Jeb Bush DONE (cutting all staff pay by 40%)

This can't be true. All I've heard on TV, Radio, Internet and THIS board is that "JEB is a shoe in! Don't bother with the Primaries!"
Jebbie has called for a family meeting. I give him 48 hours or less before he packs it in.

That's what he gets for counting on his non English speaking wife as a secret weapon. He misjudged. He thought the hype about a hispanic majority was true.
He was my initial choice, but his entire campaign, and he personally, were disappointing.

I liked Walker early on....
I really wanted Kasich....Happy when he announced but he just can't get it going...
Hopefully he can get the nomination.
Will be disappointed if he does not....
I was shocked that Jeb came across the way he did...
He just couldn't answer questions...he floundered at every turn.
Just so unprepared.
jebito seemed furtive and nervous all the time , course he'd never get my vote as I don't and wouldn't believe anything that he ever said . And my judgement is based simply on his family background , marriage and his pandering in a foreign language . I hope that the 'jebito' is done !!
Jebs brother was incompetent, his father had everyone reading his lips before he screwed them, then lost; so why would any thinking republican want this guy? Because the establishment tells you so?!?!?!?! Well, didn't they tell us Mcain was the man! Didn't they tell us that only Romney could win! See how all that worked out.

The left WANTS Bush; and if not Kasich, then Rubio. Why? Because they are democrat wannabees. Put any of them up against Hillary, and no matter which wins, the Democrats get their way; and if the country starts to slide, if the republican won, they get their way, AND get to blame YOU!

Who thinks that Jeb, Kasich, or Rubio is going to show enough contrast with Hillary in policy, to get people out to vote? Anyone want a bite of that apple? We have.........let the illegals all in and stay with open borders.............common core...............and except for Rubio, we now love the Iran deal. And who/whom among them do you believe will repeal/replace Obamacare?

You get one of those 3, and Hilly wins instantly because a large % of Republicans stay home, period. Not to mention, the independents stay home too!

When NOBODY speaks for you, and EVERYONE speaks for illegals, Iran, and the Washington elite while YOU pay the bills, might as well stay at work instead of voting! At least you get a jump on getting money to support people you can NOT deduct.
Jebs brother was incompetent, his father had everyone reading his lips before he screwed them, then lost; so why would any thinking republican want this guy? Because the establishment tells you so?!?!?!?! Well, didn't they tell us Mcain was the man! Didn't they tell us that only Romney could win! See how all that worked out.

The left WANTS Bush; and if not Kasich, then Rubio. Why? Because they are democrat wannabees. Put any of them up against Hillary, and no matter which wins, the Democrats get their way; and if the country starts to slide, if the republican won, they get their way, AND get to blame YOU!

Who thinks that Jeb, Kasich, or Rubio is going to show enough contrast with Hillary in policy, to get people out to vote? Anyone want a bite of that apple? We have.........let the illegals all in and stay with open borders.............common core...............and except for Rubio, we now love the Iran deal. And who/whom among them do you believe will repeal/replace Obamacare?

You get one of those 3, and Hilly wins instantly because a large % of Republicans stay home, period. Not to mention, the independents stay home too!

When NOBODY speaks for you, and EVERYONE speaks for illegals, Iran, and the Washington elite while YOU pay the bills, might as well stay at work instead of voting! At least you get a jump on getting money to support people you can NOT deduct.
Preach'no to the choir...

Most of Washington are progressives... It matters not if the call themselves "d" or "r".

Embrace the suck
Jebs brother was incompetent, his father had everyone reading his lips before he screwed them, then lost; so why would any thinking republican want this guy? Because the establishment tells you so?!?!?!?! Well, didn't they tell us Mcain was the man! Didn't they tell us that only Romney could win! See how all that worked out.

The left WANTS Bush; and if not Kasich, then Rubio. Why? Because they are democrat wannabees. Put any of them up against Hillary, and no matter which wins, the Democrats get their way; and if the country starts to slide, if the republican won, they get their way, AND get to blame YOU!

Who thinks that Jeb, Kasich, or Rubio is going to show enough contrast with Hillary in policy, to get people out to vote? Anyone want a bite of that apple? We have.........let the illegals all in and stay with open borders.............common core...............and except for Rubio, we now love the Iran deal. And who/whom among them do you believe will repeal/replace Obamacare?

You get one of those 3, and Hilly wins instantly because a large % of Republicans stay home, period. Not to mention, the independents stay home too!

When NOBODY speaks for you, and EVERYONE speaks for illegals, Iran, and the Washington elite while YOU pay the bills, might as well stay at work instead of voting! At least you get a jump on getting money to support people you can NOT deduct.
If you don't vote you should shut your trap. You're as much the problem as the jackasses in DC
Hilarious that the right wing thinks that someone, anyone named Bush could be elected.

W's presidency is undoubtedly the worst in living memory. Unprecedented attack on our country, unnecessary wars, wildly out of balance budgets, crashed economy.

We won't forget

Have you been dead the last 8 years?
Btw gramps this doesn't mean anything. McCain ran into serious issues in 2008 as well. He ran on a skeleton crew through the primaries and managed to get the nomination.

Personally I hope jeb stays in long enough to keep the rino vote divided so we can get a conservative nominee
That's fantastic! He is the only viable candidate that can defeat Hillary if he could secure the nomination. Better get used to a democrat in the White House come 2017...

If that was true why is Hillary losing to other candidates in polls?
What polls? You better not be talking about that bullshit Fox News poll.
Bad news for Jeb. It means his donors are getting nervous about pouring money down a rat hole. He thought he could destroy Trump by spending $10 million in negative ads in Iowa but it didn't help his numbers, just Carson's. Hopefully the loser will come to terms with the fact that he can't beat Trump OR Carson (probably not Cruz either) and will just go back to Florida and STFU. Stick a fork in him, he's done.
Bad news for Jeb. It means his donors are getting nervous about pouring money down a rat hole. He thought he could destroy Trump by spending $10 million in negative ads in Iowa but it didn't help his numbers, just Carson's. Hopefully the loser will come to terms with the fact that he can't beat Trump OR Carson (probably not Cruz either) and will just go back to Florida and STFU. Stick a fork in him, he's done.
I hope you are right, but I fear you are not. Have you noticed all the free media reporting jebby got this week? The establishment won't go easily.
He was my initial choice, but his entire campaign, and he personally, were disappointing.
You may still have the chance.

Once Trump and Carson are gone he's really all you have left.

Neither will be gone as soon as you would like them to be. Either of them have more integrity, honesty, ability and dignity under the nails of their little fingers than the Democrat cabal put together, and either of them enter the final race, if nominated, without charges of being a liar, or with indictment for treason hanging over their heads. And, unlike the Democrats, who could not produce any believable backup for the liar and the commie, they have an excellent team ready.

If Jeb is - indeed - out, he just decided to listen to his Momma.
Your blind partisanism is showing.
That's fantastic! He is the only viable candidate that can defeat Hillary if he could secure the nomination. Better get used to a democrat in the White House come 2017...

If that was true why is Hillary losing to other candidates in polls?
What polls? You better not be talking about that bullshit Fox News poll.

There are several threads on polls showing Hillary losing to the Republican challengers

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