“It’s not fair!” Trump sends 115 Tweets in 24 hours

. If Obama did this I would say " who gives a shit "...
I firmly believe this is a lie.

You do?

Truthfully I never complained about Obama trips, his wife or did any attacks on his kids.

It is amazing how the left believe I give a damn about twatter and Trump mad rantings on it because I really do not.

Fact is twatter to me is a joke and worthless and if Obama had done the same I would be in the same opinion of " who gives a flying fuck! " ...
If you never complained about Obama's golfing or trips you are the only conservative who didn't.
And all conservatives say they don't follow tRump on Twitter and wouldn't even know about it unless liberals mentioned it, and we know they are all lying.

In short, unicorns don't exist.

From 2008-2016 weeks would go by without any comments from Obama, TRUMP on the other hand engages on social media and directly with the press on an almost daily basis.

Did democrats not learn anything from Hillary losing the election in 2016? One big reason being people viewed Hillary as unreliable, Warren and a few other dems running have received the same criticism. While some tried to stream hair cuts, dental visits and getting a beer to com across as relatable they all failed cringingly.

TRUMP's practice of tweeting on an array of issue is one thing he does with natural ease that makes him come across as relatable.
From 2008-2016 weeks would go by without any comments from Obama,
Lies. The Obama administration averaged 10 pressers a month.

And all of that without the gradeschool girl hyperbole and childish insults.
You know as it’s gets closer to 2020 Twitter will ban trump lol they know it’s helping him
It’s a new milestone for the whiniest of little bitches. He’s completely embarrassing himself and our nation’s standing around the world but oh well. Just another day in the White House.

Why would anyone try to justify this toddler whining?

‘This is Trump unleashed’ — These charts show that the president is tweeting and speaking more than ever

Does that give you Commie piles of shit a sadz?

Anyone who votes for ANY democrat in 2020 is a pile of shit. The Communist party, the democrats, are the sworn enemy of America and should be treated no differently than Nazis were in 1942.
It’s a new milestone for the whiniest of little bitches. He’s completely embarrassing himself and our nation’s standing around the world but oh well. Just another day in the White House.

Why would anyone try to justify this toddler whining?

‘This is Trump unleashed’ — These charts show that the president is tweeting and speaking more than ever
/——/ Says the Democratic Socialist who has posted 20,000 messages on USMB.

yep, he has 20,000 message over the course of almost 3000 days...or less than 7 a day.

you on the other hand have more post in less than 1300 days...or more than 16 a day.
/——-/ So? What’s your point? I never complain about anyone’s posts or tweets.

you just did dumb fuck.
/—-/ It wasn’t a complaint, I just pointed out the guy complaining about Trump tweets had posted 20,000 times.
Trying bribe a foreign president to investigate your political opponent is not fair.

When did that happen, Comrade? What political opponent? You mean the way you Communists went to Ukraine and offered US Aid if they would investigate Trump?

In May of 2018, Sens. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., wrote to Ukraine’s Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko asking the Ukraine government to keep four investigations open related to the Mueller probe into Russian election interference in the U.S. and indicated that their support for foreign aid to Ukraine could be in jeopardy.

“As strong advocates for a robust and close relationship with Ukraine, we believe that our cooperation should extend to such legal matters,” the senators wrote, adding that they were “disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles in order to avoid the ire of President Trump.”}

Democrats Asked Ukraine To Investigate Trump In 2018

You Communists are such vile hypocrites, as well as traitors.
. If Obama did this I would say " who gives a shit "...
I firmly believe this is a lie.

You do?

Truthfully I never complained about Obama trips, his wife or did any attacks on his kids.

It is amazing how the left believe I give a damn about twatter and Trump mad rantings on it because I really do not.

Fact is twatter to me is a joke and worthless and if Obama had done the same I would be in the same opinion of " who gives a flying fuck! " ...
If you never complained about Obama's golfing or trips you are the only conservative who didn't.
And all conservatives say they don't follow tRump on Twitter and wouldn't even know about it unless liberals mentioned it, and we know they are all lying.

In short, unicorns don't exist.

I am fiscal Conservative and did not vote for Trump, so yes I do not follow the putz...
I think you secretly know this behavior is pathetic but you’re too much of a pussy to admit it on here. My god I cant imagine the tantrums repubs would throw if Obama Tweeted like this.

Billy, you Communists should protest this by having one of your Comrade kill themself publically every time the President tweets. Start with you. You'll show him how bad tweeting is, that he should only let the press interpret his message for the masses instead of going directly to the people...
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter


I used to read the twitter 'n chief daily.

he's rather obsessive in his desire to 'speak to the people' in said medium, albeit an entire WH press core ,and revolving door secretaries who would quote him verbatim 24/7

but it's not the volume... it's the content....constant petulant vitriol ....always a target, always some one or thing to blame....

one starts to realize what kind of man he really is

in fact , he'd probably loose the majority of his cheerleaders , should they rise to any appreciable level of literacy

Yes, because he's just supposed to shut up and take it while the left insults and lies about him and his family and accuses him of bizarre bullshit.

Freedom of speech is a bitch, ain't it?
. If Obama did this I would say " who gives a shit "...
I firmly believe this is a lie.

You do?

Truthfully I never complained about Obama trips, his wife or did any attacks on his kids.

It is amazing how the left believe I give a damn about twatter and Trump mad rantings on it because I really do not.

Fact is twatter to me is a joke and worthless and if Obama had done the same I would be in the same opinion of " who gives a flying fuck! " ...
If you never complained about Obama's golfing or trips you are the only conservative who didn't.
And all conservatives say they don't follow tRump on Twitter and wouldn't even know about it unless liberals mentioned it, and we know they are all lying.

In short, unicorns don't exist.
Oh, so I have a Twitter account? What is it? I probably ought to go check it.
From 2008-2016 weeks would go by without any comments from Obama,
Lies. The Obama administration averaged 10 pressers a month.

And all of that without the gradeschool girl hyperbole and childish insults.
Obama sure didn't like to answer questions, though, did he?

8 questions. The unendurable pressure. Poor, poor man. [insert sad face smiley here]
You know as it’s gets closer to 2020 Twitter will ban trump lol they know it’s helping him
/----/ No, Twitter will not ban Trump, here’s why
In January, Twitter published a blog post publicly codifying what had already been company policy, saying that “Blocking a world leader from Twitter or removing their controversial Tweets would hide important information people should be able to see and debate.”

Twitter’s view is that keeping up political figures’ controversial tweets encourages discussion and helps hold leaders accountable. The comments, the company argues, can either happen in the open, on Twitter, or behind closed doors.

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