Jeb Bush DONE (cutting all staff pay by 40%)

Hilarious that the right wing thinks that someone, anyone named Bush could be elected.

W's presidency is undoubtedly the worst in living memory. Unprecedented attack on our country, unnecessary wars, wildly out of balance budgets, crashed economy.

We won't forget

Undoubtedly, George W. Bush should have done what that nicotine addict, bigot, racist mental and physical cripple, FDR did after the REAL unprecedented attack (which PRECEDED 911, so 911 was not unprecedented): Round them up, lock them up, take their property and drop a couple of nukes on Mecca and Medina. (Granted, dropping the nukes happened after the son-of-a-bitch croaked).

Put things in perspective and stop lying. And we won't forget that you are a moron.
He was my initial choice, but his entire campaign, and he personally, were disappointing.

One has to think he really didn't want the job. Again, to echo your words above; very disappointing. Not because of his losing but a voice of comparative moderation is not going to be on the ballot from all appearances.
and that's a good thing Candy !!
He was my initial choice, but his entire campaign, and he personally, were disappointing.

One has to think he really didn't want the job. Again, to echo your words above; very disappointing. Not because of his losing but a voice of comparative moderation is not going to be on the ballot from all appearances.
and that's a good thing Candy !!

Not sure why you think that but that is what makes horse racing.
Hilarious that the right wing thinks that someone, anyone named Bush could be elected.

W's presidency is undoubtedly the worst in living memory. Unprecedented attack on our country, unnecessary wars, wildly out of balance budgets, crashed economy.

We won't forget

Undoubtedly, George W. Bush should have done what that nicotine addict, bigot, racist mental and physical cripple, FDR did after the REAL unprecedented attack (which PRECEDED 911, so 911 was not unprecedented): Round them up, lock them up, take their property and drop a couple of nukes on Mecca and Medina. (Granted, dropping the nukes happened after the son-of-a-bitch croaked).

Put things in perspective and stop lying. And we won't forget that you are a moron.

Oh so bitter.

9/11 was obviously a false flag attack so it was unpreceted. Don't ask me to defend that statement here, (moderators won't allow it) but you can go to the conspiracy theories forum if you have the courage of your conviction and see my post "who's a dupe"
He was my initial choice, but his entire campaign, and he personally, were disappointing.
You may still have the chance.

Once Trump and Carson are gone he's really all you have left.

Neither will be gone as soon as you would like them to be. Either of them have more integrity, honesty, ability and dignity under the nails of their little fingers than the Democrat cabal put together, and either of them enter the final race, if nominated, without charges of being a liar, or with indictment for treason hanging over their heads. And, unlike the Democrats, who could not produce any believable backup for the liar and the commie, they have an excellent team ready.

If Jeb is - indeed - out, he just decided to listen to his Momma.
He was my initial choice, but his entire campaign, and he personally, were disappointing.

One has to think he really didn't want the job. Again, to echo your words above; very disappointing. Not because of his losing but a voice of comparative moderation is not going to be on the ballot from all appearances.
and that's a good thing Candy !!

Not sure why you think that but that is what makes horse racing.
seems to me that moderation and 'jebitos' acts of love' and the moderates that support him equal rino and 'gop' !! I want ALL of them to crash and burn Candy !!
That video no one watched was hilarious...

The loopy kunt that is Hillary has no sense of humor, blame it on slick willy the child molester.
Yeah, Rubio.
The ass who never met an American who shouldn't be replaced by an H1-B.

You know, I have met many H1-B's who were far more patriotic and better Americans - even though not citizens - than the freeloading, black-lives-matter, occupy-wall-street, drug and crime ridden, cop killing and dumb as a sack of hammers Democrats. Many of those H1-B's would love to eventually settle in America and, if and when they did, they would be better citizens than the above-mentioned undeserving-to-be-called-Americans human trash.

I was working in our company's Head Office in Akron, OH as an L1-B for 6 years. ("L" because I had no college degree, but taught myself so I could make myself to be good enough to be worth to the company to pay for my lodging, food, vehicle, traveling and contributing to my now comfortable pension for six years). The company probably gave me credit for the fact that I helped during the Y2K conversion and especially, in addition to my work related contribution to the company, I spent a fair bit of time proof reading reports by my colleagues who sported a degree in something.

Those H-1B colleagues never looked down upon me because I had no college degree like the local "geniuses" did. We were strangers in a strange land, which was, and still is, getting stranger every day. The local "geniuses" resented the fact that a foreigner like me, with no college degree, is appreciated by the company.

I don't think Rubio has ever advocated to replace an American by a non-American. But if he said that an incompetent locals should be replaced by a smart foreign workers, good for him.

I fondly recall my six years in Akron. During this time I earned the company's highest honor, an award acknowledging contribution to company and society in general.

One of the many things that makes America great is the fact that America realizes and recognizes the contributions of all.
Hilarious that the right wing thinks that someone, anyone named Bush could be elected.

W's presidency is undoubtedly the worst in living memory. Unprecedented attack on our country, unnecessary wars, wildly out of balance budgets, crashed economy.

We won't forget

Undoubtedly, George W. Bush should have done what that nicotine addict, bigot, racist mental and physical cripple, FDR did after the REAL unprecedented attack (which PRECEDED 911, so 911 was not unprecedented): Round them up, lock them up, take their property and drop a couple of nukes on Mecca and Medina. (Granted, dropping the nukes happened after the son-of-a-bitch croaked).

Put things in perspective and stop lying. And we won't forget that you are a moron.

Oh so bitter.

9/11 was obviously a false flag attack so it was unpreceted. Don't ask me to defend that statement here, (moderators won't allow it) but you can go to the conspiracy theories forum if you have the courage of your conviction and see my post "who's a dupe"

Thanks for bringing the comedy.
Hilarious that the right wing thinks that someone, anyone named Bush could be elected.

W's presidency is undoubtedly the worst in living memory. Unprecedented attack on our country, unnecessary wars, wildly out of balance budgets, crashed economy.

We won't forget

Undoubtedly, George W. Bush should have done what that nicotine addict, bigot, racist mental and physical cripple, FDR did after the REAL unprecedented attack (which PRECEDED 911, so 911 was not unprecedented): Round them up, lock them up, take their property and drop a couple of nukes on Mecca and Medina. (Granted, dropping the nukes happened after the son-of-a-bitch croaked).

Put things in perspective and stop lying. And we won't forget that you are a moron.

Oh so bitter.

9/11 was obviously a false flag attack so it was unpreceted. Don't ask me to defend that statement here, (moderators won't allow it) but you can go to the conspiracy theories forum if you have the courage of your conviction and see my post "who's a dupe"
There's no doubt now. You're the dupe. Good lord
Jeb is just making room so he can pay Rove to destroy Trump and Carson when the time comes.

Killer Karl takes no prisoners.
Jeb is just making room so he can pay Rove to destroy Trump and Carson when the time comes.

Killer Karl takes no prisoners.
The Rino that is Jeb, is moving like one.

Poach more Rinos...
Jeb is just making room so he can pay Rove to destroy Trump and Carson when the time comes.

Killer Karl takes no prisoners.
The Rino that is Jeb, is moving like one.

Poach more Rinos...

cutting staff 1 year before the election isn't leaving the race ... I could care less either way. Theres not a RW candidate that can win anyway.

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