Israel’s New Tourist Attraction Allows Guests to ‘Shoot Palestinian Terrorists’

Don't know man. I'm offering to pay your admission for the tourist experience at Caliber 3. I figure if you're going there to mercenary for the cause --- I'm worried about you. That anti-terrorist training could keep your head attached to your body if your Buddies ever needed a Christian scapegoat. OR found out about your ex-US Army affiliation. Might want to be more prepared and more inconspicuous.
Wow, that's not trolling/baiting? And is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians or is it not? The whole rest of your handful seems to be denying even that.

is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians or is it not?

It is not.

Of course it is. Why do you constantly lie?

"GUSH ETZION SETTLEMENT, West Bank (Reuters) - Taking in the scene of a simulated fruit market in an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank, a group of tourists ponders whether a poster-size figure of an Arab man holding a cellphone is a threat and should be shot."

Israeli 'counter-terrorism boot camp' a tourist attraction in occupied West Bank

Israelis know from long experience that Arabs-Moslems present a continuing threat from stabbing, shooting, mowing down with cars, etc.

Islamic terrorists present a continuing threat. Why should Israelis not be prepared?
Israelis know from long experience that Arabs-Moslems present a continuing threat from stabbing, shooting, mowing down with cars, etc.
And Palestinians know from long experience that jew-zionists present a continuing threat from bombs, beatings, well-poisoning, indefinite detentions without trials, etc.

You point about the tourist attraction?
Israelis know from long experience that Arabs-Moslems present a continuing threat from stabbing, shooting, mowing down with cars, etc.
And Palestinians know from long experience that jew-zionists present a continuing threat from bombs, beatings, well-poisoning, indefinite detentions without trials, etc.

You point about the tourist attraction?
There's my little plagiarist / stalker.

I always find it comical that your limitations cause you to make a fool of yourself by plagiarizing the comments of others.
Don't know man. I'm offering to pay your admission for the tourist experience at Caliber 3. I figure if you're going there to mercenary for the cause --- I'm worried about you. That anti-terrorist training could keep your head attached to your body if your Buddies ever needed a Christian scapegoat. OR found out about your ex-US Army affiliation. Might want to be more prepared and more inconspicuous.
Wow, that's not trolling/baiting? And is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians or is it not? The whole rest of your handful seems to be denying even that.

is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians or is it not?

It is not.

Of course it is. Why do you constantly lie?

"GUSH ETZION SETTLEMENT, West Bank (Reuters) - Taking in the scene of a simulated fruit market in an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank, a group of tourists ponders whether a poster-size figure of an Arab man holding a cellphone is a threat and should be shot."

Israeli 'counter-terrorism boot camp' a tourist attraction in occupied West Bank

Of course it is.

No it isn't.

Idiot>>>is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians

OP Title>>>Israel’s New Tourist Attraction Allows Guests to ‘Shoot Palestinian Terrorists’

Shooting terrorists isn't murder, even if they're Palestinians.
Don't know man. I'm offering to pay your admission for the tourist experience at Caliber 3. I figure if you're going there to mercenary for the cause --- I'm worried about you. That anti-terrorist training could keep your head attached to your body if your Buddies ever needed a Christian scapegoat. OR found out about your ex-US Army affiliation. Might want to be more prepared and more inconspicuous.
Wow, that's not trolling/baiting? And is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians or is it not? The whole rest of your handful seems to be denying even that.

is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians or is it not?

It is not.

Of course it is. Why do you constantly lie?

"GUSH ETZION SETTLEMENT, West Bank (Reuters) - Taking in the scene of a simulated fruit market in an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank, a group of tourists ponders whether a poster-size figure of an Arab man holding a cellphone is a threat and should be shot."

Israeli 'counter-terrorism boot camp' a tourist attraction in occupied West Bank

Of course it is.

No it isn't.

Idiot>>>is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians

OP Title>>>Israel’s New Tourist Attraction Allows Guests to ‘Shoot Palestinian Terrorists’

Shooting terrorists isn't murder, even if they're Palestinians.

They are shooting targets dressed like Palestinians, they haven't a clue if they are terrorists or not.

The Palestinians pursuant to UN Res. 37/43, are not terrorists, like all occupied people, they are freedom fighters permitted to resist by all available means, including armed struggle. You seem to forget that the Jews are belligerent military occupiers, like the Nazis in parts of WW2 europe. The anti-German partisans, e.g. French Resistance were not considered terrorists when they killed collaborators, Germans or bombed civilian infrastructure supporting the occupation, even though civilians may have been killed.

" A/RES/37/43
3 December 1982

Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples
to self-determination and of the speedy granting of
independence to colonial countries and peoples for the
effective guarantee and observance of human rights

2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for
independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from
colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means,
including armed struggle;................."

A/RES/37/43. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights
Don't know man. I'm offering to pay your admission for the tourist experience at Caliber 3. I figure if you're going there to mercenary for the cause --- I'm worried about you. That anti-terrorist training could keep your head attached to your body if your Buddies ever needed a Christian scapegoat. OR found out about your ex-US Army affiliation. Might want to be more prepared and more inconspicuous.
Wow, that's not trolling/baiting? And is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians or is it not? The whole rest of your handful seems to be denying even that.

is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians or is it not?

It is not.

Of course it is. Why do you constantly lie?

"GUSH ETZION SETTLEMENT, West Bank (Reuters) - Taking in the scene of a simulated fruit market in an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank, a group of tourists ponders whether a poster-size figure of an Arab man holding a cellphone is a threat and should be shot."

Israeli 'counter-terrorism boot camp' a tourist attraction in occupied West Bank

Of course it is.

No it isn't.

Idiot>>>is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians

OP Title>>>Israel’s New Tourist Attraction Allows Guests to ‘Shoot Palestinian Terrorists’

Shooting terrorists isn't murder, even if they're Palestinians.

They are shooting targets dressed like Palestinians, they haven't a clue if they are terrorists or not.

The Palestinians pursuant to UN Res. 37/43, are not terrorists, like all occupied people, they are freedom fighters permitted to resist by all available means, including armed struggle. You seem to forget that the Jews are belligerent military occupiers, like the Nazis in parts of WW2 europe. The anti-German partisans, e.g. French Resistance were not considered terrorists when they killed collaborators, Germans or bombed civilian infrastructure supporting the occupation, even though civilians may have been killed.

" A/RES/37/43
3 December 1982

Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples
to self-determination and of the speedy granting of
independence to colonial countries and peoples for the
effective guarantee and observance of human rights

2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for
independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from
colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means,
including armed struggle;................."

A/RES/37/43. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights

They are shooting targets dressed like Palestinians, they haven't a clue if they are terrorists or not.

If they're waving a knife or gun or wearing a bomb belt, they're terrorists.
Wow, that's not trolling/baiting? And is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians or is it not? The whole rest of your handful seems to be denying even that.

is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians or is it not?

It is not.

Of course it is. Why do you constantly lie?

"GUSH ETZION SETTLEMENT, West Bank (Reuters) - Taking in the scene of a simulated fruit market in an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank, a group of tourists ponders whether a poster-size figure of an Arab man holding a cellphone is a threat and should be shot."

Israeli 'counter-terrorism boot camp' a tourist attraction in occupied West Bank

Of course it is.

No it isn't.

Idiot>>>is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians

OP Title>>>Israel’s New Tourist Attraction Allows Guests to ‘Shoot Palestinian Terrorists’

Shooting terrorists isn't murder, even if they're Palestinians.

They are shooting targets dressed like Palestinians, they haven't a clue if they are terrorists or not.

The Palestinians pursuant to UN Res. 37/43, are not terrorists, like all occupied people, they are freedom fighters permitted to resist by all available means, including armed struggle. You seem to forget that the Jews are belligerent military occupiers, like the Nazis in parts of WW2 europe. The anti-German partisans, e.g. French Resistance were not considered terrorists when they killed collaborators, Germans or bombed civilian infrastructure supporting the occupation, even though civilians may have been killed.

" A/RES/37/43
3 December 1982

Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples
to self-determination and of the speedy granting of
independence to colonial countries and peoples for the
effective guarantee and observance of human rights

2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for
independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from
colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means,
including armed struggle;................."

A/RES/37/43. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights

They are shooting targets dressed like Palestinians, they haven't a clue if they are terrorists or not.

If they're waving a knife or gun or wearing a bomb belt, they're terrorists.

As the law states, occupied people under colonial domination have the right to resist occupation through armed struggle, hence, they cannot by definition be considered terrorists.
Wow, that's not trolling/baiting? And is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians or is it not? The whole rest of your handful seems to be denying even that.

is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians or is it not?

It is not.

Of course it is. Why do you constantly lie?

"GUSH ETZION SETTLEMENT, West Bank (Reuters) - Taking in the scene of a simulated fruit market in an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank, a group of tourists ponders whether a poster-size figure of an Arab man holding a cellphone is a threat and should be shot."

Israeli 'counter-terrorism boot camp' a tourist attraction in occupied West Bank

Of course it is.

No it isn't.

Idiot>>>is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians

OP Title>>>Israel’s New Tourist Attraction Allows Guests to ‘Shoot Palestinian Terrorists’

Shooting terrorists isn't murder, even if they're Palestinians.

They are shooting targets dressed like Palestinians, they haven't a clue if they are terrorists or not.

The Palestinians pursuant to UN Res. 37/43, are not terrorists, like all occupied people, they are freedom fighters permitted to resist by all available means, including armed struggle. You seem to forget that the Jews are belligerent military occupiers, like the Nazis in parts of WW2 europe. The anti-German partisans, e.g. French Resistance were not considered terrorists when they killed collaborators, Germans or bombed civilian infrastructure supporting the occupation, even though civilians may have been killed.

" A/RES/37/43
3 December 1982

Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples
to self-determination and of the speedy granting of
independence to colonial countries and peoples for the
effective guarantee and observance of human rights

2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for
independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from
colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means,
including armed struggle;................."

A/RES/37/43. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights

They are shooting targets dressed like Palestinians, they haven't a clue if they are terrorists or not.

If they're waving a knife or gun or wearing a bomb belt, they're terrorists.
"If they're waving a knife or gun or wearing a bomb belt, they're terrorists"
Apparently only if they aren't jewish
is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians or is it not?

It is not.

Of course it is. Why do you constantly lie?

"GUSH ETZION SETTLEMENT, West Bank (Reuters) - Taking in the scene of a simulated fruit market in an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank, a group of tourists ponders whether a poster-size figure of an Arab man holding a cellphone is a threat and should be shot."

Israeli 'counter-terrorism boot camp' a tourist attraction in occupied West Bank

Of course it is.

No it isn't.

Idiot>>>is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians

OP Title>>>Israel’s New Tourist Attraction Allows Guests to ‘Shoot Palestinian Terrorists’

Shooting terrorists isn't murder, even if they're Palestinians.

They are shooting targets dressed like Palestinians, they haven't a clue if they are terrorists or not.

The Palestinians pursuant to UN Res. 37/43, are not terrorists, like all occupied people, they are freedom fighters permitted to resist by all available means, including armed struggle. You seem to forget that the Jews are belligerent military occupiers, like the Nazis in parts of WW2 europe. The anti-German partisans, e.g. French Resistance were not considered terrorists when they killed collaborators, Germans or bombed civilian infrastructure supporting the occupation, even though civilians may have been killed.

" A/RES/37/43
3 December 1982

Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples
to self-determination and of the speedy granting of
independence to colonial countries and peoples for the
effective guarantee and observance of human rights

2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for
independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from
colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means,
including armed struggle;................."

A/RES/37/43. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights

They are shooting targets dressed like Palestinians, they haven't a clue if they are terrorists or not.

If they're waving a knife or gun or wearing a bomb belt, they're terrorists.

As the law states, occupied people under colonial domination have the right to resist occupation through armed struggle, hence, they cannot by definition be considered terrorists.

There is no law that grants islamic terrorists an entitlement to maim and / or murder Israeli citizens. You're a bit befuddled in your belief that Islamic terrorists have a "right" to kill israeli civilians.

But then, there's a reason why your cutting and pasting is met with ridicule.
There is no law that grants islamic terrorists an entitlement to maim and / or murder Israeli citizens. You're a bit befuddled in your belief that Islamic terrorists have a "right" to kill israeli civilians.

But then, there's a reason why your cutting and pasting is met with ridicule.
And there is no law that grants jewish terrorists an entitlement to maim and / or murder Palestinian citizens. You're a bit befuddled in your belief that jew terrorists have a "right" to kill Palestinian civilians.

But then, there's a reason why your cutting and pasting is met with ridicule.
As the law states, occupied people under colonial domination have the right to resist occupation through armed struggle, hence, they cannot by definition be considered terrorists.

Sure they can. If there is no military objective -- its terrorism, not armed struggle.

And if they are engaged in armed struggled they are combatants. I'm okay with that. Calibre 3 is therefore providing instruction in armed combat against enemy combatants. Even better.
is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians or is it not?

It is not.

Of course it is. Why do you constantly lie?

"GUSH ETZION SETTLEMENT, West Bank (Reuters) - Taking in the scene of a simulated fruit market in an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank, a group of tourists ponders whether a poster-size figure of an Arab man holding a cellphone is a threat and should be shot."

Israeli 'counter-terrorism boot camp' a tourist attraction in occupied West Bank

Of course it is.

No it isn't.

Idiot>>>is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians

OP Title>>>Israel’s New Tourist Attraction Allows Guests to ‘Shoot Palestinian Terrorists’

Shooting terrorists isn't murder, even if they're Palestinians.

They are shooting targets dressed like Palestinians, they haven't a clue if they are terrorists or not.

The Palestinians pursuant to UN Res. 37/43, are not terrorists, like all occupied people, they are freedom fighters permitted to resist by all available means, including armed struggle. You seem to forget that the Jews are belligerent military occupiers, like the Nazis in parts of WW2 europe. The anti-German partisans, e.g. French Resistance were not considered terrorists when they killed collaborators, Germans or bombed civilian infrastructure supporting the occupation, even though civilians may have been killed.

" A/RES/37/43
3 December 1982

Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples
to self-determination and of the speedy granting of
independence to colonial countries and peoples for the
effective guarantee and observance of human rights

2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for
independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from
colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means,
including armed struggle;................."

A/RES/37/43. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights

They are shooting targets dressed like Palestinians, they haven't a clue if they are terrorists or not.

If they're waving a knife or gun or wearing a bomb belt, they're terrorists.

As the law states, occupied people under colonial domination have the right to resist occupation through armed struggle, hence, they cannot by definition be considered terrorists.

If they target civilians, fire from civilian areas and fire indiscriminately, they're war criminals.
is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians or is it not?

It is not.

Of course it is. Why do you constantly lie?

"GUSH ETZION SETTLEMENT, West Bank (Reuters) - Taking in the scene of a simulated fruit market in an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank, a group of tourists ponders whether a poster-size figure of an Arab man holding a cellphone is a threat and should be shot."

Israeli 'counter-terrorism boot camp' a tourist attraction in occupied West Bank

Of course it is.

No it isn't.

Idiot>>>is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians

OP Title>>>Israel’s New Tourist Attraction Allows Guests to ‘Shoot Palestinian Terrorists’

Shooting terrorists isn't murder, even if they're Palestinians.

They are shooting targets dressed like Palestinians, they haven't a clue if they are terrorists or not.

The Palestinians pursuant to UN Res. 37/43, are not terrorists, like all occupied people, they are freedom fighters permitted to resist by all available means, including armed struggle. You seem to forget that the Jews are belligerent military occupiers, like the Nazis in parts of WW2 europe. The anti-German partisans, e.g. French Resistance were not considered terrorists when they killed collaborators, Germans or bombed civilian infrastructure supporting the occupation, even though civilians may have been killed.

" A/RES/37/43
3 December 1982

Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples
to self-determination and of the speedy granting of
independence to colonial countries and peoples for the
effective guarantee and observance of human rights

2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for
independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from
colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means,
including armed struggle;................."

A/RES/37/43. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights

They are shooting targets dressed like Palestinians, they haven't a clue if they are terrorists or not.

If they're waving a knife or gun or wearing a bomb belt, they're terrorists.
"If they're waving a knife or gun or wearing a bomb belt, they're terrorists"
Apparently only if they aren't jewish

Sorry, just your terrorist buddies doing that.
Of course it is. Why do you constantly lie?

"GUSH ETZION SETTLEMENT, West Bank (Reuters) - Taking in the scene of a simulated fruit market in an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank, a group of tourists ponders whether a poster-size figure of an Arab man holding a cellphone is a threat and should be shot."

Israeli 'counter-terrorism boot camp' a tourist attraction in occupied West Bank

Of course it is.

No it isn't.

Idiot>>>is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians

OP Title>>>Israel’s New Tourist Attraction Allows Guests to ‘Shoot Palestinian Terrorists’

Shooting terrorists isn't murder, even if they're Palestinians.

They are shooting targets dressed like Palestinians, they haven't a clue if they are terrorists or not.

The Palestinians pursuant to UN Res. 37/43, are not terrorists, like all occupied people, they are freedom fighters permitted to resist by all available means, including armed struggle. You seem to forget that the Jews are belligerent military occupiers, like the Nazis in parts of WW2 europe. The anti-German partisans, e.g. French Resistance were not considered terrorists when they killed collaborators, Germans or bombed civilian infrastructure supporting the occupation, even though civilians may have been killed.

" A/RES/37/43
3 December 1982

Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples
to self-determination and of the speedy granting of
independence to colonial countries and peoples for the
effective guarantee and observance of human rights

2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for
independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from
colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means,
including armed struggle;................."

A/RES/37/43. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights

They are shooting targets dressed like Palestinians, they haven't a clue if they are terrorists or not.

If they're waving a knife or gun or wearing a bomb belt, they're terrorists.

As the law states, occupied people under colonial domination have the right to resist occupation through armed struggle, hence, they cannot by definition be considered terrorists.

If they target civilians, fire from civilian areas and fire indiscriminately, they're war criminals.

The French Resistance fired from civilian areas and shot at and killed civilians all the time, especially Government workers. They are considered freedom fighters, as France was under belligerent occupation. The same is true for the Palestinians.
Of course it is.

No it isn't.

Idiot>>>is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians

OP Title>>>Israel’s New Tourist Attraction Allows Guests to ‘Shoot Palestinian Terrorists’

Shooting terrorists isn't murder, even if they're Palestinians.

They are shooting targets dressed like Palestinians, they haven't a clue if they are terrorists or not.

The Palestinians pursuant to UN Res. 37/43, are not terrorists, like all occupied people, they are freedom fighters permitted to resist by all available means, including armed struggle. You seem to forget that the Jews are belligerent military occupiers, like the Nazis in parts of WW2 europe. The anti-German partisans, e.g. French Resistance were not considered terrorists when they killed collaborators, Germans or bombed civilian infrastructure supporting the occupation, even though civilians may have been killed.

" A/RES/37/43
3 December 1982

Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples
to self-determination and of the speedy granting of
independence to colonial countries and peoples for the
effective guarantee and observance of human rights

2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for
independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from
colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means,
including armed struggle;................."

A/RES/37/43. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights

They are shooting targets dressed like Palestinians, they haven't a clue if they are terrorists or not.

If they're waving a knife or gun or wearing a bomb belt, they're terrorists.

As the law states, occupied people under colonial domination have the right to resist occupation through armed struggle, hence, they cannot by definition be considered terrorists.

If they target civilians, fire from civilian areas and fire indiscriminately, they're war criminals.

The French Resistance fired from civilian areas and shot at and killed civilians all the time, especially Government workers. They are considered freedom fighters, as France was under belligerent occupation. The same is true for the Palestinians.

They'd be war criminals now.
Of course it is.

No it isn't.

Idiot>>>is the OP about a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to murder Palestinians

OP Title>>>Israel’s New Tourist Attraction Allows Guests to ‘Shoot Palestinian Terrorists’

Shooting terrorists isn't murder, even if they're Palestinians.

They are shooting targets dressed like Palestinians, they haven't a clue if they are terrorists or not.

The Palestinians pursuant to UN Res. 37/43, are not terrorists, like all occupied people, they are freedom fighters permitted to resist by all available means, including armed struggle. You seem to forget that the Jews are belligerent military occupiers, like the Nazis in parts of WW2 europe. The anti-German partisans, e.g. French Resistance were not considered terrorists when they killed collaborators, Germans or bombed civilian infrastructure supporting the occupation, even though civilians may have been killed.

" A/RES/37/43
3 December 1982

Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples
to self-determination and of the speedy granting of
independence to colonial countries and peoples for the
effective guarantee and observance of human rights

2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for
independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from
colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means,
including armed struggle;................."

A/RES/37/43. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights

They are shooting targets dressed like Palestinians, they haven't a clue if they are terrorists or not.

If they're waving a knife or gun or wearing a bomb belt, they're terrorists.

As the law states, occupied people under colonial domination have the right to resist occupation through armed struggle, hence, they cannot by definition be considered terrorists.

If they target civilians, fire from civilian areas and fire indiscriminately, they're war criminals.

The French Resistance fired from civilian areas and shot at and killed civilians all the time, especially Government workers. They are considered freedom fighters, as France was under belligerent occupation. The same is true for the Palestinians.

Such a coward to flail your Pom Poms urging others to murder Israelis. Any school kid knows the "do as I say, not as I do", meme.

What you fail to understand is that the Israelis have every right to self defense from attacks by Islamic terrorists.

Predictably, you will be among the whining Islamic terrorist supporters when Israel presents your heroes with an Islamic terrorist beat down.

I know, right? You just can't wait to parade the bodies of dead Islamic terrorists around when Israelis defend themselves.
Wnat SHOULD any premium anti-terrorist response school use as targets?? Maybe Indians in turbans? or Disney characters? Grow up....
I'm very grown up, thank you very much. Grown up enough to not take a two hour amusement trip with a realistic experience of shooting people. Any people.
Stop conflating the professional training this place does with their tourist attraction for primarily American tourists. You've already said you think it's dandy fun to split up a day of shopping and sight seeing with the kiddies. That's your opinion. Don't try insulting people who disagree.
Wnat SHOULD any premium anti-terrorist response school use as targets?? Maybe Indians in turbans? or Disney characters? Grow up....
I'm very grown up, thank you very much. Grown up enough to not take a two hour amusement trip with a realistic experience of shooting people. Any people.
Stop conflating the professional training this place does with their tourist attraction for primarily American tourists. You've already said you think it's dandy fun to split up a day of shopping and sight seeing with the kiddies. That's your opinion. Don't try insulting people who disagree.

You ever BEEN to a high class shooting range or gun training class? You think they target bottles and cans? It's CLEAR who the targets of the professional courses are here. Same as at FBI or Ranger or Police training facilities. They are SHOOTING at REAL people on simulators. Not even hokey paper or cardboard targets.
Wnat SHOULD any premium anti-terrorist response school use as targets?? Maybe Indians in turbans? or Disney characters? Grow up....
I'm very grown up, thank you very much. Grown up enough to not take a two hour amusement trip with a realistic experience of shooting people. Any people.
Stop conflating the professional training this place does with their tourist attraction for primarily American tourists. You've already said you think it's dandy fun to split up a day of shopping and sight seeing with the kiddies. That's your opinion. Don't try insulting people who disagree.

You ever BEEN to a high class shooting range or gun training class? You think they target bottles and cans? It's CLEAR who the targets of the professional courses are here. Same as at FBI or Ranger or Police training facilities. They are SHOOTING at REAL people on simulators. Not even hokey paper or cardboard targets.
You are going to continue to completely ignore my point, so I'm done repeating myself. Have a lovely day.
Wnat SHOULD any premium anti-terrorist response school use as targets?? Maybe Indians in turbans? or Disney characters? Grow up....
I'm very grown up, thank you very much. Grown up enough to not take a two hour amusement trip with a realistic experience of shooting people. Any people.
Stop conflating the professional training this place does with their tourist attraction for primarily American tourists. You've already said you think it's dandy fun to split up a day of shopping and sight seeing with the kiddies. That's your opinion. Don't try insulting people who disagree.

Don't try insulting people who disagree.[/QUOTE]
oh my the Irony,what a hypocrite,thats ALL you ever do when you see facts you cant counter.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

and you could have fooled many here at this forum that you are very grown up the fact you act like a 3 year old anytime people disagree with you.:haha:

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