Jan. 6 Convict Tells the Truth About Trump: He’s a Cult Boss

...who voted for Trump. And were even involved in an insurrection against Congress hoping to keep Trump in office.

That's an always Trumper.
J6 was a logical and measured response an ELECTION FRAUD that 8 billion people worldwide saw with their own eyes on international television.

The PTB are pretty damn brazen to tell 8 billion people they didn't see what they saw.

Because of this, the PTB now has ZERO CREDIBILITY in the eyes of most of the world.

It's so bad now, that various powerful world leaders are basically saying "these Americans are assholes and idiots, let's get them out of the picture". Mr Xi will take Taiwan BECAUSE HE CAN, and millions of Chinese will applaud him, not for his authority, but for kicking the Americans out.

Leftards are butt stupid, they are a serious threat to American national security.
One of Trump's faithful who spent time in prison for her role in the January 6th insurrection has finally taken the wool off her eyes and seen the truth. She pushed back at Trump using her as an example in one of his speeches. She has taken responsibility for her actions and the price she has to pay and no longer believes in the Big Lie. Slowly, the wheels are coming off.

Hemphill later said that she had not realized how lost she had become.

“You don’t see it as a cult when you’re in it,” she told The Daily Beast. “You don’t recognize it.”

She says she still had 40 stitches from her breast surgery when she was caught up in the rush into the Capitol building. She credits one of the cops with saving her from serious injury. A combination of excitement and pain medication caused her to then urge the crowd to go on in, she says

“This is your house. Your house!” she can be heard saying on her own video.

Daily Beast. :auiqs.jpg:
One of Trump's faithful who spent time in prison for her role in the January 6th insurrection has finally taken the wool off her eyes and seen the truth. She pushed back at Trump using her as an example in one of his speeches. She has taken responsibility for her actions and the price she has to pay and no longer believes in the Big Lie. Slowly, the wheels are coming off.

Hemphill later said that she had not realized how lost she had become.

“You don’t see it as a cult when you’re in it,” she told The Daily Beast. “You don’t recognize it.”

She says she still had 40 stitches from her breast surgery when she was caught up in the rush into the Capitol building. She credits one of the cops with saving her from serious injury. A combination of excitement and pain medication caused her to then urge the crowd to go on in, she says

“This is your house. Your house!” she can be heard saying on her own video.

Yep I definitely do see Trump as a Cult leader now that you mentioned it. That is a very good way to put it. Donald Trump can be dangerous like Willie Starke in "All The Kings Men".
This is a surprisingly great thread.

It shows exactly how evil, sinister, dangerous, the Democrat party is. Read my two or three posts.

With this one topic, the Democrats do show they are Marxist/NAZIs. It also shows the Democrats are definitely guilty of extreme corruption.

Who would throw a Grandma dying of cancer in Jail, tyrants who wish to scare, the masses.

Read the OP, read the link, definitely read my comments.
I dont like trump and didnt vote for him,,

sounds more like youre the one in a cult,, disagree with me and your a trump voter,, blah blah blah,,

figures someone that did something stupid would try and blame it on someone else,, and since we know the government will dress up dozens of agents in patriot gear and put them out as a roose to condemn trump voters that they would tell an old lady with cancer we will let you go if you say this about trump,,

FFS they put an old lady with cancer in prison for walking in a building/trespassing,, so nothing surprises me
And yet here you are again....rushing to defend the orange sexual abuser's cult.
One of Trump's faithful who spent time in prison for her role in the January 6th insurrection has finally taken the wool off her eyes and seen the truth. She pushed back at Trump using her as an example in one of his speeches. She has taken responsibility for her actions and the price she has to pay and no longer believes in the Big Lie. Slowly, the wheels are coming off.

Hemphill later said that she had not realized how lost she had become.

“You don’t see it as a cult when you’re in it,” she told The Daily Beast. “You don’t recognize it.”

She says she still had 40 stitches from her breast surgery when she was caught up in the rush into the Capitol building. She credits one of the cops with saving her from serious injury. A combination of excitement and pain medication caused her to then urge the crowd to go on in, she says

“This is your house. Your house!” she can be heard saying on her own video.

We have seen this before

In the Soviet Union and Communist China prisoners are forced to make public confessions under threat

This smells like the same thing
Yep I definitely do see Trump as a Cult leader now that you mentioned it. That is a very good way to put it. Donald Trump can be dangerous like Willie Starke in "All The Kings Men".
Yes, we are under the spell, Trump gave super powers to grandma with cancer, she over powered multiple police, pushing them aside, to overthrow the government. Three times cancer grandma over powered multiple police. Do you know the endurance and physical strength it takes to over power a police line. Obviously a cult member cancer stricken grandma that needed to be arrested, she came that close to over throwing the government, without weapons.

I am very happy that this story convinced you of the danger of Trump.
One of Trump's faithful who spent time in prison for her role in the January 6th insurrection has finally taken the wool off her eyes and seen the truth. She pushed back at Trump using her as an example in one of his speeches. She has taken responsibility for her actions and the price she has to pay and no longer believes in the Big Lie. Slowly, the wheels are coming off.

Hemphill later said that she had not realized how lost she had become.

“You don’t see it as a cult when you’re in it,” she told The Daily Beast. “You don’t recognize it.”

She says she still had 40 stitches from her breast surgery when she was caught up in the rush into the Capitol building. She credits one of the cops with saving her from serious injury. A combination of excitement and pain medication caused her to then urge the crowd to go on in, she says

“This is your house. Your house!” she can be heard saying on her own video.

due to a disabling “messianic narcissism” that warps his every decision—as well as an unusual lack of knowledge, integrity, empathy, and stability (sanity!)—Trump can’t perform many of the duties of office that the Constitution anticipated!
“You don’t see it as a cult when you’re in it,” she told The Daily Beast. “You don’t recognize it.”
Yep. At least consciously. Although I do suspect that their emotional responses to the term may mean that they see it subconsciously. Maybe.

This is a weird mix of cult on the bottom, street-level end and Mafia family on the top, politician and politico, end.
The cult stuff....yes. Are you still in the cult? Were you there on Jan 6th?
I know, right. Only out of a cult will you find a cancer stricken grandma, with the physical stamina and strength to over-power multiple police in riot gear, three times.

I can not imagine what our world would be today if cancer/grandma made it to where our congress was.

She is like the terminator of grandmas
The problem is not merely misstatements, mistakes, falsehoods, or white lies—Mark Twain generously called them “stretchers”—but a space where con artists keep playing catch-me-if-you-can to escape governmental accountability.

Nor can anyone act surprised that we’ve reached this low point with Trump. When a leader relies on repeated falsehoods without a capacity to learn or apologize—always doubling and tripling down to keep his chesty pose intact and credulous base satisfied—we inevitably end up with a candidate for president who keeps digging himself into ever-deeper holes.

Or, as the head of the Society of American Magicians once remarked, his members were popular because “people wanted a fraud they could believe in.”
J6 was a logical and measured response an ELECTION FRAUD that 8 billion people worldwide saw with their own eyes on international television.

The PTB are pretty damn brazen to tell 8 billion people they didn't see what they saw.

Because of this, the PTB now has ZERO CREDIBILITY in the eyes of most of the world.

It's so bad now, that various powerful world leaders are basically saying "these Americans are assholes and idiots, let's get them out of the picture". Mr Xi will take Taiwan BECAUSE HE CAN, and millions of Chinese will applaud him, not for his authority, but for kicking the Americans out.

Leftards are butt stupid, they are a serious threat to American national security.
"J6 was a logical and measured response".....................yep, you're in a cult.
I know, right. Only out of a cult will you find a cancer stricken grandma, with the physical stamina and strength to over-power multiple police in riot gear, three times.

I can not imagine what our world would be today if cancer/grandma made it to where our congress was.

She is like the terminator of grandmas
I know, right? She was the only one there. No mob with her. Nope....just tourists, right?

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