It's Veterans Day Tomorrow

All you vets, get your ID's ready, there is lots of free stuff to be had! Free coffee, free meals, and good discounts on things you might wanna buy!
In my tiny Midwest farming town, the school -- all three levels in one building -- invites all of the Veterans in town to come to the school on Veterans' Day and serves them lunch to demonstrate their appreciation and respect. Public is welcome too, but everybody who's not a Vet gets charged. I think I'll go.

We sure do love our Vets in the Midwest!
Helpful tip for all the vets here on USMB. If you have proof of your service (DD214, ID card), go to Google and look up "veterans day deals" for your area. It will tell you where the freebies are, as well as who is offering deep discounts. veterans like free stuff too! Especially retirees like myself who live on a military pension.

Now before you call me a traitor or commie, please understand veterans are merely pawns in the game of war played by the elites.

I respect your opinion but today is the day to honor those that did serve.
Helpful tip for all the vets here on USMB. If you have proof of your service (DD214, ID card), go to Google and look up "veterans day deals" for your area. It will tell you where the freebies are, as well as who is offering deep discounts. veterans like free stuff too! Especially retirees like myself who live on a military pension.
Check this out...


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