J6 Committee now claiming they never had access to any security footage

Bwhahaha .. the January 6 Committee had 18 months to review evidence -- the primary contributor being the security footage .. and they outsourced those responsibilities without reviewing any of the footage. I've also read about the selective editing with the addition of sound effects (e.g. screaming people) to intensify the emotional aspect.

Excellent decision by McCarthy to release the video footage to a third party to audit and qa our government. No wonder the liberals are bent out of shape and requesting the censorship of the video content (they didn't watch) from the American people.
I especially liked the cherry cropped video of Hawley running across the hall, like he was the only one!!! He was actually with everyone else, just last. hahaahahahaahahahahaha demofkers are master minipulators that's a fact.

Played in front of room of people that all gasped when they played it. But it was all fking fake!!!!!! FAKE is a Demofk
Given that you did, in fact, reply to your own comment, please enlighten me as to the benefit of your unusual way of posting.

Can you see where someone named candy reacted to the first post?
Can you see where I am addressing candy in the 2nd post?

Catch on?
Sniff, Sniff....Do you smell that? That's the smell of damage control.

The only thing I smell is the smell of a desperate attempt to gin up outrage for the 2024 election cycle since crazy got shellacked in the 2022 midterms.
Problem is, the outrage is only going to reach those that are already outraged. The rest of us all saw what went on that day and will ignore this spin attempt.

Fortunately, at the moment..we outnumber you. :)
The lies keep coming. They're shitting their pants now that the media has access to all the footage. LOL!

The entire committee needs to be investigated and prosecuted if this is true. He's basically saying they made rulings and conclusions without examining any evidence.

Q) What does the D.C, gang do best?

A) Cover ups!
If you believe that I have this bridge I’m looking to sell.
Are you geniuses not aware that congressional committees have staff do research for them?
This isn't research, it's evidence. Your betters on the committee made decisions and rulings without viewing the evidence. Only a cultist like you would be okay with that.
Do you think the members of a congressional committee look at every piece of evidence in every investigation?

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