January 6 Committee eviscerates Trump

If I may ask, what is the nature of this "bounty" you keep referencing?

Money for their head?

Or simply their location so that protesters can assemble and let the Associate Justice know they are unhappy with a decision. I think an argument can be made that both acts are protected from government interference by the 1st Amendment.

I am absolutely positive of that, I think.
They can let the Supreme Court Justices know that they are unhappy with a decision by a protest at the Court itself. I have no problem with that. It's action protected by the 1st Amendment.

You know as well as I do that what is happening now is an attempt to intimidate the Justices. You show up at someone's house to make their lives miserable. You use bounties paid on their whereabouts so you can force them to hide. That isn't protest protected by the 1st Amendment. It's a blatant attempt to make Judges afraid to make rulings because they will have to deal with the mob. THAT my friend is against the law!
It was a protest that got out of control because the people in charge of security at the Capital didn't do their jobs...

December 19: Trump tweeted, "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th (the day Congress was set to formally certify Joe Biden's victory in the electoral college.)

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"Be there, will be wild!"

"Police should have been better-prepared for our goon attack, because the Cry Baby Loser had been hyping it for so long!" is like the Empire of Japan blaming the U.S. for the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Should Capitol security been better-prepared for the attack of the Trump goons? That would have been nice.

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Of course, some suggest that the vastly-outnumbered police should have reacted more forcefully:

December 19: Trump tweeted, "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th (the day Congress was set to formally certify Joe Biden's victory in the electoral college.)

View attachment 671832
"Be there, will be wild!"

"Police should have been better-prepared for our goon attack, because the Cry Baby Loser had been hyping it for so long!" is like the Empire of Japan blaming the U.S. for the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Should Capitol security been better-prepared for the attack of the Trump goons? That would have been nice.

Of course, some suggest that the vastly-outnumbered police should have reacted more forcefully:
Why were they "vastly outnumbered"? It's not like this protest wasn't expected.

They did use guns. They shot an unarmed female protester.
As I noted, you have amply demonstrated that you cannot back up your fake claim by documenting your fake claim.
As I said, I don't have to back up any claims of your lying as long as you keep posting your lies. Are you to dense to comprehend this? Apparently so.
How so?
In one instance? A handful? Or endemic to the Department?
How do you know?

Batter up, poster HB.


I hate to get between any of these tit4tat exchanges,but.......but exactly what "hearsay" is the good poster Catman referencing?
Claiming that any comment or "evidence" is true but has not seen or been a party to any of it.

Even a proven moron like you should be able to understand that, but obviously not.
Obviously, you cannot back up your fake claim by citing anything to back up your fake claim.

I cite the sworn testimony of Republican officeholders and Trump regime insiders, both first-hand accounts as well as what they have been told, clearly indicating which it is.

Meanwhile, everything that the Cry Baby Loser and his bum kissers spews is "hearsay" because he's afraid to testify under oath or allow his bum kissers to do so.
Obviously, you do not care to prove to yourself how much you lie.

You cite "sworn testimony" without being there or posting any proof that it actually was made or the circumstances of that "testimony". Even a hateful moron such as you should be able to understand that this is hearsay, not fact. But you endorse any lie that you claim supports your lies. A true democrat, more is the pity.
Why were they "vastly outnumbered"?
There were more violent Trump goons than they expected.

Don't forget, protests outside the Capitol have been common throughout the nation's history, but hundreds of goons violently breaking into the Capitol, smashing windows and doors, in an attempt to sabotage democracy, is unprecedented. Every previous transfer of power had been peaceful, a tradition of which Americans had justly been proud.

Why didn't the Cry Baby Loser call off his goons rather than pleasuring himself for three hours watching them attack police and trash the Capitol? Because he "loves" his goons?

The relentless sworn testimony of so many Republicans, featuring Trump insiders, has Trump and his bum kissers hysterical.

Two more aides in Donald Trump's White House are expected to testify before the House Jan. 6 committee during its public hearings, sources say -- this time an ex-spokeswoman for the former president as well as one of his previous security advisers.
Numerous other Trump advisers and aides have spoken with the committee either in recorded closed-door depositions or the public sessions. Those include his daughter and son-in-law, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner; his White House counsel Pat Cipollone; his former Attorney General Bill Barr and many more.
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Do you really not see the difference between a protest at the Supreme Court itself and liberals protesting at Justices homes and even worse...stalking them whenever they are out in public by offering a bounty on them? That is an OBVIOUS violation of the law and Merrick Garland knows it! What you're seeing is selective enforcement.

The law makes no distinction between the Supreme Court building and a justice's private residence...

18 U.S. Code § 1507 - Picketing or parading

Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
Claiming that any comment or "evidence" is true but has not seen or been a party to any of it.
Such as?

The testimony about events that I have seen were, for the most part, by participants to the events.
They were there. They testified to what they actually saw and heard.

The testimony that I think the poster Catman is hangin' his hat on....(I'm speculating).....is the one with Hutchinson relaying to the Committee what she was told by a Secret Service agent.

Hutchinson did not say she was there, she said she was told by another, who himself, was not there. She did not say it was true. Only what was relayed to her.

Let me emphasize ---Hutchinson did not say it was true. Or happened, in fact. She said she was 'told' the story in the presence of an actual participant....who did not interject or correct the teller.

To be honest, poster Catman, you are trying too hard.
Hutchinson was up front in stating she was 'told' the tale ...not.....that she witnessed the alleged wrestling match.

Do you have any other incidents you allege are within your interpretation of 'hearsay'?

Don't forget, protests outside the Capitol have been common throughout the nation's history, but hundreds of goons violently breaking into the Capitol, smashing windows and doors, in an attempt to sabotage democracy, is unprecedented

A new view has been presented that I, frankly, never thought of. But should have.

Of course, poster Schmidlap is absolutely correct.
The Capitol Police have been through many many many protests, demonstrations, and marches over the long history of the Capitol building. They staff according to what is expected. As any force-deployment agency would do.

The staffing levels of the Capitol police were, no doubt, established with the expectation that any Trump supporters who leaked out of the announced Ellipse rally (2 miles away) would not be hellbent on conflict and vandalism with the intention to stop the Electoral vote. After all, such an attack on our legislators and the Capitol building is so very rare in our history.

Plus, importantly, Don Trump and his enablers took great pains to NOT announce he intended to urge the assembled rallygoers....even the armed ones.....to go at our legislators.

Nor had the Capitol Police been alerted by the organizers or the Administration that a 'march' was planned .....and would be announced from the stage at the Ellipse. Nor was a permit applied for a 'march'...which would have alerted not only the Capitol Police but also the Washington DC police, and the Parks police.

Thank you, poster Schmidlap. You have added an insightful and very germane perspective to the J6 'security' discussion.
Such as?

The testimony about events that I have seen were, for the most part, by participants to the events.
They were there. They testified to what they actually saw and heard.

The testimony that I think the poster Catman is hangin' his hat on....(I'm speculating).....is the one with Hutchinson relaying to the Committee what she was told by a Secret Service agent.

Hutchinson did not say she was there, she said she was told by another, who himself, was not there. She did not say it was true. Only what was relayed to her.

Let me emphasize ---Hutchinson did not say it was true. Or happened, in fact. She said she was 'told' the story in the presence of an actual participant....who did not interject or correct the teller.

To be honest, poster Catman, you are trying too hard.
Hutchinson was up front in stating she was 'told' the tale ...not.....that she witnessed the alleged wrestling match.

Do you have any other incidents you allege are within your interpretation of 'hearsay'?

Sao you hang your hat on what she was told, third hand. It figures that this is the type of "evidence" and "sworn testimony" you rely on. And she was cheered on by the circus that is the committee. Even you have to admit that this is hearsay of the worst kind.

But those like you do not care, as long can attempt to attack Trump with it. Shows your true agenda, which is to lie at all turns and fabricate testimony such as the lies already proven committed by this group. Anything to try and bolster your agenda and spread your lies. You are nothing more than Adam Schiff wannabes and continue to in fact provide support for Trump. And prove yourselves to be totally totally dishonest but yelling at the top of your lung's how you must be believed, or your pathetic feelings will be hurt. Actually, totally pathetic, just like the two impeachment attempts that failed dismally.
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A new view has been presented that I, frankly, never thought of. But should have.

Of course, poster Schmidlap is absolutely correct.
The Capitol Police have been through many many many protests, demonstrations, and marches over the long history of the Capitol building. They staff according to what is expected. As any force-deployment agency would do.

The staffing levels of the Capitol police were, no doubt, established with the expectation that any Trump supporters who leaked out of the announced Ellipse rally (2 miles away) would not be hellbent on conflict and vandalism with the intention to stop the Electoral vote. After all, such an attack on our legislators and the Capitol building is so very rare in our history.

Plus, importantly, Don Trump and his enablers took great pains to NOT announce he intended to urge the assembled rallygoers....even the armed ones.....to go at our legislators.

Nor had the Capitol Police been alerted by the organizers or the Administration that a 'march' was planned .....and would be announced from the stage at the Ellipse. Nor was a permit applied for a 'march'...which would have alerted not only the Capitol Police but also the Washington DC police, and the Parks police.

Thank you, poster Schmidlap. You have added an insightful and very germane perspective to the J6 'security' discussion.
Another series of lies, as expected. These "protesters", how many were armed? None. Blows your entire claim to pieces but you continue to claim it was not so. Ignoring actual facts, just as your democrat leaders told you to do.

There was no "insurrection", merely a mostly peaceful demonstration, such as you claimed happened all of the summer of 2020, except these people were not armed and did not burn down the building.

A total exposure of y our lies.

A new view has been presented that I, frankly, never thought of. But should have.

Of course, poster Schmidlap is absolutely correct.
The Capitol Police have been through many many many protests, demonstrations, and marches over the long history of the Capitol building. They staff according to what is expected. As any force-deployment agency would do.

The staffing levels of the Capitol police were, no doubt, established with the expectation that any Trump supporters who leaked out of the announced Ellipse rally (2 miles away) would not be hellbent on conflict and vandalism with the intention to stop the Electoral vote. After all, such an attack on our legislators and the Capitol building is so very rare in our history.

Plus, importantly, Don Trump and his enablers took great pains to NOT announce he intended to urge the assembled rallygoers....even the armed ones.....to go at our legislators.

Nor had the Capitol Police been alerted by the organizers or the Administration that a 'march' was planned .....and would be announced from the stage at the Ellipse. Nor was a permit applied for a 'march'...which would have alerted not only the Capitol Police but also the Washington DC police, and the Parks police.

Thank you, poster Schmidlap. You have added an insightful and very germane perspective to the J6 'security' discussion.
Of course, one must bear in mind that the dead-enders story is that hundreds of Trump goons who attacked outnumbered police and rampaged through the Capitol would have been orderly and respectful if not for Ray Epps, the man who can control weak minds.

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Otis Mayfield said:
Epps is some dude who runs a wedding venue out of a barn.
If that doesn't sound like a trump supporter, I don't know what does.
Weatherman2020 said:
you’re looking at a $30,000 bill for this California barn for a wedding.
The conspiracy crackpots have ruined this Trump supporter's life.

Epps has been fully cooperative with the authorities and that he and his wife are also searching for a lawyer to help them sue several right-wing figures for defamation. He explained how he's faced substantial backlash since January 6. He said that he was forced to sell his business, was disowned by members of his family and that he and his wife moved due to safety concerns. [Trump allies call report of Ray Epps losing business, family "propaganda"]
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