Israeli soldiers and rabbis tell supporters to kill Palestinian children

Good morning and thanks for your observations,

I, too, have found many apologists for Israel's atrocities, war crimes and occupation to shallow, hate filled and snarky.

Those are generally the same characteristics exhibited by anyone attempting to defend the indefensible. When their scripted talking points are debunked, they resort to hate filled insults and off topic slurs.

When discussing Israel - Palestine, I try to remain objective and look at the conflict from the perspective of an Israeli Jews but in spite of the good work of "Breaking the Silence", "Jewish Voice for Peace", B'tselem etc, the Netanyahu regime is still a criminal, brutal and internationally condemned occupier for which there is no legitimate defense.

Maybe it's because of my age but I'm still fascinated at our ability to communicate with someone thousands of miles away in a matter of seconds. Writing here is supposed to be an enjoyable and informative exercise of our endangered First Amendment rights.

I say "endangered First Amendment right" because America's gaggle of disloyal "Israel Firsters" and members of the Holocaust Industry are pressuring politicians to enact ethnically selective "Hate Speech" and "Holocaust denial laws" like those in other former democracies.

In other words, they want an America where it is fine to slander Muslims, Whites, Blacks, Germans or openly discuss tragedies like Holodomor etc but it is illegal to criticize Israel, the Jews or openly discuss the Holocaust.

I have spent plenty of time in totalitarian, third world countries and remember the warnings of one elderly woman in particular.
She said: "You Americans don't value your many freedoms and will lose them one day."
That was many decades ago but it is incumbent upon all Americans to make sure that her predictions don't come true.

Muslims have been randomly mass-murdering people incessantly in the name of allah and anti-Israel/western culture for a half-century.
Excellent . Re-education camps for Americans .

I am a perfect person for the job and will be happy to beat the old message into them literally .
Just hope that Nazi blood now coursing through so many younger American's veins can be replaced by good wholesome American Old Quality Blue Blood ++

But do you think your fat slob like youngsters with their poor education can change?
there is a movement in western countries, where young men and women are respecting our ancestors. Those from the World War II generation who were physically fit, who stood up for what was right back in the days when we had a middle class and a very safe society.

Til tok , instagram and facebook can serve as a distraction for young people, especially children. But there’s all sorts of positive activities occurring across the country. Lots of young people getting involved in sports, chess clubs, actually interacting with real people and getting off their video games +computers. I am hopeful for the American future.
there is a movement in western countries, where young men and women are respecting our ancestors. Those from the World War II generation who were physically fit, who stood up for what was right back in the days when we had a middle class and a very safe society.

Til tok , instagram and facebook can serve as a distraction for young people, especially children. But there’s all sorts of positive activities occurring across the country. Lots of young people getting involved in sports, chess clubs, actually interacting with real people and getting off their video games +computers. I am hopeful for the American future.
Muslims have been randomly mass-murdering people incessantly in the name of allah and anti-Israel/western culture for a half-century.
43 min mark …. One Palestinian is told by an Israeli soldier that he wants to “kill Palestinian children” and sexually assault his mom

But we have been told by the propagandists that Israel doesn’t do this stuff. Most Palestinians and Israelis don’t do this kind of evil. But there are those who do. And the evidence is literally in the video above. These Israeli soldiers and rabbis are literally the same thing as Hamas militants who think it’s permissible in Islam to kill kids. It’s not ….here is the absolute undeniable proof. It’s in the very video they quoted the Quran and the hadith’s proving that it is not allowed in Islam to do that.

Also Most Jews say that Judaism does not allow attacking women and children.

And so this is what we have this pro Israel propaganda from the devil himself right here in America. From some bad people in the media saying that’s a Palestinian side is evil. When there is clearly and undeniably evil on both sides of Israel and Palestine. And there is also love and glory and in the end the love will prevail and we will have unity between Israel and Palestine.

For those supporters of the second amendment in America. Recall how we can arm ourselves here in America. But these Palestinian men who are peaceful, and who love Jews are not allowed to arm themselves. This is disgraceful. America needs to change his policy toward Israel and Palestine. If we give weapons to anybody, It should only be to honorable Palestinian Muslims and Israeli Jews.

It is sickening that there are elements of the Israeli army that are monstrous beasts. They are like the devil himself. You can simply look at the 43 minute mark of the video above to see the undeniable proof or not. The choice is yours, my friends.

Jesus, our Lord and Savior shine your light upon these beautiful Palestinian people who have to face off against the satanic soldiers in Israel, who think it’s OK to kill Palestinian children.

View attachment 843935

Imagine for a moment, that evil Israeli soldier, chasing down women and children in Palestine. And the Palestinian men don’t have the guns to defend themselves with. That’s not right that’s not right at all. And so American policy should keep this in mind.

may our Lord bring together the peaceful, loving people of Israel and Palestine against the bad people on both sides

you mock Christ. Shame on you
43 min mark …. One Palestinian is told by an Israeli soldier that he wants to “kill Palestinian children” and sexually assault his mom

But we have been told by the propagandists that Israel doesn’t do this stuff. Most Palestinians and Israelis don’t do this kind of evil. But there are those who do. And the evidence is literally in the video above. These Israeli soldiers and rabbis are literally the same thing as Hamas militants who think it’s permissible in Islam to kill kids. It’s not ….here is the absolute undeniable proof. It’s in the very video they quoted the Quran and the hadith’s proving that it is not allowed in Islam to do that.

Also Most Jews say that Judaism does not allow attacking women and children.

And so this is what we have this pro Israel propaganda from the devil himself right here in America. From some bad people in the media saying that’s a Palestinian side is evil. When there is clearly and undeniably evil on both sides of Israel and Palestine. And there is also love and glory and in the end the love will prevail and we will have unity between Israel and Palestine.

For those supporters of the second amendment in America. Recall how we can arm ourselves here in America. But these Palestinian men who are peaceful, and who love Jews are not allowed to arm themselves. This is disgraceful. America needs to change his policy toward Israel and Palestine. If we give weapons to anybody, It should only be to honorable Palestinian Muslims and Israeli Jews.

It is sickening that there are elements of the Israeli army that are monstrous beasts. They are like the devil himself. You can simply look at the 43 minute mark of the video above to see the undeniable proof or not. The choice is yours, my friends.

Jesus, our Lord and Savior shine your light upon these beautiful Palestinian people who have to face off against the satanic soldiers in Israel, who think it’s OK to kill Palestinian children.

View attachment 843935

Imagine for a moment, that evil Israeli soldier, chasing down women and children in Palestine. And the Palestinian men don’t have the guns to defend themselves with. That’s not right that’s not right at all. And so American policy should keep this in mind.

may our Lord bring together the peaceful, loving people of Israel and Palestine against the bad people on both sides

Now we know why you have an FDR avatar.
:thankusmile: Best damn post on this thread, :thup: you seem to be about the only objective poster on this thread who is capable of being non biased willing to look at BOTH sides and able to think outside the box. :thup: the people that come in here and defend Israel’s actions they have never been to Israel and only go go by what the idiot box in the living room tells them.if they ever ventured to Israel as thst Rachel girl did where the tanks delibertately ran her over,they would understand the evil the government of Israel does to the palestines.They would see as Rachel did how Israeli soldiers shoot children in the back of their never mind the documented attack of the uss liberty where Lyndon Johnson is heard saying he wants that American ship sunk,it’s well known what a traiter and loyalists he was to Israel yet people here still can’t accept the facts of Israel’s atrocity’s all these years later.refusing to acknowledge facts. :cuckoo:

People thst defend Israel’s actions can’t get past the fact they have been brainwashed by the media and theur churches that Israel is a saint and actually believe their government looks out fir the people.

They are the same way Americans are who back in the sixtys they trusted their government and the media,they never questioned the Warren commission because they trusted and believed theur government thst they looked out for the people.

Same here,because what they have been taught in Sunday school classes,they can’t think outside the box On Israel and refuse to look at the evidence the op provided,they only see what they want to see.

You tell your very interesting and informative story what you experienced through the Islamic Middle East,and they somehow think you are lying dismissing it as fake news:cuckoo:,never mind the fact you have no reason to have no reason make that up,you couldn’t make that up even if you tried yet they try and convince themselves it’s fake news.I’m sure they,ll give me a fake news sign as well,that’s a given. :uhoh3:

You even went out of your way to provide documented quotes of bibi saying how 9/11 was beneficial to Israel and other quotes of bibi openly admitting the atrocities of Israel,yet it’s dismissed as fake news,unfucking believable.proof how Israel supporters only see what they want to see.

Good morning and thank you so much for your very kind words.

It seems like you've been following Middle Eastern events quite a while if you remember our USS Liberty and our unfortunate Rachael Corrie.

Our gaggle of Hasbara shills pretend to be outraged to the heavens when and if Muslims kill Americans but stumble over thousands of excuses and denials when our "ally" Israel kills Americans.

It was immediately after the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty that I started to realize the significance of Middle East events but also noticed both the bias and the uniformity MSM reporting.
All the talking heads were shilling for Israel.
All the "experts" they called on were / are pro Israel.
With no Internet and such limited news access,
I decided to go to see for myself how barbaric these evil Muslims really were.

I have already written about the kindness and generosity I experienced from innumerable Muslims over the 10 - 11 months I walked and hitch hiked around Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey etc.
I had planned to go on to Israel, Egypt etc but got caught in the '73 War.
At least I tried.

Finally, I wish that apologists for Zionist ethnic cleansing, Settlements and "Greater Israel" were not so snarky, rabid and evasive.
Discussing global events with people who are so far away is supposed to be enjoyable.

Thanks again,
43 min mark …. One Palestinian is told by an Israeli soldier that he wants to “kill Palestinian children” and sexually assault his mom

But we have been told by the propagandists that Israel doesn’t do this stuff. Most Palestinians and Israelis don’t do this kind of evil. But there are those who do. And the evidence is literally in the video above. These Israeli soldiers and rabbis are literally the same thing as Hamas militants who think it’s permissible in Islam to kill kids. It’s not ….here is the absolute undeniable proof. It’s in the very video they quoted the Quran and the hadith’s proving that it is not allowed in Islam to do that.

Also Most Jews say that Judaism does not allow attacking women and children.

And so this is what we have this pro Israel propaganda from the devil himself right here in America. From some bad people in the media saying that’s a Palestinian side is evil. When there is clearly and undeniably evil on both sides of Israel and Palestine. And there is also love and glory and in the end the love will prevail and we will have unity between Israel and Palestine.

For those supporters of the second amendment in America. Recall how we can arm ourselves here in America. But these Palestinian men who are peaceful, and who love Jews are not allowed to arm themselves. This is disgraceful. America needs to change his policy toward Israel and Palestine. If we give weapons to anybody, It should only be to honorable Palestinian Muslims and Israeli Jews.

It is sickening that there are elements of the Israeli army that are monstrous beasts. They are like the devil himself. You can simply look at the 43 minute mark of the video above to see the undeniable proof or not. The choice is yours, my friends.

Jesus, our Lord and Savior shine your light upon these beautiful Palestinian people who have to face off against the satanic soldiers in Israel, who think it’s OK to kill Palestinian children.

View attachment 843935

Imagine for a moment, that evil Israeli soldier, chasing down women and children in Palestine. And the Palestinian men don’t have the guns to defend themselves with. That’s not right that’s not right at all. And so American policy should keep this in mind.

may our Lord bring together the peaceful, loving people of Israel and Palestine against the bad people on both sides

Remember folks… this guy is a hard core Trumper (actually a Kremlin stooge)
This never happened, the OP is obviously an antisemitic asshole and has created numerous threads bashing Israel and propping Hamas and Palis
This never happened, the OP is obviously an antisemitic asshole and has created numerous threads bashing Israel and propping Hamas and Palis
Yes it did watch the video

No honest Christian can ever support a Jewish rabbi who calls for the death of innocent Palestinian children.
The Jews do not have to be perfect

And they arent

But the source of the violence is muslim jihad

That brings out the worst in everyone

I spent 10 - 11 months walking and hitch hiking around the Islamic Middle East and even though I look very Western (red beard & blue eyes) I never encountered any hostility and in many remote villages, I was treated almost as a celebrity.

The part about Islamic customs that you don't hear on pro Israel MSM is their hospitality to travelers.
These people who had nothing were always generous with me and to pay for your own tea or meal would have been a great insult to him, his parents, his grandparents etc

Briefly put, if the Muslims were anything like their Hollywood & MSM stereotype, I wouldn't be here today.


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