ISIS has us right where they want us.

When the ISIS Boogeyman is gone, you can bet they'll invent a new Boogeyman. Permanant War is the goal for some very powerful elites. They'll always have a Boogeyman for the People to fear and hate. ISIS is just their latest flavor of the week.
ISIS a boogeyman? The boogeyman is fake. Are you claiming ISIS doesn't exist..?

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Oh, it does exist. And it was created by those who are now supposedly trying to eliminate it. ISIS is a U.S./Saudi/British creation. A result of their meddling in Syria's Civil War. It's their Frankenstein. And when this Frankenstein is gone, they'll create a new one. Some very powerful elites want Permanant War. It's very sad.

Ok, so you admit they exist.
Next up,

"They'll always have a boogeyman for the people to hate and fear"

So, are "they" (elites, in your words) responsible for the Syrian refugees (M.E. Christians, French citizens, etc..) hate and fear of ISIS, or are ISIS actions (beheadings, bombings, burnings, etc...) responsible for that hate and fear?

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Yes, the Western elites are responsible. They had no right meddling in Syria's Civil War. Declaring 'Regime Change' is illegal. If there was a credible International Justice System, the U.S. and others in the West would be held accountable.

The Western and Saudi funding & arming of groups in Syria led to the creation of ISIS. The U.S. especially, has set the Middle East ablaze. It's created so much horrific carnage over there. It's time for the U.S. to stop the meddling and go home. It's done enough damage over there.
When the ISIS Boogeyman is gone, you can bet they'll invent a new Boogeyman. Permanant War is the goal for some very powerful elites. They'll always have a Boogeyman for the People to fear and hate. ISIS is just their latest flavor of the week.

Sadly on this one, our leaders created a solid up and down the line real boogeyman. I've never seen the likes of these bastards. The horror of their atrocities are beyond. My good Lord in heaven they slaughtered almost 1700 freaking Iraqi recruits over a three day period.

It was so bad.

And that's just one of their nightmares that have been unleashed on society with Obama and other western leaders turning a blind eye to ISIS existence power and prestige all because these sons of bastards called our leaders want Assad gone.

Yes, the West and the Saudis decided on 'Regime Change.' It's an illegal act. Those countries should be held accountable. They had no right meddling in Syria's Civil War. In fact, they're the ones who caused it in the first place. They funded & armed many groups there. And one of those groups was ISIS.

Assad was never a threat. Yet they decided to kill him. The U.S./West are responsible for the bloody carnage we're currently seeing in the Middle East. They need to stop the meddling.
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