It's Christmas in March! EXCLUSIVE: Dem Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russia

The Daily Caller? Funny. I'll hold out for a more credible source that doesn't bombard Trumpbots with fake news.

Refute the source then.
Your link says the lobby group collected 24 million in fees. Only $170,000 came from Russia. Also, it says Russia spent $700,000 on lobbying to lift the sanctions. Seems like the Podesta group only got a small amount of the fees compared to the overall expenditures Russia put into play. And nothing in the article indicates those funds accomplished anything.
Podesta lobbied against the US sanctions and failed to register as a 'Foreign Agent'...go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass 'go'. Do not collect your $170k!'

I'm beginning to find it very strange that being so cozy with Russians why would Russia hack the D's servers.

Something here really doesn't pass the smell test.

Manafort ... Trumps former campaign mgr .. ass deep with Russian ties

Russian politicians celebrated/party when Trump won

Flynn .. Manafort lite

Jared Kushner met with Flynn/Russians at Trump tower, Trumps son in law ..

Sessions .. Mr did but cant recall

smoke,smoke,smoke,smoke,and smoke ...

most reasonable people associate smoke with fire.

Re: Manafort

Complete bullshit. The Ukrainian government working with a Clinton aide set out to smear Manafort by lying that they were investigating him. And lying about his Russian ties.

Politico did an amazing investigation on the Ukraine's attempts to get Hillary elected.

Kushner was there as part of the transition team when the Russian ambassador came by.

Sessions first ran into the ambassador after he gave a speech that was co sponsored by the State Department. It was the State Department who arranged for 100 some odd ambassadors to attend.

Meeting was brief.

The September meeting was requested by the Russian ambassador and in his capacity as being a senior member of the Armed Service committee granted the meeting. It had nothing to do with campaign.

I'll agree on smoke. Smoke and mirrors.
So democrats literally did with Russia what they've been claiming Republicans did. Explains alot
It takes a big imagination to compare anything in this thread with the current scandal.

The OP's own link in the OP gives access to a copy of Anthony Podesta and the lobby organization's Registration he is affiliated with. It specifically names the bank in question Sberbank Russia. The US government and all agencies of the US government had prior knowledge of the intent of the lobbying effort and all the parties involved before granting the registration.

Tony Podesta didn't register as a foreign agent. That's just been discovered.

Current scandal? There's no evidence of any wrong doing in the Trump camp. None. Zip. Nada.

But here's where the rubber meets the road. Why would Russians hack Podesta when his company was working for the government bank?
Podesta was working for the 'KGB Bank' that has direct ties to Putin and their Spy agency. He BROKE THE LAW by refusing to register himself as a Foreign Agent to lobby for them.

Where are the 'Patriotic' Country-Loving' snowflakes who 'have only gone after Trump because they want to keep the country safe' NOW that a potential SPY, a RUSSIAN MOLE, has been identified in their midst? Where's the condemnation of Podesta, the calls for an immediate investigation? He broke the law - where are the calls for the DOJ to indict / arrest Podesta?

you don't get much more 'connected' to Putin, Russia, and their Spy agencies than THIS!

The FACT that the FBI cleared Trump of being in collusion with Vlad and the Russians yet the snowflakes still push the lie that he IS connected (with no evidence) yet are so eager to brush aside / ignore Podesta being exposed as a paid mole / lobbyist for Vladimir Putin and the Russian spy Agency tells everyone everything they need to know about snowflakes and their FALSE campaign against Trump.

And he just happened to be the person who was hacked by the Russians?

I find that very odd. It makes no sense. I'm still trying to see if they have turned over the servers yet to the FBI for examination.
Isn't it weird how the bots try to defend Trump?

Who is defending trump? We are discussing Podesta

Here's the other oddity with the Podesta and the DNC hacking. I just checked. Last report was in January and they won't turn over their servers to the FBI.

Now how whacked out is this. The FBI relied on a third party investigation. Seriously.

This is where it gets jaw dropping. The third party they relied on to release their report on the so called Russian hacking was none other than the IT company that the DNC hired.

So here we are all running around screaming "the Russians hacked the election" and yet no government agency has examined the servers.

FBI says DNC rebuffed request to examine computer servers -
Podesta was working for the 'KGB Bank' that has direct ties to Putin and their Spy agency. He BROKE THE LAW by refusing to register himself as a Foreign Agent to lobby for them.

Where are the 'Patriotic' Country-Loving' snowflakes who 'have only gone after Trump because they want to keep the country safe' NOW that a potential SPY, a RUSSIAN MOLE, has been identified in their midst? Where's the condemnation of Podesta, the calls for an immediate investigation? He broke the law - where are the calls for the DOJ to indict / arrest Podesta?

you don't get much more 'connected' to Putin, Russia, and their Spy agencies than THIS!

The FACT that the FBI cleared Trump of being in collusion with Vlad and the Russians yet the snowflakes still push the lie that he IS connected (with no evidence) yet are so eager to brush aside / ignore Podesta being exposed as a paid mole / lobbyist for Vladimir Putin and the Russian spy Agency tells everyone everything they need to know about snowflakes and their FALSE campaign against Trump.

And he just happened to be the person who was hacked by the Russians?

I find that very odd. It makes no sense. I'm still trying to see if they have turned over the servers yet to the FBI for examination.

Certainly explains why they didn't give the server to the fbi
Podesta was working for the 'KGB Bank' that has direct ties to Putin and their Spy agency. He BROKE THE LAW by refusing to register himself as a Foreign Agent to lobby for them.

Where are the 'Patriotic' Country-Loving' snowflakes who 'have only gone after Trump because they want to keep the country safe' NOW that a potential SPY, a RUSSIAN MOLE, has been identified in their midst? Where's the condemnation of Podesta, the calls for an immediate investigation? He broke the law - where are the calls for the DOJ to indict / arrest Podesta?

you don't get much more 'connected' to Putin, Russia, and their Spy agencies than THIS!

The FACT that the FBI cleared Trump of being in collusion with Vlad and the Russians yet the snowflakes still push the lie that he IS connected (with no evidence) yet are so eager to brush aside / ignore Podesta being exposed as a paid mole / lobbyist for Vladimir Putin and the Russian spy Agency tells everyone everything they need to know about snowflakes and their FALSE campaign against Trump.

And he just happened to be the person who was hacked by the Russians?

I find that very odd. It makes no sense. I'm still trying to see if they have turned over the servers yet to the FBI for examination.

Certainly explains why they didn't give the server to the fbi

I just put up a thread to remind everyone that it's been almost a year and no government agency has been allowed to examine the servers.

All of this alleged "Russian" hacking has spawned a monument international incident and the government has been involved in every angle of the hacking with the exception of our intelligence community.

Frankly it's bizarre.

"Investigative reporter" Jerome Corsi is an avid conspiracy theorist: a truther, a birther, and now a Trumper.

Not sure we should take anything involving him with any confidence.

Tim Brown was the reporter....

Read further...he's reporting on what Corsi supposedly uncovered and reported on.
Podesta was working for the 'KGB Bank' that has direct ties to Putin and their Spy agency. He BROKE THE LAW by refusing to register himself as a Foreign Agent to lobby for them.

Where are the 'Patriotic' Country-Loving' snowflakes who 'have only gone after Trump because they want to keep the country safe' NOW that a potential SPY, a RUSSIAN MOLE, has been identified in their midst? Where's the condemnation of Podesta, the calls for an immediate investigation? He broke the law - where are the calls for the DOJ to indict / arrest Podesta?

you don't get much more 'connected' to Putin, Russia, and their Spy agencies than THIS!

The FACT that the FBI cleared Trump of being in collusion with Vlad and the Russians yet the snowflakes still push the lie that he IS connected (with no evidence) yet are so eager to brush aside / ignore Podesta being exposed as a paid mole / lobbyist for Vladimir Putin and the Russian spy Agency tells everyone everything they need to know about snowflakes and their FALSE campaign against Trump.

And he just happened to be the person who was hacked by the Russians?

I find that very odd. It makes no sense. I'm still trying to see if they have turned over the servers yet to the FBI for examination.

Certainly explains why they didn't give the server to the fbi

I just put up a thread to remind everyone that it's been almost a year and no government agency has been allowed to examine the servers.

All of this alleged "Russian" hacking has spawned a monument international incident and the government has been involved in every angle of the hacking with the exception of our intelligence community.

Frankly it's bizarre.

What's bizarre is when you have all the intelligence agencies in agreement on the hacking, when evidence of Russian hacking and election influencing has been found in other countries as well raising extreme concern.

But, apparently according to some it's some sort of massive international conspiracy designed to discredit Trump and Putin, involving all our intelligence agencies, including the military, the media (except for Breitbart, ZeroHedge and Russia Today and Fox) and most likely masterminded by the incredibly evil, corrupt and ruthless Hillary and Obama.
So democrats literally did with Russia what they've been claiming Republicans did. Explains alot
It takes a big imagination to compare anything in this thread with the current scandal.

The OP's own link in the OP gives access to a copy of Anthony Podesta and the lobby organization's Registration he is affiliated with. It specifically names the bank in question Sberbank Russia. The US government and all agencies of the US government had prior knowledge of the intent of the lobbying effort and all the parties involved before granting the registration.

Tony Podesta didn't register as a foreign agent. That's just been discovered.

Current scandal? There's no evidence of any wrong doing in the Trump camp. None. Zip. Nada.

But here's where the rubber meets the road. Why would Russians hack Podesta when his company was working for the government bank?
A copy of the registration is in your OP link. It is in the 2nd paragraph, the word forms is written in red and underlined. Click it and the registration appears. It specifically lists Anthony Podesta as a lobbyist to the lobby organization and specifically names Sberbank Russia as the client. Your link and your source and what you based this thread on.
Podesta was working for the 'KGB Bank' that has direct ties to Putin and their Spy agency. He BROKE THE LAW by refusing to register himself as a Foreign Agent to lobby for them.

Where are the 'Patriotic' Country-Loving' snowflakes who 'have only gone after Trump because they want to keep the country safe' NOW that a potential SPY, a RUSSIAN MOLE, has been identified in their midst? Where's the condemnation of Podesta, the calls for an immediate investigation? He broke the law - where are the calls for the DOJ to indict / arrest Podesta?

you don't get much more 'connected' to Putin, Russia, and their Spy agencies than THIS!

The FACT that the FBI cleared Trump of being in collusion with Vlad and the Russians yet the snowflakes still push the lie that he IS connected (with no evidence) yet are so eager to brush aside / ignore Podesta being exposed as a paid mole / lobbyist for Vladimir Putin and the Russian spy Agency tells everyone everything they need to know about snowflakes and their FALSE campaign against Trump.

And he just happened to be the person who was hacked by the Russians?

I find that very odd. It makes no sense. I'm still trying to see if they have turned over the servers yet to the FBI for examination.

Certainly explains why they didn't give the server to the fbi

I just put up a thread to remind everyone that it's been almost a year and no government agency has been allowed to examine the servers.

All of this alleged "Russian" hacking has spawned a monument international incident and the government has been involved in every angle of the hacking with the exception of our intelligence community.

Frankly it's bizarre.

What's bizarre is when you have all the intelligence agencies in agreement on the hacking, when evidence of Russian hacking and election influencing has been found in other countries as well raising extreme concern.

But, apparently according to some it's some sort of massive international conspiracy designed to discredit Trump and Putin, involving all our intelligence agencies, including the military, the media (except for Breitbart, ZeroHedge and Russia Today and Fox) and most likely masterminded by the incredibly evil, corrupt and ruthless Hillary and Obama.

You have to be kidding me. There was no investigation of the servers which are the keys to the hacking for heavens sakes.

What does it say for the intel community to agree that the Russians did it with no proof?

What does it say for the DNC that they refused to give up the servers?
So democrats literally did with Russia what they've been claiming Republicans did. Explains alot
It takes a big imagination to compare anything in this thread with the current scandal.

The OP's own link in the OP gives access to a copy of Anthony Podesta and the lobby organization's Registration he is affiliated with. It specifically names the bank in question Sberbank Russia. The US government and all agencies of the US government had prior knowledge of the intent of the lobbying effort and all the parties involved before granting the registration.

Tony Podesta didn't register as a foreign agent. That's just been discovered.

Current scandal? There's no evidence of any wrong doing in the Trump camp. None. Zip. Nada.

But here's where the rubber meets the road. Why would Russians hack Podesta when his company was working for the government bank?
A copy of the registration is in your OP link. It is in the 2nd paragraph, the word forms is written in red and underlined. Click it and the registration appears. It specifically lists Anthony Podesta as a lobbyist to the lobby organization and specifically names Sberbank Russia as the client. Your link and your source and what you based this thread on.

And? I know he's a lobbyist. So is John. They formed the Podesta Group together.

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