Israel = Masada. The case for the Jewish state

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What a joke? Pig bones?

Produce the pig bones then or shut up.

Rome sieged Masada for a long time. Long enough that they had to build a huge ramp just to get to the walls to attempt to breach them.

Masada deniers are the same as The Holocaust Deniers and just as Evil.

There already is a road, and you don't need a ramp to go through a wall, you just knock a hole in it.
Masada was a myth because it was a fort built and staffed by Romans, not Jews.
Remember Herod was a Roman only pretending to be Jewish.
We already know you are a liar.

But are you willing to call Josephus a liar? Other Ancient historians also have accounts of Masada.

You are just another liar practicing Taqiyya until the day Hell requires your presence there.
View attachment 498797

Yigal Yadin got caught lying about Masada. The only skeletons they found were swine and Roman soldiers. His hoax went so far as to have the Romans interred in Jewish burials.
You Lie about Masada and consort with liars, and worship the god of lies. Take your Taqiyya somewhere else.

King Herod was a Roman.
Palestine was a Roman colony.
The forts were all manned by Roman soldiers.
So how would these Jewish violators of the Roman Diaspora Decree have gained control of the Roman fort at Masada, and why would the Romans have not just starved them out?
There was no food at Masada.

Masada was a retreat built for Herod and it had a big cistern and food storage. Why would it have had Roman soldiers when they were fighting in Jerusalem?

Siege of Masada - Wikipedia

The siege of Masada was one of the final events in the First Jewish–Roman War, occurring from 73 to 74 CE on and around a large hilltop in current-day Israel.

The siege is known to history via a single source, Flavius Josephus, a Jewish rebel leader captured by the Romans, in whose service he became a historian. According to Josephus the long siege by the troops of the Roman Empire led to the mass suicide…

Masada has been described as "a lozenge-shaped table-mountain" that is "lofty, isolated, and to all appearance impregnable". Historically, the fortress could be reached only by a single pathway that was too narrow for men to walk abreast. This pathway was named "the Snake" for the way it twists and zig-zags to the summit. Masada was named as the place where David rested after…

Masada would have had Roman soldiers because the Romans would not have wanted Herod to have anything but Roman soldiers.
When things got out of control in Jerusalem, places like Masada is exactly where people like Herod would have gone.
This prompted a wider, large-scale rebellion and the Roman military garrison of Judaea was quickly overrun by the rebels, while the pro-Roman king Herod Agrippa II, together with Roman officials, fled Jerusalem.
While I do not know where Herod went for sure, it is not likely he would have gone far or that the safe outposts like Masada would have been left to the rebels.
The rebels were strongest in the north, near Galilee, so unlikely any would have been near Masada.

A captured Jewish historian is likely to want to paint some sort of positive spin on what otherwise was one of the most dismal rebellions of all time, with more Jews killing other Jewish factions than they did Romans.

If you look at Masada, you see it is not really walled and that the road to it always existed, and was not built as part of an attack.
If the road up to the summit was not gentle and wide enough for pack animals, then it would not have been possible to keep it supplied.
It would have been impossible to stop an infiltration attack at night, since it had no wall except at the road, it it would have fallen to any overwhelming force the first day or 2

Food for King Herod would not have lasted a band of rebels very long at all.
Its not like you could graze animals inside the wall.
What a joke? Pig bones?

Produce the pig bones then or shut up.

Rome sieged Masada for a long time. Long enough that they had to build a huge ramp just to get to the walls to attempt to breach them.

Masada deniers are the same as The Holocaust Deniers and just as Evil.

There already is a road, and you don't need a ramp to go through a wall, you just knock a hole in it.
Masada was a myth because it was a fort built and staffed by Romans, not Jews.
Remember Herod was a Roman only pretending to be Jewish.
We already know you are a liar.

But are you willing to call Josephus a liar? Other Ancient historians also have accounts of Masada.

You are just another liar practicing Taqiyya until the day Hell requires your presence there.
View attachment 498797

Yigal Yadin got caught lying about Massada. The only skeletons they found were swine and Roman soldiers. His hoax went so far as to have the Romans interred in Jewish burials.
You Lie about Masada and consort with liars, and worship the god of lies. Take your Taqiyya somewhere else.

King Herod was a Roman.
Palestine was a Roman colony.
The forts were all manned by Roman soldiers.
So how would these Jewish violators of the Roman Diaspora Decree have gained control of the Roman fort at Masada, and why would the Romans have not just starved them out?
There was no food at Masada.
There is no such thing as Palestine. Palestine is a Racial Slur similar to what the N word is for an African.

It was an insult the Roman Empire came up with to tell Hebrews that they were bastard children fathered by an extinct people called the Philistines, who btw, were most likely a subset of the Greek race.

So when you call someone a Palestinian, you are calling his mother a whore who slept with a Philistine.

Palestine was a province of Syria .. Herodotus wrote about it in 500 BC. You have NO education.
The word Palestine is a Racial Slur. This is why The Romans used it to humiliate The Hebrew Nation when they conquered it.

There as no Hebrew nation when the Romans conqueror Palestine, and Romans only recreated a Jewish state because they wanted a docile puppet to rule for them.
The Romans were not concerned with the Jews, but with the Parthians, Seleucids, etc.

And the area had always been called Palestine, way before the Romans.
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What a joke? Pig bones?

Produce the pig bones then or shut up.

Rome sieged Masada for a long time. Long enough that they had to build a huge ramp just to get to the walls to attempt to breach them.

Masada deniers are the same as The Holocaust Deniers and just as Evil.

There already is a road, and you don't need a ramp to go through a wall, you just knock a hole in it.
Masada was a myth because it was a fort built and staffed by Romans, not Jews.
Remember Herod was a Roman only pretending to be Jewish.
We already know you are a liar.

But are you willing to call Josephus a liar? Other Ancient historians also have accounts of Masada.

You are just another liar practicing Taqiyya until the day Hell requires your presence there.
View attachment 498797

Yigal Yadin got caught lying about Masada. The only skeletons they found were swine and Roman soldiers. His hoax went so far as to have the Romans interred in Jewish burials.
You Lie about Masada and consort with liars, and worship the god of lies. Take your Taqiyya somewhere else.

King Herod was a Roman.
Palestine was a Roman colony.
The forts were all manned by Roman soldiers.
So how would these Jewish violators of the Roman Diaspora Decree have gained control of the Roman fort at Masada, and why would the Romans have not just starved them out?
There was no food at Masada.

Masada was a retreat built for Herod and it had a big cistern and food storage. Why would it have had Roman soldiers when they were fighting in Jerusalem?

Siege of Masada - Wikipedia

The siege of Masada was one of the final events in the First Jewish–Roman War, occurring from 73 to 74 CE on and around a large hilltop in current-day Israel.

The siege is known to history via a single source, Flavius Josephus, a Jewish rebel leader captured by the Romans, in whose service he became a historian. According to Josephus the long siege by the troops of the Roman Empire led to the mass suicide…

Masada has been described as "a lozenge-shaped table-mountain" that is "lofty, isolated, and to all appearance impregnable". Historically, the fortress could be reached only by a single pathway that was too narrow for men to walk abreast. This pathway was named "the Snake" for the way it twists and zig-zags to the summit. Masada was named as the place where David rested after…

Masada would have had Roman soldiers because the Romans would not have wanted Herod to have anything but Roman soldiers.
When things got out of control in Jerusalem, places like Masada is exactly where people like Herod would have gone.
This prompted a wider, large-scale rebellion and the Roman military garrison of Judaea was quickly overrun by the rebels, while the pro-Roman king Herod Agrippa II, together with Roman officials, fled Jerusalem.
While I do not know where Herod went for sure, it is not likely he would have gone far or that the safe outposts like Masada would have been left to the rebels.
The rebels were strongest in the north, near Galilee, so unlikely any would have been near Masada.

A captured Jewish historian is likely to want to paint some sort of positive spin on what otherwise was one of the most dismal rebellions of all time, with more Jews killing other Jewish factions than they did Romans.

If you look at Masada, you see it is not really walled and that the road to it always existed, and was not built as part of an attack.
If the road up to the summit was not gentle and wide enough for pack animals, then it would not have been possible to keep it supplied.
It would have been impossible to stop an infiltration attack at night, since it had no wall except at the road, it it would have fallen to any overwhelming force the first day or 2

Food for King Herod would not have lasted a band of rebels very long at all.
Its not like you could graze animals inside the wall.

The Jewish rebels were running around the countryside robbing people of provisions and killing other Jews with the Roman soldiers in hot pursuit until they were finally penned up at Masada.. which had stores of grain, oil, wine etc.

Herod Agrippa probably went back north.. The Bible doesn't say..
What a joke? Pig bones?

Produce the pig bones then or shut up.

Rome sieged Masada for a long time. Long enough that they had to build a huge ramp just to get to the walls to attempt to breach them.

Masada deniers are the same as The Holocaust Deniers and just as Evil.

There already is a road, and you don't need a ramp to go through a wall, you just knock a hole in it.
Masada was a myth because it was a fort built and staffed by Romans, not Jews.
Remember Herod was a Roman only pretending to be Jewish.
We already know you are a liar.

But are you willing to call Josephus a liar? Other Ancient historians also have accounts of Masada.

You are just another liar practicing Taqiyya until the day Hell requires your presence there.
View attachment 498797

Yigal Yadin got caught lying about Massada. The only skeletons they found were swine and Roman soldiers. His hoax went so far as to have the Romans interred in Jewish burials.
You Lie about Masada and consort with liars, and worship the god of lies. Take your Taqiyya somewhere else.

King Herod was a Roman.
Palestine was a Roman colony.
The forts were all manned by Roman soldiers.
So how would these Jewish violators of the Roman Diaspora Decree have gained control of the Roman fort at Masada, and why would the Romans have not just starved them out?
There was no food at Masada.
There is no such thing as Palestine. Palestine is a Racial Slur similar to what the N word is for an African.

It was an insult the Roman Empire came up with to tell Hebrews that they were bastard children fathered by an extinct people called the Philistines, who btw, were most likely a subset of the Greek race.

So when you call someone a Palestinian, you are calling his mother a whore who slept with a Philistine.

As far as food and water goes, there were numerous cisterns, a spring, and storage for grain at Masada.

This is why The Roman Empire had to build a large ramp and a siege engine to breach the walls once they were able to get the siege engine in place.

Once the Hebrews in Masada saw that their impregnable fortress was going to be breached, and knowing that many would be tortured, raped, sold in to slavery or executed, they decided upon mass suicide, rather than let The Romans shame them in that way.

You only need siege engine to batter tall walls.
Look at Masada, and you don't see any walls.
There are none.
It is just a plateau.
At nigh the wall are easily climbed the fort breached.
There is no reason to build a ramp.
That would be pointless.
Jews are treated that way because sometimes Jews get caught doing stuff like slavery and 911

Einstein did not warn us of Zionist fascism for nothing.

In 15th century Romania, Jews were the "nobles" selling out the commoners to the sultan. That's why they ended up impaled. And that's why they don't like prince vlad Dracula...
Another stupid lie by a Anti Semitic bigot . Jews made/ make up less then 2 percent of the population .Document how they were responsible for World Wide Slavery or Slavery in the US
Ever Hear of Bin Laden? The 19 HiJackers were Arabs, 15 of them from Saudi Arabia you bigoted Ass-Ole

What does Bin Laden have to do with Massada?
The Moron stated that the Jews were responsible for 9/11 . When confronted with the above there is Never a response

The debates over 911 always end up in conspiracy.

But more than half of Americans do not believe the "official version" of 911, and all the Jews who say they do believe know what really happened.....
Jews are treated that way because sometimes Jews get caught doing stuff like slavery and 911

Einstein did not warn us of Zionist fascism for nothing.

In 15th century Romania, Jews were the "nobles" selling out the commoners to the sultan. That's why they ended up impaled. And that's why they don't like prince vlad Dracula...
Another stupid lie by a Anti Semitic bigot . Jews made/ make up less then 2 percent of the population .Document how they were responsible for World Wide Slavery or Slavery in the US
Ever Hear of Bin Laden? The 19 HiJackers were Arabs, 15 of them from Saudi Arabia you bigoted Ass-Ole

What does Bin Laden have to do with Massada?
The Moron stated that the Jews were responsible for 9/11 . When confronted with the above there is Never a response

The debates over 911 always end up in conspiracy.

But more than half of Americans do not believe the "official version" of 911, and all the Jews who say they do believe know what really happened.....

The US is notorious for aiding and abetting in order to have excuses for over responding.
For example, 9/11 was not the first attack on the WTC.
The FBI planted a bomb there in 1993 they tried to blame on Moslems then as well, but their agent blew their cover.

October of 1993 the New York Times wrote an article, “Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast.” In that article the Times reported:

“Law-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb that was eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting harmless powder for the explosives, an informer said after the blast. The informer was to have helped the plotters build the bomb and supply the fake powder, but the plan was called off by an F.B.I. supervisor who had other ideas about how the informer, Emad A. Salem, should be used, the informer said.”
Salem, a former Egyptian military officer, was recruited by the FBI to infiltrate an extremist Muslim group in the New York area which ultimately bombed the WTC in 1993. Salem started secretly taping his conversations with the FBI after the bombing took place, apparently due to his frustrations with the FBI’s failure to prevent the bombing. It’s these taped recording that suggest the FBI had significant prior knowledge of the WTC bombing and was in a position to prevent it. Although exactly what the FBI knew and when is hard to tell. In the tapes, FBI agents, while talking to Salem, seem to blame their failure to prevent the bombing on bureau incompetence and mismanagement.

Transcripts of the tapes show many conversations between Salem and FBI agent, John Anticev. In one conversation Salem says to Anticev,

“we was start already building the bomb which went off in the World Trade Center. It was built by supervision from the Bureau and the D.A. We was all informed about it and we knew that the bomb started to be built. By who? By your confidential informant. What a wonderful great case.”
In other conversations Salem repeatedly expresses remorse over the bombing and laments over the FBI’s poor handling of the case. The New York Times reported:

Many have no idea what kind of persecution the Jewish people have suffered over the years. In fact, those that wish to destroy the Jewish state, often deny that the Holocaust even happened, or they say that the Holocaust was not that bad of an event altogether. Why? Because the catalyst for the UN creating Israel was the Holocaust. However, everything that was done to the Jews in Nazi Germany was done centuries prior. The Holocaust did nothing new to the Jewish people, other than create a much more efficient method of persecution and extermination.

Here is a brief, but by no means comprehensive, look at our dark past.

70 AD. The Roman army destroyed Jerusalem and killed over 1 million Jews. Then they took about 100 thousand Jews into slavery and scattered many from Palestine to other locations in the Roman Empire.

So from there, what happened to them in Europe?

200 AD Roman Emperor Severus forbade religious conversations to Judaism.

379 AD Emperor Theodosius the Great permitted the destruction of they synagogues and made Christianity the state religion.

561 AD The bishop of Uzes expelled Jews from his diocese in France

613 AD Jews in Spain were given the options of either leaving Spain or converting to Christianity. Jewish children over 6 years old were taken from their parents and given a Christian education.

722 AD Leo outlawed Judaism as Jews were baptized against their will.

855 AD Jews were exiled from Italy.

1096 AD The first Crusades were launched. Although the prime goal was to liberate the Holy Land from the Muslims, the second target were the Jewish people that still remained there. Along the way to the Holy Land, 12,000 Jews where murdered in the Rhine valley, that is, those who refused to convert to Christianity. This behavior continued for 8 additional Crusades until the end of them in 1272.

1099 AD. Once the Crusaders arrived in the Holy Land, they forced Jews in Jerusalem into a central synagogue and set in on fire.

1121 AD. Jews were exiled from Flanders which is present day Belgium.

1146 AD The Second Crusades began as French monk Rudolf called for the destruction of the Jews.

1180 The French King of France, Phillip Augustus, seized all Jewish property and expelled them from the country.

1215 The Fourth Lateran Council approved cannon laws requiring that Jews should have to wear a special dress and a badge in the form of a ring so they could be easily targeted for persecution.

1290 AD. Jews were expelled from England, which was about 16,000.

1298 AD Jews were persecuted in Austria, Bavaria, and France as 140 Jewish communities were destroyed killing over 100,000 in a 6 month period.

1321 AD In Guienne France, Jews were accused of various crimes as 5000 Jews were burned at the stake.

1347 AD The Black Death gripped Europe, but because the Jews practiced the Mosaic cleanliness laws, they did not suffer like the rest of the population. Rumors then circulated that the Jews must have made a deal with the Devil to bypass the plague as Jews were killed by the thousands, or perhaps more, all over Europe.

1434 AD Jews all over Europe were required to wear special dress so they could be easily identified for general persecution.

1497 AD. Jews were banished from Portugal

1540 AD Jews were expelled from Naples.

1550 Jews were expelled from Genoa and Venice.

1555 AD Jews were forced to live in ghettoes after a Roman Catholic Papal bull, "Cum nimis absurdum". It also required them to wear special dress and were forbidden to own property.

1582 AD Jews were expelled from Holland.

1648 Chmielnicki Bogdan began an uprising in Poland and the Ukraine to exterminate all Jews in their respective countries. It is estimated that over 100,000 Jews were murdered and about 300 communities destroyed.

1806 A French Jesuit Priest Abbe Barruel wrote a treatise blaming the Jews for the French Revolution that triggered increased persecution of Jews all across Europe. This was the first international Jewish conspiracy theory created with many more to come.

1846 AD Pope Pius lX created another Jewish ghetto in Rome, the last one till the Nazis created more later on.

1940's Holocaust

9-10 centuries of persecution of the Jews, and now the Arabs want to cast the Zionist nation into the sea?

I'm no Jew, but even I can see that to give up their state for any reason would be to divorce themselves of reason. It would be suicide.

Like many other people, I support Israel 100%.

Israel is a tiny slice of land.

The Jewish people have turned it into a powerhouse of innovation that has benefited all of humanity.

No doubt the Arabs are lovely people (their hospitality to guests is legendary), but their countries need a lot of help to develop economically & politically.

Israel is ready and eager to help its Arab neighbors.

Israel is literally an oasis in the desert.
It IS tiny. It IS productive. The fact that so many hate them so viscerally, most doing so without ever even meeting a Jew in their lives, is proof that the hate is supernatural. This world is going to burn someday because of that hate. THIS time, the Jews won't burn alone.
Many have no idea what kind of persecution the Jewish people have suffered over the years. In fact, those that wish to destroy the Jewish state, often deny that the Holocaust even happened, or they say that the Holocaust was not that bad of an event altogether. Why? Because the catalyst for the UN creating Israel was the Holocaust. However, everything that was done to the Jews in Nazi Germany was done centuries prior. The Holocaust did nothing new to the Jewish people, other than create a much more efficient method of persecution and extermination.

Here is a brief, but by no means comprehensive, look at our dark past.

70 AD. The Roman army destroyed Jerusalem and killed over 1 million Jews. Then they took about 100 thousand Jews into slavery and scattered many from Palestine to other locations in the Roman Empire.

So from there, what happened to them in Europe?

200 AD Roman Emperor Severus forbade religious conversations to Judaism.

379 AD Emperor Theodosius the Great permitted the destruction of they synagogues and made Christianity the state religion.

561 AD The bishop of Uzes expelled Jews from his diocese in France

613 AD Jews in Spain were given the options of either leaving Spain or converting to Christianity. Jewish children over 6 years old were taken from their parents and given a Christian education.

722 AD Leo outlawed Judaism as Jews were baptized against their will.

855 AD Jews were exiled from Italy.

1096 AD The first Crusades were launched. Although the prime goal was to liberate the Holy Land from the Muslims, the second target were the Jewish people that still remained there. Along the way to the Holy Land, 12,000 Jews where murdered in the Rhine valley, that is, those who refused to convert to Christianity. This behavior continued for 8 additional Crusades until the end of them in 1272.

1099 AD. Once the Crusaders arrived in the Holy Land, they forced Jews in Jerusalem into a central synagogue and set in on fire.

1121 AD. Jews were exiled from Flanders which is present day Belgium.

1146 AD The Second Crusades began as French monk Rudolf called for the destruction of the Jews.

1180 The French King of France, Phillip Augustus, seized all Jewish property and expelled them from the country.

1215 The Fourth Lateran Council approved cannon laws requiring that Jews should have to wear a special dress and a badge in the form of a ring so they could be easily targeted for persecution.

1290 AD. Jews were expelled from England, which was about 16,000.

1298 AD Jews were persecuted in Austria, Bavaria, and France as 140 Jewish communities were destroyed killing over 100,000 in a 6 month period.

1321 AD In Guienne France, Jews were accused of various crimes as 5000 Jews were burned at the stake.

1347 AD The Black Death gripped Europe, but because the Jews practiced the Mosaic cleanliness laws, they did not suffer like the rest of the population. Rumors then circulated that the Jews must have made a deal with the Devil to bypass the plague as Jews were killed by the thousands, or perhaps more, all over Europe.

1434 AD Jews all over Europe were required to wear special dress so they could be easily identified for general persecution.

1497 AD. Jews were banished from Portugal

1540 AD Jews were expelled from Naples.

1550 Jews were expelled from Genoa and Venice.

1555 AD Jews were forced to live in ghettoes after a Roman Catholic Papal bull, "Cum nimis absurdum". It also required them to wear special dress and were forbidden to own property.

1582 AD Jews were expelled from Holland.

1648 Chmielnicki Bogdan began an uprising in Poland and the Ukraine to exterminate all Jews in their respective countries. It is estimated that over 100,000 Jews were murdered and about 300 communities destroyed.

1806 A French Jesuit Priest Abbe Barruel wrote a treatise blaming the Jews for the French Revolution that triggered increased persecution of Jews all across Europe. This was the first international Jewish conspiracy theory created with many more to come.

1846 AD Pope Pius lX created another Jewish ghetto in Rome, the last one till the Nazis created more later on.

1940's Holocaust

9-10 centuries of persecution of the Jews, and now the Arabs want to cast the Zionist nation into the sea?

I'm no Jew, but even I can see that to give up their state for any reason would be to divorce themselves of reason. It would be suicide.

Like many other people, I support Israel 100%.

Israel is a tiny slice of land.

The Jewish people have turned it into a powerhouse of innovation that has benefited all of humanity.

No doubt the Arabs are lovely people (their hospitality to guests is legendary), but their countries need a lot of help to develop economically & politically.

Israel is ready and eager to help its Arab neighbors.

Israel is literally an oasis in the desert.
It IS tiny. It IS productive. The fact that so many hate them so viscerally, most doing so without ever even meeting a Jew in their lives, is proof that the hate is supernatural. This world is going to burn someday because of that hate. THIS time, the Jews won't burn alone.

You are absolutely ridiculous. Why are you promoting hatred of Jews?

There are no photos of "Osama" in Saudi. On 913, the FBI was told to fuck off by our Saudi "allies," quoted by nypost as "uncooperative and obstructionist" when asked about Osama. Putin said us, Israel, and Saudi were in on it. You get 10 million hits when you type in

Saudi Royal family Jewish

Into any search engine. Crown prince bin salmon was Jeff epstein's #1 customer on pedohile island. Curious friendship the, Jew and "Muslim..."

After 911, one patriotic American claimed he was on a CIA mission in afghan with col Tim osman, and that Osama is that guy.

In 2017, Putin's kgb releases three photos of col Tim osman taking to zbigniew in 1980 when he was carter's Nsa...

There are no photos of "Osama" in Saudi. On 913, the FBI was told to fuck off by our Saudi "allies," quoted by nypost as "uncooperative and obstructionist" when asked about Osama. Putin said us, Israel, and Saudi were in on it. You get 10 million hits when you type in

Saudi Royal family Jewish

Into any search engine. Crown prince bin salmon was Jeff epstein's #1 customer on pedohile island. Curious friendship the, Jew and "Muslim..."

After 911, one patriotic American claimed he was on a CIA mission in afghan with col Tim osman, and that Osama is that guy.

In 2017, Putin's kgb releases three photos of col Tim osman taking to zbigniew in 1980 when he was carter's Nsa...

LOLOLOL.. You are just eat up with old, stupid conspiracy theories.

NY Post is a rag. The Al Saud were never Jewish.

You don't know Bin Salman. I do.

OBL's Saudi citizenship was revoked in 1994.
If you know bin salman, then you knew Jeff Epstein.....
If you know bin salman, then you knew Jeff Epstein.....

Nope.. I had never even heard of Epstein.

Curious, since Epstein on video cam claimed bin salman was his island's #1 customer....

Amazing how a leader of an Islamic country would pal around with a Jew on an island raping teen age sex slave girls....

If that is not 100% proof bin salman is Jewish....
How about some photos of "Osama" when he was young and "living in Saudi..."
If you know bin salman, then you knew Jeff Epstein.....

Nope.. I had never even heard of Epstein.

Curious, since Epstein on video cam claimed bin salman was his island's #1 customer....

Amazing how a leader of an Islamic country would pal around with a Jew on an island raping teen age sex slave girls....

If that is not 100% proof bin salman is Jewish....

Sounds like BS to me.. Where is your proof? Bin Salman, the father, is a very old man, and MBS was too young 15 years ago.

The crap about the Al Saud being Jewish is a tired old lie.
How about some photos of "Osama" when he was young and "living in Saudi..."

OBL's mother was Syrian so he was raised in Syria.. Only came to KSA as a teen and spent time traveling in Europe..
No photos.

There are ZERO photos of "Osama" in Saudi......

There are three of col Tim osman, thanks to the kgb....
Type in to any search engine

Jeff Epstein bin salman

It is not that hard....

The Saudi Royal family is Jewish. That is why they lied about "Osama," because Putin was right, they were in on it. Bin salman trusted Epstein because both were not only Jewish, but were invested on 910 in gold,oil, the long bond, and defense stocks...
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