"It's not theirs, Its mine"

That FISA case shows that the FBI is corrupt and will even frame innocent Americans.

It takes time to fabricate evidence and frame people

When is the FBI going to explain why it lied on an application for a FISA warrant and whi it accepted a work off total fiction as evidence in an espionage case.

I'll enjoy watching the FBI get defunded when Trump gets elected.
That FISA case shows that the FBI is corrupt and will even frame innocent Americans

Not at all what it shows.
What it shiws is that from time to time agencies like the F.B.I. need to examine (and sometimes change) the way it conducts business.

It takes time to fabricate evidence and frame people

This is ridiculous.
Nobody has to "fabricate" evidence to frame Trump.
He commits hus crimes in plain sight right in front of everyone's noses and leaves his own trails of evidence to prove it.
(this is the part where you're supposed to say "what crimes")

When is the FBI going to explain why it lied on an application for a FISA warrant and whi it accepted a work off total fiction as evidence in an espionage case.

This is old news that has already been "explained" to death.
Changes in S.O.P. have already been instituted.
You are beating a dead horse here as they say.

I'll enjoy watching the FBI get defunded when Trump gets elected.
Are you dumb enough to think the POTUS controlls tge F.B I.'s budget?
A whole different set of laws cover the classified files and document.
Which statement would you like confirmed? You forgot to include one.
then why did you post the presidential records act? post that whole different set of laws. Appears only you are aware of. CNN legal analyst already stating there are no procedures.

looks like this thread is the make it up as you go thread for the demofks. hly crap, the amount shit pulled out of their asses is quite incredible. They must have really sore rectums.
looks like this thread is the make it up as you go thread for the demofks. hly crap, the amount shit pulled out of their asses is quite incredible. They must have really sore rectums.
You have posted nothing worthwhile on it
what witch hunt did trump have? hly fk, you all really have no honor.
You misunderstood.

[Trump claims he is being witch hunted all the time. All lawsuits against him are a witch hunt. He is the most innocent person on the planet.]

Trump has tweeted the term nearly 300 times since becoming president—and he’s not just using it as a distraction.​

Since the Ukraine scandal broke 34 days ago, Donald Trump has tweeted the phrase “witch hunt” 45 times. That’s the equivalent of 1.3 times a day. In nine of those instances, he asserted that the Ukraine investigation constitutes the greatest witch hunt in the history of the United States.

When Trump cries witch hunt, it is a rallying cry. It is not designed to prove his innocence but to whip his listeners into a frenzy, to turn their ire upon those who were so bold as to think they could hold him accountable. Donald Trump, like witch hunters throughout history, has proved skillful at flipping the narrative, writing himself as the victim even when he is the aggressor. When Trump cries witch hunt, it is to summon the hunters.

This usage of the phrase is already catching on. Just as the term “fake news” has begun popping up in the mouths of all kinds of grifters and dictators, “witch hunt” has begun dropping from the lips of everyone from local sheriffs to prime ministers. As recently as December of 2018, my Google Alert for the term “witch hunt” might deliver 10 articles on a given day, nine about Trump and one about a current hunt. (Yes, you read that right—actual witch hunts still happen. More on that in a moment.)

(full article online)

looks like this thread is the make it up as you go thread for the demofks. hly crap, the amount shit pulled out of their asses is quite incredible. They must have really sore rectums.
You do not discuss anything, just seating on your arse and playing superiority.

Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
He doesn't HAVE one moron.

Never did.
no president has one, the president is the executive branch. And Trump has what obammy has right now. Why is it obammy keeps popping up in discussions on classified things? You should perhaps go read some internet information on what a former president can see. Please tell me what you find. this is like target practice and I keep hitting bullseyes.
You misunderstood.

[Trump claims he is being witch hunted all the time. All lawsuits against him are a witch hunt. He is the most innocent person on the planet.]

Trump has tweeted the term nearly 300 times since becoming president—and he’s not just using it as a distraction.​

Since the Ukraine scandal broke 34 days ago, Donald Trump has tweeted the phrase “witch hunt” 45 times. That’s the equivalent of 1.3 times a day. In nine of those instances, he asserted that the Ukraine investigation constitutes the greatest witch hunt in the history of the United States.

When Trump cries witch hunt, it is a rallying cry. It is not designed to prove his innocence but to whip his listeners into a frenzy, to turn their ire upon those who were so bold as to think they could hold him accountable. Donald Trump, like witch hunters throughout history, has proved skillful at flipping the narrative, writing himself as the victim even when he is the aggressor. When Trump cries witch hunt, it is to summon the hunters.

This usage of the phrase is already catching on. Just as the term “fake news” has begun popping up in the mouths of all kinds of grifters and dictators, “witch hunt” has begun dropping from the lips of everyone from local sheriffs to prime ministers. As recently as December of 2018, my Google Alert for the term “witch hunt” might deliver 10 articles on a given day, nine about Trump and one about a current hunt. (Yes, you read that right—actual witch hunts still happen. More on that in a moment.)

(full article online)

everything he said was factual. Name one thing that was ever proven against him in office?

Dossier? nope
Mueller report? nope

no president has one, the president is the executive branch. And Trump has what obammy has right now. Why is it obammy keeps popping up in discussions on classified things? You should perhaps go read some internet information on what a former president can see. Please tell me what you find. this is like target practice and I keep hitting bullseyes.
I posted that already. It does not mean that they can see everything. They have to request NARA for it.

You live at a shooting range !!!! Of course.

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