It Is Official: Fox News Lied About Benghazi

Are we really talking credibility issues?:lol::lol::lol: Jerry Rivers crushes some one?


With all due respect, here in lies the difference. President Bush didn't try to blame a video and apologize to Islam at large.

Bush got caught with his pants down

Republicans blamed Clinton

I know I never did. It was a clusterfuck. It was insane how 9/11 was allowed to occur. I'm choosing my words very carefully here.

Many are to blame. So many. On this we can be bi partisan. Both sides of the aisle monumentally fucked up. Pardon my french. We learned a lot from that day though.

Hence, this situation in Libya is a dog's breakfast. Over a decade later.

This is political correctness gone FUBAR. And people are dead.
Since 9/11 it's been shown that the US supports Al Qaida in the Middle East. Are we STILL supposed to support the apparently false War On Terror after having found that out?

This situation is beyond belief. Amateur hour at its finest. Has any one other than me thought, gee why is Leon Panetta the Defense Secretary?

What qualifies this bozo to hold this position? Worse yet they gave him the CIA before they let him play Secretary of Defense.

And yes to AQ. Obama is now pumping millions to fronts for Muslim Brotherhood and AQ.

Crazy just crazy.
With all due respect, here in lies the difference. President Bush didn't try to blame a video and apologize to Islam at large.

Bush got caught with his pants down

Republicans blamed Clinton

I know I never did. It was a clusterfuck. It was insane how 9/11 was allowed to occur. I'm choosing my words very carefully here.

Many are to blame. So many. On this we can be bi partisan. Both sides of the aisle monumentally fucked up. Pardon my french. We learned a lot from that day though.

Hence, this situation in Libya is a dog's breakfast. Over a decade later.

This is political correctness gone FUBAR. And people are dead.

At the time, Republicans controlled the House.

Answer honestly: did the House investigate Bush w/9-11 the way they are going after Obama w/ Benghazi?
Since 9/11 it's been shown that the US supports Al Qaida in the Middle East. Are we STILL supposed to support the apparently false War On Terror after having found that out?

This situation is beyond belief. Amateur hour at its finest. Has any one other than me thought, gee why is Leon Panetta the Defense Secretary?

What qualifies this bozo to hold this position? Worse yet they gave him the CIA before they let him play Secretary of Defense.

And yes to AQ. Obama is now pumping millions to fronts for Muslim Brotherhood and AQ.

Crazy just crazy.
The President, Vice-President, Secretary of State, and the Ambassador to the UN from the United States all lied about Benghazi too. Going to start a post about that too?
Oh did they forget to add in your report that this was just a "spontaneous attack" because of a video?


No. I think they were too busy writing copy that included the words: The CIA called for "Air Support."

Can you describe what's wrong with that claim?

Since the CIA operates hundreds of drones, many equipped with hellfire missiles, and they do fly in the 'Air', I find it entirely possible that the CIA operatives under fire in Benghazi would request 'Air Support'.

Can you describe what's wrong with that claim?
I criticize Bush. I criticize Obama. I criticize Hillary and Panetta.

But you can only ask me why I don't criticize Patraeus? :confused:

Patraeus has already chimed in about Benghazi:
Petraeus Throws Obama Under the Bus | The Weekly Standard
CIA director David Petraeus, has put out this statement: "No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate.”
Do you have ANYTHING that disproves what he said?

With all due respect, here in lies the difference. President Bush didn't try to blame a video and apologize to Islam at large.

With all due respect, Mittwit got his mug on camera at midnight to denounce the president before ANY facts were known, or ANY speculation as to what had caused it.

He did not, he denounced the statement put put by the embassy in Cairo. Come to think of it, so did Obama, before he turned around and used the same ideas to attack the video when the attack in Benghazi happened hours later.

You really should stick to simple stuff, like 2+2=x.
Bush got caught with his pants down

Republicans blamed Clinton

I know I never did. It was a clusterfuck. It was insane how 9/11 was allowed to occur. I'm choosing my words very carefully here.

Many are to blame. So many. On this we can be bi partisan. Both sides of the aisle monumentally fucked up. Pardon my french. We learned a lot from that day though.

Hence, this situation in Libya is a dog's breakfast. Over a decade later.

This is political correctness gone FUBAR. And people are dead.

At the time, Republicans controlled the House.

Answer honestly: did the House investigate Bush w/9-11 the way they are going after Obama w/ Benghazi?

Bush asks Daschle to limit Sept. 11 probes - CNN

Answer honestly, did Bush try to blame 9/11 on a video?
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The reports did not say who gave the stand down order, just that it was received, and disobeyed, by the team at the safe house. Calling they said it came from somewhere, and then saying that proves they lied, just makes you look like the idiot you are when you claim the report was made up out of thin air.

That's telling, is it not. The Phoocks Snooze "Exclusive Report" never talks about a lot of things, like the so-called "source" itself, or how this "source" just happened to have so few degrees of separation between the key players that make the "Exclusive Report" plausible. That alone should have raised questions with any serious minded human being.

The RRT says that it did not disobey any stand down order. In fact, the RRT says that there was no stand down order issued by anyone. So, why do you keep repeating Phaucks Nuuze lies? Are you a paid Fox Affiliate?

The phrase you wrote: "Calling they said it came from somewhere, ....", is downright unintelligible and makes no sense at all. Use clear, plain English and rewrite the sentence, so somebody can make some sense out it.

Lastly, despite the evidence that has just been reported through CNN, directly from the CIA as the source of the information, you STILL sit here pretending that the Phoocks Loose "Exclusive Report" where they LIE to you by telling you their reporter Jennifer Griffin, is "at the Pentagon" when clearly she is standing directly in front of a screen with a Fox News generated graphic image of the Pentagon in the background, as this fake reporter tells you that the "CIA called for Air Support."

How many times do you need to be told - the CIA DOES NOT call the State Department, or the White House, for "Air Support." Hello? Jennifer, lied to you. Wake up! If she LIED to you about that, what else is she lying about while standing in front of a screen with the computer generated graphic image of the Pentagon in the background, which is supposed to be at the real Pentagon?

There are NO such graphics screens at the Press Room in the Pentagon with Fox News generated graphics on them. I KNOW what the Pentagon Press Room looks like and there is NOTHING there that supports Fox News broadcasts and "Exclusive Report." They lied. She was not standing inside the Pentagon when she gave this report. No more so, than the CIA calls the State Department for "Air Support."

That is not how we execute and/or deliver CAS. We do not conduct CAS missions in non-integrated environments without a crystal clear understanding of perimeter margins between the good guys and the bad guys, and we most certainly would not conduct such a mission on a blind call in the dark. CAS is a military function, not a method for extraction.

This is how we deliver CAS. This is what we train for. Not receiving calls from the CIA in the blind and in the dark:


Source: Joint Doctrine Close Air Support | JP309.3

When you are done reading this, you will understand WHY Fox News lied and you will have learned something you never knew before about how we conduct Close Air Support. I am getting tired of always having to do your homework for you.

Jennifer Griffin stated that the CIA operatives in Benghazi called 'higher headquarters' several times. Do you have a transcript where she said they called the State Department?

With all due respect, here in lies the difference. President Bush didn't try to blame a video and apologize to Islam at large.

With all due respect, Mittwit got his mug on camera at midnight to denounce the president before ANY facts were known, or ANY speculation as to what had caused it.

Whoa geeze you better go back and check your facts. You know I'm deadly this way.

Double check your facts.
The reports did not say who gave the stand down order, just that it was received, and disobeyed, by the team at the safe house. Calling they said it came from somewhere, and then saying that proves they lied, just makes you look like the idiot you are when you claim the report was made up out of thin air.

That's telling, is it not. The Phoocks Snooze "Exclusive Report" never talks about a lot of things, like the so-called "source" itself, or how this "source" just happened to have so few degrees of separation between the key players that make the "Exclusive Report" plausible. That alone should have raised questions with any serious minded human being.

The RRT says that it did not disobey any stand down order. In fact, the RRT says that there was no stand down order issued by anyone. So, why do you keep repeating Phaucks Nuuze lies? Are you a paid Fox Affiliate?

The phrase you wrote: "Calling they said it came from somewhere, ....", is downright unintelligible and makes no sense at all. Use clear, plain English and rewrite the sentence, so somebody can make some sense out it.

Lastly, despite the evidence that has just been reported through CNN, directly from the CIA as the source of the information, you STILL sit here pretending that the Phoocks Loose "Exclusive Report" where they LIE to you by telling you their reporter Jennifer Griffin, is "at the Pentagon" when clearly she is standing directly in front of a screen with a Fox News generated graphic image of the Pentagon in the background, as this fake reporter tells you that the "CIA called for Air Support."

How many times do you need to be told - the CIA DOES NOT call the State Department, or the White House, for "Air Support." Hello? Jennifer, lied to you. Wake up! If she LIED to you about that, what else is she lying about while standing in front of a screen with the computer generated graphic image of the Pentagon in the background, which is supposed to be at the real Pentagon?

There are NO such graphics screens at the Press Room in the Pentagon with Fox News generated graphics on them. I KNOW what the Pentagon Press Room looks like and there is NOTHING there that supports Fox News broadcasts and "Exclusive Report." They lied. She was not standing inside the Pentagon when she gave this report. No more so, than the CIA calls the State Department for "Air Support."

That is not how we execute and/or deliver CAS. We do not conduct CAS missions in non-integrated environments without a crystal clear understanding of perimeter margins between the good guys and the bad guys, and we most certainly would not conduct such a mission on a blind call in the dark. CAS is a military function, not a method for extraction.

This is how we deliver CAS. This is what we train for. Not receiving calls from the CIA in the blind and in the dark:


Source: Joint Doctrine Close Air Support | JP309.3

When you are done reading this, you will understand WHY Fox News lied and you will have learned something you never knew before about how we conduct Close Air Support. I am getting tired of always having to do your homework for you.

Jennifer Griffin stated that the CIA operatives in Benghazi called 'higher headquarters' several times. Do you have a transcript where she said they called the State Department?

I didn't like the facts were skewed to begin with. All the bastard media over here kept calling this base as an "annex".

Thats a fucking lie from the get go. It was a CIA base.
With all due respect, here in lies the difference. President Bush didn't try to blame a video and apologize to Islam at large.

With all due respect, Mittwit got his mug on camera at midnight to denounce the president before ANY facts were known, or ANY speculation as to what had caused it.

He did not, he denounced the statement put put by the embassy in Cairo. Come to think of it, so did Obama, before he turned around and used the same ideas to attack the video when the attack in Benghazi happened hours later.

You really should stick to simple stuff, like 2+2=x.

A statement that was put out in the afternoon, at the start of protests - not violence - in an attempt to quiet the anger over the video.

An attempt to be diplomatic. Imagine that, from a diplomatic compound!

And dumbfuck, craven politician Romney rushes to judgement to try to score political points off of Americans in danger.

I know I never did. It was a clusterfuck. It was insane how 9/11 was allowed to occur. I'm choosing my words very carefully here.

Many are to blame. So many. On this we can be bi partisan. Both sides of the aisle monumentally fucked up. Pardon my french. We learned a lot from that day though.

Hence, this situation in Libya is a dog's breakfast. Over a decade later.

This is political correctness gone FUBAR. And people are dead.

At the time, Republicans controlled the House.

Answer honestly: did the House investigate Bush w/9-11 the way they are going after Obama w/ Benghazi?

Bush asks Daschle to limit Sept. 11 probes - CNN

Answer honestly, did Bush try to blame 9/11 on a video?
Daschle was in the Senate. Why didn't the Republican House investigate.

And are you saying that if Obama asks Issa and all the other un-American assholes in the Republican Party not to investigate, they will say, "yes, sir"?

And why would Bush ask that?

And how about addressing that tweet I posted?