It’s happening again free-speech under attack by Black Lives Matter folks at Stanford


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Here is some thing that is very much against integrity and honor. It’s not just a racist job quotas that major companies have it’s not just the racism from major universities by giving scholarships to people based not on their skills but based on their skin color. It is the attack on free-speech we see in the following video from pro BLM speakers.

We see time and time again the massive difference between far left Democrats and every other American. You can see a Black Lives Matter supporter even if they’re yelling and screaming if they’re at a college campus and speaking ….people let them speak. Most Americans sit there and they let them speak and if they disagree they can do so during the question and answer part. But not here at Stanford One of the most prestigious schools around.

Of course the way to respond to this is with integrity to not use foul language to be the better person you see when they go low we go high. When BLM goes low people who love go high. Love is love and this is how it’s done God bless us all.
Here is some thing that is very much against integrity and honor. It’s not just a racist job quotas that major companies have it’s not just the racism from major universities by giving scholarships to people based not on their skills but based on their skin color. It is the attack on free-speech we see in the following video from pro BLM speakers.

We see time and time again the massive difference between far left Democrats and every other American. You can see a Black Lives Matter supporter even if they’re yelling and screaming if they’re at a college campus and speaking ….people let them speak. Most Americans sit there and they let them speak and if they disagree they can do so during the question and answer part. But not here at Stanford One of the most prestigious schools around.

Of course the way to respond to this is with integrity to not use foul language to be the better person you see when they go low we go high. When BLM goes low people who love go high. Love is love and this is how it’s done God bless us all.

So, where is free speech being infringed upon?
And far-left, like far-right, is based more around "far-" than left or right... what's your point?
So, where is free speech being infringed upon?
And far-left, like far-right, is based more around "far-" than left or right... what's your point?
when we see blm speak I won’t interrupt then and neither does practically anyone else at a college campus. Could you imagine 100 white people telling a BLM speaker to “shut up and get out of here! @ Or screaming at them.

you saw in the video above a Trump appointed judge was literally shut down he was harassed. There’s no denying it my good friend. And these are anti-freedom of speech people they are the types of people that support BLM.

There’s no point to go any further this is a crystal clear issue there’s no denying it whatsoever this man speaking at Stanford he was shouted at he was yelled at. And I don’t know what the deal is I think that people on the left just want to anger people? People on the far left certainly are extremely racist.
Here is some thing that is very much against integrity and honor. It’s not just a racist job quotas that major companies have it’s not just the racism from major universities by giving scholarships to people based not on their skills but based on their skin color. It is the attack on free-speech we see in the following video from pro BLM speakers.

We see time and time again the massive difference between far left Democrats and every other American. You can see a Black Lives Matter supporter even if they’re yelling and screaming if they’re at a college campus and speaking ….people let them speak. Most Americans sit there and they let them speak and if they disagree they can do so during the question and answer part. But not here at Stanford One of the most prestigious schools around.

Of course the way to respond to this is with integrity to not use foul language to be the better person you see when they go low we go high. When BLM goes low people who love go high. Love is love and this is how it’s done God bless us all.

In the end, it looks as though she wasn't so supreme at all.

Stanford APOLOGIZES after pious dean of 'equity' joined her woke student mob in taunting a Trump-appointed judge who was invited to speak on campus​

when we see blm speak I won’t interrupt then and neither does practically anyone else at a college campus. Could you imagine 100 white people telling a BLM speaker to “shut up and get out of here! @ Or screaming at them.

you saw in the video above a Trump appointed judge was literally shut down he was harassed. There’s no denying it my good friend. And these are anti-freedom of speech people they are the types of people that support BLM.

There’s no point to go any further this is a crystal clear issue there’s no denying it whatsoever this man speaking at Stanford he was shouted at he was yelled at. And I don’t know what the deal is I think that people on the left just want to anger people? People on the far left certainly are extremely racist.

Do you understand what freedom of speech is?

It's not you allowing them to speak... by the way.

It's when the government stops you speaking by locking you up if you do. That's what FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS.
In the end, it looks as though she wasn't so supreme at all.

Stanford APOLOGIZES after pious dean of 'equity' joined her woke student mob in taunting a Trump-appointed judge who was invited to speak on campus​

That is very good news to hear. It’s a step in the right direction one might say
Here is some thing that is very much against integrity and honor. It’s not just a racist job quotas that major companies have it’s not just the racism from major universities by giving scholarships to people based not on their skills but based on their skin color. It is the attack on free-speech we see in the following video from pro BLM speakers.

We see time and time again the massive difference between far left Democrats and every other American. You can see a Black Lives Matter supporter even if they’re yelling and screaming if they’re at a college campus and speaking ….people let them speak. Most Americans sit there and they let them speak and if they disagree they can do so during the question and answer part. But not here at Stanford One of the most prestigious schools around.

Of course the way to respond to this is with integrity to not use foul language to be the better person you see when they go low we go high. When BLM goes low people who love go high. Love is love and this is how it’s done God bless us all.

Did you see any of those tea party town meetings? This was quite tame compared to those meetings.
Any opposing opions must BE CENSORED.

Hmmmm….sounds like fascism to me.

People who cannot defend their stance so they must have the other side censored.

Do you understand what freedom of speech is?

It's not you allowing them to speak... by the way.

It's when the government stops you speaking by locking you up if you do. That's what FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS.

That's the Constitutional right to freedom of speech. Stamford has it's own free speech policies which it ADMITS were not followed in this case.

Freedom of Speech/Expression/Opinion is an overall concept, constitutional protection of it from government is only one facet of the concept.
This lady is talking about “safe”. The only person in that room who had to worry about safety was the guest speaker.

The Left appoints themselves as the moral authority on “tolerance.” How tolerant is stifling someone else’s speech. Further, the commentator is spot on when he sites liberals’ avoidance of civil conflict because they are weak, lazy, and/or entitled to have to think and debate. It’s easier and “safer” to hide behind the protected class card.
What was he there to talk about again?

You still can't be a liberal and support and do illiberal things.

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