Jeff Sessions Didn’t Tell Al Franken The Truth. Now Franken Has Some New Questions.

It's funny how you want context but won't qoute the entire line of the question the idiot Franken laid out for him. I know why you don't want to do that because it makes your entire case look stupid and a failure.

But if you want context I suggest you supply some. If you can't or won't I will. This is your chance. Take it or else.

I have posted several times what Senator Al Franken asked Sessions. Here it is again:

Franken: "CNN just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week that included information that quote, ‘Russian operatives claimed to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.’ These documents also allegedly say quote, ‘There was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump's surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.’

"Now, again, I'm telling you this as it's coming out, so you know. But if it's true, it's obviously extremely serious and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?"

Sessions: "Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it."

What Jeff Sessions told Al Franken about his Russia contacts

Read it without prejudice ... clearly, Sessions was saying that he did not discuss the election with the Russians. Is that so hard to understand?

Well, let's hear what the Russian ambassador has to say.

Believe me - I have absolutely no doubt that the Dems will come up with iron clad testimony condemning Sessions from the Russian ambassador ..... particularly, considering he's been dead for three months.

So, are you saying that Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak is dead?

No - the ambassador to the UN died .... but I'm sure the Dems will still have him testify to his nefarious and clandestine meetings with Sessions and Ivanka Trump at which they smoked primo weed and plotted the overthrow of New Jersey.
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I so love that the Trumpettes think that their fuhrer's imploding presidency is funny.

Worst first month of any presidency in history and next month looks even worse with possible Russian investigations.

Meanwhile the dupes thinks its" morning in America again."


Train left the station without you, didn't it?
Every channel nothing but Trump/Russian connection, the breaking news of Trump's DOA Muslim ban, Sessions lying under oath,
So I checked out Fox and they were talking about
.... an upcoming war with China.
No really.

Nothing distracts the masses from a failing presidency like a good old fashioned war.
Fox... doing their job sucking comrade's tiny penis.

Pretty fucking childish, don't you think?

Your decidedly amateurish little rant exposes your inane stupidity.
Nobody cares.

Nobody in the Trump klan cares. The rest of the country does.

No, they don't ---- it is only a few sycophants scared of losing their miniscule influence and recognition that care, that will do anything, tell any lie, prostrate themselves on the throne of fear and trepidation, that care. You guys really need to stop, look at yourselves in a mirror, and see just how incredibly pathetic you look.

We're not upset with you - we feel sorry for you. You guys can't even generate a good lie any more --- something at which you used to excel. How does it feel to be quickly sliding into a hole of complete irrelevance?
I have posted several times what Senator Al Franken asked Sessions. Here it is again:

Franken: "CNN just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week that included information that quote, ‘Russian operatives claimed to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.’ These documents also allegedly say quote, ‘There was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump's surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.’

"Now, again, I'm telling you this as it's coming out, so you know. But if it's true, it's obviously extremely serious and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?"

Sessions: "Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it."

What Jeff Sessions told Al Franken about his Russia contacts

Read it without prejudice ... clearly, Sessions was saying that he did not discuss the election with the Russians. Is that so hard to understand?

Well, let's hear what the Russian ambassador has to say.

Believe me - I have absolutely no doubt that the Dems will come up with iron clad testimony condemning Sessions from the Russian ambassador ..... particularly, considering he's been dead for three months.

So, are you saying that Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak is dead?

No - the ambassador to the UN died .... but I'm sure the Dems will still have him testify to his nefarious and clandestine meetings with Sessions and Ivanka Trump at which they smoked primo weed and plotted the overthrow of New Jersey.
Vitaly Churkin died. Sessions met with Sergey Kislyak.
Nobody cares.

Nobody in the Trump klan cares. The rest of the country does.

No, they don't ---- it is only a few sycophants scared of losing their miniscule influence and recognition that care, that will do anything, tell any lie, prostrate themselves on the throne of fear and trepidation, that care. You guys really need to stop, look at yourselves in a mirror, and see just how incredibly pathetic you look.

We're not upset with you - we feel sorry for you. You guys can't even generate a good lie any more --- something at which you used to excel. How does it feel to be quickly sliding into a hole of complete irrelevance?

If it makes you feel better to believe that, then good for you.
Read it without prejudice ... clearly, Sessions was saying that he did not discuss the election with the Russians. Is that so hard to understand?

Well, let's hear what the Russian ambassador has to say.

Believe me - I have absolutely no doubt that the Dems will come up with iron clad testimony condemning Sessions from the Russian ambassador ..... particularly, considering he's been dead for three months.

So, are you saying that Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak is dead?

No - the ambassador to the UN died .... but I'm sure the Dems will still have him testify to his nefarious and clandestine meetings with Sessions and Ivanka Trump at which they smoked primo weed and plotted the overthrow of New Jersey.
Vitaly Churkin died. Sessions met with Sergey Kislyak.
Duh! Try to keep up.
Why didn’t the attorney general come clean before he was caught, and what did he talk about with the Russians?

WASHINGTON ― When Jeff Sessions told Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) under oath that he had not talked to any Russians during the Trump campaign, Franken hadn’t even asked him if he had.

Franken was just trying to find out what Sessions would do as attorney general if reports that emerged on Jan. 10 were true. The reports said there was frequent contact betweenDonald Trump’s campaign surrogates and Russian government intermediaries.

Sessions never said what he would do, but he did exonerate himself.

“I’m not aware of any of those activities,” Sessions told Franken, with just a hint of a proud smile. “I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign, and I did not have communications with the Russians, and I’m unable to comment on it.”

But that was not true. Sessions met with Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in his Senate office in September while the Obama administration was cranking up sanctions. He met Kislyak again in July, reportedly on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention.

Sessions said Thursday as he recused himself from any role in investigating the Russian attempts to influence the elections that he did not recall if he discussed politics with Kislyak, but that diplomats can be “gossipy.”

Now, Franken has some questions.

In a letter Franken sent to Sessions Thursday, Franken said he found if hard to believe the Russian efforts in the election did not come up in Sessions’ conversations.

“In July 2016, more than four months after endorsing then-candidate Trump, you delivered remarks during the Republican National Convention at an event hosted by the Heritage Foundation. Following your speech, you were approached by a small group of ambassadors, including Ambassador Kislyak,” Franken wrote. “The ambassador later pulled you aside and engaged you in private conversation. The notion that this conversation, which took place during your party’s nominating convention, would not have touched upon issues related to the campaign strains credulity.”

Franken wants Sessions to answer two demands by Friday:

1. In the seven weeks following your confirmation hearing, why did you fail to clarify that you had indeed communicated on more than one occasion with the Russian Ambassador during the 2016 presidential campaign until the Washington Post exposed those interactions?

2. Describe in detail any and all communications between yourself and Russian officials and their associates during the presidential campaign of 2016, including but not limited to in-person conversations, phone calls, meetings, and electronic communications. Also include any such communications between members of your staff, including your Senate staff and any staff that assisted you during the campaign, and Russian officials and their associates.

And if the answers to those questions show Sessions knowingly misled Congress, he is not fit to serve as the nation’s top law enforcer, Franken said.

“If it is determined that you lied to the [Judiciary] Committee and the American people under oath during your confirmation hearing, it is incumbent upon you to resign from your position as attorney general,” Franken wrote.

Video: Jeff Sessions Didn’t Tell Al Franken The Truth. Now Franken Has Some New Questions.

I agree! Senator Al Franken is hitting on the hot spots. Context is very important.

He told the truth. Lying about his is vile.
Franken isn't the only one with new questions.

Coretta told us what kind of man Sessions is. Nobody wanted to hear it.

She lied......she tried to smear the name of a good man...she too is a vile woman.
Nobody cares.

Nobody in the Trump klan cares. The rest of the country does.

No, they don't ---- it is only a few sycophants scared of losing their miniscule influence and recognition that care, that will do anything, tell any lie, prostrate themselves on the throne of fear and trepidation, that care. You guys really need to stop, look at yourselves in a mirror, and see just how incredibly pathetic you look.

We're not upset with you - we feel sorry for you. You guys can't even generate a good lie any more --- something at which you used to excel. How does it feel to be quickly sliding into a hole of complete irrelevance?

If it makes you feel better to believe that, then good for you.
did you watch Tucker last night? he had another Demo Rep. David Cicilline (D-Rhode Island) on and would you believe that as of that interview. Still nothing. Still, since November. NOTHING!
Tucker Carlson Tonight

And he didn't ask for Holder's job. the hypocrisy flowing freely on the left. SCAM after SCAM Fakey ackey news.
Tucker Presses Dem on Calling for Resignation of AG Sessions, But Not Holder
Nobody cares.

Nobody in the Trump klan cares. The rest of the country does.

No, they don't ---- it is only a few sycophants scared of losing their miniscule influence and recognition that care, that will do anything, tell any lie, prostrate themselves on the throne of fear and trepidation, that care. You guys really need to stop, look at yourselves in a mirror, and see just how incredibly pathetic you look.

We're not upset with you - we feel sorry for you. You guys can't even generate a good lie any more --- something at which you used to excel. How does it feel to be quickly sliding into a hole of complete irrelevance?

If it makes you feel better to believe that, then good for you.
did you watch Tucker last night? he had another Demo Rep. David Cicilline (D-Rhode Island) on and would you believe that as of that interview. Still nothing. Still, since November. NOTHING!
Tucker Carlson Tonight

And he didn't ask for Holder's job. the hypocrisy flowing freely on the left. SCAM after SCAM Fakey ackey news.
Tucker Presses Dem on Calling for Resignation of AG Sessions, But Not Holder

Why would I watch Carlson? He's nothing but another Hannity wanna be who insults, talks over, and cuts off anyone who doesn't agree with him. His bow tie is pretty ghey too.
Nobody cares.

Nobody in the Trump klan cares. The rest of the country does.

No, they don't ---- it is only a few sycophants scared of losing their miniscule influence and recognition that care, that will do anything, tell any lie, prostrate themselves on the throne of fear and trepidation, that care. You guys really need to stop, look at yourselves in a mirror, and see just how incredibly pathetic you look.

We're not upset with you - we feel sorry for you. You guys can't even generate a good lie any more --- something at which you used to excel. How does it feel to be quickly sliding into a hole of complete irrelevance?

If it makes you feel better to believe that, then good for you.
did you watch Tucker last night? he had another Demo Rep. David Cicilline (D-Rhode Island) on and would you believe that as of that interview. Still nothing. Still, since November. NOTHING!
Tucker Carlson Tonight

And he didn't ask for Holder's job. the hypocrisy flowing freely on the left. SCAM after SCAM Fakey ackey news.
Tucker Presses Dem on Calling for Resignation of AG Sessions, But Not Holder

Why would I watch Carlson? He's nothing but another Hannity wanna be who insults, talks over, and cuts off anyone who doesn't agree with him. His bow tie is pretty ghey too.
then you should watch his interview with sessions. stay uninformed. I give two shits. you will be less knowledgeable. the Congressman asking for Sessions resignation said some things you should actually listen to. Not carlson. He has these vile people on nightly, like the lady who is a school teacher and goes out and punches protestors who don't agree with her. His show is not hannity. hannity talks about himself. Carlson brings on guests and let's them speak. It's great TV.
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You vote Trump, cuch? I voted McMullin.

Sessions screwed up monumentally, and now he will pay for it.

I didn't vote because I didn't think any candidate was qualified or deserved to be President. I would have voted for either Sanders or Kasich.
and now you're bitching? now you are no longer worth my time.
OK, I lied. I came back into the Bash Jeff Sessions Lakota thread. First off, Jeff is honorable law-abiding upstanding human being (of course). He is hardly one to "go off the reservation".......There are Rules to prevent.

12 Things Senators Can't Do While Running for President

1. No campaign activity at all in any Senate or federally owned buildings.
2. Don't use the trappings of your office to help your campaign.
4. Senate staffers can't work for your campaign on the taxpayers' dime.
10. Campaign donations are off-limits for personal use. (Beast fans, take note)
12. Don't use the Senate TV and radio studios immediately before an election.
You vote Trump, cuch? I voted McMullin.

Sessions screwed up monumentally, and now he will pay for it.

I didn't vote because I didn't think any candidate was qualified or deserved to be President. I would have voted for either Sanders or Kasich.
and now you're bitching? now you are no longer worth my time.

I'm sorry, does moral compass that wouldn't allow me to vote for unqualified/unfit candidates scare you? I'm still owed the right to complain when a candidate does a piss poor job, even though I didn't vote. I would be bitching about what the candidates did no matter who it was if they were doing a poor job, and Trump and his team are blowing the idea of "poor" out of the water. So just because I wouldn't compromise MY values, morals, and beliefs to vote for a candidate that didn't deserve the position, doesn't mean you can judge me based on your ideas of it are. I know that's extremely hard for you to understand.
The Russians betting on Trump doesn't pass the smell test. He was such a long shot, why would anyone take that risk?

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