January 6


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
It's possible that Trump-supporters fell into a trap on January 6 - American Thinker.

The protestors should remained outside the building. Of course with Antifia and BLM (Burn Loot and mayehm) around the left wing street thugs would have tried something else.

Democrats are using January 6 to silence any political opposition. They've been trying to drive Republicans out of Congress. On Thursday, they announced that they're working with the White House to come up with a plan so that social media will work even harder to silence "disinformation" — which means anything that challenges Democrat facts or conclusions.

In case you're wondering, this is how totalitarian dictatorships operate. Free speech is out; increasingly brutal suppression is in.

Read more: It's possible that Trump-supporters fell into a trap on January 6
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No it wasn't a trap it was a scam, to keep a fat old man from losing power and the people were manipulated and lied to by Trump and his campaign.
No it wasn't a trap it was a scam, to keep a fat old man from losing power and the people were manipulated and lied to by Trump and his campaign.
The scam with the demrats with their selective vote counting, stopping vote counts and using Chi com software to get results in their favor.
The entire election was reviewed and no one out of several hundred thousand said there was no devious voting scheme going on....You have people claiming stuff they have no knowledge of because they work outside the system and that is why several are being sued for making claims they have zero proof of. That is called slander.
Maybe. While I supported the protest the crowd should have remained outside the capital building. That way when the leftist thugs started something it would be in plain site.

It was a classical honey pot - which makes me think the KGB (formerly FBI) was involved in setting it up. That any Trump supporter was dumb enough to fall for it reflects poorly on them.
No it wasn't a trap it was a scam, to keep a fat old man from losing power and the people were manipulated and lied to by Trump and his campaign.
The scam with the demrats with their selective vote counting, stopping vote counts and using Chi com software to get results in their favor.
The entire election was reviewed and no one out of several hundred thousand said there was no devious voting scheme going on....You have people claiming stuff they have no knowledge of because they work outside the system and that is why several are being sued for making claims they have zero proof of. That is called slander.
Wrong again. Philly dems stopped the vote count 10pm election nite, Atlanta dems came up with a fraud of a water pipe leak and counted ballots underneath the table that had no chain of custody and that is just for starters. Just because the courts refused to hear most of the cases the asshole demrats are claiming no fraud. they can go F themselves or each other. I could care less.
Maybe. While I supported the protest the crowd should have remained outside the capital building. That way when the leftist thugs started something it would be in plain site.

It was a classical honey pot - which makes me think the KGB (formerly FBI) was involved in setting it up. That any Trump supporter was dumb enough to fall for it reflects poorly on them.
Why those poor stupid saps.
No it wasn't a trap it was a scam, to keep a fat old man from losing power and the people were manipulated and lied to by Trump and his campaign.
The scam with the demrats with their selective vote counting, stopping vote counts and using Chi com software to get results in their favor.
The entire election was reviewed and no one out of several hundred thousand said there was no devious voting scheme going on....You have people claiming stuff they have no knowledge of because they work outside the system and that is why several are being sued for making claims they have zero proof of. That is called slander.
Wrong again. Philly dems stopped the vote count 10pm election nite, Atlanta dems came up with a fraud of a water pipe leak and counted ballots underneath the table that had no chain of custody and that is just for starters. Just because the courts refused to hear most of the cases the asshole demrats are claiming no fraud. they can go F themselves or each other. I could care less.
It has all been reviewed and debunked. Trump blew three million on a recount that got him nothing because nothing happened.
Maybe. While I supported the protest the crowd should have remained outside the capital building. That way when the leftist thugs started something it would be in plain site.

It was a classical honey pot - which makes me think the KGB (formerly FBI) was involved in setting it up. That any Trump supporter was dumb enough to fall for it reflects poorly on them.
Why those poor stupid saps.
Some of them were.
The media certainly did their part.

Lying over and over and over that 5 people died IN THE INSURRECTION ATTEMPT.


A cop killed someone unarmed.....where are the ANTIFABLM riots?

What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now! Remember?
No it wasn't a trap it was a scam, to keep a fat old man from losing power and the people were manipulated and lied to by Trump and his campaign.
The scam with the demrats with their selective vote counting, stopping vote counts and using Chi com software to get results in their favor.
The entire election was reviewed and no one out of several hundred thousand said there was no devious voting scheme going on....You have people claiming stuff they have no knowledge of because they work outside the system and that is why several are being sued for making claims they have zero proof of. That is called slander.
Wrong again. Philly dems stopped the vote count 10pm election nite, Atlanta dems came up with a fraud of a water pipe leak and counted ballots underneath the table that had no chain of custody and that is just for starters. Just because the courts refused to hear most of the cases the asshole demrats are claiming no fraud. they can go F themselves or each other. I could care less.
It has all been reviewed and debunked. Trump blew three million on a recount that got him nothing because nothing happened.
No it has not. Looking the other way does not count.

  • In EVERY rally Trump has held since 2015, Trump detractors showed up in large numbers to crash his rally, protest it and start violence, then claim Trump people were racist and violent-- -- -- EXCEPT ONE. January 6. Antifa and BLM were ordered to stay away so that ONLY TRUMP SUPPORTERS and TRUMP could be blamed (which means that they also knew Nancy was keeping down security and that instigators would be there to get the ball rolling and ramp up the momentum out of control into a whipped frenzy).
  • The actual people in the building were totally INCONSISTENT with anyone trying to "destroy democracy" or overthrow the government, what with naked faces and no REAL weapons to speak of. Not even really having a plan knowing where to go once inside!

IT REALLY IS THAT SIMPLE. The entire thing was staged both as the basis with which to impeach Trump a 2nd time out of office, try to destroy him politically and financially, and to paint his entire movement and those involved as racist white nationalists (meaning Supremacists).

And that is what Joe is doing now, identifying the Trump movement and any involved as a domestic threat and danger.
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No it wasn't a trap it was a scam, to keep a fat old man from losing power and the people were manipulated and lied to by Trump and his campaign.
Your actors, media, politicians and elites have told us different for years before Trump elected office. They went ballistic when he did. You are not trusted anymore. You are rats. Weasels and the lowest vermin. And when you bring your glorious Socialist Communistic paradise here, they will turn on you also. Tell us about the Constitution again. that is always good for a laugh.
]1/6 is going to be right up there with 12/7 & 9/11. Count on it. Y'all really screwed the pooch this time.

It depends on who wins the civil war. If the 1/6 Reichstag fire is remembered, 9/11 will be purged. The Nazi party won't have the stigma of Muslims attacking America remain in history and will rewrite it to either never happen, or blame it on Trump.

If you Nazis lose this civil war, then the facts of what happened on 1/6 will come out. Who was behind it.

"It's possible that Trump-supporters fell into a trap on January 6 - American Thinker."

NOPE....Good, real, core Americans FINALLY did exactly what they should have been doing all along...They took a stand against the filth among us, they got aggressive and made a point.
In principal I agree. Tactically speaking they should have stayed outside.

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