ISIS has us right where they want us.

Yep, we're afraid. But that fear is towards our leadership in Washington not towards any cowardly raghead punks.
I agree. The President and the entire Congress, Dem and GOP and Ind, has to be replaced with true Americans.
Our far right and hard conservative "patriots" are cowards. We have all know that for a long time. Those of age will not join the services.
has any dem ever said anything that you didn't agree with? ever
:lol: Talk to Skylar and PMH and rdean and my friends stats and Derideo Te, etc, and ask them if I every disagree with them. Pay attention.
Thinking Error: Rallying peers
Yes, I suggest you do that. Your argument just got blown out of the water. Hint: your rallying the far right will only sink your row boat.
so, being against the gops stance of vetting the refugees isn't the same as letting them in.

no one is that fucking dumb, except maybe you

I have yet to post anything at all on that DUMBASS. Neither in this thread nor anywhere else.

What the fuck is a "gops"? Learn to write too. I cut the rest of your post off as it's inchoate drivel. Get yourself a bib.
2 Dumbs is the master of the dumb post.

Apparently he got the economy keyboard too -- the one without punctuation or a shift key. :lol:
so, being against the gops stance of vetting the refugees isn't the same as letting them in.

no one is that fucking dumb, except maybe you

I have yet to post anything at all on that DUMBASS. Neither in this thread nor anywhere else.

What the fuck is a "gops"? Learn to write too. I cut the rest of your post off as it's inchoate drivel. Get yourself a bib.
2 Dumbs is the master of the dumb post.
In your case, its' 2 nuts in a shell.
With the usual instant knee-jerk response to terror, all of our " patriots" are doing exactly what those bastards want us to do .... BE AFRAID !!!!

and why not? We are helping them draw more martyrs and sympathizers to the terrorist cause. Because of all the candy ass RW's making ISIS so damn great they get stronger .... .

And they bitch about Obama making ISIS political.

Oh piss off. It doesn't matter to ISIS a damn what Americans say or do. Give your head a shake and understand that long before the discussion of refugees coming in Obama's JVT had become the biggest, bad ass terrorists on the planet and the wealthiest.

You don't have a clue what you are babbling on about.
Our far right and hard conservative "patriots" are cowards. We have all know that for a long time. Those of age will not join the services.
has any dem ever said anything that you didn't agree with? ever
:lol: Talk to Skylar and PMH and rdean and my friends stats and Derideo Te, etc, and ask them if I every disagree with them. Pay attention.
Thinking Error: Rallying peers
Yes, I suggest you do that. Your argument just got blown out of the water. Hint: your rallying the far right will only sink your row boat.
Have you told the forum that you really don't live in Texas? That your place of residence is Blackfoot South?
With the usual instant knee-jerk response to terror, all of our " patriots" are doing exactly what those bastards want us to do .... BE AFRAID !!!!

and why not? We are helping them draw more martyrs and sympathizers to the terrorist cause. Because of all the candy ass RW's making ISIS so damn great they get stronger .... .

And they bitch about Obama making ISIS political.


Big difference between being afraid and being proactive.

ISIS needs to get over here to spread fear and some aren't interested in making it easier for them. The terrorists have always hid behind women, children and any innocent people. They are the cowards. We could help a lot more refugees by not relocating them and it would be more cost effective. Obama's plan favors ISIS.

The Obama administration should be spending time coming up with a better way to vet them instead of insulting people for caring about national security.
Oh, that's just the half of it, it gets even BETTER for them.

There's another group who won't even call them by what they are, because they're so afraid they'll hurt their feelings or get them angry.

The same group mocks other Americans who have reasonable concerns about security, as French families are burying their loved ones.

And get this: The same group is so desperate to deflect for them, that it equates what ISIS is doing to modern day Christianity! True story!

Yeah, they must be yucking it up right now, no shit.

Name some names of Americans who are defending ISIS, and prove they are doing so.
When the ISIS Boogeyman is gone, you can bet they'll invent a new Boogeyman. Permanant War is the goal for some very powerful elites. They'll always have a Boogeyman for the People to fear and hate. ISIS is just their latest flavor of the week.
Why doesn't the left understand that the lives of Americans are just as precious as the lives of refugees. It's like the lack of security at the borders. Yes, many deserve our help, but we don't do near enough to keep out those who would do us harm. It is important and pretending the danger doesn't exist doesn't make it go away.

When the ISIS Boogeyman is gone, you can bet they'll invent a new Boogeyman. Permanant War is the goal for some very powerful elites. They'll always have a Boogeyman for the People to fear and hate. ISIS is just their latest flavor of the week.
ISIS a boogeyman? The boogeyman is fake. Are you claiming ISIS doesn't exist..?

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
ISIS a boogeyman? The boogeyman is fake. Are you claiming ISIS doesn't exist..?

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Of course. All those beheaded Christians, gays and other infidels weren't real. It was a bad dream. Now wake up and welcome the refugees, who aren't vetted, into your neighborhood.

The only way ISIS will have us where they want us is when we pay their way and willingly let them into our country. Meanwhile, they will continue trying to sneak through the southern border or pose as refugees with fake passports. Much easier if we just put them on a plane headed to the U.S. They'll come anyway, but will get a bigger laugh if the infidels invite them to kill us.

Syrians trying to sneak in, some had fake passports. Some refugees living here in the U.S. have already been arrested here for helping or joining ISIS. FBI is investigating ISIS terrorists in all 50 states. Hell, just open up the border and forget IDs and background checks. Waste of time anyway since most aren't on the radar.
When the ISIS Boogeyman is gone, you can bet they'll invent a new Boogeyman. Permanant War is the goal for some very powerful elites. They'll always have a Boogeyman for the People to fear and hate. ISIS is just their latest flavor of the week.
ISIS a boogeyman? The boogeyman is fake. Are you claiming ISIS doesn't exist..?

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Oh, it does exist. And it was created by those who are now supposedly trying to eliminate it. ISIS is a U.S./Saudi/British creation. A result of their meddling in Syria's Civil War. It's their Frankenstein. And when this Frankenstein is gone, they'll create a new one. Some very powerful elites want Permanant War. It's very sad.
Only the far right freaks are saying everyone else does not want to vet the refugees.

In fact, the far right lies.

All Americans right and left and center want them vetted carefully.

"In 2013, ABC News reported that “several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States as war refugees” in 2009.

“An intelligence tip initially led the FBI to Waad Ramadan Alwan, 32, in 2009. The Iraqi had claimed to be a refugee who faced persecution back home — a story that shattered when the FBI found his fingerprints on a cordless phone base that U.S. soldiers dug up in a gravel pile south of Bayji, Iraq on Sept. 1, 2005. The phone base had been wired to unexploded bombs buried in a nearby road.

As a result of that case and dozens of others, the report indicates that the U.S. cleaned up its vetting process in 2011, but not after putting the refugee program on hold for six months:

“An ABC News investigation of the flawed U.S. refugee screening system, which was overhauled two years ago, showed that Alwan was mistakenly allowed into the U.S…. Alwan and another Iraqi refugee, Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, 26, were resettled in Bowling Green even though both had been detained during the war by Iraqi authorities, according to federal prosecutors.”

Still, the head of the House Committee on Homeland Security Mike McCaul said he wouldn’t be surprised if there were more out there:

“And these are trained terrorists in the art of bombmaking that are inside the United States; and quite frankly, from a homeland security perspective, that really concerns me.”

The ABC report seems to demonstrate that American citizens have well founded fears of the U.S. government’s lack of competence in vetting people who say they’re refugees — especially when there’s little information.

The New York Daily News reports that “2000 terror suspects have bought guns legally in the U.S.,” which would appear to be a problem in the cross referencing and vetting process."

When Media Push for US to Allow Syrian Refugees, They Should Recall This Chilling Report from 2013

"The FBI does not have a way to properly vet incoming Syrian refugees and the Federal Bureau of Investigation said so at a House Homeland Security committee hearing in February."

"“Screening these refugees is not a task to be taken lightly,” McCaul and others wrote to the president at the time. “As we saw with previous Iraqi refugees…the lack of a thorough security screening process can result in individuals with terrorist ties exploiting the refugee program to resettle in the U.S. homeland.”

Flashback: FBI – No Way To Vet Incoming Syrian Refugees [VIDEO]

What Officials in Central America Just Found on Syrian Refugees Raises Alarming Questions for the US
When the ISIS Boogeyman is gone, you can bet they'll invent a new Boogeyman. Permanant War is the goal for some very powerful elites. They'll always have a Boogeyman for the People to fear and hate. ISIS is just their latest flavor of the week.
ISIS a boogeyman? The boogeyman is fake. Are you claiming ISIS doesn't exist..?

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Oh, it does exist. And it was created by those who are now supposedly trying to eliminate it. ISIS is a U.S./Saudi/British creation. A result of their meddling in Syria's Civil War. It's their Frankenstein. And when this Frankenstein is gone, they'll create a new one. Some very powerful elites want Permanant War. It's very sad.

Ok, so you admit they exist.
Next up,

"They'll always have a boogeyman for the people to hate and fear"

So, are "they" (elites, in your words) responsible for the Syrian refugees (M.E. Christians, French citizens, etc..) hate and fear of ISIS, or are ISIS actions (beheadings, bombings, burnings, etc...) responsible for that hate and fear?

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
When the ISIS Boogeyman is gone, you can bet they'll invent a new Boogeyman. Permanant War is the goal for some very powerful elites. They'll always have a Boogeyman for the People to fear and hate. ISIS is just their latest flavor of the week.

Sadly on this one, our leaders created a solid up and down the line real boogeyman. I've never seen the likes of these bastards. The horror of their atrocities are beyond. My good Lord in heaven they slaughtered almost 1700 freaking Iraqi recruits over a three day period.

It was so bad.

And that's just one of their nightmares that have been unleashed on society with Obama and other western leaders turning a blind eye to ISIS existence power and prestige all because these sons of bastards called our leaders want Assad gone.
Our far right and hard conservative "patriots" are cowards. We have all know that for a long time. Those of age will not join the services.
Just curious out of those of age who have joined the military how do you know their political party affiliation?

The majority of the military has traditionally voted Republican. No surprise that there were so many screw ups that caused their votes not to be counted on many election years.
Our far right and hard conservative "patriots" are cowards. We have all know that for a long time. Those of age will not join the services.
has any dem ever said anything that you didn't agree with? ever
:lol: Talk to Skylar and PMH and rdean and my friends stats and Derideo Te, etc, and ask them if I ever disagree with them. Pay attention.

I agreed with Dark Fury today.
Please link the time you disagreed with anything obama said

I know you support the aca
are anti-second

I've read your posts, and not once have you made a stand for America or freedom, you always support the (D).

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