..J6 in the news: 10yrs in jail. Or pardoned?


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
I thought two items in today's news offered an ironic dichotomy.

A curious pairing, so to speak.


1. A retired New York police officer got sentenced to 10yrs in prison for his actions on J6, which included this ( this from ABC):

"Video shows Webster swing a metal flagpole and breaking apart bike racks that were acting as a police perimeter. As Rathbun backed away, Webster tackled him and then pulled at the officer's gas mask. Rathbun testified that he began to choke on his chin strap as Webster pulled at the mask. Video shows that Rathbun hit Webster's face while trying to push him away.

Webster was convicted of assaulting, resisting or impeding an officer using a dangerous weapon; civil disorder; entering and remaining in restricted grounds with a dangerous weapon; engaging in physical violence in restricted grounds with a dangerous weapon; and engaging in an act of physical violence on Capitol grounds.
Judge Amit Mehta chose to apply a 4-level enhancement because Webster was wearing body armor. This alone added 30 months to the minimum sentence he could have received."

2. (From The Hill - 09/01/22 4:56 PM ET)

"Trump says he will ‘look very favorably’ at pardons, apologies for Jan. 6 rioters if elected

" Former President Trump said he would be looking “very seriously” into full pardons for those charged in connection with storming the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, if he decides to run for a second term and wins the 2024 presidential election."


OK, that is just the simple news.
But it does suggest some interesting discussion possibilities.

For example, should the Capitol Police officer who was attacked by the retired NYPD officer in our first item above......should he apologize to the attacker?
Should the attacker himself be pardoned if Don Trump wins another term as POTUS.
I thought two items in today's news offered an ironic dichotomy.

A curious pairing, so to speak.


1. A retired New York police officer got sentenced to 10yrs in prison for his actions on J6, which included this ( this from ABC):

"Video shows Webster swing a metal flagpole and breaking apart bike racks that were acting as a police perimeter. As Rathbun backed away, Webster tackled him and then pulled at the officer's gas mask. Rathbun testified that he began to choke on his chin strap as Webster pulled at the mask. Video shows that Rathbun hit Webster's face while trying to push him away.

Webster was convicted of assaulting, resisting or impeding an officer using a dangerous weapon; civil disorder; entering and remaining in restricted grounds with a dangerous weapon; engaging in physical violence in restricted grounds with a dangerous weapon; and engaging in an act of physical violence on Capitol grounds.
Judge Amit Mehta chose to apply a 4-level enhancement because Webster was wearing body armor. This alone added 30 months to the minimum sentence he could have received."

2. (From The Hill - 09/01/22 4:56 PM ET)

"Trump says he will ‘look very favorably’ at pardons, apologies for Jan. 6 rioters if elected

" Former President Trump said he would be looking “very seriously” into full pardons for those charged in connection with storming the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, if he decides to run for a second term and wins the 2024 presidential election."


OK, that is just the simple news.
But it does suggest some interesting discussion possibilities.

For example, should the Capitol Police officer who was attacked by the retired NYPD officer in our first item above......should he apologize to the attacker?
Should the attacker himself be pardoned if Don Trump wins another term as POTUS.

I don't believe in pardons unless it is the only option to free someone wrongfully convicted. As for the apologies, I suppose their ego will have to sort that out.
Establishing pardonings for political allies for crimes they commit in your name would certainly be an interesting step for this country to take
Who ever Trump decides to pardon is fine with me.
He is very smart and knows more than everyone else.
That's why Trump was the greatest ruler of his country.
These facts can't be disputed or denied..... :rolleyes:
Vote for Trump in 2024 so he can pardon those patriots who protested the stolen election.
You didn’t answer my question. Anyone who assaults a police officer deserves to go to jail. Agree or disagree?

I think Antifa is both. Whatever they are, I don’t support them.
I agree. People who attack police are committing a crime.

So you agree Antinfa is a large well armed, well funded, well organized group/idea
Vote for Trump in 2024 so he can pardon those patriots who protested the stolen election.
It would be fun watching Trump get his ass handed to him a second time.

The laughter would haunt the traitor all the way to his grave.
I agree. People who attack police are committing a crime.

So you agree Antinfa is a large well armed, well funded, well organized group/idea
So you agree that the piece of shit in the OP who attacked a police officer on Jan 6 deserves to rot in jail. Good. I’m glad we agree on that.

I don’t think Antifa is particularly well-armed. I don’t know if they are well-funded. They don’t strike me as well-organized. I just don’t support them and I think many of them should be arrested.
So you agree that the piece of shit in the OP who attacked a police officer on Jan 6 deserves to rot in jail. Good. I’m glad we agree on that.

I agree. No need for violence. Most people at joke 6 took selfies with police.

I don’t think Antifa is particularly well-armed. I don’t know if they are well-funded. They don’t strike me as well-organized. I just don’t support them and I think many of them should be arrested.
You should see antifa defend child sex events. They make the proud boys look like a drinking club.

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