It's So Freaking Pathetic.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
All the libtards on the morning talk shows begging for R E S P E C T and civillity.. lol.. after all these years of bashing the USA, bashing Bush, Bashing Republicans and demonizing everybody they dislike to see them stoop so low and beg so hard is just downright P A T H E T I C.. ask David Axelrod..
This just proves that no matter what, liberal democrats know nothing except how to bitch and moan, and then whine... No pleasing them.
oh but, we don't have a twisted view of liberalism in this country

it's every bit as solid as patriotism, right?

All the libtards on the morning talk shows begging for R E S P E C T and civillity.. lol.. after all these years of bashing the USA, bashing Bush, Bashing Republicans and demonizing everybody they dislike to see them stoop so low and beg so hard is just downright P A T H E T I C.. ask David Axelrod..

Did you watch the entire show?? What kinds of things were said??? It would be nice if you gave some examples.
While your looking for pity (and respect), I'll be busy kicking you to the curb. Cry to your God Obama as you sit on the ash heap.
All the libtards on the morning talk shows begging for R E S P E C T and civillity.. lol.. after all these years of bashing the USA, bashing Bush, Bashing Republicans and demonizing everybody they dislike to see them stoop so low and beg so hard is just downright P A T H E T I C.. ask David Axelrod..

Thats how you move the center you paint the otherside as radicals .
God knows Bush did nothing to deserve criticism. LOL

there is a great big ocean lies between criticism and bashing! you are reaping what you sowed..

Obama is being attacked today by conservatives who support offshore drilling, because Obama has acted in support of offshore drilling.

That would be bashing. Irrational attacks for no good reason with no basis in common sense.
God knows Bush did nothing to deserve criticism. LOL

there is a great big ocean lies between criticism and bashing! you are reaping what you sowed..

Obama is being attacked today by conservatives who support offshore drilling, because Obama has acted in support of offshore drilling.

That would be bashing. Irrational attacks for no good reason with no basis in common sense.

:lol::lol::lol::lol:cry us a fucking river, I remember the last 8 years..
Obama is being attacked today by conservatives who support offshore drilling, because Obama has acted in support of offshore drilling.

That would be bashing. Irrational attacks for no good reason with no basis in common sense.

He's being attacked for revoking drilling that had already been approved.
[ame=]YouTube - A Trip Down Memory Lane[/ame]

Hot Air Blog Archive Video: Remember when the media thought hateful political rhetoric was cool?
Hint: It wasn’t that long ago, although given the blackout on this sort of thing at the time, you can’t blame people like Gibbsy for thinking that it never happened. This trip down memory lane comes from Evan Coyne Maloney, not as an apology for recent threats against the Democrats, of course, but as an indictment of the insane double standard practiced by the establishment left in raising alarms about irresponsible rhetoric. How insane? Take two minutes and work your way through this post at Verum Serum. It’s worth it. (There’s even a Palin angle!) The open question is why the double standard exists in the first place.

There are several links in the above quote that you would have to go to Hot Airto click on. I'm bringing the Verum Serum on over because it mocks Paul Krugman right out of his socks. (or is proof that Krugman does not have google on his enter-toobs)

Memo to Paul Krugman and Rep. Van Hollen: My Search Was Not in Vain | Verum Serum

WOW :lol::lol::lol:
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

Same link as above, this time from Senator Obama.

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