CDZ Islamic terrorism - Why?



Defining terrorism as attacks against unarmed civilians for the purposes of this thread, not attacks against armed military forces, armed police or armed militia of any sort.

One thing of note is the total ignorance of why terrorist attacks by Islamic groups has risen since around 1970. Before that time there was a little bit of extremism, all pretty much confined to bits of the middle east, but that was really it.

We now see many attacks all over the world, so perhaps it would be a good idea to explore the reasons for these, but leaving behind all the baggage of hate in order to come to real conclusions based on history and logic.
There's always a reason they commit their stupidity that can be traced back to other events.

Can we explore the history of Islamic terrorism post 1945, and work out the reasons it has expanded so much since that time?

My house is on fire. Should I call the Fire Department or first read a book on the history of fire?
Islamic terrorism is disappointed that there is a lot Acts racial ideology in the world. Muslim countries base their military on Fascism and in the United States and France are very racists then there Nazism in British and Poland because they want to ask for this three nationalism they are very disappointed nationalism in half the world and want to find against them the not appreciate and I accept that although I partially like Islamic State ISIS . Then Moslem suffer more.
Defining terrorism as attacks against unarmed civilians for the purposes of this thread, not attacks against armed military forces, armed police or armed militia of any sort.

One thing of note is the total ignorance of why terrorist attacks by Islamic groups has risen since around 1970. Before that time there was a little bit of extremism, all pretty much confined to bits of the middle east, but that was really it.

We now see many attacks all over the world, so perhaps it would be a good idea to explore the reasons for these, but leaving behind all the baggage of hate in order to come to real conclusions based on history and logic.
There's always a reason they commit their stupidity that can be traced back to other events.

Can we explore the history of Islamic terrorism post 1945, and work out the reasons it has expanded so much since that time?


you make an excellent point, fred The people who can explain the actons of Omar
Mateen----are LOGICALLY----muslims. Of all people in the world---Muslims are a lot more likely to "KNOW" why muslims commit acts of terrorism ----MORE AND MORE--lately
Defining terrorism as attacks against unarmed civilians for the purposes of this thread, not attacks against armed military forces, armed police or armed militia of any sort.

One thing of note is the total ignorance of why terrorist attacks by Islamic groups has risen since around 1970. Before that time there was a little bit of extremism, all pretty much confined to bits of the middle east, but that was really it.

We now see many attacks all over the world, so perhaps it would be a good idea to explore the reasons for these, but leaving behind all the baggage of hate in order to come to real conclusions based on history and logic.
There's always a reason they commit their stupidity that can be traced back to other events.

Can we explore the history of Islamic terrorism post 1945, and work out the reasons it has expanded so much since that time?

The notion of ‘Islamic’ terrorism is problematic given the fact that the vast majority of those killed and injured by terrorism are Muslim.

Indeed, the notion of identifying terrorism as ‘Islamic’ is problematic given the fact that those who are Muslim and commit acts of terror ‘justified’ by their faith have nothing to do with Islam, as they have misappropriated and perverted the faith, and are in no way ‘representative’ of all Muslims and Islam as religious doctrine and dogma.

A good faith debate would instead focus on the causes of terrorism as a political, not religious, weapon, and ways to combat it in such a manner that does not demonize an entire faith and its adherents who in no way condone acts of terror and seek to bring about its end.
Defining terrorism as attacks against unarmed civilians for the purposes of this thread, not attacks against armed military forces, armed police or armed militia of any sort.

One thing of note is the total ignorance of why terrorist attacks by Islamic groups has risen since around 1970. Before that time there was a little bit of extremism, all pretty much confined to bits of the middle east, but that was really it.

We now see many attacks all over the world, so perhaps it would be a good idea to explore the reasons for these, but leaving behind all the baggage of hate in order to come to real conclusions based on history and logic.
There's always a reason they commit their stupidity that can be traced back to other events.

Can we explore the history of Islamic terrorism post 1945, and work out the reasons it has expanded so much since that time?

The notion of ‘Islamic’ terrorism is problematic given the fact that the vast majority of those killed and injured by terrorism are Muslim.

Indeed, the notion of identifying terrorism as ‘Islamic’ is problematic given the fact that those who are Muslim and commit acts of terror ‘justified’ by their faith have nothing to do with Islam, as they have misappropriated and perverted the faith, and are in no way ‘representative’ of all Muslims and Islam as religious doctrine and dogma.

A good faith debate would instead focus on the causes of terrorism as a political, not religious, weapon, and ways to combat it in such a manner that does not demonize an entire faith and its adherents who in no way condone acts of terror and seek to bring about its end.

why would terrorism that involves feuding Islamic sects upon each other---NOT be called
ISLAMIC TERRORISM-----it is, certainly as Islamic as were the historic fights between catholics and protestants ----CHRISTIAN war-fare. I do not see your point. Dead protestants AIN't DEAD from Christian terrorist upon Christians? Your interpretation of what islam allows is YOUR INTERPRETATION----muslim clerics have lauded people as MARTYRS who have committed what I CALL TERRORISM ---for those specific acts. I leave the interpretation of islam to Islamic clerics and scholars
Sweden and Norway two old Vikings countries.

Are Terrorists disapointed with this??
Which is Eric The Red??

he was a Viking----putatively from the place today called Norway-----he is thought to have touched on today's Iceland during his raiding parties by sea----or it may just be a legend (?).
CONAN was something like a Viking ---sorta
Islamic terrorism is caused by the cognitive dissonance that results from knuckle-dragging primitives being spoon-fed a supremacist ideology from birth.

They live squalid lives, uneducated and steeped in useless, ancient traditions while producing nothing of value to the world, yet their doctrine insists they reign above all. When they look around the world and notice that just about EVERYBODY is better than they are in every conceivable way, instead of taking stock of themselves, they simply lash out in a killing spree directed at those who remind them of their inferiority.
Islamic terrorism is caused by the cognitive dissonance that results from knuckle-dragging primitives being spoon-fed a supremacist ideology from birth.

They live squalid lives, uneducated and steeped in useless, ancient traditions while producing nothing of value to the world, yet their doctrine insists they reign above all. When they look around the world and notice that just about EVERYBODY is better than they are in every conceivable way, instead of taking stock of themselves, they simply lash out in a killing spree directed at those who remind them of their inferiority.

I do not agree with your theory of the origin of
Islamic terrorism. I hope some muslim person might supply a reason------to make it simple------why would a muslim of afghani parentage SHOOT UP a night club ---which also just happened to be a gay place?
Defining terrorism as attacks against unarmed civilians for the purposes of this thread, not attacks against armed military forces, armed police or armed militia of any sort.

One thing of note is the total ignorance of why terrorist attacks by Islamic groups has risen since around 1970. Before that time there was a little bit of extremism, all pretty much confined to bits of the middle east, but that was really it.

We now see many attacks all over the world, so perhaps it would be a good idea to explore the reasons for these, but leaving behind all the baggage of hate in order to come to real conclusions based on history and logic.
There's always a reason they commit their stupidity that can be traced back to other events.

Can we explore the history of Islamic terrorism post 1945, and work out the reasons it has expanded so much since that time?

The notion of ‘Islamic’ terrorism is problematic given the fact that the vast majority of those killed and injured by terrorism are Muslim.

Indeed, the notion of identifying terrorism as ‘Islamic’ is problematic given the fact that those who are Muslim and commit acts of terror ‘justified’ by their faith have nothing to do with Islam, as they have misappropriated and perverted the faith, and are in no way ‘representative’ of all Muslims and Islam as religious doctrine and dogma.

A good faith debate would instead focus on the causes of terrorism as a political, not religious, weapon, and ways to combat it in such a manner that does not demonize an entire faith and its adherents who in no way condone acts of terror and seek to bring about its end.


I think the problem is less what is causing terrorism, then what is making extremism so appealing to some?

Religions and guns have something in common - they are tools. And like any tools they can be misused by individuals or groups. People seem to think that Islam is uniquely violent, but it isn't - at least historically. They seem to think that Islam has uniquely violent passages that represent the "true" faith. All the religions "of the Book" have a shit load of violence, sanctioned rape, murder of entire peoples and even pedophilia. So Islam is not unique in any of those aspects.

Therefore why is extremism so appealing and to what groups is it appealing to? ISIS is veyr sophisticated in it's marketing of violence.
Islamic terrorism is caused by the cognitive dissonance that results from knuckle-dragging primitives being spoon-fed a supremacist ideology from birth.

They live squalid lives, uneducated and steeped in useless, ancient traditions while producing nothing of value to the world, yet their doctrine insists they reign above all. When they look around the world and notice that just about EVERYBODY is better than they are in every conceivable way, instead of taking stock of themselves, they simply lash out in a killing spree directed at those who remind them of their inferiority.

I do not agree with your theory of the origin of
Islamic terrorism. I hope some muslim person might supply a reason------to make it simple------why would a muslim of afghani parentage SHOOT UP a night club ---which also just happened to be a gay place?

Islamists are against nationalism and will do killer to these.
Islamic terrorism is caused by the cognitive dissonance that results from knuckle-dragging primitives being spoon-fed a supremacist ideology from birth.

They live squalid lives, uneducated and steeped in useless, ancient traditions while producing nothing of value to the world, yet their doctrine insists they reign above all. When they look around the world and notice that just about EVERYBODY is better than they are in every conceivable way, instead of taking stock of themselves, they simply lash out in a killing spree directed at those who remind them of their inferiority.

I do not agree with your theory of the origin of
Islamic terrorism. I hope some muslim person might supply a reason------to make it simple------why would a muslim of afghani parentage SHOOT UP a night club ---which also just happened to be a gay place?

Islamists are against nationalism and will do killer to these.

I do not understand your response-----I cannot discuss this issue in the CLEAN DEBATE ZONE------It is my opinion that this thread should be moved to a site more OPENED to actual debate
Nationalism is every nations in western to celebrite there nation tradition.
But maybe Nazis have most enemy in world. Call in Bosnia Nationalists.


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