Israel and Genocide


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

Those darn Jews. How dare they!? Poor future terrorists I mean kids in Gaza.

Spare me the Leftist talking pts
21st century antisemites root for Israel to commit genocide.

20th century antisemites rooted for Hitler to commit genocide.

Same bigotry, different century.
Oh, look, as if right on cue this bigoted piece of pig shit shows up. I guess that everyone is an anti-Semite but you, the only one here being openly anti-Semitic. DeRp!
Israeli strike destroys a United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) depot in central Gaza, incinerating what few crucial supplies the densely populated strip had left. Another shocking war crime to add to the pile.
If Israel is just fighting Hamas, why are they:

Bombing Doctors
Bombing Journalists
Bombing Teachers

Bombing Fire Fighters
Bombing Ambulances

Bombing UN Staff
Bombing Children ?
Because they are in buildings being used by Hamas and refused to evacuate when warned to nearly a week before Israel retaliated for the MURDER of over a thousand civilians and the attempted murder of hundreds of thousands more via the more than twenty thousand UNGUIDED bombardment rockets fired at Israeli cities by Hamas since Hamas started the slaughter and the tens of thousands launched in the last decade. The only reason there haven't been a million Israeli casualties to Hamas rockets is that Israel spends hundreds of millions on shelters and DEFENSIVE systems like Iron Dome to protect its Muslim, Christian and Jewish citizens from random bombardments by Muslim terrorists on BOTH borders.
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Those darn Jews. How dare they!? Poor future terrorists I mean kids in Gaza.

Spare me the Leftist talking pts
"Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?"

A Textbook Case of Genocide

Right-wing fascists are openly extolling ethnic cleansing in Gaza. For those who are new to this conflict, Israel is the occupying power in Gaza; it can not declare war (much less genocide) on civilians it is obligated to protect.
If Israel is just fighting Hamas, why are they:

Bombing Doctors
Bombing Journalists
Bombing Teachers

Bombing Fire Fighters
Bombing Ambulances

Bombing UN Staff
Bombing Children ?
Because that is where Hamas is hiding?

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