Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

I know. They sought sanctuary in Palestine and proceeded to abuse and demonize the Arab population that had been there for 2500 years.
Islamo nazi propaganda is SO CUTE-----Jews had been in what was loosely
known as "arabia" for more than 2500 years before the rapist of mecca
was born and small remnants did survive the muslim conquests and
and crusades. ----THE RAPIST enacted a COMPREHENSIVE GENOCIDE which is called HOLY & ok.......according to
islamo nazi propaganda. As for "arabs" in Palestine----very few of that
nomadic unwashed illiterate group did manage to migrate to parts of
the southern part of Israel and the Sinai----then the GLORIOUS AGE OF
"ARABS" dirt poor dregs of the empire migrated to the developing
ZIONIST PROJECT, the most recent kicked off in 1800-----and THAT became the arabs who recently got informed that they are "palestinians"
and they OWN the place by islamic legal aquisition---to wit---rape and
pillage----according to the NOBLE KHARAHAN
Islamo nazi propaganda is SO CUTE-----Jews had been in what was loosely
known as "arabia" for more than 2500 years before the rapist of mecca
was born and small remnants did survive the muslim conquests and
and crusades. ----THE RAPIST enacted a COMPREHENSIVE GENOCIDE which is called HOLY & ok.......according to
islamo nazi propaganda. As for "arabs" in Palestine----very few of that
nomadic unwashed illiterate group did manage to migrate to parts of
the southern part of Israel and the Sinai----then the GLORIOUS AGE OF
"ARABS" dirt poor dregs of the empire migrated to the developing
ZIONIST PROJECT, the most recent kicked off in 1800-----and THAT became the arabs who recently got informed that they are "palestinians"
and they OWN the place by islamic legal aquisition---to wit---rape and
pillage----according to the NOBLE KHARAHAN

The population of the Arabian peninsula was quite small. The Jews were from Jericho and had been there less than 400 years. Are you going to claim land in Arabia now?
Nope. Zionists wanted all of Palestine to be free of Arabs just like Hitler wanted to get rid of the Jews.
try again----the grand genocider is Muhummad and his minions----TENS OF
MILLIONS of zoroastrians, and christians and hindus and murdered
subsaharan slaves, etc. and counting (jews too----but of lesser numbers
because of the help from Romans and crusaders) Your people decided to
do a typical islamic driveby----and shot up a bus<<<< that's how the sunnis
in Pakistan EMULATE AL NABI in their quest to get rid of shiites. Some
things never change. CELBRATING?
The population of the Arabian peninsula was quite small. The Jews were from Jericho and had been there less than 400 years. Are you going to claim land in Arabia now?
I have a better claim to land in arabia than any muslim has in JERUSALEM
which was overrun by the unwashed illiterate rapist pig---ABU BAKR in the
the seventh century AD. Jews had already been in arabia for more than 15
centuries before that animal showed up. Uhm---my hubby---community
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for the record----please note that SURADIE grabs NARROW PARAMETERS---
In this case she alludes to the numbers of jews on the WASTELAND which
had been the ARABIAN PENNINSULA-----absolutely NOT the whole of what
is classically ARABIA which includes not only the area SAUDI ARABIA which
got rich when Europeans discovered OIL THERE---but also some NON arid
hopeless wasteland deserts LIKE YEMEN where jews had a vibrant literate
culture for almost 2000 years BEFORE the rapist of Mecca was born.
It is an islamo nazi technique a la GOEBBELS and HIS ISLAMO NAZI FRIEND
islamo nazi propagandaist ALOIS BRUNNER-----there were jews even in
various parts of todays' 'saudi arabia' ----until they were GENOCIDED
out of existence ----for the glory of the rapist and allah
Nope. Zionists wanted all of Palestine to be free of Arabs just like Hitler wanted to get rid of the Jews.
All of what was Palestine was less than one percent of Arab land. Let the Jews have it, and tell the Palestinians to move elsewhere in the Arab world.
All of what was Palestine was less than one percent of Arab land. Let the Jews have it, and tell the Palestinians to move elsewhere in the Arab world.
that's not how islam works-----it comes with a "LAW". You might
just as well tell adolf that he doesn't own Poland
that's not how islam works-----it comes with a "LAW". You might
just as well tell adolf that he doesn't own Poland
This is what the Koran says about the right of the Children of Israel to the Land of Israel:

Surah V:20 And (remember) when Moses said unto his people: O my people! Remember Allah’s favoour unto you, how he placed among you Prophets, and He made you kings, and gave you that (which) He gave not to any (other) creatures. O my people! Go into the holy land which Allah hath ordained for you. Turn not in flight, for surely ye turn back as losers.

Surah XVII:104 And we said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land, but when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass, we shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various nations.
This is what the Koran says about the right of the Children of Israel to the Land of Israel:

Surah V:20 And (remember) when Moses said unto his people: O my people! Remember Allah’s favoour unto you, how he placed among you Prophets, and He made you kings, and gave you that (which) He gave not to any (other) creatures. O my people! Go into the holy land which Allah hath ordained for you. Turn not in flight, for surely ye turn back as losers.

Surah XVII:104 And we said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land, but when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass, we shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various nations.
you do not understand how islam works-----At the time that the big MO
said---something like "jews should go back to where they came from" ---
he just wanted to get rid of the people who refused to kiSS his #%^#.
Later on jews really ANNOYED him for failing to kiss his.......... . There is a
principle of islamic "INTERPRETATION"-----which is ---what is said
later by THE BIG TIME HOLY GUY counts more than that which he said
before. By now the Ayatoilets advise without a qualm KILL THEM ALL!!
Islamo nazi propaganda is SO CUTE-----Jews had been in what was loosely
known as "arabia" for more than 2500 years before the rapist of mecca
was born and small remnants did survive the muslim conquests and
and crusades. ----THE RAPIST enacted a COMPREHENSIVE GENOCIDE which is called HOLY & ok.......according to
islamo nazi propaganda. As for "arabs" in Palestine----very few of that
nomadic unwashed illiterate group did manage to migrate to parts of
the southern part of Israel and the Sinai----then the GLORIOUS AGE OF
"ARABS" dirt poor dregs of the empire migrated to the developing
ZIONIST PROJECT, the most recent kicked off in 1800-----and THAT became the arabs who recently got informed that they are "palestinians"
and they OWN the place by islamic legal aquisition---to wit---rape and
pillage----according to the NOBLE KHARAHAN

For the record----note in the post above by suradie she claims in sum and
substance "JEWS SOUGHT SANCTUARY in 'arab lands' " the implication
being "arabs are so damned nice to jews" ----nope---not by a long shot.
Jews migrated like other humans migrate----in search of---well......where
to make a living-----which back then meant the SILK ROAD. More than
1000 years before the rapist of mecca was born-----jews were already
writing about the wonders of India
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"Allah's Messenger was on a journey and he had a black slave called Anjasha, and he was driving the camels (very fast, and there were women riding on those camels). Allah's Messenger said, "Waihaka (May Allah be merciful to you), O Anjasha! Drive slowly (the camels) with the glass vessels (women)!"

Source: Sahih al-Bukhari 6161, Book 78, Hadith 187
Mohammed’s last words before he died:
"O Lord, k_ _ l the Jews and Christians."

Source: Hadith Muwatta Imam Malik, 511:1588

Islam teaches that Mohammed’s later teachings take priority over his older teachings. The later the teaching, the greater it is. Therefore, Muslims must believe that Mohammed’s last words were his most important words.

Though it might not have canonical status as Kutub al-Sittah (six collections of hadith), the Muwatta is highly regarded in Sunni Islam.
Mohammed’s last words before he died:
"O Lord, k_ _ l the Jews and Christians."

Source: Hadith Muwatta Imam Malik, 511:1588

Islam teaches that Mohammed’s later teachings take priority over his older teachings. The later the teaching, the greater it is. Therefore, Muslims must believe that Mohammed’s last words were his most important words.

Though it might not have canonical status as Kutub al-Sittah (six collections of hadith), the Muwatta is highly regarded in Sunni Islam.
Ria----I read the koran at age 20----a copy of PICKTHALL fell into my hands (people donated old books to the hospital in which I had a little college time clerical job). I leafed thru the book and noticed lots of reference to JOOOOS -----so my interest was sparked. I was very surprised (considering what muslims in that hospital told me about what a JEW
is) that the book did speak of jews indicating that the BIG MO thought
they should GO HOME. I thought----'gee---the muslims of the world did not read this part' (PS---I was 20 LONG AGO----the "koran" was an unknown in the USA back then)
Nope. Zionists wanted all of Palestine to be free of Arabs just like Hitler wanted to get rid of the Jews.
so what are they waiting for? A few strategically placed nuclear bombs
should do it ---OR BETTER YET-----impose the disgusting filth of shariah
or even MORE DISGUSTING FILTH of canon law on all available arabs---that
would DO IT. The islamo nazi saint-pig ADOLF DID IT almost successfully
Ria----I read the koran at age 20----a copy of PICKTHALL fell into my hands (people donated old books to the hospital in which I had a little college time clerical job). I leafed thru the book and noticed lots of reference to JOOOOS -----so my interest was sparked. I was very surprised (considering what muslims in that hospital told me about what a JEW
is) that the book did speak of jews indicating that the BIG MO thought
they should GO HOME. I thought----'gee---the muslims of the world did not read this part' (PS---I was 20 LONG AGO----the "koran" was an unknown in the USA back then)
Dr Rose -- greatest respect for those who heal the body and plumb the mind. The RAMBAM, one of the smartest person ever, was a physician.
Dr Vikram Sampath cites William Durant on the Islamic conquest of India | "The bloodiest chapter in human history."

Ria----I read the koran at age 20----a copy of PICKTHALL fell into my hands (people donated old books to the hospital in which I had a little college time clerical job). I leafed thru the book and noticed lots of reference to JOOOOS -----so my interest was sparked. I was very surprised (considering what muslims in that hospital told me about what a JEW
is) that the book did speak of jews indicating that the BIG MO thought
they should GO HOME. I thought----'gee---the muslims of the world did not read this part' (PS---I was 20 LONG AGO----the "koran" was an unknown in the USA back then)

The following passages come from a translation of the Koran made by Marmaduke Pickthall, an English convert to Islam.

Surah V:20 And (remember) when Moses said unto his people: O my people! Remember Allah’s favoour unto you, how he placed among you Prophets, and He made you kings, and gave you that (which) He gave not to any (other) creatures. O my people! Go into the holy land which Allah hath ordained for you. Turn not in flight, for surely ye turn back as losers.

Surah XVII:104 And we said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land, but when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass, we shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various nations.
Why is Israel so eager to go into the Arab countries?
That’s not a true question.

Now….Why are Arabs so eager to wipe Israel into the sea? Why do the Islamic terrorists attack the Jewish country unprovoked? Why are Muslim children taight to hate Jews? THESE are questions.

P.S. Look at a map of the Middle East.
How does that contradict what I wrote? If Israel can separate the Palestinians from the rest of the Arab world it will be possible to destroy the Palestinian terrorist organizations, deport the Palestinians, and settle the conquered land with Jews. I hope Israel achieves that.
That was what Trump was doing - to an extent of course. By achieving diplomatic agreements between Arab countries and Israel, eventually the hold-out would be Iran and the Palestinians they fund. They would no longer be a threat to Israel as they would be seen as pariahs in a sea of decent Arab countries.

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