kingdom of God, whether during or after life on earth, there is no such thing as death.

Because God lives all those who aspire to be righteous, as God is righteous, will continue to live after they die, and even if they died five thousand years ago they are still alive with God and will be 5000 years from now and forever.

That is how one prepares a place for themselves in the world to come. Seek the kingdom of God first. Strive to become holy as God is holy. Stop defiling yourself in public.

The next world is already in existence and you have yet to join the living in this world. How much time do you think you have left to do something worthy of the life that you were already given before even that opportunity is taken away?

The world to come is not some future life on earth where you of all idiots act as a high priest only to slaughter farm animals in the name of the Lord.

That would be just another megalomaniacal delusion from another goofy ding dong to add to a long list of false prophets.......
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"The dust will return to the ground as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it." (Ecclesiastes 12:17)

“Soul in the OT [Old Testament] is nepe_s Nepe_s comes from an original root meaning to breathe, and thus since death is without breath then the soul (breath) ceases after death. “Dust you are and to dust you will return.” (Genesis 3:19) Num. 6:6, 9:7, Lev. 21:11 – a dead body is a dead “nephesh”As scripture tells us, when you die the body goes back to the dust of the earth (Ecc 3:20) and the soul (breath) or spirit (nature of your being) also dissipates into the energy surrounding this, our layer of existence, the earth(Ecc 12:7, Psalms 22:29 & 104:29-30, Ezekiel 18:4 & 20, Joshua 10:28-39)
Once again let me remind you that scripture warns us of "PROMISING" people a false "Soul Flying Life"(Ezekiel 13:20-22)
In Judaism death was despised and seen as un natural.The only hope for a dying creation was a resurrection, a release from the death condition & remaining alive in this only grace of Life. Resurrection was to be a true reward for for those who gave their lives freely to G0D and towards society so they could 'return' ('HaShev') to see what their works achieved in creating the world to come. In other words it was seen as an ideal way to bring justice for those who have sacrificed their lives to better Life for the whole.The afterlife teachings are leading people away from the creators creation by coveting and worshiping and cherishing death rather then seeing "the place to come on earth" (olam habah) is merely a transformation not another realm.
God (Essence to be stable complete and whole)only exists in life, not in death.


I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Not, I was the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

In the kingdom of God, whether during or after life on earth, there is no such thing as death.

Because God lives all those who aspire to be righteous, as God is righteous, will continue to live after they die, and even if they died five thousand years ago they are still alive with God and will be 5000 years from now and forever.

That is how one prepares a place for themselves in the world to come. Seek the kingdom of God first. Strive to become holy as God is holy. Stop defiling yourself in public.

The next world is already in existence and you have yet to join the living in this world. How much time do you think you have left to do something worthy of the life that you were already given before even that opportunity is taken away?

The world to come is not some future life on earth where you of all idiots act as a high priest only to slaughter farm animals in the name of the Lord.

That would be just another megalomaniacal delusion from another goofy ding dong to add to a long list of false prophets.......
But you believe the Bible is a fairy tale, right? Do you just pick and choose which parts you want?
God (Essence to be stable complete and whole)only exists in life, not in death.


I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Not, I was the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

I hope you realize that you are thinking of time on a linear sense not non linear.
The Beginning & Olam Habah is not at the left of linear time line, the beginning is at the right- the end of linear time,
beginning non linear access to message the past and exist in all timelines.
If you here under the name hobelim were to message the past, you would be to the
past "I am what will be" (in the world to come=Olam Habah in Hebrew)
In fact the name in the burning bush was a verb, so "I Am that I am" is incorrect language, most likely caused by ignoring it's verb tense out of not grasping the key to where the message came=
"I Am,(what) I will be".
You would exist as " I am" in the past, but also what "will be" because the beginning has yet to come in that time in the past.
That is why the term Olam Habah (world to come).
Hence-"know from wherest I come from"
[Dan 10:20-21]
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God (Essence to be stable complete and whole)only exists in life, not in death.


I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Not, I was the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

In the kingdom of God, whether during or after life on earth, there is no such thing as death.

Because God lives all those who aspire to be righteous, as God is righteous, will continue to live after they die, and even if they died five thousand years ago they are still alive with God and will be 5000 years from now and forever.

That is how one prepares a place for themselves in the world to come. Seek the kingdom of God first. Strive to become holy as God is holy. Stop defiling yourself in public.

The next world is already in existence and you have yet to join the living in this world. How much time do you think you have left to do something worthy of the life that you were already given before even that opportunity is taken away?

The world to come is not some future life on earth where you of all idiots act as a high priest only to slaughter farm animals in the name of the Lord.

That would be just another megalomaniacal delusion from another goofy ding dong to add to a long list of false prophets.......
But you believe the Bible is a fairy tale, right? Do you just pick and choose which parts you want?

Let me put it this way. Yes, the Bible is 'like' a book of fairy tales, fantastical stories that contradict reality and conceal and preserve teaching and wisdom of the past which combine actual events with mythological beings and wild exaggerations. Some stories are eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in a dream as when ezekiel flew through the air from babylon to jerusalem with an angel holding him by the hair or when Jesus spooked his friends by popping in and out of a locked room after the crucifixion. The author didn't say it was a dream and probably assumed that the thinking person would realize that such things only happen in dreams. Anyone who doesn't apply their mind to figure that one out is effectively diverted by their own superstitions or lack of superstition and banned from comprehension of scriptures deeper secrets as if the meaning of every word written was sealed in a treasure chest and buried in a field.

So yes, just like anyone discerns between right or wrong and true or false, I pick and choose between what is an actual event or made up,, what was seen in reality or what was seen in a dream, what is literal what is figurative, what is sarcasm, what is hyperbole, and what is taught through was was hidden, using reality, well know scientific facts, literary techniques and my own experience as reliable constraints that work to remove the veil.

What did you think the brain was for? Any riddle is only a mystery until you figure it out.

Without deciphering the figurative language used by the prophets and authors of scripture it is impossible to comprehend what they were literally talking about and teaching.
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God (Essence to be stable complete and whole)only exists in life, not in death.


I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Not, I was the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

In the kingdom of God, whether during or after life on earth, there is no such thing as death.

Because God lives all those who aspire to be righteous, as God is righteous, will continue to live after they die, and even if they died five thousand years ago they are still alive with God and will be 5000 years from now and forever.

That is how one prepares a place for themselves in the world to come. Seek the kingdom of God first. Strive to become holy as God is holy. Stop defiling yourself in public.

The next world is already in existence and you have yet to join the living in this world. How much time do you think you have left to do something worthy of the life that you were already given before even that opportunity is taken away?

The world to come is not some future life on earth where you of all idiots act as a high priest only to slaughter farm animals in the name of the Lord.

That would be just another megalomaniacal delusion from another goofy ding dong to add to a long list of false prophets.......
But you believe the Bible is a fairy tale, right? Do you just pick and choose which parts you want?

Let me put it this way. Yes, the Bible is 'like' a book of fairy tales, fantastical stories that contradict reality and conceal and preserve teaching and wisdom of the past which combine actual events with mythological beings and wild exaggerations. Some stories are eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in a dream as when ezekiel flew through the air from babylon to jerusalem with an angel holding him by the hair or when Jesus spooked his friends by popping in and out of a locked room after the crucifixion. The author didn't say it was a dream and probably assumed that the thinking person would realize that such things only happen in dreams. Anyone who doesn't apply their mind to figure that one out is effectively diverted by their own superstitions or lack of superstition and banned from comprehension of scriptures deeper secrets as if the meaning of every word written was sealed in a treasure chest and buried in a field.

So yes, just like anyone discerns between right or wrong and true or false, I pick and choose between what is an actual event or made up,, what was seen in reality or what was seen in a dream, what is literal what is figurative, what is sarcasm, what is hyperbole, and what is taught through was was hidden, using reality, well know scientific facts, literary techniques and my own experience as reliable constraints that work to remove the veil.

What did you think the brain was for? Any riddle is only a mystery until you figure it out.

Without deciphering the figurative language used by the prophets and authors of scripture it is impossible to comprehend what they were literally talking about and teaching.
I thought my brain was for exposing charlatans like yourself. You know, idiots who believe they are better than others.

Have you figured out the meaning of Christ in the Storm yet, oh genius one? Have you figured out the meaning of pick up your cross and follow me yet, oh genius one? Can you tell me the significance of the woman at the well? Or the Canaanite woman who asked for Christ to heal her possessed child? Or the parable of the lost son? If you are as you say you are, you will not only be able to tell me the deeper meaning of each of these but you will also be able to explain the significance of the context of the day. Come on big boy, it is your time to shine.
I thought my brain was for exposing charlatans like yourself. You know, idiots who believe they are better than others.

Its not about me believing that I am better than anyone else Einstein, it about me having hold of what you pretend to know.

Maybe you didn't realize this, but you just accidentally projected your own thoughts on me about yourself, an idiot who believes he is better than others. I do not think that I am better than anyone else, but I do know something you don't know.

When the waters of contention are stirred the truth comes out, whether you like it or not.

Nya naa na na naa.

Have you figured out the meaning of Christ in the Storm yet, oh genius one? Have you figured out the meaning of pick up your cross and follow me yet, oh genius one? Can you tell me the significance of the woman at the well? Or the Canaanite woman who asked for Christ to heal her possessed child? Or the parable of the lost son? If you are as you say you are, you will not only be able to tell me the deeper meaning of each of these but you will also be able to explain the significance of the context of the day. Come on big boy, it is your time to shine.

Keep you pants on sparkie. You don't know what you are asking. If I told you the truth in your degraded condition it would not take root in your brain and your house would melt like wax, and you would go more insane than you already are, and for good.

Anyway, I have already revealed much of what you are asking me to reveal again as if you never heard a thing.

If I were you I'd have a professional examine your head.., Its leaking like a sieve.

There are some secrets that can never be revealed to someone in your state of defilement. Even if I told you the truth in plain language it would go sailing right over your head, as it has over and over again, settling on the top of your pointy little head like a flame.

I really have no desire to cause you such discomfit, but I can see you are someone who just doesn't know when to shut up, and doesn't have the honesty or integrity to admit error or accept the truth, so blab away my dear confused friend.

Even if you already have forgotten, remember now that I tried to warn you about that fire from the sky..

You have only succeeded in soiling yourself further. Don't take it too bad, you can always go to church and ask a priest to change your diaper.
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I thought my brain was for exposing charlatans like yourself. You know, idiots who believe they are better than others.

Its not about me believing that I am better than anyone else Einstein, it about me having hold of what you pretend to know.

Maybe you didn't realize this, but you just accidentally projected your own thoughts on me about yourself, an idiot who believes he is better than others. I do not think that I am better than anyone else, but I do know something you don't know.

When the waters of contention are stirred the truth comes out, whether you like it or not.

Nya naa na na naa.

Have you figured out the meaning of Christ in the Storm yet, oh genius one? Have you figured out the meaning of pick up your cross and follow me yet, oh genius one? Can you tell me the significance of the woman at the well? Or the Canaanite woman who asked for Christ to heal her possessed child? Or the parable of the lost son? If you are as you say you are, you will not only be able to tell me the deeper meaning of each of these but you will also be able to explain the significance of the context of the day. Come on big boy, it is your time to shine.

Keep you pants on sparkie. You don't know what you are asking. If I told you the truth in your degraded condition it would not take root in your brain and your house would melt like wax, and you would go more insane than you already are, and for good.

Anyway, I have already revealed much of what you are asking me to reveal again as if you never heard a thing.

If I were you I'd have a professional examine your head.., Its leaking like a sieve.

There are some secrets that can never be revealed to someone in your state of defilement. Even if I told you the truth in plain language it would go sailing right over your head, as it has over and over again, settling on the top of your pointy little head like a flame.

I really have no desire to cause you such discomfit, but I can see you are someone who just doesn't know when to shut up, and doesn't have the honesty or integrity to admit error or accept the truth, so blab away my dear confused friend.

Even if you already have forgotten, remember now that I tried to warn you about that fire from the sky..

You have only succeeded in soiling yourself further. Don't take it too bad, you can always go to church and ask a priest to change your diaper.
But I don't believe I am better than anyone else, we are all broken.

Your "hidden" meanings of scripture are complete bullshit. I have already proven that. You are an atheist.

Mr. Atheist, what is your hidden meaning in the parable of the lost son? I think I can handle "your" truth. And then when you are finished, I will tell you "the" truth and by comparison everyone will know that "your" truth was bullshit. So bring it on. I already know you won't.
I thought my brain was for exposing charlatans like yourself. You know, idiots who believe they are better than others.

Its not about me believing that I am better than anyone else Einstein, it about me having hold of what you pretend to know.

Maybe you didn't realize this, but you just accidentally projected your own thoughts on me about yourself, an idiot who believes he is better than others. I do not think that I am better than anyone else, but I do know something you don't know.

When the waters of contention are stirred the truth comes out, whether you like it or not.

Nya naa na na naa.

Have you figured out the meaning of Christ in the Storm yet, oh genius one? Have you figured out the meaning of pick up your cross and follow me yet, oh genius one? Can you tell me the significance of the woman at the well? Or the Canaanite woman who asked for Christ to heal her possessed child? Or the parable of the lost son? If you are as you say you are, you will not only be able to tell me the deeper meaning of each of these but you will also be able to explain the significance of the context of the day. Come on big boy, it is your time to shine.

Keep you pants on sparkie. You don't know what you are asking. If I told you the truth in your degraded condition it would not take root in your brain and your house would melt like wax, and you would go more insane than you already are, and for good.

Anyway, I have already revealed much of what you are asking me to reveal again as if you never heard a thing.

If I were you I'd have a professional examine your head.., Its leaking like a sieve.

There are some secrets that can never be revealed to someone in your state of defilement. Even if I told you the truth in plain language it would go sailing right over your head, as it has over and over again, settling on the top of your pointy little head like a flame.

I really have no desire to cause you such discomfit, but I can see you are someone who just doesn't know when to shut up, and doesn't have the honesty or integrity to admit error or accept the truth, so blab away my dear confused friend.

Even if you already have forgotten, remember now that I tried to warn you about that fire from the sky..

You have only succeeded in soiling yourself further. Don't take it too bad, you can always go to church and ask a priest to change your diaper.
But I don't believe I am better than anyone else, we are all broken.

Your "hidden" meanings of scripture are complete bullshit. I have already proven that. You are an atheist.

Mr. Atheist, what is your hidden meaning in the parable of the lost son? I think I can handle "your" truth. And then when you are finished, I will tell you "the" truth and by comparison everyone will know that "your" truth was bullshit. So bring it on. I already know you won't.
No, you and your "we" are broken. I remain unbroken. The lies of the devil who fucked up your mind have no place in me.

Hidden meanings are complete bullshit, are they? You have proven this, have

Bring it on? :lmao:,,, Grrr....

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. Jeremiah 33:3

You have heard these things; look at them all. Will you not admit them? "From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you. Isaiah 48:6

The kingdom of heave is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again. Mathew 13:44

I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. Isaiah 45:3

Time was when many were aghast at you, my people; so now many nations recoil at sight of him, and kings curl their lips in disgust. For they see what they had never been told and things unheard before fill their thoughts. Isaiah 52:15

Oh, btw, other than the obvious teaching what is not obvious is that Jesus was the prodigal son, the guy who wasted half his life and all his money on wild living and was left destitute with no options other than feeding pigs.

The hidden significance of that shows that he hooked up with some religious sect, feeding garbage to people who do not think very deeply, oinkers like you, before he decided to go all the way back to God from the bottom of the pit.
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I thought my brain was for exposing charlatans like yourself. You know, idiots who believe they are better than others.

Its not about me believing that I am better than anyone else Einstein, it about me having hold of what you pretend to know.

Maybe you didn't realize this, but you just accidentally projected your own thoughts on me about yourself, an idiot who believes he is better than others. I do not think that I am better than anyone else, but I do know something you don't know.

When the waters of contention are stirred the truth comes out, whether you like it or not.

Nya naa na na naa.

Have you figured out the meaning of Christ in the Storm yet, oh genius one? Have you figured out the meaning of pick up your cross and follow me yet, oh genius one? Can you tell me the significance of the woman at the well? Or the Canaanite woman who asked for Christ to heal her possessed child? Or the parable of the lost son? If you are as you say you are, you will not only be able to tell me the deeper meaning of each of these but you will also be able to explain the significance of the context of the day. Come on big boy, it is your time to shine.

Keep you pants on sparkie. You don't know what you are asking. If I told you the truth in your degraded condition it would not take root in your brain and your house would melt like wax, and you would go more insane than you already are, and for good.

Anyway, I have already revealed much of what you are asking me to reveal again as if you never heard a thing.

If I were you I'd have a professional examine your head.., Its leaking like a sieve.

There are some secrets that can never be revealed to someone in your state of defilement. Even if I told you the truth in plain language it would go sailing right over your head, as it has over and over again, settling on the top of your pointy little head like a flame.

I really have no desire to cause you such discomfit, but I can see you are someone who just doesn't know when to shut up, and doesn't have the honesty or integrity to admit error or accept the truth, so blab away my dear confused friend.

Even if you already have forgotten, remember now that I tried to warn you about that fire from the sky..

You have only succeeded in soiling yourself further. Don't take it too bad, you can always go to church and ask a priest to change your diaper.
But I don't believe I am better than anyone else, we are all broken.

Your "hidden" meanings of scripture are complete bullshit. I have already proven that. You are an atheist.

Mr. Atheist, what is your hidden meaning in the parable of the lost son? I think I can handle "your" truth. And then when you are finished, I will tell you "the" truth and by comparison everyone will know that "your" truth was bullshit. So bring it on. I already know you won't.
No, you and your "we" are broken. I remain unbroken. The lies of the devil who fucked up your mind have no place in me.

Hidden meanings are complete bullshit, are they? You have proven this, have

Bring it on? :lmao:,,, Grrr....

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. Jeremiah 33:3

You have heard these things; look at them all. Will you not admit them? "From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you. Isaiah 48:6

The kingdom of heave is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again. Mathew 13:44

I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. Isaiah 45:3

Time was when many were aghast at you, my people; so now many nations recoil at sight of him, and kings curl their lips in disgust. For they see what they had never been told and things unheard before fill their thoughts. Isaiah 52:15

Oh, btw, other than the obvious teaching what is not obvious is that Jesus was the prodigal son, the guy who wasted half his life and all his money on wild living and was left destitute with no options other than feeding pigs.

The hidden significance of that shows that he hooked up with some religious sect, feeding garbage to people who do not think very deeply, oinkers like you, before he decided to go all the way back to God from the bottom of the pit.
So then you don't sin?
I thought my brain was for exposing charlatans like yourself. You know, idiots who believe they are better than others.

Its not about me believing that I am better than anyone else Einstein, it about me having hold of what you pretend to know.

Maybe you didn't realize this, but you just accidentally projected your own thoughts on me about yourself, an idiot who believes he is better than others. I do not think that I am better than anyone else, but I do know something you don't know.

When the waters of contention are stirred the truth comes out, whether you like it or not.

Nya naa na na naa.

Have you figured out the meaning of Christ in the Storm yet, oh genius one? Have you figured out the meaning of pick up your cross and follow me yet, oh genius one? Can you tell me the significance of the woman at the well? Or the Canaanite woman who asked for Christ to heal her possessed child? Or the parable of the lost son? If you are as you say you are, you will not only be able to tell me the deeper meaning of each of these but you will also be able to explain the significance of the context of the day. Come on big boy, it is your time to shine.

Keep you pants on sparkie. You don't know what you are asking. If I told you the truth in your degraded condition it would not take root in your brain and your house would melt like wax, and you would go more insane than you already are, and for good.

Anyway, I have already revealed much of what you are asking me to reveal again as if you never heard a thing.

If I were you I'd have a professional examine your head.., Its leaking like a sieve.

There are some secrets that can never be revealed to someone in your state of defilement. Even if I told you the truth in plain language it would go sailing right over your head, as it has over and over again, settling on the top of your pointy little head like a flame.

I really have no desire to cause you such discomfit, but I can see you are someone who just doesn't know when to shut up, and doesn't have the honesty or integrity to admit error or accept the truth, so blab away my dear confused friend.

Even if you already have forgotten, remember now that I tried to warn you about that fire from the sky..

You have only succeeded in soiling yourself further. Don't take it too bad, you can always go to church and ask a priest to change your diaper.
But I don't believe I am better than anyone else, we are all broken.

Your "hidden" meanings of scripture are complete bullshit. I have already proven that. You are an atheist.

Mr. Atheist, what is your hidden meaning in the parable of the lost son? I think I can handle "your" truth. And then when you are finished, I will tell you "the" truth and by comparison everyone will know that "your" truth was bullshit. So bring it on. I already know you won't.
No, you and your "we" are broken. I remain unbroken. The lies of the devil who fucked up your mind have no place in me.

Hidden meanings are complete bullshit, are they? You have proven this, have

Bring it on? :lmao:,,, Grrr....

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. Jeremiah 33:3

You have heard these things; look at them all. Will you not admit them? "From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you. Isaiah 48:6

The kingdom of heave is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again. Mathew 13:44

I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. Isaiah 45:3

Time was when many were aghast at you, my people; so now many nations recoil at sight of him, and kings curl their lips in disgust. For they see what they had never been told and things unheard before fill their thoughts. Isaiah 52:15

Oh, btw, other than the obvious teaching what is not obvious is that Jesus was the prodigal son, the guy who wasted half his life and all his money on wild living and was left destitute with no options other than feeding pigs.

The hidden significance of that shows that he hooked up with some religious sect, feeding garbage to people who do not think very deeply, oinkers like you, before he decided to go all the way back to God from the bottom of the pit.
Your hidden meanings are complete bullshit, yes.
Oh, btw, other than the obvious teaching what is not obvious is that Jesus was the prodigal son, the guy who wasted half his life and all his money on wild living and was left destitute with no options other than feeding pigs.

The hidden significance of that shows that he hooked up with some religious sect, feeding garbage to people who do not think very deeply, oinkers like you, before he decided to go all the way back to God from the bottom of the pit.

Proof positive that you haven't a clue as to the hidden meaning in the parable of the lost son. What you intend for evil, God is using for good.

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