Jerry Brown Is The Canary In The Mine...Let's Slip Democrat Belief That There Are Too Many People


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I can hear the defense from liberals already. He's just talking about Global Climate Change. Yup, that explains the fact that Jerry Brown is talking about overpopulation in California. He says that the water supply won't support the current population.

It doesn't help that he and other Democrats intentionally flooded the state with immigrants from Mexico and Central America just to win elections. Now he's complaining about the state having too many people in it.

If you want the rest of the United States to look like California, which is slowly turning into Mexico, just vote Democrat. They don't believe in closed borders, but they don't know what to do with all of the people they encouraged to come here in the first place.

Jerry Brown Worries About ‘Overpopulation’ Amid California Drought
Jerry Brown Worries About Overpopulation Amid CA Drought The Daily Caller


Gov. Jerry Brown is worried that the Golden State will eventually have too many people for the state’s water supplies to support.

Brown made the comments before the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Board and also warned that global warming was exacerbating California’s drought.

California’s four-year drought has put huge strains on the state’s water supplies and forced a public discussion on state water infrastructure and how officials allocate water rights. Gov. Brown has imposed draconian water restrictions in the hopes he can cut water use of metropolitan areas across the state.

Water restrictions have even touched California’s agriculture industry, which isexpected to shed 18,000 farm jobs this season, equalling about $1.2 billion in lost wages. But even as thousands of farm hands could lose their jobs, California officials are still flushing millions of acre feet of water every year to protect the endangered Delta Smelt fish.

When it comes to the Delta Smelt, state officials are in a bind. Environmental groups sued state and federal officials for putting human needs over fish needsand redirecting more fresh water toward cities. The lawsuit ironically came as state officials curbed farm water supplies coming from Mount Shasta.
cawater hashtag on Twitter
Jerry Brown JerryBrownGov Twitter
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I saw a clip on the news about this, as well as a few documentaries about the water problems in California.
They have known this problem was building for over 20 years. And in those 20 years politicians did absolutely nothing to address the problem.
In the next 10 years...that soon...we will see an ecological catastrophe of biblical proportions in this area.
Everyone should see where the water levels are at there. It is beyond bad.
Jerry Brown has no solutions.....just complaints about overpopulation. Typical Democrat. They promise the world to get elected, but can't deliver.

Crisis or not Jerry Brown avoids offering stern advice on drought - LA Times
Jerry Brown promised to make it rain?
Most of California's water comes from irrigation.....not rain.

Put the wrong people in charge there and this sort of thing happens.

California Water Wars - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I can hear the defense from liberals already. He's just talking about Global Climate Change. Yup, that explains the fact that Jerry Brown is talking about overpopulation in California. He says that the water supply won't support the current population.

It doesn't help that he and other Democrats intentionally flooded the state with immigrants from Mexico and Central America just to win elections. Now he's complaining about the state having too many people in it.

If you want the rest of the United States to look like California, which is slowly turning into Mexico, just vote Democrat. They don't believe in closed borders, but they don't know what to do with all of the people they encouraged to come here in the first place.

Jerry Brown Worries About ‘Overpopulation’ Amid California Drought
Jerry Brown Worries About Overpopulation Amid CA Drought The Daily Caller


Gov. Jerry Brown is worried that the Golden State will eventually have too many people for the state’s water supplies to support.

Brown made the comments before the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Board and also warned that global warming was exacerbating California’s drought.

California’s four-year drought has put huge strains on the state’s water supplies and forced a public discussion on state water infrastructure and how officials allocate water rights. Gov. Brown has imposed draconian water restrictions in the hopes he can cut water use of metropolitan areas across the state.

Water restrictions have even touched California’s agriculture industry, which isexpected to shed 18,000 farm jobs this season, equalling about $1.2 billion in lost wages. But even as thousands of farm hands could lose their jobs, California officials are still flushing millions of acre feet of water every year to protect the endangered Delta Smelt fish.

When it comes to the Delta Smelt, state officials are in a bind. Environmental groups sued state and federal officials for putting human needs over fish needsand redirecting more fresh water toward cities. The lawsuit ironically came as state officials curbed farm water supplies coming from Mount Shasta.
cawater hashtag on Twitter
Jerry Brown JerryBrownGov Twitter

For the democrats/leftists/socialists/progressives....for some reason it always comes down to looking at people and thinking....we really need a lot less of these people....and then one day one of them gets serious....and we have the 20th century all over again.......all thanks to the left.....




Looks similar to the Otay reservoir next to my house in SpringValley...just outside of San Diego. It would fill up during the rainy season and we'd empty it all through the Summer. The water level would change as much as 30-40 feet. You could take a picture 6 months apart and it would look totally different. Water reservoirs are a huge security risk because they not guarded. Somebody could poison the water supply easily during really dry seasons.
Democrats are the leading supportrs of Eugenics, so don't be surprised when this ends ugly

Not only are to many people in California but on the planet. Below is a list of the worlds ten most crucial problems counted down from "least to most crucial", The world must begin to address these many problems with long term solutions. Most of these are issues that center on our sustainability. This is an issue that is given far to little attention.

Sadly, politicians do a damn poor job of dealing with such things leaving us without direction. As we look at the human condition we can let fate take us where it may choose or we can take control of our future by proper planning and by guiding it as best we can. I must admit it is sometimes hard to be optimistic!
Jerry Brown has no solutions.....just complaints about overpopulation. Typical Democrat. They promise the world to get elected, but can't deliver.

Crisis or not Jerry Brown avoids offering stern advice on drought - LA Times
Jerry Brown promised to make it rain?
Most of California's water comes from irrigation.....not rain.

Put the wrong people in charge there and this sort of thing happens.

California Water Wars - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Even the dumbest teabagger in the country might know that the water used to irrigate crops falls from the sky. Snow is another form of water. Jeezus!
Jerry Brown Is The Canary In The Mine...Let's Slip Democrat Belief That There Are Too Many People

In Brown's defense...have you ever been to Los Angeles freeways during rush hour?

If you are a pro-lifer I guarantee you that you will pause a minute before resuming your stalwart stance. And in that sea of endless humanity, I've yet to meet a product from it that wasn't a completely ruthless backstabbing A-hole when push came to shove. If someone tells me "I'm from LA, born and raised", I, through learning from 100% repetition over 50 years, run and don't walk in the opposite direction. :scared1:
Not only are to many people in California but on the planet. Below is a list of the worlds ten most crucial problems counted down from "least to most crucial", The world must begin to address these many problems with long term solutions. Most of these are issues that center on our sustainability. This is an issue that is given far to little attention.

Sadly, politicians do a damn poor job of dealing with such things leaving us without direction. As we look at the human condition we can let fate take us where it may choose or we can take control of our future by proper planning and by guiding it as best we can. I must admit it is sometimes hard to be optimistic!

Sorry...that list is crap.....overpopulation...not even close......some tiny spots on the globe are crowded....but we have far more room than we need...and again...what the fuck is it with the left when it comes to seeing too many people........they then have that instinct to "remedy" that problem and it doesn't turn out for the weak, the old, the young or the unarmed.........

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