Israeli soldiers and rabbis tell supporters to kill Palestinian children

No honest Christian can ever support a Jewish rabbi who calls for the death of innocent Palestinian children.
That in itself should dispel the accusations leveled against you. The fact that this point of yours is ignored & ridiculed is just about as much proof needed to understand that they are not discussing fairly, that they are trolling in the Zionist's favour without regard for humanitarian consideration. If I doubted the presence of hasbara shills before this moment, I am definitely convinced now. It is time for me to pay attention and to take notes.
That in itself should dispel the accusations leveled against you. The fact that this point of yours is ignored & ridiculed is just about as much proof needed to understand that they are not discussing fairly, that they are trolling in the Zionist's favour without regard for humanitarian consideration. If I doubted the presence of hasbara shills before this moment, I am definitely convinced now. It is time for me to pay attention and to take notes.
They demand almost every day that people condemn hamas Which everyone does…

So those same pro Israel people must condemn the Jews who call for the death of Palestinian children. It’s insane the way they react to this type of thing.

Ive just about had it with pro Israel fanatics. It’s like going around in circles nothing gets accomplished.
I spent 10 - 11 months walking and hitch hiking around the Islamic Middle East and even though I look very Western (red beard & blue eyes) I never encountered any hostility and in many remote villages, I was treated almost as a celebrity.

The part about Islamic customs that you don't hear on pro Israel MSM is their hospitality to travelers.
These people who had nothing were always generous with me and to pay for your own tea or meal would have been a great insult to him, his parents, his grandparents etc

Briefly put, if the Muslims were anything like their Hollywood & MSM stereotype, I wouldn't be here today.

Hitler loved dogs and children

So there are two sides to every story

Muslims are not all bad except for the ones beheading Jewish children and other acts of terror
They demand almost every day that people condemn hamas Which everyone does…
So those same pro Israel people must condemn the Jews who call for the death of Palestinian children.
It’s insane the way they react to this type of thing.
It is intentional shilling and this reaction of yours is precisely what they want to see.
Ive just about had it with pro Israel fanatics. It’s like going around in circles nothing gets accomplished.
Ignore them.


It is intentional shilling and this reaction of yours is precisely what they want to see.

Ignore them.
Good points

My reactions are peaceful and neutral, so I don’t know what they’re looking for.

I try and converse with people who might have disagreements. But it’s gotten to the point where I want to stop posting about the Israelpalestine topic. It’s consuming and divisive.
My reactions are peaceful and neutral, so I don’t know what they’re looking for.
Confusion, dismay, frustration that the world isn't as peaceful as you'd like. They love it. They see it as a success, the same as graffiti on a beautiful building: Destruction.
I try and converse with people who might have disagreements.
I understand.
But it’s gotten to the point where I want to stop posting about the Israelpalestine topic. It’s consuming and divisive.
No, no, no. Don't stop. That is the hasbara shill's goal. To make you stop. Just don't converse with "them". Discuss the finer pluses and minuses with earnest contributors but avoid the in-your-face confrontation with the shills. You already know who some of them are. Yes, that's right - the ones making personal insults such as, "You're an anti-Semite!" You can avoid them or ridicule them ..... and it feels good! :)
there is plenty of occupation. Muslims occupy a land called
Pakistan and a whole bunch of other "stans" as well as
a country called "maldives" ----and "indonesia" and
"mauritantia" and "iran etc etc etc ----even "sudan"
Fuck off, Rosie! I'm sick of your Arab hatred.
I don't think Rosie knows what the term "occupation" means. She clearly does not know.

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