Issa Lied? Say It Ain't So!

Nutters sure do have odd fantasy lives.

I recognize that leftists are essentially sociopaths.

You have zero integrity, no foundational ethics. That which serves the party is the ONLY measure of good and evil with you.

In 1974 America was proud nation, we found that no one is above the law. Richard Nixon covered up a break in to gather evidence that the democrats were stuffing ballot boxes. They DID recover the evidence, the McGovern camps was involved in election fraud, but that didn't matter - Nixon lied to the American people. WORSE, Nixon had inquired about using the IRS to target political enemies - he never did it, but the inquiry was too much for a free nation.

Now we have Obama, who covered up the failure to secure the Benghazi diplomatic mission, and LIED to the American people, repeatedly. Blaming an internet video and calling the attack spontanious - but that doesn't matter, Obama is above the law.

Obama used the IRS to target political enemies, he didn't just inquire, he actually did it. But that doesn't matter - Obama is above the law.

You don't give a fuck about abuse. You don't give a fuck about liberty. You don't give a fuck about the nation. You care about power for your party - period.

So don't pretend that Obama raping and killing a boy on TV would do anything other than have you rushing to DailyKOS for an excuse why it doesn't matter and is the fault of BOOOOSHHH.

You are a party of sociopaths. You have no integrity and no honor. The party is the ONLY thing any of you give a flying fuck about.

In 1974 the nation was split and in shambles. The botched break in to reset the phone tap at the Democratic National Headquaters, or rather the investigation of the "Plumbers" led to the discovery of a whole host of illegal activities of the Nixon White House.

But then again lying is all you have isn't it?

The 60s and 70s were indeed a far more fractious and violent time in our history. We had domestic terrorists regularly setting off bombs. We had a President abusing power like no other. We had record anti-war protests. Airplanes were being hijacked at least once every two weeks (no exaggeration). College kids were occupying campus buildings. Countless cities were set ablaze in race riots. Our highest leaders, both civil and political, were being assassinated left and right.

And we came back from that.

The current troubles pale in comparison.
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they're still sticking up for the IRS abusing their power over people

People like BlindBoo truly don't see that as wrong. The IRS going after enemies of the party is the very definition of "right" to him. Right is anything that serves the party, wrong is anything that hinders the party in gaining ever greater power.

this country is hopeless...and the government has won over us

they have become our masters instead of employees who works, FOR US...Now their mission and motto should be, we are out to HURT YOU and bring you under control

makes me ill

We have the Khmer Rouge democrats, all rational thought is ejected in favor of fervent, obsessive obedience to the party. NOTHING matters other than party. This mentality, that Boo and the other display, is how killing fields come around. It isn't the evil of killing that allows these things, it is the surrender of integrity to blind obedience to the party that does. For Boo, it simply isn't possible for the party or party leaders to do wrong.
There is a distinct difference between the tragedy and the ridiculous nutter talking points, I think.

But I put the IRS below Benghazi but above the Fast-n-Furious in the list of phony scandals.

But then again it's only Wednesday........

Yes, but you're a partisan hack with zero integrity...

Obama could rape and murder a small boy on national TV and you'd call it a phony scandal.

1. You say that to everyone you don't agree with.
2. Where do you come up with this shit?
3. Need I remind you that you posted Ted Nugent never threatened to kill Barack Obama? Even after I played you the videos of Ted Nugent threatening to kill Barack Obama? :lol:
1. You say that to everyone you don't agree with.
2. Where do you come up with this shit?
3. Need I remind you that you posted Ted Nugent never threatened to kill Barack Obama? Even after I played you the videos of Ted Nugent threatening to kill Barack Obama? :lol:

Still lying, huh Shallow?


You are one stupid sot.
I recognize that leftists are essentially sociopaths.

You have zero integrity, no foundational ethics. That which serves the party is the ONLY measure of good and evil with you.

In 1974 America was proud nation, we found that no one is above the law. Richard Nixon covered up a break in to gather evidence that the democrats were stuffing ballot boxes. They DID recover the evidence, the McGovern camps was involved in election fraud, but that didn't matter - Nixon lied to the American people. WORSE, Nixon had inquired about using the IRS to target political enemies - he never did it, but the inquiry was too much for a free nation.

Now we have Obama, who covered up the failure to secure the Benghazi diplomatic mission, and LIED to the American people, repeatedly. Blaming an internet video and calling the attack spontanious - but that doesn't matter, Obama is above the law.

Obama used the IRS to target political enemies, he didn't just inquire, he actually did it. But that doesn't matter - Obama is above the law.

You don't give a fuck about abuse. You don't give a fuck about liberty. You don't give a fuck about the nation. You care about power for your party - period.

So don't pretend that Obama raping and killing a boy on TV would do anything other than have you rushing to DailyKOS for an excuse why it doesn't matter and is the fault of BOOOOSHHH.

You are a party of sociopaths. You have no integrity and no honor. The party is the ONLY thing any of you give a flying fuck about.

In 1974 the nation was split and in shambles. The botched break in to reset the phone tap at the Democratic National Headquaters, or rather the investigation of the "Plumbers" led to the discovery of a whole host of illegal activities of the Nixon White House.

But then again lying is all you have isn't it?

no hes right....back then republicans wanted to get to the bottom of it, even a stupid break in.......democrats dont want to, party/ideology anove anything.

and look marion berry was caufght on film........on film smoking crack and democrats cried racism, entrapment and then reelected him.........what else do you need to know?

No he's not. The country was still in turmoil.

FOCUS | Obama and Nixon: A Historical Perspective
they're still sticking up for the IRS abusing their power over people

this country is hopeless...and the government has won over us

they have become our masters instead of employees who works, FOR US...Now their mission and motto should be, we are out to HURT YOU and bring you under control

makes me ill

The issue in not sticking up for the IRS, but rather denying the claim the the White House directed the IRS to target an enemies list like Nixon did. Which of course is an impeachable offense.
In 1974 the nation was split and in shambles.

If Nixon, and especially Goldwated, had only known how the democrats would come to shit on the very notion of justice, they would have laughed Watergate off.

The botched break in to reset the phone tap at the Democratic National Headquaters, or rather the investigation of the "Plumbers" led to the discovery of a whole host of illegal activities of the Nixon White House.

But then again lying is all you have isn't it?

Back then, illegal acts were not allowed - now you hold Obama above the law. Nixon IRS abuse IMPEACHABLE! Obama IRS abuse, lovable - party above all.

Hey, you're a sociopath who defines "right" as serving the party, and "wrong" as being a Republican..

Let see the proof that President Obama directed the IRS. You have that right?


Nixon personally put White House dirty trickster Tom Charles Huston, former president of the Young Americans for Freedom, in charge of setting up the new IRS "anti-radical squad" to make sure that the laggards in IRS's bureaucracy didn't drop the ball. Huston prepared a 43-page blueprint for Nixon outlining a government agency campaign targeting Nixon's enemies. Uncle Teddy was still at the top. The scheme included tapping phones without warrants, infiltrating organizations that had been critical of the President and, purging IRS agents who refused to tow the Republican line. Huston told the President, "we won't be in control of the government and in a position of effective leverage until such time or we have complete and total control of the top three slots" at the IRS. Nixon also enthusiastically authorized a series of "black bag jobs" including breaking into offices, homes and liberal think tanks like the Ford Foundation and the Brookings Institute which Nixon believed was home to many former Kennedy Administration officials.

As a disclaimer, Huston cautioned that the "use of this technique is clearly illegal; it amounts to burglary. It is also highly risky and could result in great embarrassment if exposed. However, it is also the most fruitful tool and can produce the kind of intelligence which cannot be obtained in any other fashion."
they're still sticking up for the IRS abusing their power over people

People like BlindBoo truly don't see that as wrong. The IRS going after enemies of the party is the very definition of "right" to him. Right is anything that serves the party, wrong is anything that hinders the party in gaining ever greater power.

this country is hopeless...and the government has won over us

they have become our masters instead of employees who works, FOR US...Now their mission and motto should be, we are out to HURT YOU and bring you under control

makes me ill

We have the Khmer Rouge democrats, all rational thought is ejected in favor of fervent, obsessive obedience to the party. NOTHING matters other than party. This mentality, that Boo and the other display, is how killing fields come around. It isn't the evil of killing that allows these things, it is the surrender of integrity to blind obedience to the party that does. For Boo, it simply isn't possible for the party or party leaders to do wrong.

You see when you make shit up about people, that make you a liar.

Calling for proof that the President directed the IRS to go after an enemies list like Nixon did is hardly sticking up for the IRS. Come up with proof and I'll call for the Presidents resignation.

But I understand you pseudo-cons have to double-down when caught in a lie. So have fun.
No he's not. The country was still in turmoil.

FOCUS | Obama and Nixon: A Historical Perspective

I'm not calling Robert F. Kennedy Jr. a partisan liar; but

{ President Nixon was the fulcrum, the visionary and the principal conspirator in his various capers to use the IRS as a political weapon. Nixon personally directed and persistently harangued his staff to audit, investigate and gather dirt on his enemies for personal purposes.}

Say, WERE there any audits at the behest of Nixon?

Oh, I guess Kennedy IS a fucking liar.

Well, party above all, right?
Let see the proof that President Obama directed the IRS. You have that right?

Let's see proof that a single audit was done at the request or behest of Nixon?


Nixon personally put White House dirty trickster Tom Charles Huston, former president of the Young Americans for Freedom, in charge of setting up the new IRS "anti-radical squad" to make sure that the laggards in IRS's bureaucracy didn't drop the ball. Huston prepared a 43-page blueprint for Nixon outlining a government agency campaign targeting Nixon's enemies. Uncle Teddy was still at the top. The scheme included tapping phones without warrants, infiltrating organizations that had been critical of the President and, purging IRS agents who refused to tow the Republican line. Huston told the President, "we won't be in control of the government and in a position of effective leverage until such time or we have complete and total control of the top three slots" at the IRS. Nixon also enthusiastically authorized a series of "black bag jobs" including breaking into offices, homes and liberal think tanks like the Ford Foundation and the Brookings Institute which Nixon believed was home to many former Kennedy Administration officials.

Obama personally put Lois Lerner into a position of oversite. The difference is simply that you jold Obama above the law - because party is the ONLY thing you support.

{ “There’s obviously something here. The question is, does this committee know how to investigate? They’re worried about this one person who has invoked her Fifth Amendment rights.

There’s always one person who’s not gonna talk. And when you conduct an investigation like this you need to find people who will talk.

And there are always people who will do this. We should dig into it. There should be answers.”} - Bob Woodward

Famed Watergate Reporter on IRS Scandal: ‘There’s Obviously Something Here’

As a disclaimer, Huston cautioned that the "use of this technique is clearly illegal; it amounts to burglary. It is also highly risky and could result in great embarrassment if exposed. However, it is also the most fruitful tool and can produce the kind of intelligence which cannot be obtained in any other fashion."

FOCUS | Obama and Nixon: A Historical Perspective

Number of audits conducted at request of Richard Nixon? Zero.

The BIG difference is that the Republicans held Nixon accountable - they put nation ahead of party.

Not you though - party is the ONLY thing to you - fuck the law - party above all.
You see when you make shit up about people, that make you a liar.

I'll keep that in mind in case I ever make anything up.

Calling for proof that the President directed the IRS to go after an enemies list like Nixon did is hardly sticking up for the IRS. Come up with proof and I'll call for the Presidents resignation.

But I understand you pseudo-cons have to double-down when caught in a lie. So have fun.

There was no IRS action under Nixon - zero audits. Yet I supported his impeachment on principle.

But you have no principles, you only have your party.
No he's not. The country was still in turmoil.

FOCUS | Obama and Nixon: A Historical Perspective

I'm not calling Robert F. Kennedy Jr. a partisan liar; but

{ President Nixon was the fulcrum, the visionary and the principal conspirator in his various capers to use the IRS as a political weapon. Nixon personally directed and persistently harangued his staff to audit, investigate and gather dirt on his enemies for personal purposes.}

Say, WERE there any audits at the behest of Nixon?

Oh, I guess Kennedy IS a fucking liar.

Well, party above all, right?

For you, of course it is.

In August of 1972, Edmund Muskie withdrew as George McGovern's Vice Presidential running mate. After my Uncle Ted demurred at McGovern's request that he join the ticket, McGovern recruited another of my uncles, Sargent Shriver. On August 9, Nixon had a meeting with his staff to discuss how to destroy the Democrats. Turning to Haldeman, he asked, "What in the name in of God are we doing on this one? What are we doing about the financial contributors? Now those lists there... are we looking over the financial contributions to the Democratic Committee? Are we running their income tax returns? Is the Justice Department checking to see if there are any anti-trust suits? We have all this power and were not using it. Now what the Christ is the matter? In other words I'm just thinking for example if there is information on Larry O'Brien. What is being done? Who is doing this full-time? What in the name of God are we doing?" Nixon abruptly narrowed his sights on McGovern's top contributor, Henry Kimmelman, and said emphatically, "Scare the shit out of him," He repeated the order to Ehrlichman, "Scare the shit out of him. Now there are some Jews with the mafia and they are involved with this too!"

George Schultz was now Treasury Secretary. Nixon directed Haldeman to order Schultz to audit Kimmelman. "Everybody thinks George is an honest, decent man," Nixon observed contemptuously. "George has got a fantasy... what's he trying to do say? That you can't play politics with the IRS? Just tell George he should do it." Three days later Nixon had Kimmelman's tax returns as well Larry O'Brien's who had by then agreed to manage McGovern's faltering campaign and whose office would be the target of the Watergate break-in.

FOCUS | Obama and Nixon: A Historical Perspective

You do know these conversations in the White House were recorded, right?
You see when you make shit up about people, that make you a liar.

I'll keep that in mind in case I ever make anything up.

Calling for proof that the President directed the IRS to go after an enemies list like Nixon did is hardly sticking up for the IRS. Come up with proof and I'll call for the Presidents resignation.

But I understand you pseudo-cons have to double-down when caught in a lie. So have fun.

There was no IRS action under Nixon - zero audits. Yet I supported his impeachment on principle.

But you have no principles, you only have your party.

Sure thing, and the whole impeachment of Nixon was about a simple break in........:lol:
For you, of course it is.

In August of 1972, Edmund Muskie withdrew as George McGovern's Vice Presidential running mate. After my Uncle Ted demurred at McGovern's request that he join the ticket, McGovern recruited another of my uncles, Sargent Shriver. On August 9, Nixon had a meeting with his staff to discuss how to destroy the Democrats. Turning to Haldeman, he asked, "What in the name in of God are we doing on this one? What are we doing about the financial contributors? Now those lists there... are we looking over the financial contributions to the Democratic Committee? Are we running their income tax returns? Is the Justice Department checking to see if there are any anti-trust suits? We have all this power and were not using it. Now what the Christ is the matter? In other words I'm just thinking for example if there is information on Larry O'Brien. What is being done? Who is doing this full-time? What in the name of God are we doing?" Nixon abruptly narrowed his sights on McGovern's top contributor, Henry Kimmelman, and said emphatically, "Scare the shit out of him," He repeated the order to Ehrlichman, "Scare the shit out of him. Now there are some Jews with the mafia and they are involved with this too!"

George Schultz was now Treasury Secretary. Nixon directed Haldeman to order Schultz to audit Kimmelman. "Everybody thinks George is an honest, decent man," Nixon observed contemptuously. "George has got a fantasy... what's he trying to do say? That you can't play politics with the IRS? Just tell George he should do it." Three days later Nixon had Kimmelman's tax returns as well Larry O'Brien's who had by then agreed to manage McGovern's faltering campaign and whose office would be the target of the Watergate break-in.

FOCUS | Obama and Nixon: A Historical Perspective

You do know these conversations in the White House were recorded, right?

You know Schultz refused, right?

You know there were no audits, right?

Of course you do, but you have a party, which leaves no room for integrity.
Sure thing, and the whole impeachment of Nixon was about a simple break in........:lol:

Nixon was a scumbag - less of a scumbag than Obama, but still a scumbag.

The big difference is that I, and everyone the right put the nation and the principle of law before the party.

You don't - it isn't even a question. As I said, Obama could rape and murder a child and you would circle the wagons - and you know it.

The party is the ONLY thing - which is why you and your shameful party are so very dangerous.
Let see the proof that President Obama directed the IRS. You have that right?

Let's see proof that a single audit was done at the request or behest of Nixon?


Nixon personally put White House dirty trickster Tom Charles Huston, former president of the Young Americans for Freedom, in charge of setting up the new IRS "anti-radical squad" to make sure that the laggards in IRS's bureaucracy didn't drop the ball. Huston prepared a 43-page blueprint for Nixon outlining a government agency campaign targeting Nixon's enemies. Uncle Teddy was still at the top. The scheme included tapping phones without warrants, infiltrating organizations that had been critical of the President and, purging IRS agents who refused to tow the Republican line. Huston told the President, "we won't be in control of the government and in a position of effective leverage until such time or we have complete and total control of the top three slots" at the IRS. Nixon also enthusiastically authorized a series of "black bag jobs" including breaking into offices, homes and liberal think tanks like the Ford Foundation and the Brookings Institute which Nixon believed was home to many former Kennedy Administration officials.

Obama personally put Lois Lerner into a position of oversite. The difference is simply that you jold Obama above the law - because party is the ONLY thing you support.

Like I said before about your post........

Lerner was appointed as head of the IRS Exempt Organizations Division during the Bush administration, in 2006.

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