It's Happening Again - Homes Lost - Some Rent Control Needed

FALSE! The landlord is dealing with a product that holds people's LIVES in his hands. That is different than selling plants or sporting goods. Get it ?

:puhleeze: Oh you so stupid that you don't know this is rent GOUGING. Where does that landlord get the money to pay the mortgage if the renter doesn't pay what the property costs ? What a stupid question. The landlord gets the money to pay whatever he wished to pay from the rents that he received before he gouged the renters, just as he was doing all along.

To try to claim that these thieves actually NEED this xtra money is about the mist assinine thing anybody has said in this thread. But you're not the only one saying it. There's a bunch of other nitwits here also, who think they can pass that off. Fools.

And your commie comment is just as stupid. All businesses have constraints. None are completely without that (except your sleazey landlord friends). And now those other businesses are being hurt by your landlord pals, as much as the renters are.
No more time to spend on you. You're a parasite that figures you are somehow owed something by people who have no responsibility for your useless ass. Good night.
FALSE! The landlord is dealing with a product that holds people's LIVES in his hands.

Oh no, people's lives!!! DURR

Oh you so stupid that you don't know this is rent GOUGING.

Sounds like you should be allowed to steal.

To try to claim that these thieves actually NEED this xtra money is about the mist assinine thing anybody has said in this thread.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
Oh YES people's LIVES, you klutz.

Sound like you think landlords should be allowed to steal.

Just let the greedy kulaks do as other businesses do. Conform to necessary business practices, and stop trying to be privileged characters above everyone else.
I think your theft is communism.
Stop thinking. You might hurt yourself.

So should car companies not have to provide air bags & seat belts ?

Food companies sell food any way they choose to ?

Building construction companies use any cheap crap materials they see fit to use ?

Americans are "commies" to tell them they can't ?

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Oh YES people's LIVES, you klutz.

Sound like you think landlords should be allowed to steal.

Just let the greedy kulaks do as other businesses do. Conform to necessary business practices, and stop trying to be privileged characters above everyone else.

Sound like you think landlords should be allowed to steal.

It's a free market. Buyers and sellers have to agree on price.

If the price is more than you want to pay, don't buy it.

If that means moving or getting a roommate, stop whining and do it.

Conform to necessary business practices, and stop trying to be privileged characters above everyone else.

Price controls are a really bad idea, for rent or anything else.

You never explained how price controls on gasoline would work.

Did you realize the stupidity of that idea yet?
If you say so, tovarisch.
Yeah, I say so, Bernie Madoff.

Rent control is part of capitalism in America. Just like car companies who pay to provide air bags & seat belts (required by LAW I believe ?) Just like building construction companies whose materials must conform to GOVERNMENT specified CODES, I believe. Just like food products that are regulated by the FDA and Dept of Agriculture. Just like pharmaceuticals that are regulated, and the companies must abide.

Think all that is communism ? No you don;t. You just have burr up your ass about landlords, because you have some $$$ invested in that, you vested interested, bullshit artist.
Listen moron, you can't be this slow. Who do you think pays for those air bags and seat belts and building codes? The end consumer pays for it--those prices increase continually. Check out new car prices--do you think they have price controls on cars? Nope, they don't. Rent is the same. You, as a renter, are the end consumer. You pay what the market will bear for the period of the lease. After the terms of the lease have been met, you have no claim to anything. ZERO, ZIP, NADA. The landlord doesn't have to renew at all if he so desires. You have no claim to the property and the fact that you believe you do makes you a fucking commie.
Sound like you think landlords should be allowed to steal.

It's a free market. Buyers and sellers have to agree on price.

If the price is more than you want to pay, don't buy it.

If that means moving or getting a roommate, stop whining and do it.

Conform to necessary business practices, and stop trying to be privileged characters above everyone else.

Price controls are a really bad idea, for rent or anything else.

You never explained how price controls on gasoline would work.

Did you realize the stupidity of that idea yet?
Yeah, it's a totally FREE market, when all other businesses are NOT "free" to do whatever they want. Get it, dumbo ?

If gasoline prices suddenly were $500/gallon, would you think price controls bringing them back to $3/gallon would be > "stupidity of that idea" ? Or are you going to run away from that question too, captain courageous ?


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Why is it bad ?

Rent control is a bad idea because it reduces new supply and increases demand.

What if gas prices went to $100/gallon ?

That would be really bad.

Wanna have gas price control ?

No. Now, if it did go that high, how would "gas price control" work?
Spell it out.
No we wouldn't want gas price controls. Sensible people would go out and buy electric vehicles while people like you would cry for price controls so you wouldn't have to live with the consequences of your actions.
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Listen moron, you can't be this slow. Who do you think pays for those air bags and seat belts and building codes? The end consumer pays for it--those prices increase continually. Check out new car prices--do you think they have price controls on cars? Nope, they don't. Rent is the same. You, as a renter, are the end consumer. You pay what the market will bear for the period of the lease. After the terms of the lease have been met, you have no claim to anything. ZERO, ZIP, NADA. The landlord doesn't have to renew at all if he so desires. You have no claim to the property and the fact that you believe you do makes you a fucking commie.
HA HA HA. You dumbass, that is my point exactly. The car company raises prices along with his added costs for the air bags, and what do you think happens when his prices go up ?

I'll tell you. His SALES GO DOWN. so he suffers that loss, but not the landlord. The landlord doesn't have to worry about that, because he's getting rich migrants and migrants who cram 4 or 5 or 10 or 12 people into a house or apartment, and he gets his jacked up rent money. Trouble is, the people who have been paying the lower prices all along (for years) get screwed.

Well, for those who live under a rock, that may not seem troublesome, but to normal people, it's a catastrophe.
You say that as if housing in Florida was cheap. You need to know the basic facts of a thread before you comment in it. Dumbass.

And if you're young, someday (if your lucky) you'll be old, and you may find getting to be poor comes with age, when you're not in the workforce anymore. Happens that way for a lot of people.
That's a really funny statement. Getting poor doesn't come with age unless you are an idiot that depends on the government. I'm almost seventy and I'm more comfortable now than when I was working. I made plans and I sacrificed then for comfort now.

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