It's now time to slaughter them all

Originally posted by DKSuddeth
This 'green brigade' shit just pissed me off.

I've been saying for months now that the military needs to stay on the offensive throughout. Winning over the Iraqi people is not changing anything and never will. I highly doubt taking out those who kidnap and murder is going to make a difference. The military needs to keep up a sustained offensive to incapacitate them. Abazaid wants more soldiers, give them to him. Us the military for what they are trained to do.

Yes, innocent civilians will be lost. I'd rather that happen than sit back and watch our soldiers being picked off one by one.

And what happened to the air power? Bring back the jets and start guiding some precision bombs. I'm not saying carpet bomb the entire place, but at least take the upper hand and show these scumbags who they're dealing with.
I think that we need to show the iraqis that these actions are NOT sanctioned by allah and that killing civilian hostages is NOT 'killing the infidel' but a cowardly act that will bar you forever from heaven by blasting the shit out of any building or hole these cowards claim as refuge.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I think that we need to show the iraqis that these actions are NOT sanctioned by allah and that killing civilian hostages is NOT 'killing the infidel' but a cowardly act that will bar you forever from heaven by blasting the shit out of any building or hole these cowards claim as refuge.

:laugh: :thup:
these Green brigade bastards seek deliverance, It is my hope that our military can help em out. They need to go the way of the dodo bird.
Don't worry my friend in the next 45 days you will see Iraqi death tolls on par with Vietnam and Korea I think.
The counsil is taking to long with these "cease fire" negotations. The marines are still getting attacked. Fuck it man just let em lose. They'll kill everyone and make sure that the citizens of Fallujah never ever think about uprissing again. Also i read today that the Army has 2,500 troops outside Najaf and they are going to capture or kill al-Sadar. Lets get these bastards while we can. No longer must we walk on eggshells now is the time to flex our great american muscle. We have it why not use it.
Also to address the troop strength. I say we need more troops. I'm in the gaurd and my unit is being deployed in November, I'ld like as many soldiers over there as possible. The more the merrier!;)
That reaction sounds very very familiar...

'The town of Boston ought to be knocked about their ears and annihilated' - Member of English Parliament (December, 1773).
Just sounded familiar. 'Slaughter them all' has a certain ring to it.
When these "freedom fighters" ,as they've described by some on our campuses of "higher education" (or perhaps they are just high?), start their mantras I get really riled. Earlier today on the Glenn Beck radio program (9-12noon in Oklahoma) some useless anarchist at Berkeley was encouraging a domestic Jihad by our student populations to go after this administration.

This seditionist clod jazzed the crowd. Having lived on the west coast (left coast) for a number of years I shouldn't be surprised.

Unless I am mistaken, in times past when the Soviets or the Chinese took military action they did so with a totally commited force bent on not only defeating their opponent but basically terminating him. Didn't have to negotiate since they were already history.

Frankly, the Shiites in southern Iraq surprised me. I thought their release from being under Saddam's thumb/heel for so many years would have resulted in more of an appreciation. But once again I am wrong but only partially I do believe.

Most Iraqis are people who have lived in fear for decades. Before he was toppled, those who suffered knew the cause of that suffering. His elimination basically opened up a can of worms from the average Iraqi perspective.

Like any of us, the overwhelming majority of Iraqis have pretty much the same basic feelings and desires as we westerners. They have wives, husbands, children etc. that they care for and wish to have a good life.

It is the band of malcontents, largely young males, that are made up of persons whose advantage abruptly ended when we moved into Iraq. Transients from Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia whose mission is to cause anarchy have entered and continue to arrive. These same vermin have been in Pakistan since the Taliban was in power. The radical Islamists have basically cornered the shakey leadership in Pakistan and are being paid by the royal family in Sauid Arabia to "allow" them to continue on.

While they have schools for hate in Pakistan for the young, they also have Wahabism is Saudi Arabia that preaches Islam above all and death to the infidel.

The reason we have a presence in the middle east at this time is partially due to that old Arab adage, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Needless to say this is a game of musical chairs and all who go by this philosophy are aware of this. Case in point, the Iran-Iraq war in the '80s cost around 1 million lives. Sunni vs. Shiite. Now they are helping each other out.

As to destroying Iraq. Our nation is too interwoven into the globalist marketplace and our own well being is dependent upon an ever-growing dependence on foreign investment and goods. Basically, we've given the farm away. But enough persons in this country are still living well enough off of the blood pouring from our own self inflicted domestic wound.

Anyway, move the troops back out of Fallujah (sp?) and carpet bomb the place into pebbles. Provide 24 hours for residents to leave. The warrior age men need to be incarcerated by allied forces until theycan be checked out. If nobody comes out then they'll already be buried. Something can be done with the actual soil to make this city uninhabitable - perhaps a tactical nuke.

The Romans, after having had enough of Carthage, erased the city. To this day nothing can be grown there. I'd suggest a similar action. This act alone will force a wakeup call to enough of the indigenous population and their leaders as it is a brutal response that equate to extermination.

What to do with all of those residents (excepting the militants) if there are any? Send them to a Arabic secular nation.

More scenarios to follow ... the Saudi's, Pakistan and Iran
I think it most probable that the majority of the Iraqi people feel pretty much the same as most of us in this forum.

When a group of malcontents comes in and says either join us, shout in our favor during the press coverage/filming or die - it becomes clear what one must do in order to see another day.

This vermin that use women and children as shields, mosques as gathering places to discuss/finalize strategies and kidnap/execute persons who are non-combatants clearly demonstrate their cowardice. The general Iraqi would probably agree with us - but not publicly for obvious reasons.

I see nothing wrong with blowing up mosques if you know they're being used by those forces killing our troops and both foreign and domestic civilians.

HAving said all of that, what we are far more concerned about is what the world thinks of us. Attacking the cause rather than teh symptoms is what needs to be done. The decision makers are entrenched well enough to still enjoy a very enviable life even if theri actions result in political defeat. They need to walk the walk rather than just talking the talk and appearing to engage in some fancy footwork.

If this administration actually began doing some WWII style killing it would suffer in the multitude of polls etc. The average American moron, with an attention span of about 5 nanoseconds, would blindly look for direction through glazed over eyes watching the alphabet networks. Entertainment is what the average American seeks. Hes hooked. More people watch American Idol than the news. So clearly this administration, like any other, is more concerned about its own survival (and of its party) than all the tripe the speach writers compose.

Most can't tell you who "they" elected to office to represent them. If they can it is usually over some issue where a jdecision is not a legislative one but a judicial. Emotion plays too much of a role in politics. A politicians success is most often achieved through timing and not truth or true substance.

Politicans know this and advertisers prove it about every 10 minutes during a television program. They don't wish to be bothered. Apathy abounds. The voting turnout underscores this.

Anyway, politicians are more concerned about our image and their election or re-election.

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