It Is Resistance, Not Trump, That Needs To Learn To Accept Election Results


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
It Is Resistance, Not Trump, That Needs To Learn To Accept Election Results

Given what they've put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democratic politicians, and other Resistance activists.​

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway

The media and Democrats have returned to their pre-2016 election talking point that Donald Trump won’t accept election results. But after nearly four years of refusing to accept their defeat in the last presidential election, it is they and other members of the Resistance who must commit to accepting election results that don’t go their way.
The final 2016 debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump gave voters much to think about. That was the night Clinton admitted that she was willing to engage in a proxy war with Russia in Syria. For his part, Trump highlighted Clinton’s radical support of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, a charge she could not deny.
But media coverage in the days that followed focused almost exclusively on Trump’s response to a question posed by moderator Chris Wallace, a Fox News host. Asked if he would “absolutely accept the result of this election,” Trump said — and you may want to sit down for this one — “I will look at it at the time.”
For context, Trump had been talking about election-rigging for months, made easier by the confirmation that Democrats had rigged their primary election against Bernie Sanders for Clinton. During the GOP primary, Trump tended to complain about rigging in contests he lost.
In his debate answer, Trump expressed concern about how the media corruption might make the results unfair and about the lack of voter roll integrity. In the days prior to the debate, Clinton operatives had been caught favorably discussing vote fraud and instigating violence to shut down political events.
This is all happening while prominent leftist voices are claiming that Trump is rigging the 2020 election. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tweeted out an elaborate conspiracy theory that Trump could not win legitimately but might try to, well, steal the election. MSNBC’s John Heilemann said Trump is engaged in “a genuine attempt potentially through force to try to steal this election.”
It would be funny if it weren’t so infuriating. Actually, it’s still funny, as the satirical news site The Babylon Bee showed with their article, “‘Trump Might Not Accept The Results Of The 2020 Election,’ Says Movement That Still Hasn’t Accepted Results Of 2016 Election.”
Given what they’ve put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democrat politicians, and other Resistance activists.


Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have refused to accept the election results of the last THREE Republican victories for the presidency (2000, 2004, and 2016).
You all damn well know they will run ballot challenges and recounts when Trump is re-elected in November too.
Watching the riots with the commie-media covered stories ("peaceful protests intensified", etc) and SEDITION was and has been my initial and final description along with the accompanying lawful penalty. The media should be the first in line to the wall.
Why is it that Hillary and now Joey haven't been asked the same question about accepting the election results. Surely, Hillary has never accepted te 2016 rseults.
Personally, this is the latest media political meme to protect the voter fraud, the PMS/DSA Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are furiously working to perpetrate.

it's the Same answer that Trump gave to Wallace the other Sunday.
Liberals, Progressive Socialist Democrats, Snowflakes - what do you expect from people who give everyone a trophy and declares themselves to be above the law, who affects failed coup attempt after failed coup attempt after losing...

Their criminal inability to accept a defeat has risen to 'TREASON' status.
It Is Resistance, Not Trump, That Needs To Learn To Accept Election Results

Given what they've put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democratic politicians, and other Resistance activists.​

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway

The media and Democrats have returned to their pre-2016 election talking point that Donald Trump won’t accept election results. But after nearly four years of refusing to accept their defeat in the last presidential election, it is they and other members of the Resistance who must commit to accepting election results that don’t go their way.
The final 2016 debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump gave voters much to think about. That was the night Clinton admitted that she was willing to engage in a proxy war with Russia in Syria. For his part, Trump highlighted Clinton’s radical support of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, a charge she could not deny.
But media coverage in the days that followed focused almost exclusively on Trump’s response to a question posed by moderator Chris Wallace, a Fox News host. Asked if he would “absolutely accept the result of this election,” Trump said — and you may want to sit down for this one — “I will look at it at the time.”
For context, Trump had been talking about election-rigging for months, made easier by the confirmation that Democrats had rigged their primary election against Bernie Sanders for Clinton. During the GOP primary, Trump tended to complain about rigging in contests he lost.
In his debate answer, Trump expressed concern about how the media corruption might make the results unfair and about the lack of voter roll integrity. In the days prior to the debate, Clinton operatives had been caught favorably discussing vote fraud and instigating violence to shut down political events.
This is all happening while prominent leftist voices are claiming that Trump is rigging the 2020 election. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tweeted out an elaborate conspiracy theory that Trump could not win legitimately but might try to, well, steal the election. MSNBC’s John Heilemann said Trump is engaged in “a genuine attempt potentially through force to try to steal this election.”
It would be funny if it weren’t so infuriating. Actually, it’s still funny, as the satirical news site The Babylon Bee showed with their article, “‘Trump Might Not Accept The Results Of The 2020 Election,’ Says Movement That Still Hasn’t Accepted Results Of 2016 Election.”
Given what they’ve put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democrat politicians, and other Resistance activists.


Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have refused to accept the election results of the last THREE Republican victories for the presidency (2000, 2004, and 2016).
You all damn well know they will run ballot challenges and recounts when Trump is re-elected in November too.
Watching the riots with the commie-media covered stories ("peaceful protests intensified", etc) and SEDITION was and has been my initial and final description along with the accompanying lawful penalty. The media should be the first in line to the wall.
Why is it that Hillary and now Joey haven't been asked the same question about accepting the election results. Surely, Hillary has never accepted te 2016 rseults.
Personally, this is the latest media political meme to protect the voter fraud, the PMS/DSA Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are furiously working to perpetrate.

View attachment 368418

Nope. The rest of us have moved on from the 2016 election. It's the Trump supporters that are still living in the past. I believe the reasons for that are because their chosen one (who squeaked in by the narrowest of margins) has turned out to be an absolute abortion as President. So far, I haven't seen anyone left or right who has said outright that there was vote tampering on the night of November 8, 2016 that gave the election to Trump. He got lucky. An unpopular opposition candidate, an entire bloc voters staying home, and a last minute assist from the FBI Director. 77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes...and he lost the overall popular vote. But he won. So why don't you Trump supporters move on? You're the only ones that keep bringing up 2016. Wonder why? Maybe it's because Trump is always his own worst enemy. He makes all of his own problems. Russia, Ukraine, Charlottesville, immigration, race relations, COVID-19. You backed a liar, a fraud, an incompetent moron who was more interested in constantly running for President..then actually doing the job of President. He's got a record to run on in 2020 and it's abysmal. The fact that you have to keep defending him and come up with new scapegoats every time he opens his mouth has got to get dejecting after a while. Face it, you backed a loser...and now, the country is not only set to reject him soundly, but also the Republican party that enabled and bowed before him.
It Is Resistance, Not Trump, That Needs To Learn To Accept Election Results

Given what they've put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democratic politicians, and other Resistance activists.​

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway

The media and Democrats have returned to their pre-2016 election talking point that Donald Trump won’t accept election results. But after nearly four years of refusing to accept their defeat in the last presidential election, it is they and other members of the Resistance who must commit to accepting election results that don’t go their way.
The final 2016 debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump gave voters much to think about. That was the night Clinton admitted that she was willing to engage in a proxy war with Russia in Syria. For his part, Trump highlighted Clinton’s radical support of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, a charge she could not deny.
But media coverage in the days that followed focused almost exclusively on Trump’s response to a question posed by moderator Chris Wallace, a Fox News host. Asked if he would “absolutely accept the result of this election,” Trump said — and you may want to sit down for this one — “I will look at it at the time.”
For context, Trump had been talking about election-rigging for months, made easier by the confirmation that Democrats had rigged their primary election against Bernie Sanders for Clinton. During the GOP primary, Trump tended to complain about rigging in contests he lost.
In his debate answer, Trump expressed concern about how the media corruption might make the results unfair and about the lack of voter roll integrity. In the days prior to the debate, Clinton operatives had been caught favorably discussing vote fraud and instigating violence to shut down political events.
This is all happening while prominent leftist voices are claiming that Trump is rigging the 2020 election. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tweeted out an elaborate conspiracy theory that Trump could not win legitimately but might try to, well, steal the election. MSNBC’s John Heilemann said Trump is engaged in “a genuine attempt potentially through force to try to steal this election.”
It would be funny if it weren’t so infuriating. Actually, it’s still funny, as the satirical news site The Babylon Bee showed with their article, “‘Trump Might Not Accept The Results Of The 2020 Election,’ Says Movement That Still Hasn’t Accepted Results Of 2016 Election.”
Given what they’ve put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democrat politicians, and other Resistance activists.


Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have refused to accept the election results of the last THREE Republican victories for the presidency (2000, 2004, and 2016).
You all damn well know they will run ballot challenges and recounts when Trump is re-elected in November too.
Watching the riots with the commie-media covered stories ("peaceful protests intensified", etc) and SEDITION was and has been my initial and final description along with the accompanying lawful penalty. The media should be the first in line to the wall.
Why is it that Hillary and now Joey haven't been asked the same question about accepting the election results. Surely, Hillary has never accepted te 2016 rseults.
Personally, this is the latest media political meme to protect the voter fraud, the PMS/DSA Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are furiously working to perpetrate.

View attachment 368418
Everyone forgets the cabal’s secret meeting the minute Trump won the election. The planning committee of how to resist his presidency.
It Is Resistance, Not Trump, That Needs To Learn To Accept Election Results

Given what they've put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democratic politicians, and other Resistance activists.​

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway

The media and Democrats have returned to their pre-2016 election talking point that Donald Trump won’t accept election results. But after nearly four years of refusing to accept their defeat in the last presidential election, it is they and other members of the Resistance who must commit to accepting election results that don’t go their way.
The final 2016 debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump gave voters much to think about. That was the night Clinton admitted that she was willing to engage in a proxy war with Russia in Syria. For his part, Trump highlighted Clinton’s radical support of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, a charge she could not deny.
But media coverage in the days that followed focused almost exclusively on Trump’s response to a question posed by moderator Chris Wallace, a Fox News host. Asked if he would “absolutely accept the result of this election,” Trump said — and you may want to sit down for this one — “I will look at it at the time.”
For context, Trump had been talking about election-rigging for months, made easier by the confirmation that Democrats had rigged their primary election against Bernie Sanders for Clinton. During the GOP primary, Trump tended to complain about rigging in contests he lost.
In his debate answer, Trump expressed concern about how the media corruption might make the results unfair and about the lack of voter roll integrity. In the days prior to the debate, Clinton operatives had been caught favorably discussing vote fraud and instigating violence to shut down political events.
This is all happening while prominent leftist voices are claiming that Trump is rigging the 2020 election. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tweeted out an elaborate conspiracy theory that Trump could not win legitimately but might try to, well, steal the election. MSNBC’s John Heilemann said Trump is engaged in “a genuine attempt potentially through force to try to steal this election.”
It would be funny if it weren’t so infuriating. Actually, it’s still funny, as the satirical news site The Babylon Bee showed with their article, “‘Trump Might Not Accept The Results Of The 2020 Election,’ Says Movement That Still Hasn’t Accepted Results Of 2016 Election.”
Given what they’ve put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democrat politicians, and other Resistance activists.


Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have refused to accept the election results of the last THREE Republican victories for the presidency (2000, 2004, and 2016).
You all damn well know they will run ballot challenges and recounts when Trump is re-elected in November too.
Watching the riots with the commie-media covered stories ("peaceful protests intensified", etc) and SEDITION was and has been my initial and final description along with the accompanying lawful penalty. The media should be the first in line to the wall.
Why is it that Hillary and now Joey haven't been asked the same question about accepting the election results. Surely, Hillary has never accepted te 2016 rseults.
Personally, this is the latest media political meme to protect the voter fraud, the PMS/DSA Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are furiously working to perpetrate.

View attachment 368418

Nope. The rest of us have moved on from the 2016 election. It's the Trump supporters that are still living in the past. I believe the reasons for that are because their chosen one (who squeaked in by the narrowest of margins) has turned out to be an absolute abortion as President. So far, I haven't seen anyone left or right who has said outright that there was vote tampering on the night of November 8, 2016 that gave the election to Trump. He got lucky. An unpopular opposition candidate, an entire bloc voters staying home, and a last minute assist from the FBI Director. 77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes...and he lost the overall popular vote. But he won. So why don't you Trump supporters move on? You're the only ones that keep bringing up 2016. Wonder why? Maybe it's because Trump is always his own worst enemy. He makes all of his own problems. Russia, Ukraine, Charlottesville, immigration, race relations, COVID-19. You backed a liar, a fraud, an incompetent moron who was more interested in constantly running for President..then actually doing the job of President. He's got a record to run on in 2020 and it's abysmal. The fact that you have to keep defending him and come up with new scapegoats every time he opens his mouth has got to get dejecting after a while. Face it, you backed a loser...and now, the country is not only set to reject him soundly, but also the Republican party that enabled and bowed before him.
See post #5. They planned it the minute he was elected and even labeled it resist.
It Is Resistance, Not Trump, That Needs To Learn To Accept Election Results

Given what they've put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democratic politicians, and other Resistance activists.​

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway

The media and Democrats have returned to their pre-2016 election talking point that Donald Trump won’t accept election results. But after nearly four years of refusing to accept their defeat in the last presidential election, it is they and other members of the Resistance who must commit to accepting election results that don’t go their way.
The final 2016 debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump gave voters much to think about. That was the night Clinton admitted that she was willing to engage in a proxy war with Russia in Syria. For his part, Trump highlighted Clinton’s radical support of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, a charge she could not deny.
But media coverage in the days that followed focused almost exclusively on Trump’s response to a question posed by moderator Chris Wallace, a Fox News host. Asked if he would “absolutely accept the result of this election,” Trump said — and you may want to sit down for this one — “I will look at it at the time.”
For context, Trump had been talking about election-rigging for months, made easier by the confirmation that Democrats had rigged their primary election against Bernie Sanders for Clinton. During the GOP primary, Trump tended to complain about rigging in contests he lost.
In his debate answer, Trump expressed concern about how the media corruption might make the results unfair and about the lack of voter roll integrity. In the days prior to the debate, Clinton operatives had been caught favorably discussing vote fraud and instigating violence to shut down political events.
This is all happening while prominent leftist voices are claiming that Trump is rigging the 2020 election. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tweeted out an elaborate conspiracy theory that Trump could not win legitimately but might try to, well, steal the election. MSNBC’s John Heilemann said Trump is engaged in “a genuine attempt potentially through force to try to steal this election.”
It would be funny if it weren’t so infuriating. Actually, it’s still funny, as the satirical news site The Babylon Bee showed with their article, “‘Trump Might Not Accept The Results Of The 2020 Election,’ Says Movement That Still Hasn’t Accepted Results Of 2016 Election.”
Given what they’ve put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democrat politicians, and other Resistance activists.


Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have refused to accept the election results of the last THREE Republican victories for the presidency (2000, 2004, and 2016).
You all damn well know they will run ballot challenges and recounts when Trump is re-elected in November too.
Watching the riots with the commie-media covered stories ("peaceful protests intensified", etc) and SEDITION was and has been my initial and final description along with the accompanying lawful penalty. The media should be the first in line to the wall.
Why is it that Hillary and now Joey haven't been asked the same question about accepting the election results. Surely, Hillary has never accepted te 2016 rseults.
Personally, this is the latest media political meme to protect the voter fraud, the PMS/DSA Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are furiously working to perpetrate.

View attachment 368418

Nope. The rest of us have moved on from the 2016 election. It's the Trump supporters that are still living in the past. I believe the reasons for that are because their chosen one (who squeaked in by the narrowest of margins) has turned out to be an absolute abortion as President. So far, I haven't seen anyone left or right who has said outright that there was vote tampering on the night of November 8, 2016 that gave the election to Trump. He got lucky. An unpopular opposition candidate, an entire bloc voters staying home, and a last minute assist from the FBI Director. 77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes...and he lost the overall popular vote. But he won. So why don't you Trump supporters move on? You're the only ones that keep bringing up 2016. Wonder why? Maybe it's because Trump is always his own worst enemy. He makes all of his own problems. Russia, Ukraine, Charlottesville, immigration, race relations, COVID-19. You backed a liar, a fraud, an incompetent moron who was more interested in constantly running for President..then actually doing the job of President. He's got a record to run on in 2020 and it's abysmal. The fact that you have to keep defending him and come up with new scapegoats every time he opens his mouth has got to get dejecting after a while. Face it, you backed a loser...and now, the country is not only set to reject him soundly, but also the Republican party that enabled and bowed before him.
See post #5. They planned it the minute he was elected and even labeled it resist.

Again, he MADE all of his own issues. None of them were concocted. He's his own worst enemy.

And so what if the the opposition made a vow of resistance? I seem to recall Republicans and their wealthy donors saying along the lines of the same thing immediately after Barack Obama was elected in 2008 (something about making sure he was a one termer?).
It Is Resistance, Not Trump, That Needs To Learn To Accept Election Results

Given what they've put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democratic politicians, and other Resistance activists.​

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway

The media and Democrats have returned to their pre-2016 election talking point that Donald Trump won’t accept election results. But after nearly four years of refusing to accept their defeat in the last presidential election, it is they and other members of the Resistance who must commit to accepting election results that don’t go their way.
The final 2016 debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump gave voters much to think about. That was the night Clinton admitted that she was willing to engage in a proxy war with Russia in Syria. For his part, Trump highlighted Clinton’s radical support of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, a charge she could not deny.
But media coverage in the days that followed focused almost exclusively on Trump’s response to a question posed by moderator Chris Wallace, a Fox News host. Asked if he would “absolutely accept the result of this election,” Trump said — and you may want to sit down for this one — “I will look at it at the time.”
For context, Trump had been talking about election-rigging for months, made easier by the confirmation that Democrats had rigged their primary election against Bernie Sanders for Clinton. During the GOP primary, Trump tended to complain about rigging in contests he lost.
In his debate answer, Trump expressed concern about how the media corruption might make the results unfair and about the lack of voter roll integrity. In the days prior to the debate, Clinton operatives had been caught favorably discussing vote fraud and instigating violence to shut down political events.
This is all happening while prominent leftist voices are claiming that Trump is rigging the 2020 election. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tweeted out an elaborate conspiracy theory that Trump could not win legitimately but might try to, well, steal the election. MSNBC’s John Heilemann said Trump is engaged in “a genuine attempt potentially through force to try to steal this election.”
It would be funny if it weren’t so infuriating. Actually, it’s still funny, as the satirical news site The Babylon Bee showed with their article, “‘Trump Might Not Accept The Results Of The 2020 Election,’ Says Movement That Still Hasn’t Accepted Results Of 2016 Election.”
Given what they’ve put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democrat politicians, and other Resistance activists.


Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have refused to accept the election results of the last THREE Republican victories for the presidency (2000, 2004, and 2016).
You all damn well know they will run ballot challenges and recounts when Trump is re-elected in November too.
Watching the riots with the commie-media covered stories ("peaceful protests intensified", etc) and SEDITION was and has been my initial and final description along with the accompanying lawful penalty. The media should be the first in line to the wall.
Why is it that Hillary and now Joey haven't been asked the same question about accepting the election results. Surely, Hillary has never accepted te 2016 rseults.
Personally, this is the latest media political meme to protect the voter fraud, the PMS/DSA Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are furiously working to perpetrate.

View attachment 368418

Nope. The rest of us have moved on from the 2016 election. It's the Trump supporters that are still living in the past. I believe the reasons for that are because their chosen one (who squeaked in by the narrowest of margins) has turned out to be an absolute abortion as President. So far, I haven't seen anyone left or right who has said outright that there was vote tampering on the night of November 8, 2016 that gave the election to Trump. He got lucky. An unpopular opposition candidate, an entire bloc voters staying home, and a last minute assist from the FBI Director. 77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes...and he lost the overall popular vote. But he won. So why don't you Trump supporters move on? You're the only ones that keep bringing up 2016. Wonder why? Maybe it's because Trump is always his own worst enemy. He makes all of his own problems. Russia, Ukraine, Charlottesville, immigration, race relations, COVID-19. You backed a liar, a fraud, an incompetent moron who was more interested in constantly running for President..then actually doing the job of President. He's got a record to run on in 2020 and it's abysmal. The fact that you have to keep defending him and come up with new scapegoats every time he opens his mouth has got to get dejecting after a while. Face it, you backed a loser...and now, the country is not only set to reject him soundly, but also the Republican party that enabled and bowed before him.
See post #5. They planned it the minute he was elected and even labeled it resist.

Again, he MADE all of his own issues. None of them were concocted. He's his own worst enemy.

And so what if the the opposition made a vow of resistance? I seem to recall Republicans and their wealthy donors saying along the lines of the same thing immediately after Barack Obama was elected in 2008 (something about making sure he was a one termer?).
No. He made nothing. The left created 95% of them.
It Is Resistance, Not Trump, That Needs To Learn To Accept Election Results

Given what they've put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democratic politicians, and other Resistance activists.​

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway

The media and Democrats have returned to their pre-2016 election talking point that Donald Trump won’t accept election results. But after nearly four years of refusing to accept their defeat in the last presidential election, it is they and other members of the Resistance who must commit to accepting election results that don’t go their way.
The final 2016 debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump gave voters much to think about. That was the night Clinton admitted that she was willing to engage in a proxy war with Russia in Syria. For his part, Trump highlighted Clinton’s radical support of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, a charge she could not deny.
But media coverage in the days that followed focused almost exclusively on Trump’s response to a question posed by moderator Chris Wallace, a Fox News host. Asked if he would “absolutely accept the result of this election,” Trump said — and you may want to sit down for this one — “I will look at it at the time.”
For context, Trump had been talking about election-rigging for months, made easier by the confirmation that Democrats had rigged their primary election against Bernie Sanders for Clinton. During the GOP primary, Trump tended to complain about rigging in contests he lost.
In his debate answer, Trump expressed concern about how the media corruption might make the results unfair and about the lack of voter roll integrity. In the days prior to the debate, Clinton operatives had been caught favorably discussing vote fraud and instigating violence to shut down political events.
This is all happening while prominent leftist voices are claiming that Trump is rigging the 2020 election. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tweeted out an elaborate conspiracy theory that Trump could not win legitimately but might try to, well, steal the election. MSNBC’s John Heilemann said Trump is engaged in “a genuine attempt potentially through force to try to steal this election.”
It would be funny if it weren’t so infuriating. Actually, it’s still funny, as the satirical news site The Babylon Bee showed with their article, “‘Trump Might Not Accept The Results Of The 2020 Election,’ Says Movement That Still Hasn’t Accepted Results Of 2016 Election.”
Given what they’ve put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democrat politicians, and other Resistance activists.


Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have refused to accept the election results of the last THREE Republican victories for the presidency (2000, 2004, and 2016).
You all damn well know they will run ballot challenges and recounts when Trump is re-elected in November too.
Watching the riots with the commie-media covered stories ("peaceful protests intensified", etc) and SEDITION was and has been my initial and final description along with the accompanying lawful penalty. The media should be the first in line to the wall.
Why is it that Hillary and now Joey haven't been asked the same question about accepting the election results. Surely, Hillary has never accepted te 2016 rseults.
Personally, this is the latest media political meme to protect the voter fraud, the PMS/DSA Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are furiously working to perpetrate.

View attachment 368418

Nope. The rest of us have moved on from the 2016 election. It's the Trump supporters that are still living in the past. I believe the reasons for that are because their chosen one (who squeaked in by the narrowest of margins) has turned out to be an absolute abortion as President. So far, I haven't seen anyone left or right who has said outright that there was vote tampering on the night of November 8, 2016 that gave the election to Trump. He got lucky. An unpopular opposition candidate, an entire bloc voters staying home, and a last minute assist from the FBI Director. 77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes...and he lost the overall popular vote. But he won. So why don't you Trump supporters move on? You're the only ones that keep bringing up 2016. Wonder why? Maybe it's because Trump is always his own worst enemy. He makes all of his own problems. Russia, Ukraine, Charlottesville, immigration, race relations, COVID-19. You backed a liar, a fraud, an incompetent moron who was more interested in constantly running for President..then actually doing the job of President. He's got a record to run on in 2020 and it's abysmal. The fact that you have to keep defending him and come up with new scapegoats every time he opens his mouth has got to get dejecting after a while. Face it, you backed a loser...and now, the country is not only set to reject him soundly, but also the Republican party that enabled and bowed before him.
See post #5. They planned it the minute he was elected and even labeled it resist.

Again, he MADE all of his own issues. None of them were concocted. He's his own worst enemy.

And so what if the the opposition made a vow of resistance? I seem to recall Republicans and their wealthy donors saying along the lines of the same thing immediately after Barack Obama was elected in 2008 (something about making sure he was a one termer?).
No. He made nothing. The left created 95% of them.

I understand in the eyes of the devoted such as yourself that may seem true. But it isn't. Here's just one example. And this should have been a lay up for him.
It Is Resistance, Not Trump, That Needs To Learn To Accept Election Results

Given what they've put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democratic politicians, and other Resistance activists.​

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway

The media and Democrats have returned to their pre-2016 election talking point that Donald Trump won’t accept election results. But after nearly four years of refusing to accept their defeat in the last presidential election, it is they and other members of the Resistance who must commit to accepting election results that don’t go their way.
The final 2016 debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump gave voters much to think about. That was the night Clinton admitted that she was willing to engage in a proxy war with Russia in Syria. For his part, Trump highlighted Clinton’s radical support of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, a charge she could not deny.
But media coverage in the days that followed focused almost exclusively on Trump’s response to a question posed by moderator Chris Wallace, a Fox News host. Asked if he would “absolutely accept the result of this election,” Trump said — and you may want to sit down for this one — “I will look at it at the time.”
For context, Trump had been talking about election-rigging for months, made easier by the confirmation that Democrats had rigged their primary election against Bernie Sanders for Clinton. During the GOP primary, Trump tended to complain about rigging in contests he lost.
In his debate answer, Trump expressed concern about how the media corruption might make the results unfair and about the lack of voter roll integrity. In the days prior to the debate, Clinton operatives had been caught favorably discussing vote fraud and instigating violence to shut down political events.
This is all happening while prominent leftist voices are claiming that Trump is rigging the 2020 election. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tweeted out an elaborate conspiracy theory that Trump could not win legitimately but might try to, well, steal the election. MSNBC’s John Heilemann said Trump is engaged in “a genuine attempt potentially through force to try to steal this election.”
It would be funny if it weren’t so infuriating. Actually, it’s still funny, as the satirical news site The Babylon Bee showed with their article, “‘Trump Might Not Accept The Results Of The 2020 Election,’ Says Movement That Still Hasn’t Accepted Results Of 2016 Election.”
Given what they’ve put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democrat politicians, and other Resistance activists.


Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have refused to accept the election results of the last THREE Republican victories for the presidency (2000, 2004, and 2016).
You all damn well know they will run ballot challenges and recounts when Trump is re-elected in November too.
Watching the riots with the commie-media covered stories ("peaceful protests intensified", etc) and SEDITION was and has been my initial and final description along with the accompanying lawful penalty. The media should be the first in line to the wall.
Why is it that Hillary and now Joey haven't been asked the same question about accepting the election results. Surely, Hillary has never accepted te 2016 rseults.
Personally, this is the latest media political meme to protect the voter fraud, the PMS/DSA Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are furiously working to perpetrate.

View attachment 368418

Nope. The rest of us have moved on from the 2016 election. It's the Trump supporters that are still living in the past. I believe the reasons for that are because their chosen one (who squeaked in by the narrowest of margins) has turned out to be an absolute abortion as President. So far, I haven't seen anyone left or right who has said outright that there was vote tampering on the night of November 8, 2016 that gave the election to Trump. He got lucky. An unpopular opposition candidate, an entire bloc voters staying home, and a last minute assist from the FBI Director. 77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes...and he lost the overall popular vote. But he won. So why don't you Trump supporters move on? You're the only ones that keep bringing up 2016. Wonder why? Maybe it's because Trump is always his own worst enemy. He makes all of his own problems. Russia, Ukraine, Charlottesville, immigration, race relations, COVID-19. You backed a liar, a fraud, an incompetent moron who was more interested in constantly running for President..then actually doing the job of President. He's got a record to run on in 2020 and it's abysmal. The fact that you have to keep defending him and come up with new scapegoats every time he opens his mouth has got to get dejecting after a while. Face it, you backed a loser...and now, the country is not only set to reject him soundly, but also the Republican party that enabled and bowed before him.
See post #5. They planned it the minute he was elected and even labeled it resist.

Again, he MADE all of his own issues. None of them were concocted. He's his own worst enemy.

And so what if the the opposition made a vow of resistance? I seem to recall Republicans and their wealthy donors saying along the lines of the same thing immediately after Barack Obama was elected in 2008 (something about making sure he was a one termer?).
No. He made nothing. The left created 95% of them.

I understand in the eyes of the devoted such as yourself that may seem true. But it isn't. Here's just one example. And this should have been a lay up for him.

Hmmm...., Politico??????
The question is whether they were white Supremacists or Terrorists resisters of the PMS/DSA Democrat Communists....
Last edited:
It Is Resistance, Not Trump, That Needs To Learn To Accept Election Results

Given what they've put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democratic politicians, and other Resistance activists.​

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway

The media and Democrats have returned to their pre-2016 election talking point that Donald Trump won’t accept election results. But after nearly four years of refusing to accept their defeat in the last presidential election, it is they and other members of the Resistance who must commit to accepting election results that don’t go their way.
The final 2016 debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump gave voters much to think about. That was the night Clinton admitted that she was willing to engage in a proxy war with Russia in Syria. For his part, Trump highlighted Clinton’s radical support of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, a charge she could not deny.
But media coverage in the days that followed focused almost exclusively on Trump’s response to a question posed by moderator Chris Wallace, a Fox News host. Asked if he would “absolutely accept the result of this election,” Trump said — and you may want to sit down for this one — “I will look at it at the time.”
For context, Trump had been talking about election-rigging for months, made easier by the confirmation that Democrats had rigged their primary election against Bernie Sanders for Clinton. During the GOP primary, Trump tended to complain about rigging in contests he lost.
In his debate answer, Trump expressed concern about how the media corruption might make the results unfair and about the lack of voter roll integrity. In the days prior to the debate, Clinton operatives had been caught favorably discussing vote fraud and instigating violence to shut down political events.
This is all happening while prominent leftist voices are claiming that Trump is rigging the 2020 election. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tweeted out an elaborate conspiracy theory that Trump could not win legitimately but might try to, well, steal the election. MSNBC’s John Heilemann said Trump is engaged in “a genuine attempt potentially through force to try to steal this election.”
It would be funny if it weren’t so infuriating. Actually, it’s still funny, as the satirical news site The Babylon Bee showed with their article, “‘Trump Might Not Accept The Results Of The 2020 Election,’ Says Movement That Still Hasn’t Accepted Results Of 2016 Election.”
Given what they’ve put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democrat politicians, and other Resistance activists.


Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have refused to accept the election results of the last THREE Republican victories for the presidency (2000, 2004, and 2016).
You all damn well know they will run ballot challenges and recounts when Trump is re-elected in November too.
Watching the riots with the commie-media covered stories ("peaceful protests intensified", etc) and SEDITION was and has been my initial and final description along with the accompanying lawful penalty. The media should be the first in line to the wall.
Why is it that Hillary and now Joey haven't been asked the same question about accepting the election results. Surely, Hillary has never accepted te 2016 rseults.
Personally, this is the latest media political meme to protect the voter fraud, the PMS/DSA Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are furiously working to perpetrate.

View attachment 368418

Nope. The rest of us have moved on from the 2016 election. It's the Trump supporters that are still living in the past. I believe the reasons for that are because their chosen one (who squeaked in by the narrowest of margins) has turned out to be an absolute abortion as President. So far, I haven't seen anyone left or right who has said outright that there was vote tampering on the night of November 8, 2016 that gave the election to Trump. He got lucky. An unpopular opposition candidate, an entire bloc voters staying home, and a last minute assist from the FBI Director. 77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes...and he lost the overall popular vote. But he won. So why don't you Trump supporters move on? You're the only ones that keep bringing up 2016. Wonder why? Maybe it's because Trump is always his own worst enemy. He makes all of his own problems. Russia, Ukraine, Charlottesville, immigration, race relations, COVID-19. You backed a liar, a fraud, an incompetent moron who was more interested in constantly running for President..then actually doing the job of President. He's got a record to run on in 2020 and it's abysmal. The fact that you have to keep defending him and come up with new scapegoats every time he opens his mouth has got to get dejecting after a while. Face it, you backed a loser...and now, the country is not only set to reject him soundly, but also the Republican party that enabled and bowed before him.
See post #5. They planned it the minute he was elected and even labeled it resist.

Again, he MADE all of his own issues. None of them were concocted. He's his own worst enemy.

And so what if the the opposition made a vow of resistance? I seem to recall Republicans and their wealthy donors saying along the lines of the same thing immediately after Barack Obama was elected in 2008 (something about making sure he was a one termer?).
I'm amused by the left's claim that one Party saying they intend to make the other Party's time in office one term is somehow "evil"! Of course the GOP wanted to make Barack Obama a one term President! The Democrats wanted to make Reagan a one term President! They wanted to make Bush II a one term President! It's what an opposition Party DOES!!!

The GOP never attempted what the Democrats did leading up to and following Trump's election though, Jack! Using high level members of the FBI, the CIA, the NSA and the Justice Department to smear a candidate? Using phony dossiers paid for by the DNC and the Clinton campaign to deceive a FISA Court into issuing wire taps so they could spy on the Trump campaign? Using the IRS to hamstring conservative groups? I've never seen anything like what Democrats did leading up to that election and in the three and a half years since! It makes Richard Nixon and his "plumbers" look like rank amateurs!
It Is Resistance, Not Trump, That Needs To Learn To Accept Election Results

Given what they've put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democratic politicians, and other Resistance activists.​

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway

The media and Democrats have returned to their pre-2016 election talking point that Donald Trump won’t accept election results. But after nearly four years of refusing to accept their defeat in the last presidential election, it is they and other members of the Resistance who must commit to accepting election results that don’t go their way.
The final 2016 debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump gave voters much to think about. That was the night Clinton admitted that she was willing to engage in a proxy war with Russia in Syria. For his part, Trump highlighted Clinton’s radical support of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, a charge she could not deny.
But media coverage in the days that followed focused almost exclusively on Trump’s response to a question posed by moderator Chris Wallace, a Fox News host. Asked if he would “absolutely accept the result of this election,” Trump said — and you may want to sit down for this one — “I will look at it at the time.”
For context, Trump had been talking about election-rigging for months, made easier by the confirmation that Democrats had rigged their primary election against Bernie Sanders for Clinton. During the GOP primary, Trump tended to complain about rigging in contests he lost.
In his debate answer, Trump expressed concern about how the media corruption might make the results unfair and about the lack of voter roll integrity. In the days prior to the debate, Clinton operatives had been caught favorably discussing vote fraud and instigating violence to shut down political events.
This is all happening while prominent leftist voices are claiming that Trump is rigging the 2020 election. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tweeted out an elaborate conspiracy theory that Trump could not win legitimately but might try to, well, steal the election. MSNBC’s John Heilemann said Trump is engaged in “a genuine attempt potentially through force to try to steal this election.”
It would be funny if it weren’t so infuriating. Actually, it’s still funny, as the satirical news site The Babylon Bee showed with their article, “‘Trump Might Not Accept The Results Of The 2020 Election,’ Says Movement That Still Hasn’t Accepted Results Of 2016 Election.”
Given what they’ve put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democrat politicians, and other Resistance activists.


Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have refused to accept the election results of the last THREE Republican victories for the presidency (2000, 2004, and 2016).
You all damn well know they will run ballot challenges and recounts when Trump is re-elected in November too.
Watching the riots with the commie-media covered stories ("peaceful protests intensified", etc) and SEDITION was and has been my initial and final description along with the accompanying lawful penalty. The media should be the first in line to the wall.
Why is it that Hillary and now Joey haven't been asked the same question about accepting the election results. Surely, Hillary has never accepted te 2016 rseults.
Personally, this is the latest media political meme to protect the voter fraud, the PMS/DSA Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are furiously working to perpetrate.

View attachment 368418

Nope. The rest of us have moved on from the 2016 election. It's the Trump supporters that are still living in the past. I believe the reasons for that are because their chosen one (who squeaked in by the narrowest of margins) has turned out to be an absolute abortion as President. So far, I haven't seen anyone left or right who has said outright that there was vote tampering on the night of November 8, 2016 that gave the election to Trump. He got lucky. An unpopular opposition candidate, an entire bloc voters staying home, and a last minute assist from the FBI Director. 77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes...and he lost the overall popular vote. But he won. So why don't you Trump supporters move on? You're the only ones that keep bringing up 2016. Wonder why? Maybe it's because Trump is always his own worst enemy. He makes all of his own problems. Russia, Ukraine, Charlottesville, immigration, race relations, COVID-19. You backed a liar, a fraud, an incompetent moron who was more interested in constantly running for President..then actually doing the job of President. He's got a record to run on in 2020 and it's abysmal. The fact that you have to keep defending him and come up with new scapegoats every time he opens his mouth has got to get dejecting after a while. Face it, you backed a loser...and now, the country is not only set to reject him soundly, but also the Republican party that enabled and bowed before him.
See post #5. They planned it the minute he was elected and even labeled it resist.

Again, he MADE all of his own issues. None of them were concocted. He's his own worst enemy.

And so what if the the opposition made a vow of resistance? I seem to recall Republicans and their wealthy donors saying along the lines of the same thing immediately after Barack Obama was elected in 2008 (something about making sure he was a one termer?).
No. He made nothing. The left created 95% of them.

I understand in the eyes of the devoted such as yourself that may seem true. But it isn't. Here's just one example. And this should have been a lay up for him.
The Charlottesville attacks are a perfect example of what the left has done to this President! He was quite clear in his speeches following Charlottesville that he had zero sympathy for the KKK or any other White Power group! But the liberal media IGNORED that...instead they focused on Trump saying that there were good people on both sides of the debate over whether statues should be taken down honoring Confederate dead! The liberal media claimed that Trump was referring to White Power groups when he said that and if you look at the totality of his statements it's obvious that WASN'T what he was saying!
It Is Resistance, Not Trump, That Needs To Learn To Accept Election Results

Given what they've put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democratic politicians, and other Resistance activists.​

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway

The media and Democrats have returned to their pre-2016 election talking point that Donald Trump won’t accept election results. But after nearly four years of refusing to accept their defeat in the last presidential election, it is they and other members of the Resistance who must commit to accepting election results that don’t go their way.
The final 2016 debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump gave voters much to think about. That was the night Clinton admitted that she was willing to engage in a proxy war with Russia in Syria. For his part, Trump highlighted Clinton’s radical support of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, a charge she could not deny.
But media coverage in the days that followed focused almost exclusively on Trump’s response to a question posed by moderator Chris Wallace, a Fox News host. Asked if he would “absolutely accept the result of this election,” Trump said — and you may want to sit down for this one — “I will look at it at the time.”
For context, Trump had been talking about election-rigging for months, made easier by the confirmation that Democrats had rigged their primary election against Bernie Sanders for Clinton. During the GOP primary, Trump tended to complain about rigging in contests he lost.
In his debate answer, Trump expressed concern about how the media corruption might make the results unfair and about the lack of voter roll integrity. In the days prior to the debate, Clinton operatives had been caught favorably discussing vote fraud and instigating violence to shut down political events.
This is all happening while prominent leftist voices are claiming that Trump is rigging the 2020 election. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tweeted out an elaborate conspiracy theory that Trump could not win legitimately but might try to, well, steal the election. MSNBC’s John Heilemann said Trump is engaged in “a genuine attempt potentially through force to try to steal this election.”
It would be funny if it weren’t so infuriating. Actually, it’s still funny, as the satirical news site The Babylon Bee showed with their article, “‘Trump Might Not Accept The Results Of The 2020 Election,’ Says Movement That Still Hasn’t Accepted Results Of 2016 Election.”
Given what they’ve put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democrat politicians, and other Resistance activists.


Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have refused to accept the election results of the last THREE Republican victories for the presidency (2000, 2004, and 2016).
You all damn well know they will run ballot challenges and recounts when Trump is re-elected in November too.
Watching the riots with the commie-media covered stories ("peaceful protests intensified", etc) and SEDITION was and has been my initial and final description along with the accompanying lawful penalty. The media should be the first in line to the wall.
Why is it that Hillary and now Joey haven't been asked the same question about accepting the election results. Surely, Hillary has never accepted te 2016 rseults.
Personally, this is the latest media political meme to protect the voter fraud, the PMS/DSA Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are furiously working to perpetrate.

View attachment 368418

Nope. The rest of us have moved on from the 2016 election. It's the Trump supporters that are still living in the past. I believe the reasons for that are because their chosen one (who squeaked in by the narrowest of margins) has turned out to be an absolute abortion as President. So far, I haven't seen anyone left or right who has said outright that there was vote tampering on the night of November 8, 2016 that gave the election to Trump. He got lucky. An unpopular opposition candidate, an entire bloc voters staying home, and a last minute assist from the FBI Director. 77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes...and he lost the overall popular vote. But he won. So why don't you Trump supporters move on? You're the only ones that keep bringing up 2016. Wonder why? Maybe it's because Trump is always his own worst enemy. He makes all of his own problems. Russia, Ukraine, Charlottesville, immigration, race relations, COVID-19. You backed a liar, a fraud, an incompetent moron who was more interested in constantly running for President..then actually doing the job of President. He's got a record to run on in 2020 and it's abysmal. The fact that you have to keep defending him and come up with new scapegoats every time he opens his mouth has got to get dejecting after a while. Face it, you backed a loser...and now, the country is not only set to reject him soundly, but also the Republican party that enabled and bowed before him.
See post #5. They planned it the minute he was elected and even labeled it resist.

Again, he MADE all of his own issues. None of them were concocted. He's his own worst enemy.

And so what if the the opposition made a vow of resistance? I seem to recall Republicans and their wealthy donors saying along the lines of the same thing immediately after Barack Obama was elected in 2008 (something about making sure he was a one termer?).
I'm amused by the left's claim that one Party saying they intend to make the other Party's time in office one term is somehow "evil"! Of course the GOP wanted to make Barack Obama a one term President! The Democrats wanted to make Reagan a one term President! They wanted to make Bush II a one term President! It's what an opposition Party DOES!!!

The GOP never attempted what the Democrats did leading up to and following Trump's election though, Jack! Using high level members of the FBI, the CIA, the NSA and the Justice Department to smear a candidate? Using phony dossiers paid for by the DNC and the Clinton campaign to deceive a FISA Court into issuing wire taps so they could spy on the Trump campaign? Using the IRS to hamstring conservative groups? I've never seen anything like what Democrats did leading up to that election and in the three and a half years since! It makes Richard Nixon and his "plumbers" look like rank amateurs!

Oh jeez, you're making this too easy. Here's the difference. Trump made his own issues. Republicans made up issues for Obama.

And then, the inevitable parade of lies, half-truths, and conspiracy theories. You right wingers wouldn't have anything if you didn't have your delusions.
It Is Resistance, Not Trump, That Needs To Learn To Accept Election Results

Given what they've put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democratic politicians, and other Resistance activists.​

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway

The media and Democrats have returned to their pre-2016 election talking point that Donald Trump won’t accept election results. But after nearly four years of refusing to accept their defeat in the last presidential election, it is they and other members of the Resistance who must commit to accepting election results that don’t go their way.
The final 2016 debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump gave voters much to think about. That was the night Clinton admitted that she was willing to engage in a proxy war with Russia in Syria. For his part, Trump highlighted Clinton’s radical support of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, a charge she could not deny.
But media coverage in the days that followed focused almost exclusively on Trump’s response to a question posed by moderator Chris Wallace, a Fox News host. Asked if he would “absolutely accept the result of this election,” Trump said — and you may want to sit down for this one — “I will look at it at the time.”
For context, Trump had been talking about election-rigging for months, made easier by the confirmation that Democrats had rigged their primary election against Bernie Sanders for Clinton. During the GOP primary, Trump tended to complain about rigging in contests he lost.
In his debate answer, Trump expressed concern about how the media corruption might make the results unfair and about the lack of voter roll integrity. In the days prior to the debate, Clinton operatives had been caught favorably discussing vote fraud and instigating violence to shut down political events.
This is all happening while prominent leftist voices are claiming that Trump is rigging the 2020 election. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tweeted out an elaborate conspiracy theory that Trump could not win legitimately but might try to, well, steal the election. MSNBC’s John Heilemann said Trump is engaged in “a genuine attempt potentially through force to try to steal this election.”
It would be funny if it weren’t so infuriating. Actually, it’s still funny, as the satirical news site The Babylon Bee showed with their article, “‘Trump Might Not Accept The Results Of The 2020 Election,’ Says Movement That Still Hasn’t Accepted Results Of 2016 Election.”
Given what they’ve put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democrat politicians, and other Resistance activists.


Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have refused to accept the election results of the last THREE Republican victories for the presidency (2000, 2004, and 2016).
You all damn well know they will run ballot challenges and recounts when Trump is re-elected in November too.
Watching the riots with the commie-media covered stories ("peaceful protests intensified", etc) and SEDITION was and has been my initial and final description along with the accompanying lawful penalty. The media should be the first in line to the wall.
Why is it that Hillary and now Joey haven't been asked the same question about accepting the election results. Surely, Hillary has never accepted te 2016 rseults.
Personally, this is the latest media political meme to protect the voter fraud, the PMS/DSA Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are furiously working to perpetrate.

View attachment 368418

Nope. The rest of us have moved on from the 2016 election. It's the Trump supporters that are still living in the past. I believe the reasons for that are because their chosen one (who squeaked in by the narrowest of margins) has turned out to be an absolute abortion as President. So far, I haven't seen anyone left or right who has said outright that there was vote tampering on the night of November 8, 2016 that gave the election to Trump. He got lucky. An unpopular opposition candidate, an entire bloc voters staying home, and a last minute assist from the FBI Director. 77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes...and he lost the overall popular vote. But he won. So why don't you Trump supporters move on? You're the only ones that keep bringing up 2016. Wonder why? Maybe it's because Trump is always his own worst enemy. He makes all of his own problems. Russia, Ukraine, Charlottesville, immigration, race relations, COVID-19. You backed a liar, a fraud, an incompetent moron who was more interested in constantly running for President..then actually doing the job of President. He's got a record to run on in 2020 and it's abysmal. The fact that you have to keep defending him and come up with new scapegoats every time he opens his mouth has got to get dejecting after a while. Face it, you backed a loser...and now, the country is not only set to reject him soundly, but also the Republican party that enabled and bowed before him.
See post #5. They planned it the minute he was elected and even labeled it resist.

Again, he MADE all of his own issues. None of them were concocted. He's his own worst enemy.

And so what if the the opposition made a vow of resistance? I seem to recall Republicans and their wealthy donors saying along the lines of the same thing immediately after Barack Obama was elected in 2008 (something about making sure he was a one termer?).
I'm amused by the left's claim that one Party saying they intend to make the other Party's time in office one term is somehow "evil"! Of course the GOP wanted to make Barack Obama a one term President! The Democrats wanted to make Reagan a one term President! They wanted to make Bush II a one term President! It's what an opposition Party DOES!!!

The GOP never attempted what the Democrats did leading up to and following Trump's election though, Jack! Using high level members of the FBI, the CIA, the NSA and the Justice Department to smear a candidate? Using phony dossiers paid for by the DNC and the Clinton campaign to deceive a FISA Court into issuing wire taps so they could spy on the Trump campaign? Using the IRS to hamstring conservative groups? I've never seen anything like what Democrats did leading up to that election and in the three and a half years since! It makes Richard Nixon and his "plumbers" look like rank amateurs!

Oh jeez, you're making this too easy. Here's the difference. Trump made his own issues. Republicans made up issues for Obama.

And then, the inevitable parade of lies, half-truths, and conspiracy theories. You right wingers wouldn't have anything if you didn't have your delusions.
Made up issues?? Fast and Furious ring a bell?
It Is Resistance, Not Trump, That Needs To Learn To Accept Election Results

Given what they've put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democratic politicians, and other Resistance activists.​

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway

The media and Democrats have returned to their pre-2016 election talking point that Donald Trump won’t accept election results. But after nearly four years of refusing to accept their defeat in the last presidential election, it is they and other members of the Resistance who must commit to accepting election results that don’t go their way.
The final 2016 debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump gave voters much to think about. That was the night Clinton admitted that she was willing to engage in a proxy war with Russia in Syria. For his part, Trump highlighted Clinton’s radical support of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, a charge she could not deny.
But media coverage in the days that followed focused almost exclusively on Trump’s response to a question posed by moderator Chris Wallace, a Fox News host. Asked if he would “absolutely accept the result of this election,” Trump said — and you may want to sit down for this one — “I will look at it at the time.”
For context, Trump had been talking about election-rigging for months, made easier by the confirmation that Democrats had rigged their primary election against Bernie Sanders for Clinton. During the GOP primary, Trump tended to complain about rigging in contests he lost.
In his debate answer, Trump expressed concern about how the media corruption might make the results unfair and about the lack of voter roll integrity. In the days prior to the debate, Clinton operatives had been caught favorably discussing vote fraud and instigating violence to shut down political events.
This is all happening while prominent leftist voices are claiming that Trump is rigging the 2020 election. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tweeted out an elaborate conspiracy theory that Trump could not win legitimately but might try to, well, steal the election. MSNBC’s John Heilemann said Trump is engaged in “a genuine attempt potentially through force to try to steal this election.”
It would be funny if it weren’t so infuriating. Actually, it’s still funny, as the satirical news site The Babylon Bee showed with their article, “‘Trump Might Not Accept The Results Of The 2020 Election,’ Says Movement That Still Hasn’t Accepted Results Of 2016 Election.”
Given what they’ve put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democrat politicians, and other Resistance activists.


Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have refused to accept the election results of the last THREE Republican victories for the presidency (2000, 2004, and 2016).
You all damn well know they will run ballot challenges and recounts when Trump is re-elected in November too.
Watching the riots with the commie-media covered stories ("peaceful protests intensified", etc) and SEDITION was and has been my initial and final description along with the accompanying lawful penalty. The media should be the first in line to the wall.
Why is it that Hillary and now Joey haven't been asked the same question about accepting the election results. Surely, Hillary has never accepted te 2016 rseults.
Personally, this is the latest media political meme to protect the voter fraud, the PMS/DSA Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are furiously working to perpetrate.

View attachment 368418

Nope. The rest of us have moved on from the 2016 election. It's the Trump supporters that are still living in the past. I believe the reasons for that are because their chosen one (who squeaked in by the narrowest of margins) has turned out to be an absolute abortion as President. So far, I haven't seen anyone left or right who has said outright that there was vote tampering on the night of November 8, 2016 that gave the election to Trump. He got lucky. An unpopular opposition candidate, an entire bloc voters staying home, and a last minute assist from the FBI Director. 77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes...and he lost the overall popular vote. But he won. So why don't you Trump supporters move on? You're the only ones that keep bringing up 2016. Wonder why? Maybe it's because Trump is always his own worst enemy. He makes all of his own problems. Russia, Ukraine, Charlottesville, immigration, race relations, COVID-19. You backed a liar, a fraud, an incompetent moron who was more interested in constantly running for President..then actually doing the job of President. He's got a record to run on in 2020 and it's abysmal. The fact that you have to keep defending him and come up with new scapegoats every time he opens his mouth has got to get dejecting after a while. Face it, you backed a loser...and now, the country is not only set to reject him soundly, but also the Republican party that enabled and bowed before him.
See post #5. They planned it the minute he was elected and even labeled it resist.

Again, he MADE all of his own issues. None of them were concocted. He's his own worst enemy.

And so what if the the opposition made a vow of resistance? I seem to recall Republicans and their wealthy donors saying along the lines of the same thing immediately after Barack Obama was elected in 2008 (something about making sure he was a one termer?).
I'm amused by the left's claim that one Party saying they intend to make the other Party's time in office one term is somehow "evil"! Of course the GOP wanted to make Barack Obama a one term President! The Democrats wanted to make Reagan a one term President! They wanted to make Bush II a one term President! It's what an opposition Party DOES!!!

The GOP never attempted what the Democrats did leading up to and following Trump's election though, Jack! Using high level members of the FBI, the CIA, the NSA and the Justice Department to smear a candidate? Using phony dossiers paid for by the DNC and the Clinton campaign to deceive a FISA Court into issuing wire taps so they could spy on the Trump campaign? Using the IRS to hamstring conservative groups? I've never seen anything like what Democrats did leading up to that election and in the three and a half years since! It makes Richard Nixon and his "plumbers" look like rank amateurs!

Oh jeez, you're making this too easy. Here's the difference. Trump made his own issues. Republicans made up issues for Obama.

And then, the inevitable parade of lies, half-truths, and conspiracy theories. You right wingers wouldn't have anything if you didn't have your delusions.
Made up issues?? Fast and Furious ring a bell?

Made into more than it was. This has been covered and gone over adnauseum. Falls under the half-truths.

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