Japan marks 76th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombings

I don't see or talk to dead people, but I'm guessing Jesus might not approve of Pearl Harbor either.

But what Truman did was a special kind of depraved and godless evil for which he should have been hung at Nuremberg, and for which he may well burn in Hell.

But the winners never hang, no matter how depraved, and there are all those heavenly loopholes - maybe Truman plays golf with Hitler up behind the Pearly Gates! :eek:

Ask Jesus' why Sodom and Gomorrah was incinerated then.

Don't blabbe about Jesus unless you know what you're blabbering about, jackass
Let me guess, you're a Milennial, or a Gen Z'er?
No. He is just an idiot who drank the Kool-Aid by the bucketful.

You can tell by its use of the phrase, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind". I remember that idiocy being spouted right after 9/11.

To clowns like this, any act of defense is unnecessary and an act of terror. Darwinism will someday claim him.
All of that was true as far as nuclear scientists, engineers, military planners ect were concerned

war is dirty business and America did not cause japan to invade china and begin the Pacific War against the US, Britain, Holland and others

and we owe no apologies for the way it ended
I made no apologies and I don't think any are forthcoming. I simply stated the reality of what happened. There is no need for the US to give justification for their responses to Japan's acts of war, neither should they try to sweep the facts under the rug as they were "trying to save lives" at that point in history.
To be fair, I brought up Ike & Einstein too.

But the Big Guys do carry a bit more weight.

I find that assertion endearing for some reason.

I'm happy to agree to disagree; we have much common ground elsewhere, but I don't cotton to mass murder no matter who does it.

I don't think so.

By the way, which 'University of Indoctrination' did you attend?

Japan was in no way trying to surrender
Emperor Hirohito had some sense but his generals were war nuts
The population had been told arriving American soldiers would torture, rape, murder the civilians and civilians were trained to fight as soldiers with crude household weapons . All of Japan would fight to the death
An eye for an eye makes the world blind.

Incinerating people is never okay.

Sad to see so much support for terrorsim and war crimes here.


Ending a war and saving lives makes it okay.
Japan was in no way trying to surrender
Emperor Hirohito had some sense but his generals were war nuts
The population had been told arriving American soldiers would torture, rape, murder the civilians and civilians were trained to fight as soldiers with crude household weapons . All of Japan would fight to the death

On okinawa they were also told the American's were cannibals......
I made no apologies and I don't think any are forthcoming. I simply stated the reality of what happened. There is no need for the US to give justification for their responses to Japan's acts of war, neither should they try to sweep the facts under the rug as they were "trying to save lives" at that point in history.
There is no justification for acts of terror.

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