J6 Committee now claiming they never had access to any security footage

1st post
I saw it on Twitter. It MUST be true. :auiqs.jpg:

Well, my merry band of cucks..I saw it on live TV that day. Hint..I didn't need a J6 committee to tell me what went on that day.

But..thanks for playing.
You saw what the Main Stream Media and Democrats WANTED you to see, Jack and then you've spent the last two years buying into that narrative! The only "cuck" here is you for buying the bullshit that Schiff and Company have been peddling.
The only thing I smell is the smell of a desperate attempt to gin up outrage for the 2024 election cycle since crazy got shellacked in the 2022 midterms.
Problem is, the outrage is only going to reach those that are already outraged. The rest of us all saw what went on that day and will ignore this spin attempt.

Fortunately, at the moment..we outnumber you. :)
Not for long, the witch trail is being shown for what is was. A nothing burger and costed the tax payers millions.
5th post
Basically, they just threw the Jan 6 political prisoner prosecutors under the bus.

The corrupt prosecutors can't hide behind the "no access to the evidence" door if the Jan 6 committee is claiming they didn't have it.
They have totally blown the entire Jan 6 narrative, from the investigations to the prosecutions
You saw what the Main Stream Media and Democrats WANTED you to see, Jack and then you've spent the last two years buying into that narrative! The only "cuck" here is you for buying the bullshit that Schiff and Company have been peddling.

There really is only a couple of choices.

Jackie really is that fucking monumentally stupid.
He loathes the USA.
A group of cucks hell bent on making sure at the end of that day that their savior would be President for the next four years..even though he lost. :)
At the end of the day, Jack this has nothing to do with Trump! This is about Americans being denied due process by the very government that is SUPPOSED to be protecting their rights! People are sitting in prisons right now because of politics. Not because what they did warranted long prison sentences but because the narrative that Jan 6th was an "insurrection" allowed Democrats to lock them up and hide evidence that would have exonerated them!
10th post

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