Is Trump America's Last Chance?

When you send your money back to mexico with plans on retiring there it's much cheaper.
And of course these people dont spend that money in America so it screws us in tax dollars.


First, Mexicans come across every day, legally, to shop and to work.
Second, Mexicans pay the very same taxes you and I do.
Third, Mexicans DO spend US-earned money in the US.

You're full of shit.
Remittance sent back to mexico from the U.S. is the second largest income in mexico next to PEMEX.
Where talking anywhere from 24 billion to 50 billion a year depending who you ask.

"... depending on who you ask". LOL

THIS is why I just don't bother with RWNJs.

Or, do you have a link to where I wrote that Mexicans do not send money home?

Read what I wrote.

And none of that changes the fact that Trumpery hires illegals and foreigners and sends his own business to China, Mexico and Bangladesh. Why do the RWNJ traitors want those jobs to go to other countries instead of to Americans?

You liberals are always saying states like Texas arent paying their fair share in taxes...maybe if you stopped encouraging illegal immigration and remittance sent back to beaner town without being taxed you'd have nothing to whine about.
More unintended consequences liberals never see coming.

Where do you fools get this stuff?

First, the number of illegals coming from the south is now close to zero.
Second, illegals pay the very same taxes you and I do.
Third, Texasss does indeed get way too much of my tax dollar.
Fourth, you need to understand where illegals actually come from and why they come. That's not going to happen so -


Dont try and tell me about something I've seen with my own eyes.
I agree with you. I look at it this way, The party elites of both Parties hate him, our enemies fear him, and everything he says is about putting America and Americans first. He is the anti-Obama and totally non PC and cannot be bought. What's the problem? Those are great reasons to elect Trump. As you pointed out it's been decades since we've had an America first President. It's time.
Why I voted for him.
I have lost a lot of money to people who can't even speak english under bidding me.

Let me make sure I'm understanding you correctly.

Are you saying that you voted for Trump because you want the government to subsidize your inefficient business?
Americans shouldn't have to compete with third worlders for cost of living incomes.
This may sound crazy to the MSM zombies, but let me make the case. It appears that our choices for President in November will be between a corrupt Democrat and a populist Republican.
You can't even go two sentences without lying.
What's the lie? Trump is a Populist, and Hillary is corrupt.
Is Hillary any more "corrupt" than any other candidate? Or practically any other member of Congress?
This may sound crazy to the MSM zombies, but let me make the case. It appears that our choices for President in November will be between a corrupt Democrat and a populist Republican.
You can't even go two sentences without lying.
What's the lie? Trump is a Populist, and Hillary is corrupt.
Is Hillary any more "corrupt" than any other candidate? Or practically any other member of Congress?
This may sound crazy to the MSM zombies, but let me make the case. It appears that our choices for President in November will be between a corrupt Democrat and a populist Republican.
You can't even go two sentences without lying.
What's the lie? Trump is a Populist, and Hillary is corrupt.
Is Hillary any more "corrupt" than any other candidate? Or practically any other member of Congress?
It started with her job at Watergate. She has no principles, no morals. Ends justifies the means, her ends. It's rare when other politicians go as far as she has. Another example would be Sharpton, and Rev Jackson, both of them. They have no honor.
This may sound crazy to the MSM zombies, but let me make the case. It appears that our choices for President in November will be between a corrupt Democrat and a populist Republican. (It is doubtful that a socialist or a religious conservative will be nominated, much less elected.) This comes after eight years each of a morally bankrupt Democrat, a militaristic Republican and a radical Democrat. As a result, we have become a divided nation which is paralyzed by cynicism and distrust of our government.

I am fearful that another Clinton presidency would institutionalize partisan politics in ways not seen since Reconstruction, where party affiliation and monetary rewards are the only measures of merit. In contrast, Donald Trump is almost nonpartisan in his approach to problems and virtually immune from monetary influence. In addition, his preference for negotiation in setting national policy means that he would not be inclined to rule by Executive Order.

Even if he is a failure as President, could that be any worse than the institutionalized corruption that would be guaranteed by Hillary's election? Shouldn't we give America a chance to restore its greatness?

I think I would suggest, if I were your editor, the opening statement should be re-written to reflect the actual state of public opinion in America today. Something like this would be more appropriate, "This may sound crazy to the majority of American voters..."
Not just my opinion. The latest poll I could find (CBS/NYT Dated today Mar.21st.) says Trump's unfavorable rating is at 57%... His favorable rating is at a basement dwelling 24% .,the lowest rating since the stat. has been tracked . Lower than Hillary's even.

And I keep hearing something along these lines Obama is "a radical Democrat." Usually it's a much more irrational accusation. He's a Communist, a Communist Muslim, or a Kenyan Communist Muslim. And from the craziest of crazies, "He's a Kenyan Communist Muslim Isis sympathizer." What he really is is a middle of the road Democrat, a corporatist in Economic terms, a Liberal in social terms.I defy anybody to prove me wrong. Show me something that he's done or tried to do that a rational observer would classify as "radical". And please, please don't try to push the meme that Obamacare is a radical move to the left. I'm a Canadian, I see Obamacare for what it is - A Corporate friendly and pitifully inadequate attempt to provide decent Health Care at reasonable cost to Americans. I've heard the Mega -Rich Insurance Industries and Big Pharma love it though.

I'd love to see evidence Obama is a radical. I was desperately hoping he would be. Just what America needs to save it from the greedy grasp of out-of-control Capitalism and the blood thirsty never ending war loving neocon chickenhawks.

I am fearful that another Clinton presidency would institutionalize partisan politics in ways not seen since Reconstruction, where party affiliation and monetary rewards are the only measures of merit.

Oh Man, are you fucking kidding me? "institutionalize(d) partisan politics" "party affiliation" "monetary rewards" That's all Republican party 101. Come on, who's doing all the stumping for "tax breaks for the job creators". Jesus do you still buy that big lie? They're creating fucking jobs overseas where they can pay slave labor rates to exploited labor who manufacture crap then exported back to American consumers and then export the profits from that theft to offshore tax havens. Pure Republican "Trickle down". Haven't you felt it dripping down your neck? I got to go, when I get worked up over this shit my blood pressure goes wonkey.
Trump will be the end of the middle class.

Middle class wages are the number one problem faced by the middle class. Trump has already stated that he will do nothing about it.

Yeah..other than fix the trade imbalance and bring work back to America.

Oh you mean dismantle all the Walmarts , Home Depot and Lowes? Because that would be the only way to re-train Americans to buy American made products.

Or will Trump just wave his magic wand?

I'm perfectly willing to pay more for American about you?

You mean you're not doing so already?
It started with her job at Watergate. She has no principles, no morals.
Tell us what was corrupt about her job relating to Watergate.
Zeifman’s 2006 book, “Hillary’s Pursuit of Power,” states that she “… engaged in a variety of self-serving unethical practices in violation of House rules.”

On his now-shuttered website, Zeifman said, “Hillary Clinton is ethically unfit to be either a senator or president — and if she were to become president, the last vestiges of the traditional moral authority of the party of Roosevelt, Truman and Johnson will be destroyed.”

Specifically, Zeifman contends that Rodham and others wanted Richard Nixon to remain in office to bolster the chances of Sen. Ted Kennedy or another Democrat being elected president.

Zeifman said that in 1974 a young lawyer who shared an office with Clinton came to him to apologize that he and Clinton had lied to him. The lawyer, John Labovitz, is quoted as saying that he was dismayed with “… her erroneous legal opinions and efforts to deny Nixon representation by counsel — as well as an unwillingness to investigate Nixon.”

Zeifman charges that Rodham regularly consulted with Ted Kennedy’s chief political strategist, a violation of House rules.
Fact Check: Was Hillary Clinton fired from Watergate investigation?
I think I would suggest, if I were your editor, the opening statement should be re-written to reflect the actual state of public opinion in America today. Something like this would be more appropriate, "This may sound crazy to the majority of American voters..."

The "majority of American voters" have been MSM zombies for the past 50 years, but this is rapidly changing. As to your literary delusions of grandeur, try doubling up on your meds.
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Trump will be the end of the middle class.

Middle class wages are the number one problem faced by the middle class. Trump has already stated that he will do nothing about it.

Yeah..other than fix the trade imbalance and bring work back to America.

Yeah..other than fix the trade imbalance and bring work back to America.

Trump won't release his financial records. How do you know he doesn't invest in companies that add to the trade imbalance?
The world doesn't need another apocalyptic cult. Read some history, and take a :chillpill:
I agree with you. I look at it this way, The party elites of both Parties hate him, our enemies fear him, and everything he says is about putting America and Americans first. He is the anti-Obama and totally non PC and cannot be bought. What's the problem? Those are great reasons to elect Trump. As you pointed out it's been decades since we've had an America first President. It's time.
Why I voted for him.
I have lost a lot of money to people who can't even speak english under bidding me.

Let me make sure I'm understanding you correctly.

Are you saying that you voted for Trump because you want the government to subsidize your inefficient business?

When you send your money back to mexico with plans on retiring there it's much cheaper.
And of course these people dont spend that money in America so it screws us in tax dollars.

When you send your money back to mexico with plans on retiring there it's much cheaper.

Any third world country is cheaper, but not as cheap due to BushCo financial irresponsibility.

And of course these people dont spend that money in America so it screws us in tax dollars.

Your saying that 'these people' don't buy things in the US? Did you know that in 2012, 'illegals' paid $11.8B in State and local taxes?

Study Finds Illegal Immigrants Pay $11.8B in Taxes
I think I would suggest, if I were your editor, the opening statement should be re-written to reflect the actual state of public opinion in America today. Something like this would be more appropriate, "This may sound crazy to the majority of American voters..."

The "majority of American voters" have been MSM zombies for the past 50 years, but this is rapidly changing. As to your literary delusions of grandeur, try doubling your meds.

Whatever you are calling my "literary delusions of grandeur," (I assume you mean my attempt to communicate facts and ideas in clear and concise English, in contrast to your garbled scenario that doesn't once touch base with reality?) whatever delusions I have they definitely pale in the shadow of your delusions of Political acuity. Try reducing your meds below hallucination inducing levels. Another piece of advice, don't mention that "Trump as America's Savior" fantasy in public, unless you enjoy being laughed out of the room.
. In addition, his preference for negotiation in setting national policy means that he would not be inclined to rule by Executive Order.

Since Trump has never had to negotiate with Congress before- and has been able to run his empire by 'Executive Order' for decades- what brings you to this conclusion?
This may sound crazy to the MSM zombies, but let me make the case. It appears that our choices for President in November will be between a corrupt Democrat and a populist Republican. (It is doubtful that a socialist or a religious conservative will be nominated, much less elected.) This comes after eight years each of a morally bankrupt Democrat, a militaristic Republican and a radical Democrat. As a result, we have become a divided nation which is paralyzed by cynicism and distrust of our government.

I am fearful that another Clinton presidency would institutionalize partisan politics in ways not seen since Reconstruction, where party affiliation and monetary rewards are the only measures of merit. In contrast, Donald Trump is almost nonpartisan in his approach to problems and virtually immune from monetary influence. In addition, his preference for negotiation in setting national policy means that he would not be inclined to rule by Executive Order.

Even if he is a failure as President, could that be any worse than the institutionalized corruption that would be guaranteed by Hillary's election? Shouldn't we give America a chance to restore its greatness?

Last chance at what?

America has never not been great. You having to sit in a restaurant with gays and blacks does not make it not great. Not thumping around and blowing stuff up when there's no need to does not make the country less great. Lack of education, theocrats who think they should enact their religious precepts, science deniers, lack of health care and affordable higher education. That is what makes the country not great. And that is nothing that you or your kkk'ers and bigots and trumpeters are ever going to do anything about
. In addition, his preference for negotiation in setting national policy means that he would not be inclined to rule by Executive Order.

Since Trump has never had to negotiate with Congress before- and has been able to run his empire by 'Executive Order' for decades- what brings you to this conclusion?

And even the. He kept bankrupting corporations and screwing his investors

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