It's Christmas in March! EXCLUSIVE: Dem Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russia

When Trump releases his tax returns...
Dude, STOP.... The FBI already CLEARED Trump. Sessions has already been CLEARED. No Crime, no collusion. trump's tax returns has nothing to do with any of this and would not prove anything.

Do you think the FBI is so incompetent as to NOT have checked into bot htheir finances already?

Your obsession with Trump's taxes is pathetic....and WAY 'OLD'. If you continue with it I might simply have to put you on IGNORE because at this point mentioning his taxes only makes you look / proves you are insane.

Really? Links? Credible proof? BTW, the public RussiaGate hearings begin on March 20, 2017.
When Trump releases his tax returns...
Dude, STOP.... The FBI already CLEARED Trump. Sessions has already been CLEARED. No Crime, no collusion. trump's tax returns has nothing to do with any of this and would not prove anything.

Do you think the FBI is so incompetent as to NOT have checked into bot htheir finances already?

Your obsession with Trump's taxes is pathetic....and WAY 'OLD'. If you continue with it I might simply have to put you on IGNORE because at this point mentioning his taxes only makes you look / proves you are insane.

Really? Links? Credible proof?
I've only provided the SAME links you keep asking for about 10 (TEN) times.

It's ok to admit you can't read or that you have the memory span of a goldfish (10 seconds). Maybe writing things down is what you need to do. You have been given the links. You have read the links. you KNOW by now that the FBI cleared Trump. The problem is not that you have never seen the links or that it hasn't been proven to you. The problem is you are a certified, bonefide bat-shit crazy snowflake who DOESN'T CARE what the facts are - you're going to continue to lie and push the same ol' lie until you croak.

This last post asking for the same links AGAIN is just proof.
When Trump releases his tax returns...
Dude, STOP.... The FBI already CLEARED Trump. Sessions has already been CLEARED. No Crime, no collusion. trump's tax returns has nothing to do with any of this and would not prove anything.

Do you think the FBI is so incompetent as to NOT have checked into bot htheir finances already?

Your obsession with Trump's taxes is pathetic....and WAY 'OLD'. If you continue with it I might simply have to put you on IGNORE because at this point mentioning his taxes only makes you look / proves you are insane.

Really? Links? Credible proof?
I've only provided the SAME links you keep asking for about 10 (TEN) times.

It's ok to admit you can't read or that you have the memory span of a goldfish (10 seconds). Maybe writing things down is what you need to do. You have been given the links. You have read the links. you KNOW by now that the FBI cleared Trump. The problem is not that you have never seen the links or that it hasn't been proven to you. The problem is you are a certified, bonefide bat-shit crazy snowflake who DOESN'T CARE what the facts are - you're going to continue to lie and push the same ol' lie until you croak.

This last post asking for the same links AGAIN is just proof.

No, the FBI has not cleared Trump - nor has Congress. Dream on...

BTW, the public RussiaGate hearings begin on March 20, 2017.
No, the FBI has not cleared Trump -
No, snowflake, you are wrong. Your responding over and over again to the links by saying 'huh-uh' don't cut it. You FAIL. You LOSE. You're done! but you keep pushing that lie.... that and declaring Hillary won an insignificant Popularity Contest still ain't going to get you the WH or a 'Participation Trophy'. :p
Be still my heart! This stuff is awesome. Check it out.

"Democrat super-lobbyist Tony Podesta was paid $170,000 over a six-month period last year to represent Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank, seeking to end one of the Obama administration’s economic sanctions against that country, The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group has learned.

Podesta, founder and chairman of the Podesta Group, is listed as a key lobbyist on behalf of Sberbank, according to Senate lobbying disclosure forms. His firm received more than $24 million in fees in 2016, much of it coming from foreign governments, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics."

More at link:

EXCLUSIVE: Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russian Bank#.
Isn't that what lobbyists do? Why is this "awesome?"

Ya...I'm trying to figure that out as well...he's a what :dunno:

If he were an elected official, it would be another story entirely.

Conservative love to make shit up just so they can whine about something

What shit did I make up?


the entire article.
New Years always follows Christmas ...

This week, GOP Senator Lindsey Graham and Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse issued a request that the FBI and Department of Justice provide them with any applications for warrants related for wiretapping. In a letter to Dana Boente, the acting deputy attorney general, and FBI Director James Comey, Graham and Whitehouse wrote that if Donald Trump’s claim is true, they would “take any abuse of wiretapping authorities for political purposes very seriously.” They also added in their letter, "We would be equally alarmed to learn that a court found enough evidence of criminal activity or contact with a foreign power to legally authorize a wiretap of President Trump, the Trump Campaign, or Trump Tower."
Be still my heart! This stuff is awesome. Check it out.

"Democrat super-lobbyist Tony Podesta was paid $170,000 over a six-month period last year to represent Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank, seeking to end one of the Obama administration’s economic sanctions against that country, The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group has learned.

Podesta, founder and chairman of the Podesta Group, is listed as a key lobbyist on behalf of Sberbank, according to Senate lobbying disclosure forms. His firm received more than $24 million in fees in 2016, much of it coming from foreign governments, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics."

More at link:

EXCLUSIVE: Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russian Bank#.
Except he didn't. Stupid thread.

What are you talking about? This is the real deal.
Podesta ended Russian sanctions? Whoa! News to me! And as a Russian loyalist, shouldn't that mean that you support Podesta?
Obama admitted PUTIN was not a threat in 2012 in front of millions of people during the debates with Romney.

Why are so many people ignoring that?

So, when Obama made his smart assed quip, was he LYING or WRONG?

This was a thing...

5 years ago.

Closer to 4...

OCTOBER 22, 2012 was when it occurred.

Today is March 8th 2017.

1598 days....4.38 years. :wink_2:

"Investigative reporter" Jerome Corsi is an avid conspiracy theorist: a truther, a birther, and now a Trumper.

Not sure we should take anything involving him with any confidence.

It's a fact that the Podesta Group was hired by this bank that the Russian government
owns 30% of. To lobby for them in Washington.

"Investigative reporter" Jerome Corsi is an avid conspiracy theorist: a truther, a birther, and now a Trumper.

Not sure we should take anything involving him with any confidence.

It's a fact that the Podesta Group was hired by this bank that the Russian government
owns 30% of. To lobby for them in Washington.

so you have his w2 or tax returns or does that FACT come out of your partisan hack imagination ?

"Investigative reporter" Jerome Corsi is an avid conspiracy theorist: a truther, a birther, and now a Trumper.

Not sure we should take anything involving him with any confidence.

It's a fact that the Podesta Group was hired by this bank that the Russian government
owns 30% of. To lobby for them in Washington.

so you have his w2 or tax returns or does that FACT come out of your partisan hack imagination ?

It's well known. John and Tony started the Podesta Group in the 80's. Here's wiki.

"They also represent the interests of Russia's largest financial institution Sberbank of Russia, which controls approximately 30 percent of Russian banking assets."

Podesta Group - Wikipedia
Be still my heart! This stuff is awesome. Check it out.

"Democrat super-lobbyist Tony Podesta was paid $170,000 over a six-month period last year to represent Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank, seeking to end one of the Obama administration’s economic sanctions against that country, The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group has learned.

Podesta, founder and chairman of the Podesta Group, is listed as a key lobbyist on behalf of Sberbank, according to Senate lobbying disclosure forms. His firm received more than $24 million in fees in 2016, much of it coming from foreign governments, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics."

More at link:

EXCLUSIVE: Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russian Bank#.

The Daily Caller? Funny. I'll hold out for a more credible source that doesn't bombard Trumpbots with fake news.

Refute the source then.
Your link says the lobby group collected 24 million in fees. Only $170,000 came from Russia. Also, it says Russia spent $700,000 on lobbying to lift the sanctions. Seems like the Podesta group only got a small amount of the fees compared to the overall expenditures Russia put into play. And nothing in the article indicates those funds accomplished anything.
Podesta lobbied against the US sanctions and failed to register as a 'Foreign Agent'...go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass 'go'. Do not collect your $170k!'

I'm beginning to find it very strange that being so cozy with Russians why would Russia hack the D's servers.

Something here really doesn't pass the smell test.
New Years always follows Christmas ...

This week, GOP Senator Lindsey Graham and Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse issued a request that the FBI and Department of Justice provide them with any applications for warrants related for wiretapping. In a letter to Dana Boente, the acting deputy attorney general, and FBI Director James Comey, Graham and Whitehouse wrote that if Donald Trump’s claim is true, they would “take any abuse of wiretapping authorities for political purposes very seriously.” They also added in their letter, "We would be equally alarmed to learn that a court found enough evidence of criminal activity or contact with a foreign power to legally authorize a wiretap of President Trump, the Trump Campaign, or Trump Tower."

The big show I'm waiting for is the follow up to Senator Grassley's letter demanding answers from Comey on why on earth the FBI was going to hire Christopher Steele. Grassley is freaking pissed right off.
Be still my heart! This stuff is awesome. Check it out.

"Democrat super-lobbyist Tony Podesta was paid $170,000 over a six-month period last year to represent Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank, seeking to end one of the Obama administration’s economic sanctions against that country, The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group has learned.

Podesta, founder and chairman of the Podesta Group, is listed as a key lobbyist on behalf of Sberbank, according to Senate lobbying disclosure forms. His firm received more than $24 million in fees in 2016, much of it coming from foreign governments, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics."

More at link:

EXCLUSIVE: Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russian Bank#.

The Daily Caller? Funny. I'll hold out for a more credible source that doesn't bombard Trumpbots with fake news.

Refute the source then.
Your link says the lobby group collected 24 million in fees. Only $170,000 came from Russia. Also, it says Russia spent $700,000 on lobbying to lift the sanctions. Seems like the Podesta group only got a small amount of the fees compared to the overall expenditures Russia put into play. And nothing in the article indicates those funds accomplished anything.
Podesta lobbied against the US sanctions and failed to register as a 'Foreign Agent'...go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass 'go'. Do not collect your $170k!'

I'm beginning to find it very strange that being so cozy with Russians why would Russia hack the D's servers.

Something here really doesn't pass the smell test.

Manafort ... Trumps former campaign mgr .. ass deep with Russian ties

Russian politicians celebrated/party when Trump won

Flynn .. Manafort lite

Jared Kushner met with Flynn/Russians at Trump tower, Trumps son in law ..

Sessions .. Mr did but cant recall

smoke,smoke,smoke,smoke,and smoke ...

most reasonable people associate smoke with fire.
So democrats literally did with Russia what they've been claiming Republicans did. Explains alot
Podesta was working for the 'KGB Bank' that has direct ties to Putin and their Spy agency. He BROKE THE LAW by refusing to register himself as a Foreign Agent to lobby for them.

Where are the 'Patriotic' Country-Loving' snowflakes who 'have only gone after Trump because they want to keep the country safe' NOW that a potential SPY, a RUSSIAN MOLE, has been identified in their midst? Where's the condemnation of Podesta, the calls for an immediate investigation? He broke the law - where are the calls for the DOJ to indict / arrest Podesta?

you don't get much more 'connected' to Putin, Russia, and their Spy agencies than THIS!

The FACT that the FBI cleared Trump of being in collusion with Vlad and the Russians yet the snowflakes still push the lie that he IS connected (with no evidence) yet are so eager to brush aside / ignore Podesta being exposed as a paid mole / lobbyist for Vladimir Putin and the Russian spy Agency tells everyone everything they need to know about snowflakes and their FALSE campaign against Trump.

And he just happened to be the person who was hacked by the Russians?
dismissed loon.
Why? Because you say so, snowflake?

Podesta lobbied for the Russian bank.
He was paid $170k
He failed to register as a 'Foreign Agent' as required by the law (FARA) - CRIME
The bank is known as 'The KGB Bank' because it is run by Vlad's Ex-KGB buds and is closely tied to Vladimir Putin and Russia's Spy Agency

How quickly you are to 'dismiss' something so troublesome.

If / Since this is true, one should immediately wonder if the 'Russian hacking of Podesta's PC / files' was truly a job of 'hacking' or was Podesta giving them something they PAID for?

Odd that this should be dismissed but we should investigate non existent collusion between trump and the Russians.
So democrats literally did with Russia what they've been claiming Republicans did. Explains alot
It takes a big imagination to compare anything in this thread with the current scandal.

The OP's own link in the OP gives access to a copy of Anthony Podesta and the lobby organization's Registration he is affiliated with. It specifically names the bank in question Sberbank Russia. The US government and all agencies of the US government had prior knowledge of the intent of the lobbying effort and all the parties involved before granting the registration.

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