Italian High School Open Sources Directions on a LENR Device


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Open Source doc on LENR

Italian high school teacher and engineer Ugo Abundo has released detailed plans thru the Italian blog 22Passi on how to build an LENR reactor like the one designed, built, tested and patented by himself and a group of professors and students at the Leopoldo Pirelli High School in Rome. The reactor is an electrolytic cell much in the tradition of the one first built by Dr. Martin Fleishmann and Dr. Stanley Pons at the University of Utah in 1989. However, modifications have been made and the current device most closely resembles a Ohmori-Mizuno cell, an early test cell built by 2 Japanese researchers with those respective surnames. The cell has been further modified by Eng. Abundo and his group to include a proprietary cathode that serves as the “heart” of the unit. This cathode has been patented. However, accordingly to Eng. Abundo, the purpose of this patent is not to protect intellectual property rights per se, but more to ensure that no one else patents this device and subsequently attempts to prevent others from replicating it. In fact, it is the goal of Eng. Abundo to see this cell widely replicated, thus aiding in confirming the results of his group in particular and LENR in general. Three Italian universities have reportedly already stepped forward and volunteered to confirm the results of the Leopoldo Pirelli High School group but the names of these institutions and the time table of their involvement is not clear.

Reportedly the Athanor cell produces energy at a coefficient of performance (COP) of 4, or 400% over the input energy. By comparison, Andrea Rossi’s e-Cat reportedly has a COP of 6 and the device of rival Defkalion, the Hyperion, has a COP of 20. But, rest assured, the goal of the Pirelli HS Group is not to compete with Rossi or Defkalion, but to widely disseminate this technology in hopes of definitively providing proof of principal to a skeptical world.

I think a 400% increase would be a COP of 5 would it not?

Here are the google translated (with someones translation corrections)
instructions to build one. (can be found in the link above)

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