ISW: Russian nationalists reject Moscow's attempts to silence war criticism


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Right-wing Russian bloggers dismissed the state's attempts to quell critique by publishing videos of well-equipped front-line soldiers, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) wrote on Aug. 28.

On Aug. 25, multiple Russian commentators complained that units of the 205th Motorized Rifle Brigade – the same brigade that blew up the Kakhovka Dam in June – lacked sufficient artillery support. They claimed that soldiers "were suffering significant casualties under Ukrainian artillery fire on an island in the Kherson direction" and that their commanders ignored repeated calls for additional artillery.

In response, Russian state media released footage on Aug. 26 allegedly showing five soldiers of the 205th in new uniforms. In the video, the soldiers ask Russian bloggers to stop harming the brigade's operations by complaining about artillery shortages.

The soldiers add that military commentators who want to aid Russia's invasion can volunteer to "fight on the front lines" themselves.

However, the bloggers weren't convinced. According to the ISW, several writers "claimed that the video was clearly staged to deflect criticism from the brigade’s leadership," and by extension, the Russian Defense Ministry.

The Russian Defense Ministry has often equated criticizing Russian military command in Ukraine with harming military operations at the front. The ministry has "consistently tried throughout the full-scale invasion to silence criticisms in the Russian information space," the ISW said.

This has brought pro-war Russian nationalists into conflict with the government over the war in Ukraine.

So if the right wing bloggers are pro Russian and are in conflict with Putin's government, doesn't that make Putin's government anti Russian? It would seem so.
Troll Toomuchbooze swallowing the propaganda because he has no idea where to go for real news . He thought the broken Kyiv Nazis were on their way to the Azov sea . What a clown
So if the right wing bloggers are pro Russian and are in conflict with Putin's government, doesn't that make Putin's government anti Russian? It would seem so.
Putin is the Russian version of George W. Bush. Now imagine any time in the past 20 years that George W. Bush ran this country uninterrupted in Washington, D.C., right along with deadeye Dick Cheney (in the Russian version) as his middling puppet and mouthpiece. He just went in and invaded Iraqi-kraine, and he totally owns that decision by himself. No one else to blame.

There would certainly be talk of a revolt in this country by both parties after more than 20 years. No war president who creates such unbelievable tales of Weapons of Mass Destruction, or, which is even less palatable, the "threat" of an independent country on your border that you share a language and culture with will remain popular, even if you achieve a favorable outcome based on a lie. Putin would make even W look popular, by comparison.
Russia is suffering 'significant' casualties that are amounting to roughly 1 for every 8 Ukrainian casualties.

The majority of the people of Russia and the Russian military are telling Putin that he had better stop playing nice with the Ukrainians. Putin's limited military action must become a war eventually.

For those who don't understand the difference between military action and war, read up on the bombing of London or German cities.

We all must start rooting for a peaceful settlement on Russia's terms, before it's too late!
Putin is the Russian version of George W. Bush. Now imagine any time in the past 20 years that George W. Bush ran this country uninterrupted in Washington, D.C., right along with deadeye Dick Cheney (in the Russian version) as his middling puppet and mouthpiece. He just went in and invaded Iraqi-kraine, and he totally owns that decision by himself. No one else to blame.

There would certainly be talk of a revolt in this country by both parties after more than 20 years. No war president who creates such unbelievable tales of Weapons of Mass Destruction, or, which is even less palatable, the "threat" of an independent country on your border that you share a language and culture with will remain popular, even if you achieve a favorable outcome based on a lie. Putin would make even W look popular, by comparison.
That would be interesting if it were true. In fact the Senate passed S. 316 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): A bill to repeal the authorizations for use of military force against Iraq with a 2/3 majority which included all the major Democratic senators at the time.

Bush had made all the intelligence on Iraq available to all members of the Senate but records show that not one of them, Democrat of Republican, tool the trouble to access that information before the vote, which tells us that the Democrats were more interested in the political implications of being seen as strong on defense than is whether it would be good for the US to go to war in Iraq. A Particularly glaring example of Democratic cynicism is Joe Biden, who stood up in the Senate and falsely claimed to have read the intelligence and swore to his colleagues that the intelligence supported going to war in Iraq.

In the next election, the Democrats decided it would be politically advantageous to oppose the war, and claimed they had been tricked into voting for the war by Bush's lies, but since we know they had the same access to the Iraq intelligence Bush had, but showed no interest in it.

Three of these Democratic liars, Kerry, Clinton and Biden later won the Democratic nomination for President.
Russia is suffering 'significant' casualties that are amounting to roughly 1 for every 8 Ukrainian casualties.

The majority of the people of Russia and the Russian military are telling Putin that he had better stop playing nice with the Ukrainians. Putin's limited military action must become a war eventually.

For those who don't understand the difference between military action and war, read up on the bombing of London or German cities.

We all must start rooting for a peaceful settlement on Russia's terms, before it's too late!
As the recent peace conference in Jeddah showed, pretty much everyone in the world except Russia is eager for a peaceful settlement of the war, but they all agree with President Zelensky that that can only happen if Russia leaves Ukraine.

All your terroristic threats won't change that.
As the recent peace conference in Jeddah showed, pretty much everyone in the world except Russia is eager for a peaceful settlement of the war, but they all agree with President Zelensky that that can only happen if Russia leaves Ukraine.

All your terroristic threats won't change that.
The Ukraine can't include the Crimea and so understanding that, you're correct on Russia not in agreement with terms you've suggested.

Russia has killed another 450 Ukrainian soldiers in one day.

The question for us is then, will Zelensky be allowed to negotiate peace on Russia's terms, or will America refuse Zelensky permission?

On a more urgent and pressing issue, Poland is threatening war with Belorussia!
The Ukraine can't include the Crimea and so understanding that, you're correct on Russia not in agreement with terms you've suggested.

Russia has killed another 450 Ukrainian soldiers in one day.

The question for us is then, will Zelensky be allowed to negotiate peace on Russia's terms, or will America refuse Zelensky permission?

On a more urgent and pressing issue, Poland is threatening war with Belorussia!
Well, there you go. First you call for a peaceful settlement to this war and then you reject it. But Russia stands all alone in this war, while the rest of the world demands Russia leave Ukraine as part of any peaceful settlement.
Russia is suffering 'significant' casualties that are amounting to roughly 1 for every 8 Ukrainian casualties.

The majority of the people of Russia and the Russian military are telling Putin that he had better stop playing nice with the Ukrainians. Putin's limited military action must become a war eventually.

For those who don't understand the difference between military action and war, read up on the bombing of London or German cities.

We all must start rooting for a peaceful settlement on Russia's terms, before it's too late!
Some of the Russians yes, wanna escalate. But many of them, though, like that pillow fight. Especially young men. You know, gamification of war and so on...
Well, there you go. First you call for a peaceful settlement to this war and then you reject it. But Russia stands all alone in this war, while the rest of the world demands Russia leave Ukraine as part of any peaceful settlement.
Really? That's an illusion. Dangerous illusion.
Bush had made all the intelligence on Iraq available to all members of the Senate but records show that not one of them, Democrat of Republican, tool the trouble to access that information before the vote, which tells us that the Democrats were more interested in the political implications of being seen as strong on defense than is whether it would be good for the US to go to war in Iraq.
You do know that Karl Rove scheduled the vote in October of 2002, right before the election, correct? It was deliberate timing to get Democrats to vote in favor of it, lest they look unpatriotic, and many caved. Of course, the excuse is "we authorized a variety of sanctions, and war was only one of them, the very last resort", but it was obvious the neocons were going to invade Iraq, and a vote in favor of authorization was a vote to invade Iraq.
You do know that Karl Rove scheduled the vote in October of 2002, right before the election, correct? It was deliberate timing to get Democrats to vote in favor of it, lest they look unpatriotic, and many caved. Of course, the excuse is "we authorized a variety of sanctions, and war was only one of them, the very last resort", but it was obvious the neocons were going to invade Iraq, and a vote in favor of authorization was a vote to invade Iraq.
The Senate controls its own events, including votes.
But Russia stands all alone in this war, while the rest of the world demands Russia leave Ukraine as part of any peaceful settlement.
Deliberate Trolling , Boozy , or just ignorance? See Post 2 to the complete Clown .

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