Issa Lied? Say It Ain't So!

Um, Howey, the reason people scream "Think Progress" is because they have a history of distortion and propaganda rivalled only by the Soviet Union. Of course most people with an IQ higher than a warm brownie can spot the issue. You do see the issue, right?

Nope. The reason is they shine light on slime like Issa.

If he tells the truth, THAT would be news.

What would really be news is, if Harry Reid ever told the truth. :lol:
There is a distinct difference between the tragedy and the ridiculous nutter talking points, I think.

But I put the IRS below Benghazi but above the Fast-n-Furious in the list of phony scandals.

But then again it's only Wednesday........

Yes, but you're a partisan hack with zero integrity...

Obama could rape and murder a small boy on national TV and you'd call it a phony scandal.
There is a distinct difference between the tragedy and the ridiculous nutter talking points, I think.

But I put the IRS below Benghazi but above the Fast-n-Furious in the list of phony scandals.

But then again it's only Wednesday........

Yes, but you're a partisan hack with zero integrity...

Obama could rape and murder a small boy on national TV and you'd call it a phony scandal.

Nutters sure do have odd fantasy lives.
Show me a questionnaire where the IRS asked for the content of a progressive groups prayers, then we will have a discussion. Or show me a progressive group that is still waiting for approval after more than 3 years. There were different levels of scrutiny, just asking routine questions is not targeting.

One of the chief reasons we have a fourth amendment and why I oppose the government spying on all of us without warrants is because weasels have this bad habit of finding what they are looking for. Weasels on a hunt will keep looking and not give up until they find what they are looking for, sometimes even when it isn't really there. And when those weasels have the power to arrest, this leads to tyranny.

Although they don't have the power of arrest, the weasels in the right wing hack media suffer from the same disease. They keep digging until they find what they are looking for.

What you are failing to realize is that they did not dig into the IRS's investigations of left wing organizations to see if those organizations were equally abused/investigated. They only looked for what they wanted to find. They only looked at what the IRS did to right wing organizations. It did not fit their propaganda narrative to see if the IRS did the same to the left.

When you ask for evidence of the IRS asking for the prayer content of a progressive organization, you can take comfort in knowing your right wing hack media never bothered to see if such things were done to the progressive organizations.

This is how confirmation bias works.
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Nice. Want to finish my list?

1. Liberals don't support black conservatives because they are black.

Let's start with a few facts.

First, you're not a liberal, you are a leftist. The foundation of your ideas is not Thomas Paine, Jefferson, Adam Smith, etc. - but rather Karl Marx and the Fabians. You advocate for the authoritarian concentration of power in a ruling body in Washington, not for the liberty of the individual engaging in a social contract to build successively weaker bodies of government to fill specific roles. You, or your shameful party, see a central ruler, currently Obama, but it could be anyone designated by the party, whom all are to obey. You are the polar opposite of liberal.

Leftists apply this rulership exponentially to blacks. Leftists view black people as property of the party. While leftists will attack anyone who deviates from party dogma. a black person who does so is particularly singled out for demagoguery by the party, as a lesson to other blacks who may get uppity and think on their own.

2. Anything used to kill someone should be banned because firearms are regulated.

Authoritarians have sought to disarm commoners since the dawn of history. Those who rule by force, fear an armed populace. democrats fear the sort of resistance we saw with Bundy, and seek to disarm the peasantry to impose their will by force.

3. Liberals want to level the playing field, so they must think minorities and women are unable to do for themselves.

Leftists seek power, by creating strife, they use a divide and conquer strategy.

4. We had a cold winter........proof that there is no climate change.

Leftist seek power, and have employed the oldest con in the book, the angry volcano god.

Villagers saw the volcano, the shaman claims the volcano god is angry due to the carbon sins of the villagers, and only through sacrifice, of their food and virgin daughters can the volcano god be appeased.

The volcano is real enough, but the villagers have nothing to do with it, and the shaman seeks only to enrich himself with power, food, and pussy.

The climate on Earth has been changing for 4.6 billion years, Algore has no power to affect it, he is a fraud, as is Mann, et al.

Anyone who TRULY believes in AGW is a fucking moron, an ignorant fool, a sucker.

5. Only 8 million people signed up? That's not good!

7.5 million of those were forced off existing plans.

6. many actually paid?

Those who already had plans, but the leftists are fraudulently counting...

7. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ( Obama's unemployment rate used to be here )

Obama has the worst employment record of any president except FDR.


8. Liberals fear Sarah Palin or Chris Christie or Ted Cruz or Rand Paul or blah blah blah

Leftists seek power - lust for power.

Leftists are demagogues who make Goebbels look like a fair and honest guy. The primary tool of the democratic party is slander. ANY infidel who gains popularity among the peasants poses a threat to the grip on power held by the authoritarian left. At the first hint of popularity, the left turns the party press and other minions to the task of slander and libel.

Remember, democrats are certified integrity-free since 1996, there is NOTHING that will not be fabricated, twisted, misconstrued, etc. to slander an enemy of the party.

9. The media got Obama elected

Pretty much.

The media is nothing more than the propaganda wing of the democratic party.

10. Voter fraud got Obama elected

While the democratic party - and by extension EVERY LAST DEMOCRAT - demand election fraud be maintained, Obama won both elections.
The Washington Examiner article claims that 298 "conservative" or "tea party" groups were investigated.

The IG's letter says that 96 groups were examined due to words like "tea party", "9/12" or "patriot", and 202 were examined due to "other".

The IG very specifically does not claim that those 202 "other" groups were "conservative", yet the Examiner article does.

I know. It's completely shocking.

Other conservative keywords that will cause the IRS to investigate inclued "God," "Liberty," "Freedom," you know, all those things your party works to eradicate....
Show me a questionnaire where the IRS asked for the content of a progressive groups prayers, then we will have a discussion. Or show me a progressive group that is still waiting for approval after more than 3 years. There were different levels of scrutiny, just asking routine questions is not targeting.

Justice delayed is justice denied.

No one ever complained that the IRS was not "doing their job" by investigating those asking for exempt status.

The complaint was that conservative groups were not given an answer despite answering the questions asked....instead, they were asked additional questions..

A progressive group getting a "denial" is infinitely better than a conservative group getting no answer at all..


Because if you are denied, you are able to restructure your model and re-apply. If you get no answer at all, you are forced to sit on your butt and wait.

It amazes me how people need to distort the complaint in an effort to dismiss it.
Show me a questionnaire where the IRS asked for the content of a progressive groups prayers, then we will have a discussion. Or show me a progressive group that is still waiting for approval after more than 3 years. There were different levels of scrutiny, just asking routine questions is not targeting.

One of the chief reasons we have a fourth amendment and why I oppose the government spying on all of us without warrants is because weasels have this bad habit of finding what they are looking for. Weasels on a hunt will keep looking and not give up until they find what they are looking for, sometimes even when it isn't really there. And when those weasels have the power to arrest, this leads to tyranny.

Although they don't have the power of arrest, the weasels in the right wing hack media suffer from the same disease. They keep digging until they find what they are looking for.

What you are failing to realize is that they did not dig into the IRS's investigations of left wing organizations to see if those organizations were equally abused/investigated. They only looked for what they wanted to find. They only looked at what the IRS did to right wing organizations. It did not fit their propaganda narrative to see if the IRS did the same to the left.

When you ask for evidence of the IRS asking for the prayer content of a progressive organization, you can take comfort in knowing your right wing hack media never bothered to see if such things were done to the progressive organizations.

This is how confirmation bias works.

You are dead wrong.

The reason hearings were allowed by the committee was that it found that NO liberal groups were forced to wait for an answer longer than 3 months while a multitude of conservative groups waited as long as 3 years for an answer. Likewise, it was found that liberal groups were given an answer after the original application questionnaire whereas conservative groups were forced to continually answer question after question after question.....only AFTER they asked "why the delay"

Not to mention, of course, that this all started when Lois Lerner APOLOGIZED for the inappropriate actions toward conservative groups by 2 rogue low level Cincinnati employees.
Nutters sure do have odd fantasy lives.

I recognize that leftists are essentially sociopaths.

You have zero integrity, no foundational ethics. That which serves the party is the ONLY measure of good and evil with you.

In 1974 America was proud nation, we found that no one is above the law. Richard Nixon covered up a break in to gather evidence that the democrats were stuffing ballot boxes. They DID recover the evidence, the McGovern camps was involved in election fraud, but that didn't matter - Nixon lied to the American people. WORSE, Nixon had inquired about using the IRS to target political enemies - he never did it, but the inquiry was too much for a free nation.

Now we have Obama, who covered up the failure to secure the Benghazi diplomatic mission, and LIED to the American people, repeatedly. Blaming an internet video and calling the attack spontanious - but that doesn't matter, Obama is above the law.

Obama used the IRS to target political enemies, he didn't just inquire, he actually did it. But that doesn't matter - Obama is above the law.

You don't give a fuck about abuse. You don't give a fuck about liberty. You don't give a fuck about the nation. You care about power for your party - period.

So don't pretend that Obama raping and killing a boy on TV would do anything other than have you rushing to DailyKOS for an excuse why it doesn't matter and is the fault of BOOOOSHHH.

You are a party of sociopaths. You have no integrity and no honor. The party is the ONLY thing any of you give a flying fuck about.
There is a distinct difference between the tragedy and the ridiculous nutter talking points, I think.

But I put the IRS below Benghazi but above the Fast-n-Furious in the list of phony scandals.

But then again it's only Wednesday........

Yes, but you're a partisan hack with zero integrity...

Obama could rape and murder a small boy on national TV and you'd call it a phony scandal.

Of course insults like that coming from someone like you are truly a complement.

You see committing rape and murder are heinous crimes. The President committed no crimes of any sort in any of those phony scandals. That's why they're phony. That's why they'll stay phony.

In fact I think the real scandal in all the money Issa has spent on his Phony Witch Hunts.
Nutters sure do have odd fantasy lives.

I recognize that leftists are essentially sociopaths.

You have zero integrity, no foundational ethics. That which serves the party is the ONLY measure of good and evil with you.

In 1974 America was proud nation, we found that no one is above the law. Richard Nixon covered up a break in to gather evidence that the democrats were stuffing ballot boxes. They DID recover the evidence, the McGovern camps was involved in election fraud, but that didn't matter - Nixon lied to the American people. WORSE, Nixon had inquired about using the IRS to target political enemies - he never did it, but the inquiry was too much for a free nation.

Now we have Obama, who covered up the failure to secure the Benghazi diplomatic mission, and LIED to the American people, repeatedly. Blaming an internet video and calling the attack spontanious - but that doesn't matter, Obama is above the law.

Obama used the IRS to target political enemies, he didn't just inquire, he actually did it. But that doesn't matter - Obama is above the law.

You don't give a fuck about abuse. You don't give a fuck about liberty. You don't give a fuck about the nation. You care about power for your party - period.

So don't pretend that Obama raping and killing a boy on TV would do anything other than have you rushing to DailyKOS for an excuse why it doesn't matter and is the fault of BOOOOSHHH.

You are a party of sociopaths. You have no integrity and no honor. The party is the ONLY thing any of you give a flying fuck about.

I approve of this message...
Of course insults like that coming from someone like you are truly a complement.

Oh, it was never meant as an insult, just a statement of reality.

I expected that you would take my acknowledgement that your only concern is service to the party as a complement.

You see committing rape and murder are heinous crimes.

Not if prosecution of those crimes is against the interests of the party though - because really, is there ANY crime for you other than impeding the interests of the party?

The President committed no crimes of any sort in any of those phony scandals. That's why they're phony. That's why they'll stay phony.

They weren't phony when Nixon did them though, because the party above all, right?

In fact I think the real scandal in all the money Issa has spent on his Phony Witch Hunts.

After all, Obama is above the law. Or rather, service to the party is the only law you recognize.
Nutters sure do have odd fantasy lives.

I recognize that leftists are essentially sociopaths.

You have zero integrity, no foundational ethics. That which serves the party is the ONLY measure of good and evil with you.

In 1974 America was proud nation, we found that no one is above the law. Richard Nixon covered up a break in to gather evidence that the democrats were stuffing ballot boxes. They DID recover the evidence, the McGovern camps was involved in election fraud, but that didn't matter - Nixon lied to the American people. WORSE, Nixon had inquired about using the IRS to target political enemies - he never did it, but the inquiry was too much for a free nation.

Now we have Obama, who covered up the failure to secure the Benghazi diplomatic mission, and LIED to the American people, repeatedly. Blaming an internet video and calling the attack spontanious - but that doesn't matter, Obama is above the law.

Obama used the IRS to target political enemies, he didn't just inquire, he actually did it. But that doesn't matter - Obama is above the law.

You don't give a fuck about abuse. You don't give a fuck about liberty. You don't give a fuck about the nation. You care about power for your party - period.

So don't pretend that Obama raping and killing a boy on TV would do anything other than have you rushing to DailyKOS for an excuse why it doesn't matter and is the fault of BOOOOSHHH.

You are a party of sociopaths. You have no integrity and no honor. The party is the ONLY thing any of you give a flying fuck about.

In 1974 the nation was split and in shambles. The botched break in to reset the phone tap at the Democratic National Headquaters, or rather the investigation of the "Plumbers" led to the discovery of a whole host of illegal activities of the Nixon White House.

But then again lying is all you have isn't it?
Nutters sure do have odd fantasy lives.

I recognize that leftists are essentially sociopaths.

You have zero integrity, no foundational ethics. That which serves the party is the ONLY measure of good and evil with you.

In 1974 America was proud nation, we found that no one is above the law. Richard Nixon covered up a break in to gather evidence that the democrats were stuffing ballot boxes. They DID recover the evidence, the McGovern camps was involved in election fraud, but that didn't matter - Nixon lied to the American people. WORSE, Nixon had inquired about using the IRS to target political enemies - he never did it, but the inquiry was too much for a free nation.

Now we have Obama, who covered up the failure to secure the Benghazi diplomatic mission, and LIED to the American people, repeatedly. Blaming an internet video and calling the attack spontanious - but that doesn't matter, Obama is above the law.

Obama used the IRS to target political enemies, he didn't just inquire, he actually did it. But that doesn't matter - Obama is above the law.

You don't give a fuck about abuse. You don't give a fuck about liberty. You don't give a fuck about the nation. You care about power for your party - period.

So don't pretend that Obama raping and killing a boy on TV would do anything other than have you rushing to DailyKOS for an excuse why it doesn't matter and is the fault of BOOOOSHHH.

You are a party of sociopaths. You have no integrity and no honor. The party is the ONLY thing any of you give a flying fuck about.

In 1974 the nation was split and in shambles. The botched break in to reset the phone tap at the Democratic National Headquaters, or rather the investigation of the "Plumbers" led to the discovery of a whole host of illegal activities of the Nixon White House.

But then again lying is all you have isn't it?

no hes right....back then republicans wanted to get to the bottom of it, even a stupid break in.......democrats dont want to, party/ideology anove anything.

and look marion berry was caufght on film........on film smoking crack and democrats cried racism, entrapment and then reelected him.........what else do you need to know?
they're still sticking up for the IRS abusing their power over people

this country is hopeless...and the government has won over us

they have become our masters instead of employees who works, FOR US...Now their mission and motto should be, we are out to HURT YOU and bring you under control

makes me ill
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In 1974 the nation was split and in shambles.

If Nixon, and especially Goldwated, had only known how the democrats would come to shit on the very notion of justice, they would have laughed Watergate off.

The botched break in to reset the phone tap at the Democratic National Headquaters, or rather the investigation of the "Plumbers" led to the discovery of a whole host of illegal activities of the Nixon White House.

But then again lying is all you have isn't it?

Back then, illegal acts were not allowed - now you hold Obama above the law. Nixon IRS abuse IMPEACHABLE! Obama IRS abuse, lovable - party above all.

Hey, you're a sociopath who defines "right" as serving the party, and "wrong" as being a Republican..

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