Israel's "Genocide" Of Palestinians

Denying Jewish indigenous status by the Muslims is a recent thing, it started with the end of WWI
Not true. The indigenous Jews were always considered a part of the Palestinian population.

The Romans changed the name of Judea to Palestinae. The Muslims never called it that.
It says so in their writings. They called it Israel.
They knew where they were and who were the original inhabitants of the area.

If you are saying that the Jews were part of the Mandate for Palestine and all in that Mandate were called Palestinians, be they Jews, Arab Christians or Muslims, Bahai and all others who lived there, then you are correct.

Before the Mandate for Palestine, there was never, ever a Palestinian Population.
No Palestinian Nation, and no Palestinian People consisting of any of the above, before the Mandate for Palestine came to be.
Oh, jeese, more Israeli BS talking points.

Are you always going to post Israel's script?

For someone who has issues with History and Facts?



Yes to History and Facts

Always History and Facts
Well duh. :eusa_doh: There was no Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, or Iraq either.

They all became successor states to the Turkish empire after the Treaty of Lausanne.

You are just blowing smoke on the issue.
The "Jews" that were in Palestine prior to 1850, before the European invasion/migration were a handful of religious students and a some Sephardic Jews that had also arrived after the Reconquista in Spain. The ones that refused to Christianity and had the means to move to other Muslim lands where they could continue to practice Judaism.

The Zionists were descedants of European converts to Judaism and were inhabitants of Europe not Palestine. Article 22 of the Covenant of the Lesgue of nations applied to inhabitants of former territories of Turkey, i.e. the Palestinians, not Europeans.

Sent from my iPhone using
The Nakba was brought up by the Arab League's decision to invade Israel one day after it declared Independence in May 1948.
Nobody invaded Israel.

Were you there?
Are you a historian?


So that you may not think I am putting a biased source, here is what Encyclopedia Brittanica says about it:

Arab-Israeli wars

From your own source:

The first war immediately followed Israel’s proclamation of statehood on May 14, 1948. Arab forces from Egypt, Transjordan (Jordan), Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon occupied the areas in southern and eastern Palestine not apportioned to the Jews by the United Nations (UN) partition of Palestine and then captured east Jerusalem, including the small Jewish quarter of the Old City, in an effort to forestall the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.

Nobody invaded Zionist Isreal
Oh, look another budding Hasbarist regurgitates the long debunked Zionist myth-history and talking points.

Therefore one cannot use the word genocide when defining what the Muslims mean by Nakba.

Yes one can:

Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

(a)-(d) certainly apply to Zionist actions against the Palestinians

The Muslim Arab leaders and Jordanians as well, told many of theArabs to just leave and that they would be allowed to return once the five invading forces, aided by the British (who had been given the responsibility to create a Jewish State in Mandate Palestine, just as they were responsible for creating Iraq)

This has been debunked so many times, it's boring. Dr Erskine Childers researched this in 1961

"Examining every official Israeli statement about the Arab exodus, I was struck by the fact that no primary evidence of evacuation orders was ever produced. The charge, Israel claimed, was "documented"; but where were the documents? There had allegedly been Arab radio broadcasts ordering the evacuation; but no dates, names of stations, or texts of messages were ever cited. In Israel in 1958, as a guest of the Foreign Office and therefore doubly hopeful of serious assistance, I asked to be shown the proofs, I was assured they existed, and was promised them. None had been offered when I left, but I was again assured. I asked to have the material sent on to me. I am still waiting.

While in Israel, however, I met Dr. Leo Kohn, professor of political science at Hebrew University and an ambassador-rank adviser to the Israeli Foreign Office. He had written one of the first official pamphlets on the Arab refugees. I asked him for concrete evidence of the Arab evacuation orders. Agitatedly, Dr. Kohn replied: "Evidence? Evidence? What more could you want than this?" and he took up his own pamphlet. "Look at this `Economist' report," and he pointed to a quotation. "You will surely not suggest that the `Economist' is a Zionist journal?"

The quotation is one of about five that appear in every Israeli speech and pamphlet, and are in turn used by every sympathetic analysis. It seemed very impressive: it referred to the exodus from Haifa, and to an Arab broadcast order as one major reason for that exodus."

Also the BBC monitored all Middle Eastern broadcasts throughout 1948, and those records, and also other from a U.S. monitoring unit, can be seen at the British Museum. Dr. Childers examined every record and found:

"There was not a single order, or appeal, or suggestion about evacuation from Palestine from any Arab radio station, inside or outside Palestine, in 1948. There is repeated monitored record of Arab appeals, even flat orders, to the civilians of Palestine to stay put"

The Arabs and British meant to destroy Israel and make the Jews a minority on Muslim conquered land once again.
They lost.
The Arabs in the north, who had not fled, got to stay in Israel.
Those who fled, or fought against the Jews and Israel, were not allowed to return.

Drivel; the British facilitated Jewish migration and land purchase from 1918 to 1939, so creating the mess in Palestine in the first place. Zionist terrorist groups attacked the British when they realised they'd made a huge mistake and began restricting Jewish immigration.

Those native Palestinians who were expelled were never allowed to return because they were seen as a demographic "threat" to the newly created "Jews" only, Zionist paradise.

The Jews, wether returning from Europe, America, or anywhere else in the world, are the indigenous people of the land of Israel. They are the descendants of all the 12 tribes of Israel.

A teeny, tiny, minority might possibly have some tenuous links to the Judeans of antiquity, but the overwhelming majority are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

The Palestinians are Arabs. The Arab Muslims invaded the area after the Muslim Kurds and tookover from the Christian Byzantine Empire.

The native population of Palestine were never Arabs, but adopted the Arabic language and culture during the centuries following the Arab conquest. The majority eventually converted to Islam, largely for tax reasons, as Muslims didn't need to pay taxes or tribute to their conquerors.
The Muslims never called it that.
It says so in their writings. They called it Israel.

Well, you Hasbaristas are so fond of telling everyone the the Koran contains plagiarised tracts from the Torah, that the phrase "children of Israel" should crop up there comes as no surprise. As for calling the area Israel, care to substantiate that from non religious sources?
The Nakba was brought up by the Arab League's decision to invade Israel one day after it declared Independence in May 1948.
Nobody invaded Israel.

Were you there?
Are you a historian?


So that you may not think I am putting a biased source, here is what Encyclopedia Brittanica says about it:

Arab-Israeli wars
It does not say that Israel was invaded.

Just another BS Israeli talking point.

You are correct. My apology.

This from the NY Times at the time, does:
(the NYT is no friend of Israel)

Haaretz is very much about the existence of Israel:

Uncovered: U.K. intel encouraged Arab armies to invade Israel in 1948

Feel free to believe that on May 15, 1948 Israel would want to invade
five Arab neighbors, considering the man power and number of ships and planes it had.
What was its purpose?
To take all of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Iran?
With what it had at the time?

1948 Arab–Israeli War - Wikipedia

The facts continue to be in the history of it.
The Muslims never called it that.
It says so in their writings. They called it Israel.

Well, you Hasbaristas are so fond of telling everyone the the Koran contains plagiarised tracts from the Torah, that the phrase "children of Israel" should crop up there comes as no surprise. As for calling the area Israel, care to substantiate that from non religious sources?

Considering the quote you like to add to everyone of your posts, there is not evidence in the world anyone can show you which would please you.

You have already decided to trash what someone wrote in the Quran, at the time of the Muslim invasion of the Land of Israel, and other Arab/Muslim writings - as non evidence that the Muslims did say that the Land of Israel belonged to the Jews back then......
Why would they write such a thing?
Why would any Muslim write such a thing back then?

Nothing else is left to say, is there?
Considering the quote you like to add to everyone of your posts, there is not evidence in the world anyone can show you which would please you.

I'm easily pleased. Just show me a non-religious Arab text that calls the area "Israel"

You have already decided to trash what someone wrote in the Quran, at the time of the Muslim invasion of the Land of Israel, and other Arab/Muslim writings - as non evidence that the Muslims did say that the Land of Israel belonged to the Jews back then......
Why would they write such a thing?
Why would any Muslim write such a thing back then?

I've not trashed anything, I leave that to the Zionuts here. The Koran refers to the "children of Israel" not the land itself, which is never actually named as far as I recall.

Nothing else is left to say, is there?

OK , another Zionut debunked, next?
1948 Arab–Israeli War - Wikipedia
From your link:

A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine

Nowhere does it say that Israel was invaded. You need to brush up on your reading comprehension.
Considering the quote you like to add to everyone of your posts, there is not evidence in the world anyone can show you which would please you.

I'm easily pleased. Just show me a non-religious Arab text that calls the area "Israel"

You have already decided to trash what someone wrote in the Quran, at the time of the Muslim invasion of the Land of Israel, and other Arab/Muslim writings - as non evidence that the Muslims did say that the Land of Israel belonged to the Jews back then......
Why would they write such a thing?
Why would any Muslim write such a thing back then?

I've not trashed anything, I leave that to the Zionuts here. The Koran refers to the "children of Israel" not the land itself, which is never actually named as far as I recall.

Nothing else is left to say, is there?

OK , another Zionut debunked, next?

The Quran refers to the children of Israel and the Promised Land, aka, the land where the Jews lived for thousands of years.
The Promised Land is none other than the Land of Israel

Quotes from the Qu'ran and Hadith about Jews, Jerusalem and Israel

The Qur'an and the Land of Israel

"And [remember] when Moses said to his people: 'O my people, call in remembrance the favour of God unto you, when he produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave to you what He had not given to any other among the peoples. O my people, enter the Holy Land which God has assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.'" [Qur'an 5:20-21]


Challenge it all you like
1948 Arab–Israeli War - Wikipedia
From your link:

A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine

Nowhere does it say that Israel was invaded. You need to brush up on your reading comprehension.

Ok, so the above sentence means that they did not invade (although the word Invasion is the third word in it) and that all of those military forces simply "entered" Palestine on May 15, 1948.

Was it like a tourist event, from all those countries, on the same day?
Was there a convention held on some part of newly Independent State of Israel, that all of those people, from all five countries simply "entered" Palestine?

Here is the rest of the paragraph after the word Palestine

" - Jordan having declared privately to Yishuvemissaries on 2 May it would abide by a decision not to attack the Jewish state.[12] The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements"

"Nowhere" does it say that the five Arab countries invaded Israel on May 15th, 1948?
Last edited:
1948 Arab–Israeli War - Wikipedia
From your link:

A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine

Nowhere does it say that Israel was invaded. You need to brush up on your reading comprehension.

Ok, so the above sentence means that they did not invade (although the word Invasion is the third word in it) and that all of those military forces simply "entered" Palestine on May 15, 1948.

Was it like a tourist event, from all those countries, on the same day?
Was there a convention held on some part of newly Independent State of Israel, that all of those people, from all five countries simply "entered" Palestine?

Here is the rest of the paragraph after the word Palestine

" - Jordan having declared privately to Yishuvemissaries on 2 May it would abide by a decision not to attack the Jewish state.[12] The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements"

"Nowhere" does it say that the five Arab countries invaded Israel on May 15th, 1948?
The bottom line is that nobody invaded Israel as Israeli propaganda states. It is just another of Israel's looooooong list of lies.
1948 Arab–Israeli War - Wikipedia
From your link:

A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine

Nowhere does it say that Israel was invaded. You need to brush up on your reading comprehension.

Ok, so the above sentence means that they did not invade (although the word Invasion is the third word in it) and that all of those military forces simply "entered" Palestine on May 15, 1948.

Was it like a tourist event, from all those countries, on the same day?
Was there a convention held on some part of newly Independent State of Israel, that all of those people, from all five countries simply "entered" Palestine?

Here is the rest of the paragraph after the word Palestine

" - Jordan having declared privately to Yishuvemissaries on 2 May it would abide by a decision not to attack the Jewish state.[12] The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements"

"Nowhere" does it say that the five Arab countries invaded Israel on May 15th, 1948?
The bottom line is that nobody invaded Israel as Israeli propaganda states. It is just another of Israel's looooooong list of lies.

And your evidence of it comes from where to refute what you call Israeli Propaganda ?

Merely saying that it is "Israeli Propaganda" because you may have read it somewhere that one should call it that, does it make it so?

I would like you to present the evidence that the Arab countries's armies stayed put in their countries on May 15th, 1948, and it was Israel upon declaring Independence, decided to invade all of those countries in order to what (?)......take more land ?

Against such a large population of Muslims living in all of those countries?

You do have sources to provide for me, do you not?
Photos and videos as well.
International news clips stating that Israel possibly went mad the day after it declared Independence and decided to take as much land from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Jordan as it could?
Oh, look another budding Hasbarist regurgitates the long debunked Zionist myth-history and talking points.

Therefore one cannot use the word genocide when defining what the Muslims mean by Nakba.

Yes one can:

Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

(a)-(d) certainly apply to Zionist actions against the Palestinians

The Muslim Arab leaders and Jordanians as well, told many of theArabs to just leave and that they would be allowed to return once the five invading forces, aided by the British (who had been given the responsibility to create a Jewish State in Mandate Palestine, just as they were responsible for creating Iraq)

This has been debunked so many times, it's boring. Dr Erskine Childers researched this in 1961

"Examining every official Israeli statement about the Arab exodus, I was struck by the fact that no primary evidence of evacuation orders was ever produced. The charge, Israel claimed, was "documented"; but where were the documents? There had allegedly been Arab radio broadcasts ordering the evacuation; but no dates, names of stations, or texts of messages were ever cited. In Israel in 1958, as a guest of the Foreign Office and therefore doubly hopeful of serious assistance, I asked to be shown the proofs, I was assured they existed, and was promised them. None had been offered when I left, but I was again assured. I asked to have the material sent on to me. I am still waiting.

While in Israel, however, I met Dr. Leo Kohn, professor of political science at Hebrew University and an ambassador-rank adviser to the Israeli Foreign Office. He had written one of the first official pamphlets on the Arab refugees. I asked him for concrete evidence of the Arab evacuation orders. Agitatedly, Dr. Kohn replied: "Evidence? Evidence? What more could you want than this?" and he took up his own pamphlet. "Look at this `Economist' report," and he pointed to a quotation. "You will surely not suggest that the `Economist' is a Zionist journal?"

The quotation is one of about five that appear in every Israeli speech and pamphlet, and are in turn used by every sympathetic analysis. It seemed very impressive: it referred to the exodus from Haifa, and to an Arab broadcast order as one major reason for that exodus."

Also the BBC monitored all Middle Eastern broadcasts throughout 1948, and those records, and also other from a U.S. monitoring unit, can be seen at the British Museum. Dr. Childers examined every record and found:

"There was not a single order, or appeal, or suggestion about evacuation from Palestine from any Arab radio station, inside or outside Palestine, in 1948. There is repeated monitored record of Arab appeals, even flat orders, to the civilians of Palestine to stay put"

The Arabs and British meant to destroy Israel and make the Jews a minority on Muslim conquered land once again.
They lost.
The Arabs in the north, who had not fled, got to stay in Israel.
Those who fled, or fought against the Jews and Israel, were not allowed to return.

Drivel; the British facilitated Jewish migration and land purchase from 1918 to 1939, so creating the mess in Palestine in the first place. Zionist terrorist groups attacked the British when they realised they'd made a huge mistake and began restricting Jewish immigration.

Those native Palestinians who were expelled were never allowed to return because they were seen as a demographic "threat" to the newly created "Jews" only, Zionist paradise.

The Jews, wether returning from Europe, America, or anywhere else in the world, are the indigenous people of the land of Israel. They are the descendants of all the 12 tribes of Israel.

A teeny, tiny, minority might possibly have some tenuous links to the Judeans of antiquity, but the overwhelming majority are descendants of European converts to Judaism.

The Palestinians are Arabs. The Arab Muslims invaded the area after the Muslim Kurds and tookover from the Christian Byzantine Empire.

The native population of Palestine were never Arabs, but adopted the Arabic language and culture during the centuries following the Arab conquest. The majority eventually converted to Islam, largely for tax reasons, as Muslims didn't need to pay taxes or tribute to their conquerors.

OUTSTANDING POST! Yes, there certainly is a Palestinian genocide effort against the Israeli's as you mention in points a thru d.
1948 Arab–Israeli War - Wikipedia
From your link:

A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine

Nowhere does it say that Israel was invaded. You need to brush up on your reading comprehension.

Ok, so the above sentence means that they did not invade (although the word Invasion is the third word in it) and that all of those military forces simply "entered" Palestine on May 15, 1948.

Was it like a tourist event, from all those countries, on the same day?
Was there a convention held on some part of newly Independent State of Israel, that all of those people, from all five countries simply "entered" Palestine?

Here is the rest of the paragraph after the word Palestine

" - Jordan having declared privately to Yishuvemissaries on 2 May it would abide by a decision not to attack the Jewish state.[12] The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements"

"Nowhere" does it say that the five Arab countries invaded Israel on May 15th, 1948?
The bottom line is that nobody invaded Israel as Israeli propaganda states. It is just another of Israel's looooooong list of lies.

And your evidence of it comes from where to refute what you call Israeli Propaganda ?

Merely saying that it is "Israeli Propaganda" because you may have read it somewhere that one should call it that, does it make it so?

I would like you to present the evidence that the Arab countries's armies stayed put in their countries on May 15th, 1948, and it was Israel upon declaring Independence, decided to invade all of those countries in order to what (?)......take more land ?

Against such a large population of Muslims living in all of those countries?

You do have sources to provide for me, do you not?
Photos and videos as well.
International news clips stating that Israel possibly went mad the day after it declared Independence and decided to take as much land from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Jordan as it could?
Holy mindless rant, Batman. Since I cannot prove a negative, how about you posting a 1948 map of Israel and we can discuss where any of the Arab armies entered?
1948 Arab–Israeli War - Wikipedia
From your link:

A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine

Nowhere does it say that Israel was invaded. You need to brush up on your reading comprehension.

Ok, so the above sentence means that they did not invade (although the word Invasion is the third word in it) and that all of those military forces simply "entered" Palestine on May 15, 1948.

Was it like a tourist event, from all those countries, on the same day?
Was there a convention held on some part of newly Independent State of Israel, that all of those people, from all five countries simply "entered" Palestine?

Here is the rest of the paragraph after the word Palestine

" - Jordan having declared privately to Yishuvemissaries on 2 May it would abide by a decision not to attack the Jewish state.[12] The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements"

"Nowhere" does it say that the five Arab countries invaded Israel on May 15th, 1948?
The bottom line is that nobody invaded Israel as Israeli propaganda states. It is just another of Israel's looooooong list of lies.

And your evidence of it comes from where to refute what you call Israeli Propaganda ?

Merely saying that it is "Israeli Propaganda" because you may have read it somewhere that one should call it that, does it make it so?

I would like you to present the evidence that the Arab countries's armies stayed put in their countries on May 15th, 1948, and it was Israel upon declaring Independence, decided to invade all of those countries in order to what (?)......take more land ?

Against such a large population of Muslims living in all of those countries?

You do have sources to provide for me, do you not?
Photos and videos as well.
International news clips stating that Israel possibly went mad the day after it declared Independence and decided to take as much land from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Jordan as it could?
Holy mindless rant, Batman. Since I cannot prove a negative, how about you posting a 1948 map of Israel and we can discuss where any of the Arab armies entered?

Here is a good sized map of what happened.

Israel - Map of Arab Invasion - War of Independence 1948

Kindly answer this:

The Arabs were already fighting the Jews after the UN officially
recognized Israel as a country ready to sustain itself and be self-governing in November of 1947.

The battles between them were still on going when Israel declared Independence on May 15, 1948.

Why not simply defeat the Arabs fighting within what had become Israel on that day and make sure that borders would be secure?

Why not invade only one other Arab country, especially Jordan
(TransJordan was to be part of the State of Israel per the Mandate for Palestine in 1920. The British changed the rules and gave it to the Arab Hashemites)

When the Germans started WWI or WWII, they invaded only one front at a time.

What would Israel have achieved, in the middle of fighting the Arabs within its borders, by invading not only one, not two, not three, not four, but five of the Arab countries all at the same time?
From your link:

A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine

Nowhere does it say that Israel was invaded. You need to brush up on your reading comprehension.

Ok, so the above sentence means that they did not invade (although the word Invasion is the third word in it) and that all of those military forces simply "entered" Palestine on May 15, 1948.

Was it like a tourist event, from all those countries, on the same day?
Was there a convention held on some part of newly Independent State of Israel, that all of those people, from all five countries simply "entered" Palestine?

Here is the rest of the paragraph after the word Palestine

" - Jordan having declared privately to Yishuvemissaries on 2 May it would abide by a decision not to attack the Jewish state.[12] The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements"

"Nowhere" does it say that the five Arab countries invaded Israel on May 15th, 1948?
The bottom line is that nobody invaded Israel as Israeli propaganda states. It is just another of Israel's looooooong list of lies.

And your evidence of it comes from where to refute what you call Israeli Propaganda ?

Merely saying that it is "Israeli Propaganda" because you may have read it somewhere that one should call it that, does it make it so?

I would like you to present the evidence that the Arab countries's armies stayed put in their countries on May 15th, 1948, and it was Israel upon declaring Independence, decided to invade all of those countries in order to what (?)......take more land ?

Against such a large population of Muslims living in all of those countries?

You do have sources to provide for me, do you not?
Photos and videos as well.
International news clips stating that Israel possibly went mad the day after it declared Independence and decided to take as much land from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Jordan as it could?
Holy mindless rant, Batman. Since I cannot prove a negative, how about you posting a 1948 map of Israel and we can discuss where any of the Arab armies entered?

Here is a good sized map of what happened.

Israel - Map of Arab Invasion - War of Independence 1948

Kindly answer this:

The Arabs were already fighting the Jews after the UN officially
recognized Israel as a country ready to sustain itself and be self-governing in November of 1947.

The battles between them were still on going when Israel declared Independence on May 15, 1948.

Why not simply defeat the Arabs fighting within what had become Israel on that day and make sure that borders would be secure?

Why not invade only one other Arab country, especially Jordan
(TransJordan was to be part of the State of Israel per the Mandate for Palestine in 1920. The British changed the rules and gave it to the Arab Hashemites)

When the Germans started WWI or WWII, they invaded only one front at a time.

What would Israel have achieved, in the middle of fighting the Arabs within its borders, by invading not only one, not two, not three, not four, but five of the Arab countries all at the same time?

You haven't been here long enough to know about Tinmore's mentality when it comes to Israel. These might sound like crazy ideas at first, but I think you should be forewarned. Despite Israel being a member state of the U.N., Tinmore doesn't believe Israel is a country at all. He maintains that Israel never acquired any land. The entire area of Eretz Yisroel, and not just the West Bank, is occupied according to him. Any terror attack, even against 2-year-old infants, is justified as resistance to the Occupation. Anything he disagrees with is Israeli talking points or propaganda. That's why he doesn't think that 5 Arab countries invaded Israel in 1948--because, according to him, there IS no Israel. Now enter at your own risk.
Ok, so the above sentence means that they did not invade (although the word Invasion is the third word in it) and that all of those military forces simply "entered" Palestine on May 15, 1948.

Was it like a tourist event, from all those countries, on the same day?
Was there a convention held on some part of newly Independent State of Israel, that all of those people, from all five countries simply "entered" Palestine?

Here is the rest of the paragraph after the word Palestine

" - Jordan having declared privately to Yishuvemissaries on 2 May it would abide by a decision not to attack the Jewish state.[12] The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements"

"Nowhere" does it say that the five Arab countries invaded Israel on May 15th, 1948?
The bottom line is that nobody invaded Israel as Israeli propaganda states. It is just another of Israel's looooooong list of lies.

And your evidence of it comes from where to refute what you call Israeli Propaganda ?

Merely saying that it is "Israeli Propaganda" because you may have read it somewhere that one should call it that, does it make it so?

I would like you to present the evidence that the Arab countries's armies stayed put in their countries on May 15th, 1948, and it was Israel upon declaring Independence, decided to invade all of those countries in order to what (?)......take more land ?

Against such a large population of Muslims living in all of those countries?

You do have sources to provide for me, do you not?
Photos and videos as well.
International news clips stating that Israel possibly went mad the day after it declared Independence and decided to take as much land from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Jordan as it could?
Holy mindless rant, Batman. Since I cannot prove a negative, how about you posting a 1948 map of Israel and we can discuss where any of the Arab armies entered?

Here is a good sized map of what happened.

Israel - Map of Arab Invasion - War of Independence 1948

Kindly answer this:

The Arabs were already fighting the Jews after the UN officially
recognized Israel as a country ready to sustain itself and be self-governing in November of 1947.

The battles between them were still on going when Israel declared Independence on May 15, 1948.

Why not simply defeat the Arabs fighting within what had become Israel on that day and make sure that borders would be secure?

Why not invade only one other Arab country, especially Jordan
(TransJordan was to be part of the State of Israel per the Mandate for Palestine in 1920. The British changed the rules and gave it to the Arab Hashemites)

When the Germans started WWI or WWII, they invaded only one front at a time.

What would Israel have achieved, in the middle of fighting the Arabs within its borders, by invading not only one, not two, not three, not four, but five of the Arab countries all at the same time?

You haven't been here long enough to know about Tinmore's mentality when it comes to Israel. These might sound like crazy ideas at first, but I think you should be forewarned. Despite Israel being a member state of the U.N., Tinmore doesn't believe Israel is a country at all. He maintains that Israel never acquired any land. The entire area of Eretz Yisroel, and not just the West Bank, is occupied according to him. Any terror attack, even against 2-year-old infants, is justified as resistance to the Occupation. Anything he disagrees with is Israeli talking points or propaganda. That's why he doesn't think that 5 Arab countries invaded Israel in 1948--because, according to him, there IS no Israel. Now enter at your own risk.

Thank you.

I am quite aware of this kind of thinking based on my participation on other sites about the same issues.

For a country which does not exist, it does one heck of a job in tourism
into its land. And that includes Arabs and other Muslims.
From your link:

A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine

Nowhere does it say that Israel was invaded. You need to brush up on your reading comprehension.

Ok, so the above sentence means that they did not invade (although the word Invasion is the third word in it) and that all of those military forces simply "entered" Palestine on May 15, 1948.

Was it like a tourist event, from all those countries, on the same day?
Was there a convention held on some part of newly Independent State of Israel, that all of those people, from all five countries simply "entered" Palestine?

Here is the rest of the paragraph after the word Palestine

" - Jordan having declared privately to Yishuvemissaries on 2 May it would abide by a decision not to attack the Jewish state.[12] The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements"

"Nowhere" does it say that the five Arab countries invaded Israel on May 15th, 1948?
The bottom line is that nobody invaded Israel as Israeli propaganda states. It is just another of Israel's looooooong list of lies.

And your evidence of it comes from where to refute what you call Israeli Propaganda ?

Merely saying that it is "Israeli Propaganda" because you may have read it somewhere that one should call it that, does it make it so?

I would like you to present the evidence that the Arab countries's armies stayed put in their countries on May 15th, 1948, and it was Israel upon declaring Independence, decided to invade all of those countries in order to what (?)......take more land ?

Against such a large population of Muslims living in all of those countries?

You do have sources to provide for me, do you not?
Photos and videos as well.
International news clips stating that Israel possibly went mad the day after it declared Independence and decided to take as much land from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Jordan as it could?
Holy mindless rant, Batman. Since I cannot prove a negative, how about you posting a 1948 map of Israel and we can discuss where any of the Arab armies entered?

Here is a good sized map of what happened.

Israel - Map of Arab Invasion - War of Independence 1948

Kindly answer this:

The Arabs were already fighting the Jews after the UN officially
recognized Israel as a country ready to sustain itself and be self-governing in November of 1947.

The battles between them were still on going when Israel declared Independence on May 15, 1948.

Why not simply defeat the Arabs fighting within what had become Israel on that day and make sure that borders would be secure?

Why not invade only one other Arab country, especially Jordan
(TransJordan was to be part of the State of Israel per the Mandate for Palestine in 1920. The British changed the rules and gave it to the Arab Hashemites)

When the Germans started WWI or WWII, they invaded only one front at a time.

What would Israel have achieved, in the middle of fighting the Arabs within its borders, by invading not only one, not two, not three, not four, but five of the Arab countries all at the same time?

The Muslim and Christian Palestinians were defending themselves from Jewish attacks on Palestinian villages, towns and cities within the Arab partition. Jaffa, for example, had been under siege by the Jews for weeks and surrendered before the Arab League intervened (or Israel declared itself a state). The Arab League intervened to try to stop the Jewish attacks and eviction of the Muslims and Christians from the Arab sector. The Arab League only entered the Arab and international sector to prevent the Jewish massacres of Muslims and Christians.

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