Japan marks 76th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombings


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It was a low key event today as the U.S and Japan have become close allies and will need to lean on each other to deal with the biggest threat in the Pacific. There is also the Olympics and covid in full effect.

There will be a debate about which was worse, the nuclear bombs or the Wuhan Virus, if in fact, this virus was man made. Many more have died due to the Covid with even more sick.

My grandfather told me that the nuke was necessary as it saved many Western lives and the Japanese were never going to surrender.

Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga attended a memorial commemorating the 76th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Some argue that Truman is the most monstrous war criminal of all time, as Japan was prepared to surrender with only one condition - a condition met after the two acts of unspeakable terror.

Ike opposed the bombing, Einstein opposed it, and I'm guessing Jesus would have opposed it too.
It was a low key event today as the U.S and Japan have become close allies and will need to lean on each other to deal with the biggest threat in the Pacific. There is also the Olympics and covid in full effect.

There will be a debate about which was worse, the nuclear bombs or the Wuhan Virus, if in fact, this virus was man made. Many more have died due to the Covid with even more sick.

My grandfather told me that the nuke was necessary as it saved many Western lives and the Japanese were never going to surrender.

Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga attended a memorial commemorating the 76th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
It saved more Japanese lives than American lives. They would have just continued to fire bomb their cities if they didnt have a nuke, which would have resulted in 3 times as many deaths as the nuke.
Some argue that Truman is the most monstrous war criminal of all time, as Japan was prepared to surrender with only one condition - a condition met after the two acts of unspeakable terror.

Ike opposed the bombing, Einstein opposed it, and I'm guessing Jesus would have opposed it too.
Jesus would have been wrong to oppose it. Its very clear that without the awesome power of a nuke to cow Japan, their Emperor would have never surrendered, which would have cost WAY more Japanese lives.
It was a low key event today as the U.S and Japan have become close allies and will need to lean on each other to deal with the biggest threat in the Pacific. There is also the Olympics and covid in full effect.

There will be a debate about which was worse, the nuclear bombs or the Wuhan Virus, if in fact, this virus was man made. Many more have died due to the Covid with even more sick.

My grandfather told me that the nuke was necessary as it saved many Western lives and the Japanese were never going to surrender.

Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga attended a memorial commemorating the 76th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
I'm not sure I follow you on this.

The nukes were worse, not in total numbers, but in the fact that they had to be used at all.

That is not Me saying that we should never have used them. Japan brought that shit upon themselves.

But the destructive power of a nuke is best used as a deterrent.

Have you ever seen a test detonation?

This was ONLY an 8kt burst.

I'm not sure I follow you on this.

The nukes were worse, not in total numbers, but in the fact that they had to be used at all.

That is not Me saying that we should never have used them. Japan brought that shit upon themselves.

But the destructive power of a nuke is best used as a deterrent.

Have you ever seen a test detonation?

This was ONLY an 8kt burst.

The Tsar Bomb was the worst one...

The Japs sealed their fate to be nuked when they caused so many American casualties on Okinawa.

By then the war was just about over. The Japs knew they were going to lose.

They chose to take the path of fighting to the last man as oppose to surrendering.

The bombs were the price they paid for their obstinacy.

By the way I read a story recently where the Japs captured 12 American airmen. They tortured the airmen and killed them one by one and ate the bodies. Cannibalism. George Bush senior just barely escaped being one of the captured airmen.

They were fucking animals and deserved to be nuked. The compassion shown by the American people after the war to them was far too lenient for the bastards. They should have paid much more dearly for what the did to the Chinese and everybody else they conquered, especially POWs.
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Ike opposed the bombing, Einstein opposed it, and I'm guessing Jesus would have opposed it too
Jesus has promised to STARVE nations who dont observer HIS Feast of Tabernacles when He returns.

Starting a war with a superpower has consequences
Jesus would have been wrong to oppose it.
Poor Jesus. :(
Its very clear that without the awesome power of a nuke to cow Japan, their Emperor would have never surrendered, which would have cost WAY more Japanese lives.
Japan was prepared to surrender on the terms that they did.

But I get it - Eisenhower, Einstein & Jesus aren't enough for some people.

Go figure.
It saved more Japanese lives than American lives. They would have just continued to fire bomb their cities if they didnt have a nuke, which would have resulted in 3 times as many deaths as the nuke.
Unfortunately, many Americans are unaware of the fire-bombing of Japanese cities during the closing months of WWII. General Curtis LeMay had already planned the ongoing raids when the two atomic bombs were dropped. Had the A-Bomb attacks failed, the fire-bombings would have continued until the results desired were achieved.

As far as the tens-of-thousands of lives saved in Japan due to the Enola Gay's and Bockscar's missions, Japanese military leaders confirmed this fact many times during the decades that followed.

I'm not sure I follow you on this.

The nukes were worse, not in total numbers, but in the fact that they had to be used at all.

That is not Me saying that we should never have used them. Japan brought that shit upon themselves.

But the destructive power of a nuke is best used as a deterrent.

Have you ever seen a test detonation?

This was ONLY an 8kt burst.

I'm not a friend of nukes. I'm also not a friend of viruses sent into populations. Or, torturing P.O.Ws, killing men who are surrendering or using citizens as concubines.

Japanese soldiers of the Second World War were the most vicious and unforgiving. The Chinese still hate them to this day with good reason. Not only for what they did to their citizens and women, but also the brutality of what the Japanese did to their soldiers.

I saw a U.S vet doing an interview and he had kept a photo stolen from a dead Japanese soldier. It was in pristine condition. It was a photo of Japanese soldiers who had tied up many Chinese soldiers each to their own pole. On the ground were a number of heads from some of the now headless bodies hanging.

They used these poor Chinese P.O.Ws as a testing ground for their swords to make sure they were sharp enough before they went out to battle. Some were still alive in the photo, waiting for their soon-to-be-realized fate. These were the more merciless method of killings, it was less torturous death than some Canadians experienced for sure.

I've seen videos of American and Canadian vets who refused to meet with their Japanese rivals when WWII soldiers came together so many decades later in a peacetime gesture. They'd meet the Germans or Italians, few of them were interested in meeting the Japanese. Staunchly against it in many circumstances.

I recommend you watch some of the vets who are still around who tell their stories. To a man, they killed the Japanese soldiers without a seconds notice as they feared being taken captive by them more than death. Truly.

I've heard many of these brave men speak of pride in killing the Japanese, none of them regretting doing what they had to do. They knew it was kill, die, or be tortured.
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When the U.S. forces invaded Okinawa, which is the smallest and least populated of the 5 islands that make up the country of Japan, we had 49,000 casualties of which 12,000 were killed.
Japanese soldier's rarely surrendered and fought to death. Plus the entire Japanese civilian population, every man, woman, and child, was being trained on the main islands to attack and kill American soldiers using sharpened sticks, kitchen knives, and metal garden tools.
The U.S. military commanders estimated we would have between a million to two million American soldier casualties, and many more millions of Japanese citizens killed when we invaded Japan.
So yes, the dropping of the two atomic bombs saved millions of lives. ... :cool:
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Incinerating civilians: Opposed by some (Ike/Einstein/Jesus), supported by others.
LeMay’s incendiary bombing raids incinerated way more than the 2 nukes did. Many Japanese buildings were made of wood which exacerbated the impact of those raids.
2 nuke bombings were more humane than more fire bombings and the inevitable invasion of Japan.
Interesting that CCP must have followed LeMay’s Cuban missile crisis philosophy when China unleashed their bio weapon. LeMay was convinced the soviets would do nothing if we bombed the Cuban nuke sites. We’ve done nothing in response to china’s bio attack.

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